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Posts posted by CheetaraThunder

  1. I also have hope that most of these HG's won't try to use BB to try and extend their fleeting 15 min of fame to become reality tv whores.

    I know Z wants to continue to work on her Master Degree and do some modeling ( do some print modeling girl). Da'vonne/Bridgette/Nicole seem very laid back girls too.


    James- I just hope that I'm not getting played out (by Natalie) on TV. Victor- I would be thinking the same thing. James- It hurts #BB18

    I don't see James/Nat ending well.

    • Love 4
  2. 53 minutes ago, bbaddict said:

    Natalie got mad at production for calling her out for her mic. James said don't sweat it and she left him pissed off because he said that it was going to be a tough 3 days. I am on his side on this one. She is being really pissy right now. James is sleeping and now she is having a drink conversation with Paul. Than Paul goes into the house and says she is trying to be nice.

    I understand her being pissy because she believes she is getting evicted. Understandable 100%...but James/Nat are like this cycle this week: she pushes him away, then pulls him, pushes him away, then pulls him back. 

    Paul is a jackass, but I would not compare him to Dick. No one could ever reach the lowest depths of asshole like Dick.

    • Love 1
  3. 9 minutes ago, wings707 said:

    This is a sweeping statement that I don't see represented here on this board other than maybe some Natalie fans but certainly not all.   I notice that most here are not fans of anyone but choosing to root for someone by default, or just hate everyone.  :^)

    I see zero Nicole fans here!  I liked her from BB16 and have stuck up for her on 2 occasions. I don't consider myself a fan; the hate was just getting to me.  

    I don't really hate anyone personally. Dislike, guck yeah I do. But, I hope how they are in the house is not how they act in real life.

    • Love 3
  4. This fandom does love to make their hatred for a HG more pronounced towards women then males, in my eyes.

    its sad because Zakiyah and Natalie are probably great girls outside the game ( even with some people trying to throw Some shady tea towards Natalie on Facebook).Theyve had some bad catty times, but I hope they don't take anything they may see from social media to heart. I think Z is strong enough and have no fucks to it, but someone like Nicole or Michelle may not.

    • Love 2
  5. 37 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

    I've felt this way since the second Natalie decided she liked James. I've been praying she would dump his ass!

    He really does. If he's awake he's talking. Like for real constantly. He never shuts the fuck up. It's exhausting.


    Yep. I think if she never would've become so entrenched with James she would've been able to play with her head more, which is another reason why I wish she never would have gotten involved with him.

    Replace the word 'Nicole' with 'Natalie' in this paragraph and that's how I feel.

    That's just the thing though, every single fan is guilty of acting like their fave has never done a thing wrong while acting like the others are evil people. Z fans, Nicole fans, James fans, Victor fans, Paul fans all do it. I didn't include Corey fans because tbh there don't seem to be any lol. I mean I'm sure there must be, but I haven't encountered one personally yet.

    James and Natalie have actually been having a convo that I could stand to listen to for awhile now. But then The Fucking Four came in and ruined the feeds for me lol. But thankfully James and Natalie left them and continued their convo elsewhere. 

    I'm a Z fan, I know she has made mistakes, she is not perfect and is problematic. I didn't like that she talked about Natalie FT's, I recognize her faults. I don't hate Natalie, she has great gamer instincts( should have never been so close to James), but what I find infuriating is how she always paints herself as a good person and would never stoop to the personal level, when she has shown to bash someone and always bring them up weeks after they get evicted, then accuse them of stealing shit. So, some fans do have valid reasons to not like another HG's...it's not out of the blue. Yes, some people take OTT, but some of their reasons are valid. 

    • Love 6
  6. 7 minutes ago, Umbelina said:

    I did.  I honestly can't find it.  I tried google, I tried the CBS site (man, that thing is SO poorly designed!)  I suck.  I can't find it.

    It WAS a game move, but it was also a personal move FOR Z, I remember Natalie making that decision, and being warned it could backfire, and her saying "I'm doing it anyway because I would want someone to do it for me." 

    It amazes me that Zaulie fans are trying to blame NATALIE for telling Z the truth, rather than being glad that Z was finally told to stop making a fool of herself over trash like Paulie.  Honestly it's stunning to me.

