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Everything posted by ImpinAintEasy

  1. Could you imagine the backlash if the show kills Dany via childbirth? The main female character who is a source of empowerment for so many viewers goes out like that? As realistic as it is, I just can't see them doing it.
  2. Well, there are no little Daarios running around. And if she thought she was barren, I doubt she'd have taken whatever precautions to prevent a pregnancy.
  3. That seems to be the route the showrunners are unfortunately taking, which will be piss poor writing if Jon winds up being king of Westeros. Which brings me back around to thinking Jon is now destined to die playing the hero, and is just a magical curse breaking sperm donor for Dany. Buries head in my pillow and begins to weep... He's a right proper lad and I'm proud of him! ?
  4. I did like the extended episode run time. The finale is 80 minutes, so hopefully a lot will happen. Here's hoping for some Jon and Dany(yes, still Dany to me) nudity. No more teasing. Time to make some babies.
  5. The actress that played Lyanna did look quite a bit like Kit, more so than Sean Bean, IMO.
  6. Not even Jon knew about the Nights King's legendary arm strength. But you're right. All they needed was one dragon to swoop in and snatch a wight, but where's the drama in that?
  7. I think it's obvious Arya is trying to scare Sansa straight. She wants her to ditch Littlefinger and everything in this episode was part of her plan. And I'm still team Arya. She stated everything I felt about Sansa while watching season 1, which coincidentally is the last time Arya saw her. Arya would never harm Sansa, but she's not against scaring her. And given their history and Arya's journey, it's not surprising. I enjoyed the Winterfell scenes quite a lot. I think the show runners have it in for Kit, and it's spilling into how they write for Jon. They never started joking about his height until recently. Speaking of Jon, he didn't get on Drogon because he was being swarmed by wights. He was protecting the others. He was screaming for them to leave the second time because he saw the Olympic gold medalist in the javelin preparing to kill Drogon. So, Dany is turned on by those scars, right? And the show pretty much gave away the ending. It will go one of two ways: Dany gets pregnant by Jon or she is barren and names Jon her heir(or she kneels to him when she learns who his father is). I'm betting on Jonerys making babies together. I fear that way lies death for Jon, though. Now, for the weekly attempt to convince myself things make sense... Okay, so I just have to believe that they weren't 'that' far from Eastwatch when Forrest Gendry ran back. And the raven took about a day or two to fly to Dragonstone, and it took less than a day for Dany to fly there. So the gang all cuddled together by Beric and Thoros' swords until Dany arrived. As for why the Nights King didn't freeze the lake immediately, perhaps he has the gift of sight and was anticipating the dragons coming? He is Bran, after all.
  8. Don't jump to conclusion guys, there may have actually been a Prince Ragger. Need to wait for confirmation... Overall, this episode felt off. I feel like this was three episodes of material packed into 57 minutes or so. The added budget spread over three fewer episodes better deliver in the next two episodes. Arya and Sansa still not getting along I can buy. Arya being fiercely loyal to Jon is no surprise either. Littlefinger playing the two against each other makes little sense for him, but he's a dead man walking at this point, so whatevs. Cersei preggers? Yeah right. Liar. I guess Jaime is now forced to stick with her till the end now, or is he? Randyl deserved it. Should have saved his son and bent the damn knee. And last I checked, Dragonstone is part of Westeros, and Dany was born there. Speaking of Dany, she is clearly smitten with Jon. Her child liking him was the clincher. Can't wait to see them bone. Hopefully Kit and Emilia were game enough to strip it all off. If I recall Kit got out of the cave scene nudity in season 3 because of a broken ankle. Man up and show your kit, Kit! Varys has been made as useless as Littlefinger. What exactly does he bring to the table anymore if he doesn't have his little birds? Someone for Tyrion to talk to, I guess. Gendry and Jon are fast friends. Disappointed Gendry didn't mention Arya. Just like I was disappointed Jon never brought up his relationship with Maester Aemon to Dany. Come on, writers! This wight hunt seems rather suicidal. Nice recommendation Tyrion. If only you knew how batshit crazy your sister is. Oh wait, you do! Like a wight is going to deter her? And now that team Dany is all-aboard the 'let's defeat the Night King or we're all going to fucking die' train, why is Dany not going on this wight hunt to begin with? A dragon or three would seem to be useful. Two episodes left until the long night. It's going to be tough to top last season's final two, and I'm not expecting them to. But I'd love to be proven wrong.
