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Everything posted by BaseOps

  1. Camilla doing a live Q&A with Cosmopolitan. The interviewer even says to her that she wants Alex and Meredith together lol. It seems that won't be the case though. She discusses a bit about the finale. She says that Jo is heavily featured. ALSO -
  2. Like you've said, it all comes down to the writers. They've chosen, for whatever reason, not to give those stories to Jo. A big issue for me is that they've never developed her as a doctor - Steph got the connection to Amelia and Jo should have gotten that with Callie, but it never happened. Even when they did the Preminger grant, it seemed to really only be between Penny and Stef, and even Ben got an aside as to why he didn't apply: Jo was an afterthought. I think with a cast this large, it's hard to keep everyone connected because there's so much going on, but that's why I think we never needed the additions of Maggie / Amelia / DeLuca, etc. Instead we could have focused on Alex / Jo, developed a Jo / Callie work connection, made Mer and Callie closer rather than going for the contrived 'sister' angle, etc. But that's all done and over with - I really wonder where Shonda sees Jo going forward. I think Camilla is a fine actress - not great, but certainly not bad. Like I said in the Spoiler thread, I think she's grown a lot over her time on the show, which is almost a shame because I think she struggled to pull off some stuff they gave her in S9 (the storyline with Jason) and now she just gets crumbs. Hopefully there's a real game-changer for her & Alex in the last 2 episodes and we see more of them next year... but I won't hold my breath.
  3. I don't think Owen is going anywhere. Kevin said himself earlier this season that he'd be crazy to leave, so unless there was some major breakdown in contract negotiations, I think he'll stay put. The Alex thing is a huge mess for me - at this point I don't know if I'd rather see Jo stay or leave. I think she's fine, but she just isn't interesting to me and clearly the writers don't care to write for her. That being said, I don't want Alex with Maggie and I certainly don't want him with Amelia. So I don't know where that leaves him. I don't agree that he ever got lost in the storylines with Izzie like he would with Maggie or Amelia: Alex was at his most distinctly Alex with Izzie, and most of his best-ever scenes on the show came out of storylines with Izzie (for me, anyway.) I thought he did amazing work in S5 / S6 with the Izzie storylines. One of the big things that I dislike about Jo / Alex is that their relationship has never had that spark and it's made it extremely hard for me to invest in them. I actually think Camilla has grown a lot as an actress on the show. In all honestly, I thought she was quite bad when she first came on, but I think she does well now when given something to do (which, I know, is rare.) We don't ever even see Jo getting invested in patient-of-the-week storylines, which is often how we used to learn a lot about our characters. When you think back to the early seasons, there were so many great moments between characters and patients. I guess we'll just have to wait and see how these last two episodes pan out. I overall just miss how the characters used to interact, where everyone had something - even something little - to do in every single episode, and typically those small things were illuminating to who they were as characters. I don't feel that as much anymore, because the cast is so overwhelming large and the stories tend to go in circles rather than move forward at a normal place. I really hope we have a few docs checking out in the finale.
  4. I agree that I actually quite liked Lexi with Alex, but it never felt like the writers were fully committed to them. I like Alex playing off of someone who isn't so similar to him, but I don't want Alex / Maggie. A year ago I probably would have been in for it (as I thought the writers were hinting at that pairing near the end of S11) but now I really don't like Maggie's character. She is too cartoony. But I also think Windsprints is correct that the writers won't really break up Alex and Jo unless she's leaving, because there are no other storylines for Jo. She has 0 connections to anyone except for Alex and Steph.
  5. I believe Owen cheated on Cristina off-screen, although we sort of saw some bits of it later on in flashback if I'm correct. I don't think they're going to have Jo cheat - I really don't know what is coming up, but I have a feeling it isn't that.
  6. I don't think they've really made him a villain at all, though. Certainly some characters dislike him, but all the writers have done is say that he cheated - everyone on this show has cheated. Riggs has been shown to be a good doctor, a good friend (to April and to an extent Amelia), and generally a pretty kind guy overall. He's had some really nice little moments (even the one with Bailey last week when he advised her not to keep Ben out of the OR.) The Owen thing is just a small part of the character they've built this year. I think generally Riggs is pretty well-liked by fans and I don't see the writers painting him as a bad guy, maybe just a bit complicated. I'm very happy that they didn't push him and Mer as soul-mates and two sad widows right away. We needed some distance for Meredith after Derek died. But I'm excited to see how they come together. It's just so odd how they've played it out up to now - since they put the ring on hold, they've been shown as relatively stable (from the little we've even seen of them together.) We know they're having sex, he's moved back into the loft, they had a nice talk after the gun situation, and it's just sort of felt like arrested development for both of them - but I certainly haven't seen any of Jo pushing him away. I wonder how it's going to come around. Maybe he decides to ask her to marry him again and then she decides to tell him whatever this 'secret' is that she's been keeping (she's totally a ghost, you guys...)
  7. Grey's held last weeks 2.0 with 7.60M viewers. Once again it's ABCs highest rated drama of the week (Scandal pulled a 1.5, down from last week, and The Catch did an 0.9). Overall, only Modern Family is besting Grey's in the demo on ABC, and it's down to a 2.2 this week. Grey's remains insanely steady, especially going up against the 2nd highest rated series on broadcast (The Big Bang Theory.)