    Believe me, 99% of Z fans hate Paulie. They are glad she found out about what Paulie said, I am one of them. They just don't like how t came about, how it was rooted in game, and not out of the goodness of their hearts. Obviously, Z is over it cause her and Bridgette are close now. But, Natalie is no damn angel. 

    Paul: today's Memorial Day!
    James: is it Memorial Day?
    Natalie: wait is it Memorial Day or is it Labor Day?
    Victor: it's Memorial Day! #bb18

    God they are idiots.

    1 minute ago, CheetaraThunder said:

    Believe me, 99% of Z fans hate Paulie. They are glad she found out about what Paulie said, I am one of them. They just don't like how t came about, how it was rooted in game, and not out of the goodness of their hearts. Obviously, Z is over it cause her and Bridgette are close now. But, Natalie is no damn angel. 

    Paul: today's Memorial Day!
    James: is it Memorial Day?
    Natalie: wait is it Memorial Day or is it Labor Day?
    Victor: it's Memorial Day! #bb18

    God they are idiots.

    • Love 1
  7. 1 hour ago, bbaddict said:

    Yes she did. The difference to me is that she was trying to warn Zakiyah about Paulie to help Zakiyah not out of Malice to Zakiyah.

    Bridgette confirmed in her interview with Jeff that her and Nat did it to hurt Zakiyah.  If Natalie wanted to do it out of the goodness of her heart, she would have done it a while ago, not on the eve of the eviction. 

    I don't like Paul is doing it, but don't really fell any sympathy: cold hearted like that.

    • Love 2
  8. Just now, CheetaraThunder said:

    Bridgette even admitted in her post game interview that they ( her and Natalie) wanted to hurt Zakiyah when they came up with the whole tell her about everything Paulie said plan.  


    1 minute ago, SiobhanJW said:

    We can't just assume that she really believes what she is saying.  She put herself in a situation where both Corey & Paulie were protecting her and willing to go to bat for her. She got into the Fatal Five Alliance and it self imploded thanks to Day, all because of her Tiffany paranoia, which Nicole kept telling her that she didn't think she was doing the things that she was doing, but Day was insistent on it.  I think she would of stayed loyal to it, but what was she going to do? 

    Everyone jumped down Nicole's throat a few weeks back because she had told Corey she was fine with going to F5, everyone failing to mention that 20 mins prior in her conversation with the Feedsters she told "us" that she thinks she's put herself in a good position to get to F2, and that she hopes she gets there and wins. 

    I dunno. I think everyone in that house has said pretty shitty things and crapped on mostly everyone. But sometimes I feel like at least on the internet Nicole gets shit on the most. It's a game, people are going to say ANYTHING and EVERYTHING to feel like they fit in with the people they are talking too, one thing said the wrong way or disagreement with someone over something your ass is up on the block. But it doesn't mean that that person thinks or believes it. They just think or believe the person they are speaking to wants to hear that. 

    It is smart for Nicole to paint herself as a F2 goat to everyone. Someone will take the bait and bring her with them to the finals. Corey would definitely bring her, James probably would too.

    • Love 5
  9. 2 minutes ago, Umbelina said:

    It's because everyone told her the things Z was saying about her, and it really hurt her feelings. 

    Which?  Z did.

    Z was a mess in that house, I hope spending time with Bridgette and Day has helped her. 

    Doesn't make what Natalie said about Z any better. She basically slur shamed her( Paulie did too), talked about her past abuse issues ( thanks Jamws for blabbing about that), accused her of stealing shit with Michelle, etc...3 weeks of obsession with her.

    Z was not the only person that talked shit. And some people need to realize that, #1 being good girl Natalie.

    And she is better with Day and Bridgette. 

    • Love 3
  10. 2 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

    I could see it being that much for the girls they know are going to go further (because let's be honest, just like Big Brother, there's always your cannon fodder contestants that barely make it past the starting line). 

    Also, STI medications are probably expensive in the US.

    Hahaha very true about the medication. Dodged a bullet there Natalie.

    Though Its so weird to hear Nat talking about her getting her revenge on Z. I understand getting her revenge on Paulie 100%. But, I feel like she made up this one sided feud with Z. It's so weird. Oh well, in the end, they get the same amount of money.

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