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Posts posted by Snewtsie

  1. 10 minutes ago, sistermagpie said:

    Because he doesn't really want them to succeed him. He's not a healthy person who knows he's mortal so is training his kids to run his business. He sees running the business as some proof of being a superior being and always wants to be reassured that only he is superior. His childrearing makes sense if you think that his goal is controlling the kids and making them beholden to him rather than raising them to be successful independent people.

    This makes sense.  It's so messed up.

  2. The problem with starting to watch a series late is that I miss out on the dialogue here on the thread!  I'm enjoying the show but I do feel as though we've stalled a bit. We've gotten enough info to understand the characters to a point, and to see that while we might empathize at times with them in certain situations, overall they have few redeeming qualities (except for Greg & Marcia, but let's face it- the jury is still out on Marcia as we know the least about her).  Now I'm hoping the plot will move forward.

    What I keep getting hung up on is ...If Logan wanted one of his kids to succeed him, why didn't he ever give them proper training & mentoring to understand the complexities of running a conglomerate?  You know, start them in lower positions like Directors or VPs to give them experience. People cannot simply step into a CEO or COO role.  Logan, who is supposedly a self made man, gave none of his children this advantage, and instead shows disdain for Kendell who is the only one trying to do a serious job.

    I'm struck with how cold Shiv is to offer Tom a prenup that is so slanted against him. It's one thing to protect premarital property, it's another thing to eliminate any inkling of respect & fairness. Tom is clearly a sadist & sociopath, but she clearly sees him as a tool she can mistreat.  If it weren't for his lawyer/mother he would never even know.  The writers named her Shiv for a reason, after all.

    Like everyone else on this thread, I am most fascinated with Marcia. I suspect she will slowly be revealed to be the most shrewd of all, and the smartest.  I am anxious to see how her story develops.

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  3. 21 hours ago, Milburn Stone said:

    Could not agree more with all parts of this. I just started watching last night. Was instantly hooked. I'm not thinking about the Trumps, the Murdochs, the Bluths, or anybody else when I watch this--except the Roys, great characters all.

    I'm with you.  I started watching last night after it was recommended by so many people.  I was hooked immediately, fascinated by what I feel is a truthful portrayal of American megawealth, high level corporate dealings, and real estate porn. The acting is so good! I want to root for someone to have redeeming qualities, but I'm not sure I will get my wish. In any event, I'm definitely in for the ride.

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  4. 4 hours ago, weaver said:

    The second half was a series of Ted talks put in characters’ mouths. That long dialogue by Audrey Nelson on the plane was tedious.  Now Whitney has translated that to explain her whole life and her own bad decisions taking no responsibility for herself. 

    I hated that, too. A real misuse of the #metoo movement. Sometimes we make bad decisions and there is no one to blame but ourselves. Sometimes people are jerks to us, and as a result we have to grow a thicker skin and become stronger. Sometimes people get horny & it's not reciprocated and there is no harm done.  This doesn't give us license to accuse someone of sexual assault, coercion, & abuse. I hated that Treem ended the scene with Audrey's words resonating with Whitney. I feel like Treem is dismissing the seriousness of the #metoo movement and using it as a way to show innocent people's lives are being ruined when accusers use #metoo carelessly. While that may be true, but it's undermining the countless horrific abuses of power that occured. 

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  5. On 10/11/2019 at 6:33 PM, nutella fitzgerald said:

    If this were a normal man with 20 years of salsa dancing experience on a normal date with a normal woman who has never salsa danced, I do think it would be pretty crappy of him to leave her at the bar while he twirled every other girl in the place around on the dance floor.  They could have had a perfectly enjoyable evening of him giving her beginner salsa lessons (and you know Darcey would have eaten up the opportunity to have Tom inspect and/or correct her form!) if it weren’t a weirdo Englishman who still lives with his mummy on a TLC freakshow with Darcey.

    YES!  I thought it was unforgivably rude of Tom to be dancing with so many different women. I don't care if that's the thing when you go salsa dancing. And is it?- really?.

    • Love 3
  6. 12 hours ago, MCMLXXVII said:

    Nice to see Darlene’s moved on, but you could tell that Abby realized she’s lost much  of her privilege in the eyes of the nursing school board by still managing the same bar. NYU grad Abby would have had more clout to advocate for Darlene.

    Abby has been knocked down a peg, hasn't she?  She misjudged the WAP group last week, and she misjudged the nursing panel at Darlene's hearing. She did Darlene no favors with her blunt, "Yep she was a prostitute. Yep she stood outside on a corner. Yep she slept with men for money. And yep, she's been arrested for it." Geez, how about dialing it down a little? These people needed assurance Darlene's past was not that bad, and Abby blew the doors off that strategy.  I get what she was trying to say about everyone has a story and Darlene's past shouldn't define her forever, but Abby had only a few minutes to speak and she focused on exactly what they didn't want to hear.  Then when she said she was still managing the same bar, that was pretty telling... She was born into a world of money & privilege, and she's always been smug, but now people are not automatically impressed with her like they once were. 

