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Posts posted by Crossbow

  1. I was a receptionist in a criminal law office for several months, and yeah, lawyers can call in from any old phone, although usually the clients called us, since they would only be allowed to at certain times. BTW, serial killers are way, way, WAY more polite than chronic DUIs. In case you were wondering.

    • Love 6
  2. The only reason Francis is in Hannibal's office is so they can do scenes as if he were in therapy. The only reason for the odd dialogue is that they're trying to work in as many book lines as possible. They wanted to use "I had to justify myself to an eleven year old" but in the book Molly hasn't been hurt when he says that. I just go with it.

  3. I really do think Will handled Walter poorly at the hospital.  Where'd your empathy go, Will?


    Huh. My interpretation was that he handled it badly because he was feeling too much empathy and didn't know what to say. Will is surprisingly bad at talking to people who aren't insane.

    • Love 4
  4. Bedelia did eat meat in the season 1 finale. Apparently we were supposed to think it was Abigail, but we don't know who it was. And in season 3 I wasn't clear on whether she was eating EXCLUSIVELY flavor-improving food or if she also ate people with Hannibal. ("Is it that kind of party?" *snicker*)


    He made Freddie a salad, but who knows what might have been in the dressing.


    Bella refused to eat the foie gras, but that wasn't the only thing he served. They were on at least their second or third course at that point.

  5. Yeah, he's not in that photo. The names are on the bottom.


    Here's my question: Star Wars never has nudity. How is Mads going to manage to be naked? Because I'm pretty sure he has that written into all his contracts.


    Also: There needs to be some Star Wars/Hannibal crossover fan fiction.

    • Love 2
  6. I watched this with my friends. They wanted to know why Alana anf the FBI told Hannibal what they knew. Why didn't they just keep monitoring his contact? Makes it look like they proritize antagonizing Hannibal over stopping Francis. That's messed up. I mean, the whole reason we HAVE a criminal justice system is to keep people from taking revenge at the expense of the greater good.

    • Love 3
  7. Oh, Hugh Dancy is teensy. I just watched The Jane Austen Book Club last night and he looked like a child standing next to Maggie Grace.


    In the post mortems, Mads says his pet name for Hugh is "Wee Man." Then they joked about how people don't realize how tiny he is.


    ETA: I can't link to that page. The internet tells me he is 5'9", which is average, and Armitage is 6'2". Mads is 6'.

    • Love 2
  8. Will has killed three people and admitted to enjoying at least the first one. Didn't seem too broken up about the others either, even after mutilating them. If Hannibal hadn't overplayed his hand so badly first season, he probably could have brought Will over to his side.

    • Love 1
  9. Do you suppose Hannibal paused for a moment before eating his first person? (I guess his sister.) Like, did he think, "No, I can't possibly become a cannibal. It rhymes with my name. It's much too on-the-nose!" 


    And his weird cell arrangement. He has a toilet in there, as per Alana's speech. What about a shower? Do they have to wheel him out in chains a couple of times a week for a cleaning in the hospital washroom? What a nerve-wracking experience that must be for his handlers.


    He was forced to eat his sister. But maybe when he tracked down the people who forced him to do it, it was REALLY because they made him Hannibal the Cannibal.


    Ihadn't thought about bathing. I bet they'll show us - Mads will jump at any excuse to be naked.

  10. I've only seen him in Ella Enchanted and King Arthur, but I have this impression that he's Regency Era Love Interest . The first time I'd ever heard of him was that they cast "British heartthrob Hugh Dancy" as Will Graham. Totally did not raise my hopes. He's knocking it out of the friggin' park, though.

  11. Survival. It's not that the police weren't convinced it was an accident, but that it was Hannibal watching to see if she would follow his instruction. He's singled her out and she had to decide how, and for how long, she wanted to live.


    But it happened years before she realized he was dangerous.

    • Love 1
  12. I'm not terribly excited about Dollarhyde. He seems like a lot of serial killers I have seen before. I've never read the books or saw any of the movies, so I don't know where this is going. Still, Richard Armitage is doing a good job.


    The TV show hasn't gone into much detail about his killings. They are pretty bizarre, but I am not sure what they will be able to do on network TV. IMHO his history with his grandmother's teeth is pretty bizarre too.

  13. These were my thoughts, also. When the patient talks about trying to swallow his tonge to Bedelia then she uses a trigger sentence. It was something like "Imagine you are walking down a street..." Then Quinto starts choking. I thought he was swallowing his tonge because of the trigger. Then Bedilia trys to save him by shoving her hand down his throat to grab his tonge. I don't really know how something like swallowing your tonge works... I guess I was wrong.


    I have been a fan of Hannible since the Manhunter movie came out many, many years ago and I always thought that D eats the painting to help him to become the red dragon faster. I am glad to read all these other comments to see the way others view this.


    You actually can't swallow or choke on your own tongue. I think Harris just didn't know that when he wrote that scene in the books.



    I'm still re-reading Red Dragon, but my feeling is still that he ate the painting to make it part of himself. I originally thought it was so he would finish becoming the Red Dragon, but now I think he believes maybe he can absorb the Red Dragon rather than be consumed by it. I need to finish the book still.

    • Love 1
  14. I wonder if changing Reba's race in this show is a homage to Ardelia Mapp, Clarice Starling's roommate in Silence of the Lambs and Hannibal.  In the book, Hannibal,

    there is a very poigent scene at the end where Clarice sends her a a note to not ever look for her, she also sends a ring(?) that Ardelia throws into the sea.


    Maybe. Maybe they just noticed that they don't have any black actors on the show.

    • Love 3
  15. I  don't understand that whole bit with Bedelia killing her patient. I don't see how Hannibal influenced her to do it. I don't even see why Hannibal sent the guy to her. And he didn't actually attack, her, and it looks like she killed him on accident trying to clear his throat.

  16. OK, he eats it in chapter 41, but it doesn't say why. It does give him a feeling of power and freedom: "He could choose anything." In chapter 44 he thinks that now that the dragon is in him, he can choose not to kill Reba. My intrepretation is that he doesn't want to stop killing, he just wants to control it instead of being controlled by it.


    "He did not have to worry about feeling Love for Reba. If he felt Love for her, he could toss the Shermans to the Dragon and ease it that way, go back to Reba calm and easy, and treat her well."

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