  8. The promo teases a shocking hook-up and two proposals: Mer / Riggs are likely the hook-up, and I'm excited especially because there has been ZERO build-up lately. I thought we'd maybe start to see some hints at what was to come, but I don't even remember their last interaction. I wonder how it'll happen.. Two proposals - my bets are Amelia and Owen + maybe another Alex / Jo proposal. We know he comes to some sort of 'realization' about their relationship next week. We also know there must be some type of Amelia / Meredith drama next week, as they said it was coming before the finale and there are only 2 episodes left. Ellen mentioned something about Mer finding it hard to see Amelia living this great life and feeling like Derek should be there. I'm looking forward to next week. Sometimes the build-up to the big stuff in the pre-finale episodes is a lot more exciting than the big-stuff itself come finale night.
  9. Here's the clip of the interview. There's also a quick preview of a Stef / Jo scene.
  10. It was the case where the daughter tried to hide her pregnancy from her mother thinking that she would freak out, but the mom ended up being very accepting. I like when they keep some continuity with patients so I'm a bit excited to see this play out. That doctor has never been on the show before, maybe he's some type of specialist - the actor had some great stuff in Mad Men as Ginsberg's father a few years back.
  11. I think S10 was easily the shows worst - it certainly has their worst episodes. I always think of exactly what you brought up: all of Amelia's speeches, the Owen phone episode (my least favourite Grey's episode ever) and the nonsense that came after Derek died. As a whole I thought the entire season was very all-over-the-place and just not well written. This year certainly has issues, but overall I think it's the most consistently enjoyable that the show has been in a few years. I think Shonda must have at least an idea of who is coming and going, but I definitely believe the Callie / Arizona story was written to play off the fact that Sara's contract is up. Obviously Ellen is returning and I have no doubt she will be returning with a higher salary.
  12. Grey's Anatomy Stars Are Seeking Raises Again Some really interesting stuff in the article, especially about the growth of the show this year.
  13. So perhaps the judge realizes Arizona's dedication to Sofia and her selflessness and gives her custody (which I'm feeling is unlikely) or Callie gets custody and sees how it affects Arizona and realizes she can't go through with taking her away.
  14. Meredith references the Judgement of Solomon from the Bible in the narration this week: Any ideas what the parallel could be?
  15. One of these, please. Or she's a ghost (I'm really stuck on that one.) I'm so ready for Grey's to just go fully off-the-wall. I mean, why the hell not, at this point? Imagine the forums when Joe reveals she's a transgender mafia princess ghost who is also actually Owen's sister? Now THAT is a season finale.
  16. Any ideas as to what Jo's secret could be? She has a baby? She's Hunt's daughter? Izzie's half sister? She's a ghost?
  17. That was just fan speculation from an off-hand remark Ellen Pompeo made on the Ellen show. From the looks of it April is still pregnant in the finale, so I don't know how big of a time jump they could really do. If it is an Owen / Amelia wedding, maybe his sister shows up.
  18. If Owen and Amelia are getting married already.... damn.
  19. I really wonder how Callie is going to come back from this. There are plenty of times on this show where I dislike choices characters make, think they come off as selfish, immature, etc. I like the realistic and not-always-squaky-clean portrayals that Grey's gives. BUT this just seems so out-of-character and really selfish and even cruel. Her relationship with Arizona has been good since the divorce, and now after a few months with a new girl she's ready to take their daughter away, uprooting all of their lives with very little thought. It's not fair to Arizona, especially after she stepped up to raise this baby as her own for all these years. I hope it isn't just a cutesy moment and then we're expected to forget about everything.
  20. Yea, I mean that's a whole other debate but I understand why Stef should would feel bad about leaving him for that reason. I agree that it was not well executed - we barely saw them together, and we barely even saw Stef before that all season. But I just mean I think from Jerrika's perspective, it was the act of breaking up with him due to his illness that was the 'terrible thing'. I was thinking she was going to cross some lines medically, and I'm glad I was wrong. An Izzie / Denny 2.0 would be even worse, although we know Kyle will be around for at least a few more episodes. This whole custody story seems really thrown together not very well thought out. Like the writers were spit-balling ideas and just got excited over this and ran with it without ever thinking. Like Callie asking Alex? Sure they've been friends for a long time, but would you really start asking colleagues to testify against their co-workers for a custody hearing? Like Callie would then just take Sofia and Arizona wouldn't be pissed at Alex for helping her? So, yea, Mer saying yes is even worse - and she didn't even consider it. I do really like their friendship, and despite never being BFFs they've been through a LOT together. But I still wish Meredith would have at least taken pause before essentially agreeing to testify against Arizona in a custody case. None of their co-workers should be there. I have to believe they threw this together for a reason - either Callie is leaving or there's a reunion coming.
  21. I think the horrible thing is more why she broke up with him; MS is a degenerative disease, meaning his condition will only continue to get worse (he'll likely eventually lose the ability to walk on his own, could lose total hand / arm function, etc.) Steph left him because she was unwilling to be by his side through the illness. It's not necessarily that she just left him with a note, but that she left him with a note while he was in the hospital and for the sole reason that she feared watching him continue to grow more ill.
  22. "Arizona and Callie deal with the effects of their custody arrangement" leads me to believe that Callie must be leaving (if even just for an episode or two.) If Arizona got custody / Callie's notion to move Sofia was denied and she stayed in Seattle, then there would really be no change in the arrangement - they'd simply continue sharing custody.
  23. Grey's did a 1.9 last night, tying it's series-low demo from last season. The half-hours were 1.9 / 2.0 so it could adjust up in the finals. I hope it's able to stay above a 2.0 all season, but considering the trend on broadcast lately I'm surprised it took this long to fall below. This article is interesting and suggests viewers are watching Grey's in a multitude of ways now; as live viewing decreases ever-so-slightly, it's surged in nearly every other platform this year (VOD, DVR, ABC.com, etc.) http://variety.com/2016/tv/news/abc-greys-anatomy-ratings-renaissance-in-season-12-1201757424/
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