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Everything posted by MissCurmudgeonly

  1. Wow. I thought AJ was a horrible, whiny person, but I just watched the "talk" with her and Erica, and....wow. What a selfish bitch. Not only was every goal about HER, but she had the gall to yell at Erica and claim SHE was being selfish and not accommodating??? Yeah, she can pretty much just fuck right off.
  2. Damn. I really liked hate-watching this show. God knows I can't stand watching any of the gross TLC shows, like the pimple one or the toe guy (SO GROSS - I CAN"T EVEN LOOK AT THE COMMERCIALS). Editing to add: I just looked at the MBFFL, and there Twitney is referring to it as the "season" finale.
  3. A couple of things stood out to me: - Wasn't she all prim and proper and outraged (gasp!) that Buddy and Chelsea were going back and forth with the sexual innuendo? Then not only is Whitney speculating on what Heather/Buddy were talking about, BUT she was also practically humping the poor canoe guy. And acknowledging how skeevy and desperate she was acting, but clearly not at ALL seeing the hypocrisy there. - The glacier licking thing. Maybe it's so ingrained in me that when you're out in nature, you leave things alone. The way they were. Don't take "souvenirs," take your garbage with you, leave no trace, etc and so on. I know I sound ridiculous saying "but what if EVERYONE licked the glaciers?!" But that's all I could think of - that they can't go someplace and just BE and observe and appreciate, but they always have to somehow insert themselves and leave their "mark" so to speak.
  4. Re: the show producers deliberately getting bad shots of her - I happened to look at the tv at one point when there was a closeup of the back of her leg as she was getting out of the hot tub and OMG THAT WAS HORRIBLE. So yeah, I'd agree. And, she was insanely annoying on the bike - starting when Tal and Todd made innocuous comments along the lines of how they were having fun, and she's all CAN"T YOU SEE I"M NOT ENJOYING MYSELF????? Because of course all about her. And then the whole "I HATE THE BIKE" blah blah. Just shut up already. Me being someone who LOVES to ride a bike, that was just beyond annoying.
  5. Aww, I'm the exact same way - I can't bear the thought of not having ALL of my boy with me at all times. :-( The only thing I might do is have some of his ashes worked into a bead that I can wear on a necklace -I know someone who makes those and they're beautiful. Then he can be with me always. But otherwise no, he stays. Hugs to you.
  6. Piggy's ashes, omg. My beloved pup died 5 months ago, and I have been SO CAREFUL with his ashes, and right now they're on his little couch where he would wait for me to come home. Yes, I have a little shrine to him. I say this in all seriousness, if someone messed with his ashes? I'd fucking shiv them. In a second. Not only was that horribly disrespectful to Piggy and Babs, but it also made me think that she never really gave a shit about Piggy dying. Crocodile tears from someone who was an acting major in college (i think that was the case). Pretty sure she can turn the waterworks and other emotions on and off at will. Disgusting.
  7. Some thoughts - Buddy is annoying, and boring as hell. Don't care about him at all. Why is this Buddy/Heather thing going ON and ON and ON? I forget how the breakup happened - did he sit down and talk to her and say hey, it's over? Heather is ridiculous. Reading that card from Buddy? Boring. Buddy saying that he "just doesn't want to deal with it" meaning Heather. Dude, just deal with it once and for all, and everyone be done. WTF is she doing with that shovel??
