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Posts posted by annzeepark914

  1. Whenever we fly out of Dulles, we stop at Potbelly's.  They do the same thing to their sandwiches that Quiznos does - grill/bake (or something like that) which makes the roll crunchy and cheese inside melt.  I always get the veggie sandwich and tell them to only put in the mushrooms and the cheeses. A veritable taste treat.

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  2. I saw the "new" episode re: cheeses.  Everything looked familiar.  Ina has made just about everything in previous episodes. Parmesan crisps/fricos? Done!  Cheese souffle? Done! OTT cheese/heavy cream sauce on pasta? Done!  Shards of cheese in a silver bowl that she considers "enough" as an appetizer with cocktails? Done! This episode said "dialed in"...very disappointing.  I decided to stick around for the next episode and thank God it was an oldie with sweet Michael as they prepared Frank & Stephen's home with wonderful foods and lovely flowers + a fireplace ready to ignite once the friends returned from England.  I do believe Miss Ina has run out of ideas/recipes ;>(

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  3. The Chick-Fil-A at Crabtree Mall in Raleigh served a chicken-que sandwich that was delicious - this was back in the 80's and 90's. Too bad it's not on the menus at the rest of them (maybe it's not on the menu in the Raleigh one either--haven't lived there in ages).


    I've tried Five Guys a few times over the years at 3 different sites and find the burgers tasteless; the grease stains on the paper bags remind me how bad they are for us (I ate them anyway!)


    Really like Fuddruckers burgers and the rolls they're served in (also the self-serve topping selection).  We only have one nearby and you have to get there by 11:45 AM or there's a long line out the door for lunch.


    I don't understand what's happening with Quiznos since their sandwiches are so good. We only have one left in our area and it's in a not very central location. Love the Bourbon Chicken sandwich (w/o the black pepper, mayo, lettuce or anything else: just onions, sauce and chicken please).

  4. The biggest problem seems to me that this show is not nearly as entertaining as it used to be. The challenges are weak. The contestants are weak. Something needs to change.


    It won't change (drawing more qualified cooks/chefs) until FN stops with the stupid "challenges" they put these people through plus the humiliating critiques.

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  5. I've been out of the northeast for several decades so I haven't had IMO "real pizza" since forever (in 1999 in Gap, France, I had a small pizza for lunch and it reminded me of the pizza I loved growing up in NYS). We were in San Diego in May, in the Hillcrest section, and found a place with an odd name - something like Project Pie.  It didn't have that big bubbled, charred rim but everything else was very good (and also brought back memories of childhood pizzas).  They say "it's the water" that creates that fabulous NY crust.  I've given up on delivery - those cartons just steam the pizza and change the texture.  Maybe I should just move to Naples!

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  6. There are a few episodes I won't watch because I don't find them funny.  One is the Parking Garage.  Another is the one where George gets handcuffed to a hotel bed by a hooker (or whatever that woman is..the one he picked up on the subway).  And the street parking spot dispute...altho' I like that character actor who's fighting with George over the spot.

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  7. There is something about Matt Damon's mouth that I find distractedly off-putting.


    Is he still grunting after all these years?  The first time I ever saw him in a movie, he was playing a young blue collar kid working at a beach club in Queens (I think) and he seemed to be grunting throughout the movie.  I noticed he did that in a couple other movies (it kept me from watching anything else he was in).

  8. Another nice 1979 film is Starting Over. It stars Burt Reynolds as a recently divorced man, with Candice Bergen as his ex-wife and Jill Clayburgh as his new love interest. It's atypical for Reynolds in that he's not Mr. Super Macho Man; he's really vulnerable. He even has an anxiety attack on a display bed at Bloomingdale's!

    I love this movie and watch it whenever it shows up on TV (rare occasion, unfortunately).  I have two favorite scenes: the first one takes place down the street from Burt's brother and sister-in-law's house where Jill thinks Burt's possibly a mugger.  The other are the scenes when the women's group clomps down the stairs to the church basement, usually ticked off since the men's group has run a bit overtime once again.  Of course, Candice Bergen's singing is something to be treasured.  What a pleasant surprise to see Burt do so well in this movie.


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  9. Missed most of the show (remembered to turn it on at 4:20) but I did get to see the flower arranging and yes, Ina needed to let viewers know she's familiar with flower arranging (but then, we regulars already knew that).  Loved that "nosegay"...if I had a flower garden, I'd enjoy making arrangements like that (I like the arranging, not the planting & weeding!).  Just caught the end of the steak and swordfish segment with them eating the two items--looked good.  I'll have to look up the recipes.  I recently grilled swordfish and it was missing some flavor so Ina's recipe might help future attempts.  One thing I've learned from watching so many cooking shows is presentation and the pro's are right--the look of food is about as important as the taste (love adding stuff to a platter of grilled chicken or pork, like fresh cut herbs and lemon or lime wedges...I get that "Ina buzz"..makes cooking fun).

