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Everything posted by Churchhoney

  1. So far as I can see, nobody in Duggardom ever takes responsibility for anything. From Jim Bob and Michelle on down. It's always God doing it or Satan doing it or some enemies doing it, or some excuse that it -- whatever it was -- happened. And Josh actually seems to me to be one of the limper, lazier, wimpier members of the crew. So I fear we'll be waiting a long time for this development.
  2. Of course, I could extend that argument and say that the best thing for every single Duggar kid is to cut itself loose from Jim Bob and Michelle as well. In my opinion, they're at least as sick, toxic and dangerous as Josh -- and likely more so -- albeit in different ways. Living in Duggarland is to be utterly enmeshed in several -- at least -- very damaging relationships. As well as to be kept away from any knowledge that would help you understand that or empower you to escape from them. It's horrifying to me that they're now churning out this new generation of babies and locking them into the same sick fuckup.
  3. hard to figure out what those people are looking at ...
  4. Interesting. "Multigenerational faithfulness" is right out of the Vision Forum "200-year plan." Wonder if that's where she got it. .... I think it's spread much farther than that gang, though -- especially as they've split up. It's very Rushdoonyish, I think. So it probably permeates much of the Christian homeschool movement. And maybe Quiverful? It's kind of ironic, isn/t it? Cause courting dangerous birthings probably isn't the best way to get there. lol
  5. Remember back when people were afraid the 19 Kids' cancellation meant we'd run out of Duggar stories and speculation to go crazy with? And it was only just beginning!
  6. Could be. I guess he showed some enterprise by going to Pennsylvania and in scaling those bunk beds back in the day. I'm still not convinced that he used more energy in his pursuit of sex than pretty much everybody does, though. The search for sex hypes up everybody's motivation pretty drastically, I think, but I also think you're still somewhat constrained by the overall energy with which you're equipped! I guess my experience among my own acquaintance suggests that among people with practical constraints such as children, only a handful manage to assemble a really large number of sex partners -- on the sly or even openly, and even if you're paying for them. And Josh seems a helluva lot more sluggish -- not to mention cowardly, tied to daddy's apron strings, prone to weep in the driveway when moving from mama's house, etc. -- than the people I know who've actually done that! It'll be fascinating to see what does come out and how this all unfolds. I guess I'm just not buying the vision of Josh Duggar -- Lothario, powerful super-scary lover, Don Juan and Casanova. ha Something tells me his main companion has still been his fist.
  7. I sort of wonder if Josh might not be so cheap and generally wimpy that he didn't actually do it with many women -- making the odds of a pregnancy pretty low. He's such a slug, can't see him showing a whole lot of enterprise, even when it came to sex.
  8. And People's "reporters" and editors solve the conundrum of just how much and what kind of midwifery education should qualify a person to hold that title and perform that office: Absolutely no education or experience of any kind. Just hail some passersby. I can imagine a situation in which I got stuck trying to assist in a birth because bad weather or a remote location kept competent help from arriving. But I sure wouldn't want to be identified in the press as a "midwife" if I did. A fair number of cabdrivers and other innocents trapped in such situations probably don't want to be identified as "midwives" either. Why isn't it -- "Jessa assembled a team of relatives -- her mother, mother-in-law Guinn, 41, and sisters Jana, 25, and Jinger, 22 - to assist during labor"? Who supplied the term "midwives" here? Jessa? Michelle? The idiots at People?
  9. Of course, since these are the Duggars, we always have to figure into predictions a very key point: They always do the wrong thing.
  10. Wonder how much cash Josh has to hire a lawyer at this point? Will be interesting to watch, that's for sure.
  11. New job for them -- poster family for white Christian heterosexual privilege. I think this probably explains the disparity with the Honey Boo Boo cancellation, too. Because the Duggs are such loud conservative Christians, their failure to hold to standards isn't even considered a failure to hold to standards, whereas it's doomsday for people in many other categories. Imagine a family where a gay teen lightly touched same-sex siblings over their clothing. How soon would they get back on tv?
