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Posts posted by MaryWebGirl

  1. 1 hour ago, Kamal said:

    That is a great idea but the things is, I think show group nowadays is just for show (MTT) and in reality they just take the girls who are available. 

    And I understand as a reality show perspective it's more interesting to have "show group" be a simple "the best of the best". 

    But we well never know how things might change with the cancelation.

    I think it was such a big deal for so long that it always will be around as long as K+J are. They are so blind when it comes to “tradition” that I don’t think they would look at it objectively and say SG isn’t necessary anymore. I would say SG is a way to note who has the extra time for it, but as we’ve seen in the past they judge the women who do say that. 

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  2. 1 hour ago, DCC-UK said:

    I think I'd like to see more appearances. When the rookies visit hospitals or retirement homes, that's a lot of what they'll be doing during the season. All the girls seem relaxed and genuine in these situations and we'd be able to find out more about their personalities. 

    Doing releases for appearances like these would be a huge pain for production. I can completely understand why they wouldn’t want to film these. 

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  3. 5 hours ago, Stee said:

    I remember watching one of Ashlee’s IG stories where she mentioned having to take her braids out, and then she was back to her usual DCC hair for the pink ring party. She is so stunning with the braids and it’s sad she can’t keep them while performing/appearing as a DCC.

    Kellee had braids, too, between Rangerettes and auditions and looked really cute with them. I know they might not be the best for hairigraphy but I wish they could keep them. 

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  4. 23 minutes ago, McKinezeInFloMnd said:


    So the actual Dallas Cowboys are really good at football this year. They are pretty much guaranteed a home playoff game this year...if not multiple home playoff games. 

    but if the Cowboys make the Super Bowl, I'm assuming the cheerleaders will travel to that event. Does anyone know if the entire team travels to the Super Bowl or is it just Show Group? 

    When they were good a few years ago there was discussion of how many can go and the NFL caps it at 32. Not sure how it will be this year. 

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  5. 7 hours ago, LilyD said:

    On a more positive note; I do see a noticeable difference in technical and exact dance moves. Nowadays, the lines are better too and they’re way more in sync.

    I wouldn’t put that down to talent level. They were learning a new pregame for every game so it wouldn’t be as polished as one they’ve been doing for years.  

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  6. 7 hours ago, Blue hues said:

    Wow!  Rachel W has a lot of hair!  It’s almost unreal, like from a movie!

    The caption says the stylist just gave her extensions, so it isn’t real. I think the second picture is her hair. 

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  7. 3 hours ago, LilyDutch said:

    Re. Probowl... I’m not from the US so all I know from probowl is straight from the internet... so... what’s the fuss? It’s not the Super Bowl, that would make sense.

    Maybe I am wrong but it is my understanding it’s an incredibly hyped-up event but the teams cannot be bothered to send their best players to play a one-off event in made up teams for fear of injuring them? And the players who go don’t give 100% because of the same reason? So from a sports perspective not many care. Yet to the DCC it seems the biggest honor there is? I just don’t get it... so if someone can explain this?

    The ProBowl used to be the week after the Super Bowl and in Hawaii, so it was not only an honor to be voted to it, it was a vacation to Hawaii. However the NFL decided to move it to the week before the Super Bowl and it's now usually hosted in Orlando (although it was supposed to be in Vegas this year). Since it's now before the Super Bowl the players on those teams don't bother going, and people here have even said that the cheerleaders for the Super Bowl teams don't send their best to the Pro Bowl because they're busy with Super Bowl events. Also the game itself isn't a huge deal because players don't want to go all out and risk an injury for a worthless game. They've thought about giving the conference that wins some sort of prize (in the baseball All-Star game the winner gets home field advantage for the World Series), but I don't think they've actually done that. 

    As far as the DCC, it's probably held out as a huge honor and it sounds like the people who go do enjoy it a lot. Again I assume it was a much bigger deal when it meant a free trip to Hawaii.

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  8. On 10/12/2020 at 2:32 AM, MrsEVH said:

    That must not exist with the Patriots cheerleaders. They chose a rookie for Pro Bowl. She just happened to be the sister of former Pats cheerleader and DC C Alexandria.

    Someone on here said that teams with a good chance of going to the Super Bowl often rookies or less senior members to the Pro Bowl   It makes sense that you’d want your leaders at home preparing or doing appearances. 


    6 hours ago, SSAHotchner said:

