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i am going to say this. Just because he lost his home in the fires, doesn't mean that should determine if he should stay on the show or not if it's time for his character to be written off the show. (i know the sentiment is basically he needs to work etc, but he still has his big gig with Hallmark and everything, so it's not like he'll be unemployed). I don't want him to be murdered it would be nice if the show would freaking explain this total 180 of the CamMat version of Drew because while I am liking the sleezy nefarious guy (I saw him go off on Nina the other day). it makes no sense outside of some thoughts I have but the show needs to get it together and start splain' it to to Lucy.
I'm surprised Carly hasn't taken this to mean "Omg, this means, you do love me!!"
okay thank you. geeze. my mind went to dark places lol
i stand corrected. sorry. only going by what goes on here and the few clips per usual. what is he doing?!?
I'm more upset that BLQ is mad at Lois for telling her mother. Like yeah I think if i were a young mom i'd need my mom to help me out here too.
i mean this in the best of compliments. Alexa Havens is really good at making me hate her characters LMAO. i am usually team. "tell people." but I think Brook Lynn also had the right not saying anything. she had a baby, and put it up for adoption and didn't even "think" about it (because you know, we NEED to retcon everything). until it smacked her in the face. and I think she has the right to tell Dante in her own way without being harassassed by Shrewlu
the same. it would have been different if she came out of the coma and she was basically. gentler, softer, and you know, grew up. but its like she regressed back to 2000. but this show has this nasty habit of never knowing when to let people just. go. so many people were like "Laura needs her kids..." so here we are.
yayy Lulu's back y'all.
i just saw this clip. Like do you think you can go into a court of law, and say that and the judge will go "Oh okay then?" like. shut up. and honestly, if this was just about Dante knowing the truth, then Lulu would have told him the truth the second he found out. this is totally 60/40 screwing BLQ over.
What is Drew doing to Lila, Edward and Alan? Valentine is dead?
You know the thing that ticks me off the most about this stupid BLQ baby. is that it's Dante's baby which means Sonny is officially biologically connected and mingled with the Q's and that is just wrong on so many levels.
Robin? ROBIN SAVED HER? I feel utterly betrayed now. But if it causes Carly's head to explode and she dies anyway I'll take it.
My disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined
Carly is dying?!
So. i just have to ask: Does Sasha forget that her baby really isn't Jason's? That it's Michaels? And she got drunk and screwed a married man and got knocked up? Because I'm seeing her tear into Willow. and is all "I will ALWAYS judge you," and I am like. bitch you might want to sit down and rethink your life decisions.