  12. Yeah. Especially for a compound that actually does nothing except produce more and more uneducated, untrained, unemployed adults who keep churning out additional dependents. If they were a village, they'd be considered one of the world's great economic disaster areas.
  13. I agree. I see Josh as such a lazy weenie, though, that I don't really think he'd ever file for divorce even for that reason. He's not brave, he has no interests (other than fast food, orgasms and fancying himself a big shot -- and the last of those is impossible now while the first two are pretty equally possible anywhere) , and he has about zero energy as far as I can tell. I wish he would divorce Anna, even if it is just to free himself. But I can't really imagine him doing it. Or doing anything except sucking at the Duggar teat to whatever extent he's allowed to, really. I wish he would prove me wrong.
  14. Well, even if you have the easiest and least complicated of labors, though, there are plenty of times (like, all the time, but maybe that's just me!) during it when you don't have the strength and wherewithal to coach yourself through it, calm and help yourself and speak to others about what you want and what's going on with you. It's my understanding that this is what the doula does (or your partner and other present loved ones do, of course). It's like an official advocate and emotional assistant -- somebody trained and practiced in performing those roles, in addition to whatever loved ones you have doing those things, I gather.
  15. So I guess that kind of puts the kibosh on the whole premise of Duggar TV! Duggar Websites and Social Media Presence! Duggar Public Speaking Bureau and Special Appearances! Duggar Books! Duggar Preaching! Duggar Missioning to an Insufficiently Duggared World!-- That the Duggar way is the key to living a great, successful Christian life, free of all those naughty, yucchy things that ruin the lives of other people and that are bringing low this once-great country of ours.
  16. Well, even they must get tired of reading the same downer Bible verses over and over and over. Fans want to get a little peek into their idols' lives, and hearing every day that we're all damnable sinners stops providing that after a while. Some might like to hear exactly what a couple of Jessa's damnable sins are. Especially since you also have to picture a "Doula for Destiny." WTF? Is that like Rasputin as a midwife or something?
  17. My guess is that they pay so little attention to children -- or anyone, other than their own damn selves -- that JB and M wouldn't recognize a sad and neglected-looking person if there was a sign saying as much hanging around the person's neck. They probably just think it's a cute video showing off Miracle Josie's musical talents (which she could use on your upcoming renewed Duggar reality show, TLC!)
  18. To me, even more than a money grab, it seems like a "keep me in the news" grab. All along, everything this woman has done -- including what I see (but I know that others don't see) as her exaggerated description of how scary and threatening she found Josh -- has looked to me like a big advertising campaign to get her name and picture out there in places where it's never been before. And it certainly has worked. Not that she didn't suffer anything from this incident. I'm sure it was quite unpleasant. But, among other things, she awfully conveniently has had lots of pictures of herself -- many conducive to getting her more male views and potentially more work and a higher salary -- to hand over to magazines so that articles about her plight ended up being major pr opportunities to boost her career as a sexpot. That said, I don't have a problem with that in this case. As Aja mentioned above, it's wonderfully ironic and quite fitting to me that somebody else with a massive hunger to claw her way into the media and reap the accompanying monetary rewards is doing it and potentially besting the Duggars at their own long-played game. I think it's great that another media whore is dragging an in-this-case unwilling Duggar clan into the media spotlight in one of the extremely rare instances in which they would rather not be there. It's a battle of the famewhore Titans, I think, and if it weren't for Anna and the kids, I'd really really love it. .... I do feel very bad for the kids. And bad for Anna, too. Although I must say that once you've enthusiastically embraced the chance to marry an untreated and unpunished serial child molester just a few years after the fact (as she has said she did, although who knows how truthfully....) then you probably don't have a whole lot of room to claim surprise when he continues to act out sexually in unfortunate ways.
  19. I'm with you on not liking that hat, Baby Spurgeon. I wouldn't want to wear a hat that's bigger than I am, either . And isn't it still too danged warm for that hat? And it looks as if he's wearing it inside the house?
  20. And the depressing thing is that, judging by social-media comments, more than a few people actually do envy them.
  21. Hi! We're Michelle and JIm Bob Duggar! We have 19 children and six grandbabies! And we don't give a flying fart for any one of them!
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