  9. Jaime is/was arrogant. He no doubt thought he was better than everyone, particularly when he still had his sword hand. But that plays into my opinion of his bitterness. I know it sounds like I'm just making excuses for him, and I guess I am, but I view his banter with Bronn no differently than Tyrion's. Tyrion bickered with him about wanting more money too. As as far as Jaime killing Aerys to save his own skin, I simply don't believe that to be the case. He is not afraid of dying, and contrary to popular belief, he did take his oaths seriously, and was extremely conflicted about having to kill Aerys. He even kept his oath to protect the king's secrets(the reason he never told anyone about Aerys' plan to incinerate the entire city). So I do consider the regicide to be extremely heroic in that it basically ruined his own life/reputation, where as a soldier an honorable death may have been preferable. I believe he may have even expected to be executed or sent to the Wall by the usurper.
  10. The funniest bit in the episode were the two bickering Winterfell guards arguing over who was going to have to tell Sansa about someone who was seemingly there impersonating her sister. Chubby guard: "You're gonna tell her" Other guard: "No I'm not!" Chubby guard: "Cause if you don't I'm gonna hit you right in the fucking face as hard as I can"
  11. Does he believe she did it, or does his blindness to all things Cersei have him believe her line about it being "a tragic accident?" He saw with his own eyes what Aerys did, and he saw what Dany did to those soldiers, as they melted in their armor. Seeing is believing.
  12. I can't quite agree that there won't be enough time to establish a relationship between Jon and Dany. There have been two episodes thus far, and we have to assume weeks, if not over a month have been spent together on Dragonstone. There are still 3 more episodes to build their relationship, assuming this is leading to them getting intimate in the finale. So 5 episodes to develop a romance. That is more than Robb and Talisa had in season two. As for the lower episode count, I think it has more to do with wanting to spread the budget out over fewer episodes, allowing for more money and time spent on the CGI necessary for the big battles to come, which will be increasingly CGI heavy with the dragons and WW and their army of undead.
  13. So he trusted Randyl to make sure it was delivered. I think some viewers are missing that they weren't very far from Kings Landing, so it was possible Tarly was able to escort the gold to Kings Landing and make it back to report to Jaime.
  14. While it seems Jon is destined to ride Rhaegal, I think he will need to fight the Night King and the actual white walkers from the ground. The dragons are what is needed to deal with the undead wights, but I have the impression that dragon fire can't kill the white walkers. This is where the Valyrian steel and dragonglass will come into play. So the Bran speculation is right on point, IMO.
  15. That ambush scene wasn't in the Reach, it was near Kings Landing. The water Jaime was tackled into is the Blackwater Rush. So I'd assume the first scene was at least 2 weeks before the ambush. It actually wouldn't take that long to sail from Dragonstone to just south of KL, where the ambush occurred.
  16. Thank you for this. Not only are they fictional creatures, but they are horrifying weapons of mass destruction. I saw the soldiers being burned alive, in some cases melted in their armor, and was terrified. Not unlike Jaime, who was clearly having flashbacks to Aerys burning men alive, which I think led into his suicide mission to try and kill Dany. As far as I'm concerned, I'll be happy to see the dragons used to defeat the White Walkers and their army, but hope to see them die in the process.
