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Posts posted by CheetaraThunder

  1. Clinton ( the man with the dreads and gorgeous eyes) is definitely my fave, along with Alexis ( more tolerable Miley Cyrus girl). Clinton actually seems like a good guy, who is actually there to find that girl.

    Alexis is just fun loving and pretty funny.

    Keyanna: what a botch for fucking laughing and cheering when you weren't a math to Ethan. You are not that hot or worth it with that personality and attitude. Ethan is he lucky one.

  2. That was funny that Aneesa was trying to scare Jenna, but simple minded Jenna just didn't get it and actually thought she was given Sound advice.


    And Zach tried to contact Jenna before he Challenge? God damn it Jenna! Just block him. No more of their nonsense.

    • Love 3
  3. Don't care about Tony/Alyssa soap opera shit.

    Didnt care that Marie quit, she was just an extra body this season, nothing interesting.

    Mind of sad that Nicole psyched herself out, cause she was easily beating Aneesa and could have kicked her ass.

    Aneesa: maybe the reason that most of the girls don't like you, is because of your personality. Stop playing the victim role, cause you wer "entitled" back in the day. 

    Honestly, the best thing was CT trying to make a cake for Leroy and the boat scene with the cast.

    • Love 3
  4. Here is the sad, sad shit:

    Leroy just tweeted that even after Camilla just posted an apology on her social media, she still hasn't come to Leroy and apologized.

    They never shown Camila going to Nelson's room and continuing the racist rant towards Nelson while he bit his tongue ( from Veronica's twitter)

    • Love 8
  5. I may not like Camilla, but that moment between her and Cara was really sweet. 

    I also love that Cara, on social media too, calls out double standards about guys and girls on the challenge, especially with shit like sex/cheating. She doesn't just throw the blame on the girl, she goes right for the guy too. 

    Kailah, just needs to do the opposite of what she thinks is smart strategy cause girl and that Florida Gulf education has really come through for her lol

    • Love 4
  6. CT/Cara friendship/season dominance is a great thing to see. At first, I wanted them to date, but their brother/sister relationship is too precious to touch. Plus, it's so cute that they are so protective of one another

    • Love 11
  7. Cara/CT are the true challenge power couple...they know it/everyone knows it and they still are somehow paired up together. 


    As dirty/bitchy/savage those 4 were towards Aneesa, and Camilla/Cara have definitely become entitled, Moreno Camilla, I still don't feel any sympathy for Aneesa. She has felt entitled plenty of times in the past and if most of the cats feel a certain way towards you, maybe it's you. 


    Kailah and Jem definitely had the lines of the night when they basically roasted the hell out of V and Bananas during the mission.

    And Veronicanis fucking pissed on twitter on how the show exploited the Rachel/V ordeal. They kept that relationship very private and didn't want it aired out like that.

    • Love 2
  8. Yeah, I heard that too.

    Rumors about the finals, apparently this is how the finals went:

    1st place: Jordan and Cara Maria

    2nd: Derrick K. And Camilla

    3rd: CT and Tori

    Tori was apparently a couple of hours behind Camilla.

    During the live reunion, a panel of the other contestants can penalize the finalists if they want. Heard, Derrick and Jordan were very close Battle.

    • Love 1
  9. The next episode, we will see the team of Leroy/Camilla/CT/Cara Maria win. The challenge is where you have to list every season of challenge in order: 3 people control the rope, while the other is hoist up and down putting the shit in order.

  10. There is a big reason ammo collapsed. The cast explained on twitter after the episode, saying that Ammo was raped last year and had a PTSD episode during the elimination :(

    Jordan tweeted out a fund for it.

    Team Boston continues to dominate. Love them just demolishing the stacked heat and they are better then me with helping Leroy/Camilla out. And Nelson/V winning was awesome, just to see Tony's plan of trying to give Nelson a crutch is so fucking hilarious. They end up in the best heat and win.

    Jordan is....a good competitor, but I would hate living in a house with him.

    • Love 2
  11. Not only was Cara's run down of Tomy hilarious, watching CT/Cory fucking laugh in the background and TJ agreeing with CM was everything.

    Sad thing is, Tony only tries this with women, never men. 

    • Love 6
  12. Kailah deserved to lose just for being an idiot. You get first pick and you don't pick CT/Leroy? And somehow you make dario look like a damn genius for having CT/Leroy/Hunter/Cara on the same exact team. Surprise Surprise...they won.

    People I love: Darrell/CT/Cara/Derrick/Tori(now that she doesn't have Derrick H as a distraction)

    Im even liking Bananas so far, shocking.