  8. So I just had to share something, where this show has actually helped me. In a bizarre way. I've been really depressed lately - money problems, tax issues, medical bills, my beloved dog who was the center of my world died recently, and I think my new anti-depressant is actually making it all worse. I'm messaging with my friend and neighbor and telling her how depressed I am, so she comes over. We're hanging out on the couch, and I go to the kitchen to get her a mIke's hard lemonade. Suddenly I hear ......"Ow, my leg!" as she's unfolding her leg off the couch after sitting on it I. Died. Laughing. I explained the James K, thing, and she then found on her phone this video that had the whole compilation of James K. and his "Oww mah leg!" odyssey, and it's just as hysterically funny now as it ever was. I'm still depressed, but damn, that was some funny shit. :-)
  9. Maybe look at it as, there are MILLIONS of people who do take painkillers and don't have problems? Not to negate those who do, but that might make you feel less worried. I for one have taken many painkillers over the years (cancer surgeries, etc.), everything from dilaudid to oxy, and I take what i need for serious pain and that's it. I actually have lots of leftover pill bottles around the house that I keep coming across.
  10. ...who don't know they're pregnant and are addicted to weird things like eating couch cushions.
  11. Haha, omg, I just wrote a post about doing the damn Goofy, before seeing yours. But you were smarter than me - I did the full, and totally screwed up my legs/feet. Duh. I've gone back since then for the Goofy (I don't learn, apparently), and finished it once with no problems, and backed out of the full the other time because it was so damn cold (below freezing) and I know I can't really run in the cold (cancer treatment radiation screwed up my lungs). So hey, apparently I DID learn. :-)
  12. Still watching, and reading comments at the same time, because it's still on here on the west coast. A couple of thoughts though: - This is from the prior episode, when she was flopped on the surfboard. I actually felt embarrassed for her at one point, when she was shrieking while being pulled out into the water, and there were all these people on the shore giving her pity claps. It was such a sense of "hey let's watch the obese lady try to do something pretty easy for most people." I don't know, I just really though, how can she not be embarrassed by this? With everyone staring at her like she's a freak show. - The wailing during the "race." Good lord. I've done a lot of races - have done a couple of Ironmans, actually, though not the one in Hawaii. And I do stupid shit. So one time I was doing the Goofy at Disneyland, which is a half marathon on Saturday, full marathon on Sunday. Well, I screwed up one of my feet in the half right at the start, and compensated by running oddly for the rest of the race. Sunday, I started out and my feet hurt. Suffice it to say, it turned into a shitshow death march, and for much of the race I was just ahead of the Grim Sweeper on the course. The next day, I couldn't walk - when we left Florida I had to be wheeled through the airport. I think I broke all the blood vessels in my lower legs or something. They were a mess for months. THROUGH ALL THAT I whined less than Whitney. Actually, I didn't whine at all. IMAGINE THAT. JFC. And yes, if this isn't a huge wake-up call, nothing is.
  13. Yes! Once you pulled that MASK off, it was always Mr. Crumpers the high school principal, complaining about those dang kids! Damn, that was some good detective work. Wait. Maybe Nada.....and all those other women.....maybe they're ALL THE SAME PERSON! :-o
  14. Okay, a bit of blasphemy here - I actually thought Twit's group "danced" better than the trophy wives. There was actually some semblance of choreography with Twit's team, while the Trophies were just shaking their butts, and doing that "going down" bullshit. BORING. It all looked exactly the same.
  15. Random thoughts - I really like Jenzi - actually laughed out loud at a couple of her comments. Such a droll, don't-give-a-shit sense of humor. Totally awesome. Jiya - everything about her bugs me. Her mannerisms, her juvenile hahahaha attitude, her freaking TWERKING. That's not dancing. Cameron - I almost laughed at the idea that she's a "dancer." I took ballet lessons from the time i was a tot, and took dance classes through college. Not a professional or close to it obviously, but I could dance a HELL of a lot better than that. She wasn't even spotting during her awful turns! Horrible "dancing" all around. Lordie.
  16. Word. Source: me, Cancerchick at a young (40 and under) age. And ALL my Cancerchick friends who fucking HATE the ta-tas crap. I've had a shirt made up that says "Fuck the ta-tas, save our lives." Kind of the sister shirt to the one a friend had made that says "Fuck awareness, save our lives." Sadly, she's dead now, from what started out as Stage 1 breast cancer. And back to Twit - you can be competitive while not being delusional. How the hell does she think she can actually "win" anything, when she can barely trundle around? Umm, no.
