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Posts posted by CheetaraThunder

  1. I can definitely see a little part of Jordan wanting to to fight with Cara...she be a perfect partner for Rivals.

    I think the final mission before the final is a purge like mission. They are divided into teams of two. I believe some of the teams were CT/Cara, Derrick/Camila, Jordan/Tori...don’t know the rest. It’s rumored that Ct/Cara won that last mission before the finale.

  2. I do agree that Tyler not being the Abercrombie looking kind of guy does get him friendzone on the show. And it sucks that douches like kareem get the love.


    There are exceptions on the show like Clinton, who actually seems like a genuine good man looking for a an actual realaionship and it’s not just lust.


    Alivia and Uche are definitely my 2 favorite females this season. They both seem to be the more natural, chill women there, not seeking out the drama. I actually want them to find happiness and hate that Alicia is attracted to someone like Kareem. She can do a ? Times better then that douche.

    • Love 1
  3. Cara was definitely childish and petty and hated to see her pull that, but Cara/Jordan never liked each other and he has undermined her abilities and someone like Cara, who has truly improved leaps and bounds to be a top competitor, hates when someone picks apart her flaws. 


    Going back to Veronica saying how Jordan has always said sexist shit towards women and has always been disrespectful to them, I’m not shocked he called Cara a man, and she just snapped. She still should have down that shit, she lost me on that, but I get it. I still want her to come back and beat Kailah/Camila.

    Roooting hard for Hunter now. Back against the wall all season, fought tooth and nail to get this far, its impressive as hell. Go Young buck.


    This is the second time Bananas has lost to anOG RoadRules cast member, and it’s glorious that King Darrell and derrick did it.

    • Love 6
  4.  With the whole Jordan vs Cara thing... from what I heard, he also called her a man, but that was edited out.


    Hunter really has kind of turned out to be the MVP. Last of his alliance and he has taken out or has a hand it taking out the Vets alliance. Very fucking impressive. And good on Tony for sticking with Hunter.

    • Love 6
  5. Clinton/Uche are the only couple that I actually give a shit about. It actually doesn’t seem like just lust with one another. But, goodness, Jada just stop. If Clinton is celebrating the fact that you lost and Audrey won, it means he doesn’t like you at all. He wants a chilled/natural girl like Uche, not drama like you.

    But, with the exception if Clinton/Uche/Ethan, I just don’t care about the other assholes.

  6. The way Hunter is performing in eliminations, I truly think he can beat the rest of the guys( excluding maybe CT). Guy is a fucking beast and I hope he runs through the gauntlet and makes it to the finals. 

    • Love 2
  7. 2 hours ago, BK1978 said:

    This is exactly what I was coming in here to say.  Why does Leroy think he has the right to coast to the end.  He needs to earn the right to be there.  I like Leroy but the sense of entitlement was not cool.

    That being said I would have much rather see the king of coasting Johnny put in.  I think the smarter move would have been to send Johnny to the RH instead of CT.  CT has a better chance of beating anyone sent to RH while Johnny might not.

    Camila being Camila again.  She is another one who has such a strong sense of entitlement.  

    For people with a better memory than I, when did Cara Maria become the woman to beat?  I remember during her first few challenges she sort of sucked and was always crying and then all of a sudden Super Cara seemed to appear out of nowhere.  Or am I confusing her with someone else?

    Cara has never really been weak, just not confident at all. But, she worked day and night to condition her body and now she looks amazing. I think, when she started being an amazing competitor was around Free agents.

    Kailah: you putting Cara in redemption and then Voting Jemmye in is the exact definition of an idiot. You basically gave Cara a lay up.

    Love her or not, Veronica is playing the mind/strategic game perfectly now. She knows she is by herself, so fuck it. Change the game.

    Hunter/Nelson, both have shown how big threats they are to the Vets. They just need a couple more good anti vet competitors to join them and they could make some real noise.

    • Love 2
  8. Vevmo just updated with the title:


    The Challenge: Worlds Collide. They divide it into two big teams and they did a school yard pick.

    Production gives them their phones to throw people off but you have to win to get access. ( CT/Nicole r/Kellyanne/Corey have been active on social media)

  9. The pics have been removed, but you could see Brad/Britni basically grouping each other asses while in their jersey’s with their team. I will say Brad is definitely a downgrade from derrick.