    • Love 2
  13. Going from Amanda/Devin/Latoya, they all said that it was over racial issues and not the "grease" situation and that Shane did hit Simone twice. And that Shane is making it worse by not owning up to it.

    CT/Cara/Derrick K/Tori/Darrell continue to be my faves and I just need Camilla to go away. 

  14. I honestly do think the only people that would go right after Paul ( not counting Cody cause he'll be gone) are Dom and Alex. And, I kind of wish they would band together and get a secret alliance cause I think they could do some work.

    Maybe when Cody leaves, we could see a new game from Jessica.  I think she has a potential to be a great villian, but I want her far away from Cody.

    • Love 2
  15. 1 hour ago, ruby24 said:

    So, even if her name's not Mary-Jane, Michelle is supposed to be THE "MJ," right? I can't wait to see them get together in the sequel.

    Kevin Feige recently said this about Michelle:


    “In setting up this will be a very different thing, she’s not Mary Jane Watson, that’s not who the character is.” Feige tells me. “But giving her the initials that remind you of that dynamic certainly is intriguing about what could go forward.”

    Indeed, after we note that Michelle is keeping sharp eyes on Peter’s coming and goings (just like Mary Jane Watson did in Tom DeFalco’s run of The Amazing Spider-Man), Feige adds, “Clearly, she says she’s not obsessed with him, she’s just observant. But she’s there. And to have fun with that while at the same time having it be different characters that can provide a different dynamic [is the point].”

    Peter’s had a lot of friends over the years in the comics, and a lot of schoolmates and characters he’s interacted with. It wasn’t just Mary Jane Watson; it wasn’t just Gwen Stacy; it wasn’t just Harry Osborn. So we were very interested in the other characters, and that’s where Liz came from and that’s where the version of the character Michelle came from.

    Basically, they took the characteristics of Ultimate MJ and out that into a original character in Michelle. Which, at first I thought I wasn't going to like it, but I love what Zendaya brought to the role ( especially knowing she had some say in Michelle)and she definitely a love interest for Peter I can get behind. She won't bend over for Peter and that's what he needs.

    Tom Holland is definitely the perfect Spidey that the movie needed. While Tobey was great as the nerd and andrew was great at Spidey, Tom just nailed both sides of the character perfectly. Loved him since Billy Elliott and The Impossible and it's great to see his star rise and get brighter.

    Thank you MCUforactually creatj g a great villain in The Vulture and Michael Keaton once again just brings it. 

    I honestly would put this in a virtual tie with Spiderman 2, with the big reason being Tom Holland/Keaton performances, and the diversity/supporting cast in the film especially Michelle/Ned. 

    Cant wait to see what they have in store for the sequel.


    forgot to say that probably my favorite part would have to be when Michelle flipped off Peter at the dance,Fucking hilarious...

    • Love 3
  16. I am already preparing myself to sweat through a Nadal/Federer Wimbledon final. Both are playing just exceptional ( especially Nadal) with age and coming from serious injuries. Don't do my heart like that Wimbledon lol

    Rooting hard for Venus even more. The media coverage and how the press basically made her break down and cry during her press conference has been disgusting.

    • Love 2
  17. I will say this...seeing the new spiderman: definitely is up there with Spiderman 2 as the best spiderman movie.


    Tom Holland is the best Spiderman they have had cause he is just fantastic as both Peter and Spidey. The supporting cast with zendaya/Laura/Tony/Jacob were fantastic as well, especially Z and jacob.

    Definitely worth spending the money to see this movie.

    • Love 1
  18. He only people I actually despise is Cody and Jessica. I see a lot of potential in Xmas/Dom/Alex as competitors. Matt/Raven seem like middle of the road jury members to me right now. That can all change after the next HOH, but I see that.

    Paul: his downfall is going to be himself. He has become too aggressive and cocky with this whole being a vet shit. Hell, Dom/Cody already see through his gameplay. But, I think, just like last season, he will be his own worst enemy. 

    • Love 2
  19. I really think this season is going to set up being Dominique vs Paul....I feel like they are each other's obstacles to making it very far, and I hope Dom takes Paul out in the end.


    With the whole Dom/Mark alliance...I actually do think Dom likes Mark ( here was something she said early on that made me think it, can't remember what t was exactly), but she is smart and said that romance/men are the distraction/downfall in the game. I do hope they do a segment where they showcase their chess talks. It's probably the closest we will ever see a Jason/Danielle like alliance again...god I miss those two lol.

    • Love 6
  20. The great thing about this finale was the redemption arc they went with for Cara/Darrell. From first out on fresh meat 2, to winning it together this time. I love Cara's bond with Darrell and CT. Nice to see platonic male/female friendships on the challenge.


    Shut the fuck up Camilla! Just shut up!

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