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  1. 2/5 with one * - Got bookends of Monday and Friday. Zelda immediately popped into my brain along with memories of reading quite a bit of Fitzgerald in my college years - I took a bunch of American lit courses. Appleton and Hungary got me quickly to Houdini, but I hadn't known the Ferber connection. I should have gotten the Presidents as a history/government major, but I honestly forgot Cleveland was a Democrat. I did get Wilson who one of my professors always used to call Tommy W. I could picture Mondrian's art but couldn't come up with the name in time. Not a clue on the geography question.
  2. 2/5 - sorry for the late reporting. New computer so had to figure out which email I had originally used, password, etc.... Glad to be back.
  3. 2/5 - somehow the Burghers of Calais popped right to the front of my brain, and I got Atlas as well. Hope everyone is staying safe and warm - we didn't get as much snow as they were predicting but an artic blast has arrived for a few days.
  4. 2/5 with one *. I had bookends for Krakatoa & Capet (which was only nearer the top of my brain thanks to a program on the French Revolution I watched recently -without that, it would have been somewhere in the pit of inaccessible knowledge).
  5. As someone who has had job performance evaluated partly by comments on surveys, I was laughing as people spiraled out of control with all the reviews. Also, hurrah for Kyle the Cloud 9 Cloud!
  6. 1/5 with one *. So many of the others made sense when I saw them but the only one I got was "annus horribilis" (as long as you are generous with spelling). Father Grundoon had more of a Latin education than I did but his favorite "Latin" aphorism was not a real translation. Illegitimi non carborundum (don't let those not born within wedlock grind you down) has gotten me through some dark days.
  7. Got 1 which happened to be an *. First ever cruise I went on stopped at Bergen, Norway where Grieg's home was. Somehow, I never forgot that even though I was too sick with a cold to go on the planned excursion there. I will blame the rest of the week on frozen brain cells from the cold snap - although I did get Lecarre but not Fleming (both were among Father Grundoon's favorite authors, but I am more familiar with the former than the latter).
  8. 3/5 with 1*. Got sovereign, Egypt and Silent Spring. My brainpower clearly trailed off by the end of the week.
  9. Ooh, maybe I should try buying a lottery ticket. 🤣 But I am very glad to hear it.
  10. I managed 4/5 - couldn't get to Homestead Act which as a government/history major (albeit long ago), I was sort of embarrassed to miss.
  11. 3/5 with no * - got Hispianola, Grant and Jonah - all lucky guesses. Couldn't think fast enough for pantomime. Science is never one of my strong suits. Thursday reminded me of one of Father Grundoon's favorite final exam questions - he had an econ final and the first of about 100 questions was: _____ is the ______ ______ of ______. To hear Father Grundoon tell it, some students ripped up their test papers and just walked out. Others tried but got freaked out. Some made it through by skipping the question, answering the rest and going back to it. Father was in the third group. BTW - the "answer" is money is the common medium of exchange.
  12. 3/5 with no * I couldn't have pulled Chavez into my brain if someone had offered me a million dollars and Memphis proved elusive as well. The rest of the week seemed peculiarly suited to me. Since I got to meet (and have a picture taken with) Smokey on his 80th birthday, I would have been remiss not to get him. I remember the advertising for Saturday Night Fever (disco haunted my college years) and all of A.A. Milne's work was a staple of childhood literature in the Grundoon household. I will bring champagne to celebrate Jeopardy and the New Year. Best wishes for health and happiness to all of us in this forum!
  13. 3/5 with 2*. I got Blanche, Falklands (not at all sure where I pulled that from) and Rico. I have to defend Little Ceasar's pizza since the first one ever is less than five miles from my house. Have I liked other pizza more? Sure, but sometimes nothing hits the spot like LC and it is a Detroit area institution. Since pizza and cannoli are already covered, I will offer up some red wine and salad. Happy holidays to all!
  14. 3/5 with 1* (Marie, Jeannie & Douglas). For Monday, I got lost in the Channel Islands and never made it south. On Tuesday, I was too busy desperately trying to remember the relationship between Adlai and Adlai II to even get to a guess. All the sweet treats sound amazing so I will offer up some beef barley soup as a prequel.
  15. Discovered last night that I must really like this show since I was annoyed it was preempted for The Voice finale. I had missed the information posted here about the dates it would be airing, but it was good to realize my affection for the show. Although I have to worry that I have now doomed it.
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