  10. Some initial S31 tea:

    There seems to be two different teams: 

    there was pics of one team ( that have been removed) but, they were in red jerseys and they included:

    Girls: Veronica, Kailah, Marie, Nicole Z, Jemmye, Britni, Alicia, Kam, Slyvia, Kayleigh, and Melissa.

    Boys: Cory, Zach, Nelson, Joss, Bananas, Zach, Kyle from Georgie Shore, and Brad.


    The other team is in Ibiza right now:

    Girls: Cara Maria, Natalie, Michelle, Nicole R., and Kelly Anne.

    Boys: Corey, Victor, CT, Derrick K, Tony, Devin, Eddie, Shane, and Rogan.


    More tidbits:

    From pics posted and some early details from Vevmo:

    Brad/Britni have already been kissing...basically in the pics they were all over each other.

    Kailah has latched onto Nicole Z. Basically, she is alone.

    Britni/Jemmye/Veronica seemed to be really popular.

    Joss/Nelson/Cory have formed an early alliance. 

  11. It is funny with editing, cause a veronica did an AMA with reddit recently and she said about CT, that he was one of the only guys that was still nice and respectful towards her and wasn’t always spotting sexist remarks like Johnny and Jordan. So, I think the way they edit these episodes is funny.


    Cara does need to tone down with the attitude a little bit, but still a fan of hers. Really, anyone would be ? better winner then Camila and Johnny.

    • Love 2
  12. Cara definitely has the entitlement, but so do all these girls/guys. Some just show it more often then others. I just want CM far away from Camila, and going from Social media, looks like my wish might come true.

    • Love 3
  13. 32 minutes ago, Rebecca said:

    Tori is just so extra and annoying all of the time. There is something trashy and aggravating about Brittni. I can't explain exactly what it is but I just can't stand her. 

    I knew Veronica would win. Aneesa seems to care way more about Veronica than Veronica cares about Aneesa. I wish they hadn't revealed the redemption house at the elimination. I want old Veronica to come back (I never thought I'd say that!!) and knock these new kids down some pegs. But without a clique she doesn't have much.

    I'm glad Cara recognizes that her fate in the game is based on her performance and on her. She's changed through her years on the show but she's nowhere near as entitled as a lot of them. She's actual friends with CT outside of the house,   I don't think any other woman has been (save Diem, obviously) so it makes sense he has her back. Plus, she's actually good at competitions and he knows how she operates. I really hope neither is going but even if they are, they have a decent chance of coming back. Though, I'm still waiting on a special twist to allow Darrell back...

    That’s what I like about Cara. Even girls like V and Aneesa have pulled that entitled card, nd now we see underderserving girls like Kailah pull that. 


    Cara/CT have known each other for a long time. I think Cara went to the same school as CT’s brother. 

    • Love 1
  14. I will say...I’ve seen clips from that UK show, and the guys they picked aren’t actually that bad. The females on the other hand are horrendous.

  15. Man, I totally see that CT really only likes/trusts Cara, for the females. Every other female in the past seasons, he is fucking ruthless when talking about them or voting them in.

    Kailah...just stop. You want to know why the girls don’t fuck with you. It’s because your social skills are just not good...like your brain.

    • Love 3
  16. Yeah, I can already tell that Natalie/Meech will not mesh well with the other girls. Though, I think the only challenger hat knows them is Cara: they’ve done events with one another.

    Meech might be the one to just start shit with Bananas lol

    • Love 1
  17. The Big Brother team coming on the challenge is:


    Which might give credence to the theme being like a mix of Rivals/Exes/Love and War, but with teams of 4.

    Just our Cara/CT on a team together...please

  18. Hearing what kailah did before Invasion, I kind of get why Hunter would be irritated/not like her. 

    But, Nelson why? I actually like you and your passion to take out Bananas/Jordan, but just... NO!

    Watching CT during that challenge was just majestic. It was like watching a Gorrilla bouncing in air, and he fucking killed it. I also loved that with all the drama going on, CT/Cara are dancing in the background away from it and Jemmye is square in the middle, just sipping on her flower drink ?.

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