  17. Was anyone else annoyed by the so-called "interview questions" at the parade that weren't anything of the sort? I know it's a wacky radio station, they're not going to have deep discussions with people, but they were basically asking people jokes. "What do you call a lesbian with a u-haul?" or whatever that one was. "What is platinum gay?" etc and so on. At least ask actual questions, even if they're just something like "What's the most interesting thing you've seen today at the parade?" Or whatever. That just bugged the fuck out of me, the stupidity of it. Might as well throw some knock-knock jokes in there.
  18. So elsewhere someone posted this clip about Whitney's infamous skiing scene: ...and while I saw the original clip on the show, either this is more footage or I wasn't paying that much attention to her whining at the time. But, HOLY SHIT. This is terrible. It's freaking painful to WATCH; i can't imagine going through it, from the perspective of how embarrassing that would be. How does whitney not see this as a HUGE wake-up call?? Maybe she can rationalize the ski problem as "Oh, lots of people wouldn't have enough core or leg strength to pull themselves up when their legs start spreading apart like that on the snow." Okay, maybe. But she COULDN'T BE HELPED UP. For MOST people, a friend could come along and haul them back up to standing. Not with Whitney. How does she not get this???? I get that she has a disordered eating problem, but wouldn't this spur action on a person's part, SOMETHING?
  19. At about 2:10 in, there are a couple of....things....that I originally thought were somewhat kind of like turns. The same thing occurred to me about spotting, but with the garbage she put out there, you can't tell if that's what she's trying to do.
  20. So I went looking for a clip of this supposed ballroom dancing competition, and came across this video on youtube of a previous "dance" of Whitney's: And holy fucking shit, she calls this "dancing"? Maybe in a nightclub or some such bullshit, but that's about it. A couple of times she tries to do what looks like a pas de bourre, and her legs are too fat to do them properly. and the attempted turns at the end! Holy schnikeys! I could do better than that when I was 5 years old. The video of her earlier in this thread with her back to the camera, shaking her ass, disgusted me. Not because of her weight, but because it's gross and slimy. She's just SHAKING AND WIGGLING HER ASS FOR FUCK'S SAKE. Have some fucking dignity!
  21. I know i'm just repeating what others have said, but.....wow.....she's huge. So much bigger. It also looks to me like she's verging on lymphedema. I believe once you have lymphedema, it doesn't go away? I could be wrong on that - but I'm thinking of breast cancer world, where once you get it, it's there to stay (I've had breast cancer). That's from removal of lymph nodes during surgery, but still, I think the principle is the same. She seriously needs to get help. I mean, it's fun to snark on her because she's such a twat, and as someone who's bounced from one eating disorder to another basically my whole life, i get how hard the whole weight thing is. But damn, when you're putting your health in such serious jeopardy, it's time to admit how big of a problem you have with it all, and GET HELP.
  22. So I watched the video embedded in that article - apparently Vitney's first dance video. And you know, she's NOT a freaking good dancer. Yes, it's modern dance, not ballet, I don't expect her to be en pointe or anything, but all she does is shake her ass, shimmy around, do some shuffle-ball-change things, and more ass-shaking. I've done the dance thing for years, modern and ballet, and even in modern you do turns, footwork, etc. There's none of that. It's like she's getting credit for dancing JUST because she's obese. Yay, fat person can dance kind of! The guy who runs the dance class with her, he's nothing great either, but to be fair it's not like we see him move much or try anything advanced. And wtf was with that crotch-in-the-face pool shot???? Holy schnikeys! Get that shit out of here, Vitney!
  23. I was cringing watching the scene at the radio station when she's talking about her bleg (back+leg). Wth? No matter how more relaxed a particular work place is, you don't freaking lay down on the floor to show everyone your backside. NEVER. Especially not on your first day!
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