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Everything posted by butterbean1

  1. I think Davina realized she had been lied to and paired with a guy who had no interest in her or in being married. Sean just seems to say whatever he thinks the person sitting in front of him wants to hear. Also, he just wanted to be on TV. I would be angry too if I were her. And the over analysis....what else could the two talk about? they didn't seem to have anything in common or share any common interest. I also find it interesting that several people who know Sean have come forward to say what a fraud and habitual liar he is. However, no one who knows Davina personally has come forward to say anything negative about her. So why is she being made out to be the bad guy? I think if she truly was a horrible person or difficult to get along with, we would have heard from people who actually know her. But we haven't....and we have for Sean. And she's the bad guy?
  2. I don't think the experts are behind the PO, I think the production company/Network is. I would think the experts would want nothing to do with he PO given that they are professionals and have a reputation to maintain. However, the network would want to do what it takes to gain interest and eyeballs to their show so it wouldn't surprise me if this is all fake and done for publicity. We will see what happens after the show airs. If this PO goes away, then I'm going to stick with my theory that it was fake. Everything else about this season has been fake.
  3. I agree with this. If the first incident was in March and she really was scared for her life, then why would she continue to pretend they were together? I'm not sure if I believe the story behind the PO. I wouldn't be surprised if the network is behind this as a way of drumming up interest for the show. Everyone seems to think the network is running scared, but the more i think about it, the more I think this is a scam too.
  4. I don't think he is that smart. He posted the PO to get out in front of it. I'm sure he believed that Jessica would find some way to leak it or make it public (which I believe as well) and he decided that it was in his best interest to be the one to make it public with his comment about the truth will eventually come out. I don't think we will hear anymore from him about the PO because I believe there is some truth to what has been leaked about him so far. I just think that he believes by getting out in front of it he can lessen the damage.
  5. I took it to mean that he was referencing any woman that will sleep with you within the first 48 is crazy and to stay away. I also have heard the term "first 48" to refer to woman who are 'easy'. And that "easy" woman are unstable. Now, you can have your opinion on whether that it true or not or whether it is a double standard, but that is what I have heard guys say about women that have sex with a guy shortly after meeting them. Easy=unstable. I definitely didn't see it as any kind of threat of murder or referencing that detective show. Why would he threaten her on SM when he just got served an Order of Protection? He's not that stupid.
  6. I read somewhere that Davina was put off by Sean when she was having her "moment" on the carriage ride on their honeymoon because he had cried like a baby numerous times up to that point and she had tried to comfort him. How long had they known each other at that point? 48-72 hours? And he had cried several times? I would think he was weak, too. And manipulative.
  7. Is there a "First Year..." this season? Did the relative say? What else did they say? Is Ryan really abusive?
  8. Um....what? A lot of people refer to women as "female", because that is what they are. How does that make him unhinged and a pig?
  9. Is Dr. C gay? Because that is the vibe I get from him. I also got the same vibe from Sean from like the 2nd episode and still think he is at least bi.
  10. You do realize that this show is heavily edited, right? - from the looks of the talking heads shot, it appears that his "libido" remarks were all filmed at the same time. The editors have decided to slice and dice and sprinkle them through out the last couple of shows. - again, that conversation showed, what? 30 seconds of Ryan talking and the rest of the time was Jac and her friends/family. We have no idea what else he said. And his reaction was not out of bounds. He's only known her for 2 weeks. -And if he had let her pay then you would be saying that Jac was being inconsiderate of his feelings. Somebody had to give in but it doesn't mean they were being inconsiderate of the others feelings. -Again, his talking head shots were he talks about his mom and niece look like they were all shot at the same time. The editors have just sliced it up and sprinkled it through a couple of shows. -Just because we haven't heard Ryan talking about his mistakes doesn't mean he hasn't. As Dr. C pointed out in one of his postings, the couples only get 13 minutes per show. The producers are only going to show us what they think is most interesting and fits the story they want to tell. I caught a few minutes of a rerun of the 2nd or 3rd episode the other day and they were showing a talking head shot of Jessica that was done in the apartment they currently live in (with the brick wall) but it was before the had actually moved in. The same is true for Jac - they did a talking head shot of her sitting on the brown couch with the blue throw blanket that is in the home they live in now...but it was before they had moved in together. Just because we don't see it doesn't mean it doesn't happen and things don't seem to shown in the order they actually happened.. I love Jac and could totally see myself being friends with her (unlike the other two women). But I get where someone as laid back as Ryan would be overwhelmed with her personality. And again, we are only seeing what the producers want us to see.
