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Everything posted by MsJamieDornan

  1. JB isnt even the smartest guy in the room when he's alone in the bathroom.
  2. You're right, they are not playing. The only thing JBooger has control of in this whole thing is paying lawyer bills. Nothing else.
  3. You're right, they would laugh. Well, let me change that. They might care, but they would laugh if they thought he thought his charges would go away.
  4. I haven't laughed this hard in a long time,,thank you.
  5. They cant do anything until they charged him with something. Making him move would be saying he's guilty before he was charged.
  6. I enjoy Derricks comment. Each time a Iearn a little bit more what a jackass JBooger really is.
  7. I guess that was my point. That would be a common defense tactic for anyone else, but they cant try to blame co-workers because they are all his brothers and they certainly can't use the defense kids play with his laptop at home.
  8. You're correct, but the only other people with access to that computer would be his brothers ? Correct ?
  9. Or he should put his hat on sideways and let his pants droop.
  10. And for 5 minutes JBooger and the Hairball weren't allowed on, but we all know how long that lasted.
  11. And Josh parked a camper right in the driveway. I bet Jeremy was thrilled.
  12. What it all comes down to is none of these people care what we think. And our opinions differ widely, Let's let it go.
  13. No. Just in general. I cant even explain the hate I have for the 3 of them. Derrick is just a blip to me.
  14. Yes, you've mentioned it a few times. We can agree to disagree.
  15. Why are we blaming Derrick for anything ? Geez, there are more important shitty things going on than a few comments he makes, usually after comments are aimed at him. Right now, I have nothing to say about Derrick because there 3 other pieces of shit that can rot in hell.
  16. Secret No, and if I'm not mistaken, they dont even have to tell them what the search warrant was for.
  17. Correct. And Derrick's in-laws are big pieces of shit.
  18. I would bet everything I have that Josh still gets paid, possibly even more than the girls. Exactly. Now is the time for Derrick to write his book. I would wait in line to buy it.
  19. Thank you. I wish I could "like" this 1000 times. Sleazy pieces of shit, each one of them. May they all rot !
  20. That is my biggest hope. I actually don't care if anything happens to Josh, if it happens to be something like money laundering, I want to see JimBooger taken down and buried. I really dislike that piece of garbage.
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