  17. Amazing battle scene! One of of the best I've ever witnessed. The dragon CGI was stunningly seamless and felt real. And the Dothraki horse riders were beautiful to watch. The stunt director and horse master/mistress deserve every award. As does the newcomer director Matt Shakman. Dany needs to find another dragon rider or two for Rhaegal and Viserion. One nuke is devistating. Three are unstoppable. Tyrion does have a completely understandable conflict of interest. He loves his brother and owes him his life. I'm surprised Dany just now realized this. Tyrion can't be planning anymore battles. Davos did a great job scribbling on those walls in the cave. Great idea, Jon! /jk ? Call her Sansa, Arya. I think Brienne took it easy on Arya. Still loved seeing Arya dance around. And I'm glad she has a White Walker slaying knife now. Thanks, Littlefinger! Now it's time for you to get dead. Jaime, you brave fucking fool. I'm assuming he thought he was dead anyway and tried to give his life to end the war in one stroke. He is destined to be the queenslayer, but that was the wrong queen. Only 3 episodes to go. It will be hard to top this one. Luckily, 2 of them are the longest two episodes in the show's history.
  18. I've been trying to forget the leaks after reading them months ago, but was it revealed how the hell Jaime survives and avoids capture? It's a shame that they didn't go the route of him being a hostage again.
  19. Yes. I have a hard time believing Jon would jump over Dany even if it is revealed and accepted that Rhaegar and Lyanna were married. Jon is only becoming king if Dany dies, IMO. Unless they go for the happy ending where they both live and he becomes king consort. Which I can't see happening. One or both has to die for the ending to be bittersweet. It may be easier to kill both. However, there aren't many good options for end game monarch other than one of them. And I do expect there to still be a monarchy at the end.
  20. Just because somebody doesn't actively seek power or to rule, doesn't mean they wouldn't be good at it. Quite the opposite, actually. It's the ambitious ones who seek power or feel entitled to it who usually wind up abusing it. I feel Jon is the character best suited to be a good and just ruler. But he would need a really good small council and hand to help with the political aspects of the game. It's why I feel he and Tyrion are a great team. Tyrion is exactly the type of person that compliments Jon so well. He can help Jon articulate his objectives in a way that is more persuasive.
  21. Yeah, that was one of the things I hated in an otherwise excellent episode. There is no fucking way Jon would simply forget to mention the dragonglass. Sure, let's beat the Stark men are dumb drum some more, har har! As though being born without a Y chromosome in that family makes one fierce and wise. It's getting old. And to top it off, Tyrion, a man who is supposed to be one of the most intelligent characters, has failed continuously since he entered Dany's orbit. I'm starting to reconsider how I think the series will end. Jon seems to be the one being set up to rule Westeros, not Dany. She is a conqueror, as was stated by Daario on numerous occasions. She is being portrayed as power hungry and entitled in a way that the writers surely intend for the viewers to notice. And as I think back to the House Of The Undying vision Dany has in season 2, she approaches the throne, but never touches it, instead turning away at the last second. And the throne just happened to be covered in snow. Now, you could say that it was just signifying Winter and the white walkers, but I now believe it was signifying Jon on the throne. Bran also sees this vision, and he just so happens to be the one who knows Jon's true lineage too. So it is with this in mind that I simply shake my head at the show making Jon into the honorable fool whose best quality is as a warrior who gains loyalty because of his bravery. And refusing to give him any strategic victories.
  22. What's funny is that he pretty much described Bran's abilities. And those abilities are something Littlefinger can not have prepared for. Should he glimpse Littlefinger betraying Ned, I'm guessing Lord Twatbeard is done for.
  23. Jaime is a lot of things, but passive and weak he is not. A passive and weak person wouldn't kill the king he was sworn to protect. He wouldn't attack Ned in the streets the minute he learned his brother was taken by Catelyn. He wouldn't break Tyrion, a man convicted and sentenced to death for regicide, out of jail. He wouldn't leap into a bear pit, risking his life to save Brienne. If if you want to call him weak in regards to Cersei, I understand. I'd disagree that it manifested when he's dealing with issues not pertaining to her. And he without a doubt is a remarkably impassive person.
  24. I believe tptb took to calling Bran "Dr.Branhattan" behind the scenes. If you've seen or read 'Watchmen', that should give you an idea of what they are going for with the character and why he was so withdrawn.
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