  11. I recorded tonight's episode and fast forwarded through most of these two. I'm over them. We all know they aren't going to last in the end so there is no need to watch this draining couple.
  12. I think RyanD is getting a bad rap. It is obvious that this show is overly edited this season and I don't think they are showing everything. They are cutting bits and pieces together to try to weave a story that I don't think is accurate. Yes, Ryan has yelled and stormed off but to me it is like walking in the grocery store and seeing the mom who loses it with her kids. All you are seeing is mom losing it, you aren't seeing the hour she spent trying to reason with them, then the next 30 minutes threatening them, or the 15 minutes she spent trying to get them off the floor when they were throwing a tantrum because they couldn't have a cookie. All you see is mom finally losing it.....and everyone would feel bad for the kid. When in reality, anyone who is a parent has been there. It is the same with these two. Anyone who has ever been in a relationship knows it takes two to tango. We have no idea if Ryan is just flying off the handle at every little thing or if Jessica just spent the last hour trying to annoy him in an effort to get some attention from him. Or how many times he asks her a question directly (which we all know by now he is pretty direct) only to have her mealy mouth a passive aggressive answer. From what I have seen, he was kinda a jerk on the honeymoon (dumping her in the water) but probably realized she doesn't "play" the same way he does. But I see him making an effort to make things work. I just don't think he is comfortable with camera's around.
  13. I think Ryan's problem is he is not comfortable in front of the cameras. I noticed during this episode that he would glance in the direction of the camera's and looked really uncomfortable. I think that is why he had the blow up in the last episode. There are things he is not comfortable doing or saying with the camera's around. I would bet he is more at ease when they are alone. Just my thoughts. I'm going to watch on Tuesday to see if he does the same thing.
  14. Did Davina (who I think I am going to start referring to as "diva") tell Sean they should have sex? did I miss that? I kind of tune out when they are on because they are so exhausting to watch. But I can't believe I missed Miss Pristine telling the horn dog that she wanted to have sex and he bailed on her.
  15. I don't understand what Ryan is saying...something about libido and he is unleashing the beast. is he talking about his libido or Jaclyn's?
  16. I agree with you about Ryan and Jess. I thought he was really making an effort this episode and seemed to really be trying to make it work. I didn't think he was an ass at all and if Jess has a problem with him taking all the closet, she should have said something. He can't read her mind. I think Ryan is the standoffish type and not the overly affectionate type, especially with cameras in front of him. He seemed to be looking in the direction of the camera (back and forth) when he was speaking. I don't think he is comfortable with them there. Ryan and Jac are still my favorite and I enjoy watching their love story unfold. I hope they don't try to shoehorn some manufactured drama just for the show. Davina - UGH! She is still so exhausting. Sean gives me the heebie jeebies but she just grates on my nerves. I understand she told the producers that NYC was a dealbreaker for her and why she wouldn't compromise on that (I don't think she should have to since she told them up front). And Sean told them he was open to moving. If he owned a home, likes the burbs and works in NJ, why would he tell them he would be open to moving? And now he isn't? But still, Davina should be more understanding about his resistance. And the over analyzing these two do is just tiresome.
  17. I didn't like Sean from the first episode, before it was known he was selected. I remember seeing him and thinking he was creepy and that he was one of those people who signed up for this so he could be on TV. I didn't expect him to get selected because I thought the "experts" would see right through him. I mean if I could see it in the first episode, how did they miss it in all the interviews, questionnaires, home visits, etc they did. It could just be the editing but given what others who actually know him have said on other message boards, it is probably true that he is a little off. As for Davina...ugh! Again it could just be the editing, but good lord she is exhausting and high maintenance. These two are a trainwreck waiting to happen and there is no way they stay together in the end. I think Ryan and Jacqulyn are the only ones who stay together. I like them and they have been my favorite from the beginning. I had hopes for Ryan and Jess but that quickly vanished after the 2 or 3rd episode (the first night together one). When Jessica said they consumated their marriage, I knew this was the Vaughn and Monet couple of the season and they wouldn't last.
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