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Everything posted by chakajo

  1. I don't know why Tracy was surprised. Monica told her to watch out and that she would be disappointed, plus Paul never made any moves on her. They slept together once. Tracey assumed that Paul wanted her back.
  2. They also prayed before eating I never seen them do that before
  3. Actually Liz did not know that Jake was Jason until Nick told her at the nurses ball.
  4. Question does anyone knows if ree graduated from college?
  5. Maybe they will write it where Liz and Patrick will get together after the fall out
  6. I don't know how her cookbook can be number one. I went to go read reviews. Most people were saying that her book had more pictures of her and the kids than any of the recipes I went to my local Walmart to look at some of the Pioneer Woman's cookware there was a lot of it left and to me it didn't look worth buying if she could come up with a recipe that uses cow patties believe you would have idiots out there raving about it
  7. can't wait to see what ree is going to fix for the Christmas show I am noticing a theme with food network cooks now most if them are doing cocktail party food now
  8. Saw today's show. She is wasteful. She left cheese in the plate and not swipe the pan. Is every Walmart commercial going to feature her and her family? Just saw the Christmas version.
  9. The rolls looked OK but all that damn butter.
  10. Okay did not want to upset anyone. I an sorry. I agree she does not know any unless you count Ladd's friend from college.
  11. The show was OK. Don't understand why they were doing a dry run so early before the holiday. Seems so wasteful.
  12. This show was a disaster. The people acted like they did not want to be there. I can't wait to see the TG show. I hope those gag worthy sides don't show up again.
  13. Carly is such a troll. She boning one guy and wants to bone another.
  14. I agree. The title of the episode was very deceiving. I thought Randall's mother was going to tell Marci why he prefers blonde and blue eyed women. I would like to see what is going to happen between Brad and Marcy.
  15. I too loved fn back in the day. I loved the show how to boil water. Fn is only doing stupid challenge shows. I hardly watch except to snark on ree and artery clogging cooking
  16. I wondered if they really ate that crap. I did not see anything great.
  17. These stories has gone on long enough. Resolve this shit! I can't stand Olivia she acts like a moron
  18. going back to what I said yesterday sabrina is a ignorant bitch how many pregnancy test does she have there like 5 or 10 do you really need that many tests to know that your pregnant
  19. Sabrina is such an ignorant bitch. How could you not know you are pregnant. Maybe she was not paying attention in biology class.
  20. What the hell happened to the Brad and Rosalie marriage we still don't know why
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