    Believing that the Bible is the Word of God, and the Bible does state that homosexuality is not what God intended, does not necessarily make one homophobic. Homophobia is fear of and lack of acceptance of, discrimination toward gays . It's easy to assign labels to people without really knowing them or understanding their convictions. People were ready to put Chick-Fil-A out of business because the founder said that he believed that the Bible states marriage should be between a man and a woman. But that doesn't mean that one is intolerant of of abusive toward homosexuals. The chain doesn't refuse to serve anyone based on their beliefs, race, religion what have you.  I find it frustrating and hypocritical for folks to want to vilify Christians for their beliefs because they think they're intolerant, judging, etc. when those folks are doing the same thing toward Christians. In this country we are supposed to be allowed to think and say what we want. We should not be punished for our thoughts, only our actions. If you behave hatefully toward anyone for any reason, that behavior should be judged. The very folks that compare conservatives to Nazis are the ones who want to obliterate everyone that doesn't believe exactly as they do. I believe that God intended marriage to be between a man and a woman, but I did theatre for years and have many gay friends, several of whom are married. My beliefs don't keep me from wishing them well in their relationships, congratulating them on anniversaries and such and wanting them to be happy. And it does not ever cross my mind to confront them or suggest what they're doing is wrong in God's eyes. We don't get to decide what choices anyone else makes. Live and let live. Treat others as you would want to be treated. Agree to disagree sometimes without letting it affect a relationship. Human beings are the sum of all of their personalities, strengths, weaknesses, beliefs, talents, emotions,desires. Any one of those things does not define them. It's the whole package that does. If one finds they can't tolerate someone based on their beliefs, behaviors, whatever, so be it. You can't like everybody. But that doesn't mean one should label that person and seek to undermine their worth in the eyes of others. 

    The family that owns Chick-Fil-A supported organizations that perform psychological torture (so-called "conversion therapy"), and lobby groups that were trying to prevent marriage equality. I don't care what philosophy they hold to justify these actions, but they're certainly not "living and let live." And no, being gay isn't a choice.


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  10. 44 minutes ago, CailynA said:

    IF they are using the same hotel I imagine they are floors apart but even so all of them would be restricted to working out at Cowboys Fit at the Star so unless they have assigned times for the players and the cheerleaders to keep them apart they will interact at some point. 

    The players are just practicing at the Star—they’re allowed to live at home. 

  11. 1 hour ago, Holly85 said:

    They aren’t playing in a bubble 

    Neither is the NFL, and given that DCC training camp could be held safely without being in a bubble (small groups in a larger space or outdoors), I would assume this is being done so they can film the show. It also provides a topical storyline and makes it look like the organization cares about the health and welfare of the cheerleaders. Since they have a history of not caring about that and the lax attitude toward the pandemic in Texas in general, I honestly question whether this is actually a serious effort or just window dressing. I hope the cheerleaders are being better compensated for it.

    I would also be shocked if the NFL allows non-essential personnel on the sidelines or field during the season, so I think the whole thing is moot anyway. The Jets aren't allowed to have fans at games and it looks like the Flight Crew hasn't posted an update for what they're doing about the season--I'd be very interested to see what they end up deciding.

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  12. 5 hours ago, edhopper said:

    One thing that is starting to bug me is the infinite knowledge of pop culture that everyone seems to have. I get the writers are trying to be clever, but it's getting inane. Taylor is a millennial who seems to know more about the financial world than almost everyone else on Wall Street (which is a stretch itself) but for her to reference obscure pop culture from the decades ago just stops the show for me. It's a bit much when it is just Axe and Wags, but when Wendy and Taylor get in, it's a reference too far.

    Yeah it also rings false to me based on the finance people I know. 

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  13. 12 hours ago, CaioF said:

    I dont think so.. Its still one of the strongest seasons IMO. The thing tho, that happens every season, is that when we get down to just 5 or 4 queens, there is less to gag us. The queens are pretty much very close friends, so no real drama... less runway, less of queens failing, not much for us to figure it out after we see their presentations and judges critics since its easier to figure it out the top and bottom queens..

    I completely agree with this. I didn’t watch last night’s episode, and I probably won’t. That’s pretty much the case with the last ep of every season. There’s nothing else really to see from any of the queens at this point, and I can’t remeber the last time I felt super strongly about one queen I wanted to win where I wanted to watch just to see how she did. 

  14. 1 hour ago, Dminches said:

    Chuck seemed disappointed or worried by Ira's comments at their steak dinner.  I was right after Ira made the comment about sometimes the worst thing happening (Taiga finding another man) is not so bad.  Does that mean he was ok moving on from her?

    Can someone explain that?

    I read that as the spark of the idea to draw the AG into obstruction.

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  15. I hope Taylor's fund with its quant and algorithm crushes Axe's insider trading nonsense. 

    I also continue to be confused about why Wendy is so "valuable" to Axe. He doesn't seem to really like his employees beyond being ego boosters when they kiss his ass, so he's not trying to help them be better people, they aren't especially complicated people so she's not offering any deep insight that a good HR person couldn't provide, and when there is a complex person (Taylor) Wendy not only gets it wrong, she ropes in Lara to be wrong with her. If Axe benefits from talking to Wendy personally, great, be her patient. But this is starting to look like Tom Brady making everybody on the Patriots go to his wacky trainer and sleep in copper pajamas. 

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  16. 2 hours ago, Dminches said:

    Didn't Taylor basically admit (by her lack of denial) that she mentioned who was going to dinner to tip Axe off?  I assumed that's what she told Oscar and why they broke up.


    I think they were just trying to impress Axe. 

    I thought Axe's line about how his kids think he can fly was interesting. I hope that was foreshadowing that at some point soon he'll realize that they don't and that's a gut check for him. You'd think Wendy would have talked to him about it by now.

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