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  1. It's not charming at any age, tbh. I find it ridiculous. But I don't think that's how the hook up is going to happen this time.
  2. I was obviously joking.... Nevermind.
  3. Maybe the hook up is with Callie lol It seems like in every Calzona centric episode lately that Meredith and Callie are the ones who get closer…(1009, 1105, 1222). Perhaps they are the real endgame haha
  4. Finally rewatched the episode. So I'll start with the things that I liked. As a MerDer shipper I'm honestly satisfied with the amount of Derek flashbacks we are getting. Some people on Twitter are complaining that they use Patrick to keep the ratings which is ridiculous because the ratings are doing just fine. Anyway, I'm glad they are not forgetting how important his character was to the show (even though they kind of said he was just a minor character lol) and having Patrick on my screen is always a plus. Oh and when they played "Into The Fire" my heart skipped a beat, it was such a nice throwback. On a shallow note isn't it strange how many Derek flashbacks we keep getting? I mean, if Patrick left in bad terms with Shonda I don't think they'd be using him so much. Izzie, for example, barely gets mentioned. Even Lexie and Mark don't get as many mentions (Lexie doesn't get any tbh), so I think this proves (or maybe I'm delusional) that Patrick left the show without any beefs with Shonda. I really enjoyed Meredith's patient. It's been a while since I cared about a patient on this show, so it was nice for a change. I LOVED seeing Katie Bryce again. It was really fun to watch and Amelia saying she was Meredith and Derek's surgical love child made me laugh haha I'm warming up to Nathan. I like Martin and he has good chemistry with the cast. I'll never stop shipping MerDer but since it's obvious that Nathan and Meredith will get paired up it's better if I just embrace it already. They even did a parallel with Nathan chasing Mer's tail this time (the first time it was Derek). Arizona was also really fun to watch. I'm glad she finally got some screen time, although it annoys me that she's always used for comedy relief. What I found interesting is that they are showing Arizona as a player but she's finding flaws with all the women, also she doesn't call any women by their names which shows she is not getting attached to anyone. For some odd reason I really want Calzona to get back together in the future (probably because they are the only couple left that I care about) and I like that she's not interested in getting into a relationship, she's just having fun and being slutty (her words, not mine). Maluca was very enjoyable this time. I think Kelly and Giacomo have good chemistry and they look cute together. I'm not super invested but they are fun. Arizona telling Richard that DeLuca's girlfriend is a screamer made me LOL. In fact I had a good laugh in a lot of scenes. April not telling Jackson she's pregnant is dumb, but I don't mind it. This is a drama show after all. Judge me all you want but I actually like Penny. I like her better than I like Jo and Stephanie. I don't know why, I just do. The scene with her going back and forth between Meredith and Amelia was so enjoyable. I don't want her to become a regular, but I'm sure it's happening so I'll embrace it. Loved the scene with all the guys talking about their issues. It's been a while since we got a scene with the guys. I remember I used to love watching Derek, Mark and Owen together and I'm glad they are putting the guys together again. It's specially good for Jackson who apparently doesn't have any friends besides Ben. So we finally found out what happened to Owen's sister, huh? Well well well, it's interesting that he blames Nathan for letting Megan get into the helicopter when he actually did the same thing. Plane to Idaho, anyone? Owen is such a hypocrite. I was trying to be on Owen's side but after finding out what happened I just gave up on him entirely. This episode really reminded me of fetus Grey's and that's why I liked it so much :) As for Jolex and Omelia:
  5. Really enjoyed this episode. Gonna write a review tomorrow after my rewatch, but it was very good :)
  6. What I find interesting is Shonda's apparent lack of interest in Grey's. Yesterday I decided not to watch the episode live (still haven't seen it until now) but I was on Twitter to watch the reactions and Shonda is a lot more active when Scandal starts. She tweets one thing or two Grey's related and then it's all Scandal. That show is clearly her baby. I, for one, cannot stand Scandal and didn't even give HTGAWM a try. I agree with everything you guys said. Tbh since season 9 the show has gone downhill. I'm doing a rewatch with my mom and we are currently in season 2. So many things were different that it feels like a complete different show now. One of the things I noticed is how the show used to have actual comedy, we used to laugh (at least I used to) in some scenes. Even the sound effects were good and helped the comic scenes. This scene for example: Aside from Sandra's amazing acting can you guys hear the song playing? Those songs used to play all the time and they brought life to the show. Now the scenes have a weird silence and then all of sudden awful music covers start playing. The insert song scenes made sense before but it's like they forgot how to do it now. This is one of many things that have changed.
  7. The episode was nice. I was expecting something awful after reading spoilers, but I liked it. I found that girl really annoying, though. I didn't feel sorry for her or her mom at all and I was expecting something really bad to happen to her, but she was okay in the end. Anyway, Alex is such a good doctor. I wish I had a doctor like him when I was younger. Such a great man. I loved how Meredith was gossiping about everyone to her therapist. I used to do the same thing with my therapist. I would totally avoid my issues and just talk about my friends and family lol not the healthiest thing to do but it was very nice haha I find it so funny how so many people are against Merlex. I don't ship them but I'm not against this ship either. I've watched so many stories of best friends/almost siblings falling in love and I shipped it most of the times so I guess I'd be okay with Merlex if it were to happen, which I doubt. Callie and Penny kissing was the most disturbing scene of the night. So awkward. I wish I could unsee that. The scene with Nathan and Owen doing that surgery together was really well done, I loved it. I even liked Nathan this episode. I wish I didn't have to see Jo, Steph, Penny and Ben hanging out because I really don't care about their friendship. It seems so forced. Arizona needs more screen time! Maggie and DeLuca were kinda cute, but I'm not interested. Overall it was a good episode. Nothing great, but a good one.
  8. I was about to post a similar article :Phttp://tvline.com/2016/02/17/paul-lee-abc-president-quits-leaving/ I found this part interesting " Lee “resigned on Wednesday after losing a power struggle with a higher-ranking executive,” "
  9. You're welcome :) I don't think it's true at all. Don't get your hopes up, Meredithfan.
  10. Unfortunately not, windsprints. I just saw it on Twitter but someone said it's from Inquisitr. Ops, I found it: link Also here. Speculations ZzzzzZzzzzZzzzz
  11. There are a lot of people on Twitter freaking out because of this: I doubt it's true.
  12. They say that about every season. Boring. ZzzzzzzZzzzzZzzz.
  13. I think this whole thing just proves how artificial their relationship is. Even Arizona acted warmer and they are not even close.
  14. So true. My uncle and my grandpa passed away and I couldn't make it to their funerals because I was halfway across the country. It doesn't mean I didn't care, but it was impossible for me to come at that time.
  15. I might get hate for this but I really really really think we should let go of Cristina. She's gone. Sandra left the show. She's not coming back any time soon if ever. Maybe I'm the only one but I don't miss her that much. I actually miss Lexie more than I miss Cristina, because in the Grey's world we know Cristina is still in touch with Meredith and that's enough for me, while Lexie, for example, is not even mentioned as if Meredith has never had another sister. Plus, even though I loved Mertina I admit their relationship was very toxic most of the times.
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