  10. Re: Julia Roberts...with close-ups, it's just so darn hard to get past those big lips.  I've tried to find photos of her as an aspiring actress, prior to Mystic Pizza days, to see if she was born with those lips.  Really not sure...they may be her own but they sure are much like the fake Donald Duck lips we see on so many celebs.

  11. Kristin Chenoweth - can't stand the squeaky-voiced little big head because she just thinks she's so cute and adorable, and people tell her so.


    How, sheesh, just how could I have forgotten Kristin C and not added her to my list--probably because it's her voice that I cannot stand...her face is ok...but that squeaky, irritating voice that goes on and on and on and on...while I'm grinding my teeth into powder.  I can hear that high-pitched squealing right now...grrrr!


    @ribboninthesky1 So glad someone else loathed that song.  I'd never heard it until the Oscars (heh heh after JT's hilarious mispronunciation of her name and she owes him big time for that).  Could not believe this song won the Oscar for Best Song...drippy, treacly and never ending complete with operatic-voiced singer (thank God for that; otherwise we'd be hearing it on the radio all the time)

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  12. Does anyone remember the video of Tim Kasinsky (one of my favorites) hitchhiking and getting picked up by an attractive woman who begins to strip?  This goes on and on with TK totally bewildered and then the car goes sailing off a cliff.


    OMG...Men Synchronized Swimming (what song were they "performing" to? whenever I hear it I think of those two in the pool). Christopher Guest was another of my favorites (amazing to realize he's an English Lord).

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  13. I have a foggy memory of a sketch in which Belushi played The Thing That Wouldn't Leave.  The scene opened with people mingling at a party. Then they start leaving, saying their goodnights, etc.  One guest remains on the sofa.  The hosts are exhausted but they sit down on either side of him and make pleasant chit-chat but include broader & broader hints that the evening's over: hint--time to call it a night, etc.  I'm not sure if I've got the exact title of this episode but it was something like the thing that wouldn't leave.  He also played Gilda's husband in several sketches as a Long Island married couple. Then there was the sketch in which he played an immigrant taking a lesson in English from Chevy Chase in which Chase's character suddenly keels over & dies. Of course, after parroting all the English words so robotically, the immigrant is so committed to learning that he too keels over & dies.  I think that was in the first SNL show back in 1975.

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  14. OK - just saw this photo of Vergara w/o make-up and I've figured out what's peculiar:  her mouth is waaaaay too large for the upper part of her face.  It's as tho' the upper face came from another person and was planted on the lower face...er...something like that.  She really needs that major eye make-up to create some balance.



  15. "Dallas" was huger than huge in Sweden, so I'm sure they did that on purpose so everyone would be super excited when they found out that it was Duffy.


    Another TV oldie featuring some OTT Americans--so no wonder WtS is a big hit over there.  Bruce remains self-absorbed, oblivious--like someone who's never left his little ol' home town out in the middle of nowhere, not a professional who lived & worked (quite successfully!) in Manhattan.  He's become a cartoon character. I'm beginning to really wonder about the Swedes who love this show.


    Count me in as one of the anti-shoe removal folks.   I can understand when there's snow on the ground (w/ salt or sand on the driveway & front walk) but the rest of the year? IMO that's rude (and why we have vacuum cleaners).  

  16. Interesting that we're seeing a lot of the same names over and over (hey Cameron Diaz...are you feelin' the love lately?)


    I do not get the "beauty" of Sophia Vergara.



    This woman is everywhere and I mean everywhere!  Her face just doesn't look normal...maybe the features are too extreme?


    Hi Lura!

  17. I've got one more actor to add to my I Cannot Look At This Person's Face list:  Leonard DiCaprio.  Have no idea what it is about his face (or Cameron Diaz's face or Jesse Eisenberg's stupid scowling face) but I won't go to any movies that these actors are in (mistakenly went to see that awful Woody Allen movie, To Rome With Love, and Eisenberg's mug added to the misery of that experience).  Eisenberg must have some type of Hollywood Big Connection to get roles in movies.

  18. Thanks!  That guy was a caterer (but not famous so now I don't feel so bad for not remembering who he was ;>)


    Aw geez...now I feel bad!  I never noticed that they didn't knead the dough.  I loathe kneading dough (and don't do much of it whenever I make bread).  But I didn't get a great look at the interior of the bread - does it have big holes like Tuscan bread?  I love that stuff (and you need a biga to make that as well).  If anyone makes Eli's bread, let us know what it's like.

  19. Why did I watch this piece of shit?  Why?


    Because you were truly hoping it would eventually "right itself" and become something interesting, decent, fun, whatever (that's why I watched 3 episodes before I quit...or was it 2-1/2 episodes??).  Right from the start the main character was OTT irritating...I just wanted to reach through the screen and punch his wide-eyed face (and I'm not a violent person...honest!)  I'm just relieved to know that Swedish critics found it as crappy as we did.

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