    • Love 13
  7. 6 hours ago, Mindthinkr said:

    On it the man (Craig) had written: Will you marry me? And something else that I didn’t catch. Perhaps a phone number. 

    It was his phone number, and then he also wrote, "I will see you later" - which was indeed a sign he was stalking her.  Paranoia from that, combined with her drug use, lead to her hallucination later at the motel. 

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  8. 16 minutes ago, Pepper Mostly said:

    So Akinyi, if she was playing to win, would have pretended she was positively dying to meet Grayson, played the part of a modest, churchy girl, and opted for hymn singing and Bible reading over knocking back a margarita and toppling over. 

    Akinyi is lazy.  - You are right, of course, about everything she should be doing.  If only she would apply herself more, Ben would be such an easy mark. 

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  9. Joanie confronting Ben was the worst 30 minutes of television I have ever watched. Even the beginning of the scene- with Ben explaining he takes gardening as payment (what??). And when he was confessing, why didn't Joanie grab the little white-cube-recorder and run out the door?!... But I split hairs. It's embarrassing the writers gave two reasonably talented actors those lousy lines to say, and we had to suffer through it with them.

    • Love 13
  10. 33 minutes ago, riverwind said:

    Me gain, thinking too much, but seems like they gave us two different situations with Allison, one wwwhrer it was suicide and the other she was murdered which was brutal and then they left us totally hanging.  It was unsettling because we didn't  know what really happened.

    In an interview afterward, Treem stated that Allison was murdered, so it was that scenario that was the real deal.

    • Love 4
  11. This show is starting to lose me. With the teepee-sauna thing set in (what looked to me to be) a sound stage, it felt like a super low-budget production. I also hated that Krystal sold the diamond in order to invest in the waterpark/splashercize- which she clearly sees as easy money, but at $2/head that's hard to imagine- especially since the FAM crowd will no longer be doing it.  She's a smart person and I'd be more inclined to think she'd go get a normal job with good benefits.  I was glad to learn why Cody's dad is in prison, but it showed Cody's morals are inconsistent. The tape recorder in the briefcase was cheesy, too.  I'll keep watching but I'm worried this show has jumped the shark. Hope I am wrong.

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  12. 16 hours ago, AngelaHunter said:

    Agree. We do need unlikable characters to balance things out but the problem, in this season in particular, is that they are one-dimensional. The men - Noah, Sasha, Colin, that principal guy - are utter jerks who seem to have no redeeming qualities anymore. The women, for the most part, are pathetic doormats who will do anything and believe anything to keep jerk men around. Absolutes are boring and cartoonish and it's impossible to identify with any of them or to root for or care about anyone.

    Boom. Truth in this! It's really sad when we find our characters unlikeable even when the story is being told from their POV.  

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  13. 17 hours ago, whiporee said:

    In one of my many sales jobs, one of the requirements was that I have a car that was no older than four years old. They said it was because they needed us to project success or whatever, but the real reason was they wanted us to keep accumulating debt -- one of the higher ups let it slip once that he loved seeing his sales force driving expensive cars, because it made the desperate to pay the bills. 

    Obie's business model requires people to fail. He gets them deeper in debt and the only way they see to get out is to work harder, recruit more downline, whatever. Since he makes his money selling the tapes and the seminars, it's crucial to his business that his overall downline fail, but still think they can succeed. But if they actually start to succeed to any real level, they wouldn't need his tapes or his seminars, and they wouldn't need to keep recruiting people to buy his tapes and seminars. 

    it didn't have anything to do with her being a dumb blonde or a woman. it had to do with the fact that she was making money doing it, and that's not what the Garbeaux system is. They system is about recruiting people and getting them so deep in debt that they have to work 20 hour days just to stay above water recruiting more people to buy Obie's tapes. That's why they pressure people to quit their jobs -- really, what difference would having regular employment make in this kind fo distribution system, unless it's to make the downline even more desperate to recruit more, and therefore sell more Obie tapes and rallies. 

    Thanks for sharing.  Really, really insightful ...and unsettling. 

    I am hoping they expand the character of Obie's wife. I know that actress is talented.  Her character's facial expressions hint to her having a moral compass, yet she stays with a man who is utterly vile.  There's a story there, but I'm not sure if the writers will give it to us since we already have a lot going on with other characters who have been introduced yet still not fully explored.

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  14. 10 hours ago, Armchair Critic said:

    Sadly I think we are going to see some of these characters come to bad ends.

    I think Frankie is going to get killed, maybe by Rudy since he is frustrated with the ways things are going in the mob.

    I think Gene Goldman is going to get AIDS, he seems to be playing fast and loose with his hookups. 

    Maybe Eileen could get into more legitimate film, otherwise her days of creating porn may be coming to an end since things are changing. Laurie is going to get chewed up and spit out. And I think Melissa isn't going to last that much longer in porn and will have to go back to walking the streets.

    And to add - Bobby's son will likely go to prison for insider trading. He thinks those fellow Wall St brokers are his friends.  They will throw his ass under the bus at their first chance.

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