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Posts posted by annzeepark914

  1. I'm  still not sure about 4 cups of basil.

    IMO, that sounds like a recipe destroyer.  I'd just buy one of those basil "plants" in the produce dept, snip off a few leaves, cut into slivers and toss into the soup. How bad can that be?

  2. I just wonder if a group of us could tease our hair, put on a faded denim skirt, wrinkled top and flip flops and crash the wedding?

    I think about weird shit late at night when my insomnia hits.

    Thanks so much for a good laugh...I can just see all of us schlepping into the church in those outfits + old flipflops.  But I've got very short hair (sorta like a pixie cut)...would they toss me out for that?

    • Love 4
  3. Hey, Lura: Wow...a taste test of brownie mixes--love it!  I'd say we are all indebted to you for your major sacrifice in time & then, gee, having to eat all those brownies (a tough task but we love ya for doing it! :>)  Glad Ghiradelli came out on top in your survey.  A few years ago, I was trying to watch sugar (heh heh...so, make brownies, of course) and so I bought Pillsbury's sugar free brownie mix or something like that.  I think I added a tiny bit of vanilla to that mix as well.  They weren't the worst (a little gooey in the texture); they were ok which was fine considering they were sugar free.


    Happy Halloween everyone!  Mr. Park914 is answering the door, handing out candy to the kids, wearing a jester's hat. He wanted to wear a red mask with it but I said that would be too bizarre.  It's really cold out tonight--49 degrees.  Hope the kids are wearing their woolies under their costumes :>) 

  4. I still think the Royals were the better team (too bad they didn't have a Bumgarner).  Great rendition of our national anthem!

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  5. So I'm not the only one who scraped out the frosting inside an Oreo cookie?  I always found that frosting to be so OTT sweet and I loved just the chocolatey-chocolate flavor of the cookie itself.  It's amazing to read this thread, all the things folks will not/cannot/dare not eat.  I love watermelon but what have they done to this wonderful fruit?  Seedless, schmeedless...bring back the regular watermelons, please because I'm sick of eating those tiny white seeds that are throughout the "seedless" watermelons...or trying to pick them out.  At least w/ the original melons, the seeds were big and easy to remove (or spit out).


    In order to get rid of that earthy flavor in beets, you have to roast them (not boil).  I've never liked sliced or chopped cooked carrots, especially if they're diced (into those perfect little squares...blech).  Now, when I stir fry, I cut the carrots on the diagonal, the way they do in Asian restaurants, and for some reason, I can eat them.


    Brussels sprouts. So nasty IMO.  But the Barefoot Contessa said if you roast them, they're great.  I roasted them and the entire house stunk like cabbage (and they weren't all the great either).


    Catfish...I've had it twice (and couldn't stop thinking of what those creepy things look like as they hover near the bottom of creeks)...never again!


    OMG...romano cheese.  I cannot be around it.  Also can't stand the smell of beer in the air (now, I can drink it on a hot day...just don't wanna smell it ;>)


    On the other hand, gosh, I adore ambrosia.  However, for many, many years I couldn't eat tapioca pudding because it reminded me of something I saw once in elementary school.  About 10 years ago I tried it, fell in love with it and drove that bad memory out of my mind!  We humans are truly a piece of work when it comes to food :>)

  6. Here's an oldie: Frank's Place starring Tim Reid.  It only ran one season (1987-88) which was a crime IMO.  It had wonderful character actors, very creative, witty (and hilarious) dialogue, and was interesting for those of us who knew nothing about inner New Orleans, its people and traditions in the African-American community. Tim's wife, Daphne Maxwell (?) was also featured in this show.  I remember reading how disappointed they were when the show was not picked up for a second season.  They then formed a theater company in Virginia, I think.  What a waste of talent...this show could be shown today and be credible (and funny and wonderful). I sometimes wonder whatever happened to all those articulate, smart, witty writers for TV shows and/or where are their equally creative replacements today.

    • Love 6
  7. The one thing that annoys me about AB and his travels around the world to sample different cuisines, is that wherever he is, whatever he's eating, it's always OMG This Is The Best Thing Ever


    I just find it annoying and not quite real.  Surely, someone, somewhere has served him something that tastes awful & he's had to smile & keep munching, right?

  8. @larapu2000:  Wow!  Your friend is so lucky as are your guests.  Your menu sounds wonderful.  I don't have advice re: the beet canape or fried artichokes, just wanted to convey my admiration.  I'm interested in the Pumpkin Mousse.  Is that the recipe that Ina says her mom would always make for Thanksgiving? I bet right now you're cooking like crazy...but doing it the Ina-way so that you can enjoy your party along with your guests :>)  Have fun and be sure to let us know how it all goes.

    • Love 1
  9. I watched tonight's show (10/22/14) and didn't enjoy it at all.  The skit in which Key plays a husband accusing his wife of cheating, ending up beating a dog, was bad. Didn't matter that they showed the little dog scampering around so that we knew the "dog" he was beating was fake...it was not funny. It seemed the less funny they were, the longer the skits went on.

  10. Look up Jeff Gannon on Google


    I googled.  I do remember the "to do" over his not having the proper credentials to attend WH press conferences.  Then the story just disappeared. Ick. Yeah, imagine if that were happening right now during this administration.

    • Love 4
  11. Thanks for the link to that excellent article in Huffington Post.  Guess I need to go back and see this movie again - can't stop thinking about it.  Downey's wife mentions the little things that some of the actors did to make it more "real"...very effective!

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  12. I have two scenes, both involving vehicles, and whenever I see them in re-runs of their movies, I laugh out loud.  The first one was in Easy Money (the Rodney Dangerfield movie) when Rodney and his pals (including Joe Pesci) are driving to the racetrack, are maneuvering to get Joe's plumbing van into a small parking spot and a sports car, filled with young frat type guys, steals the spot. The young jerks turn around and make an obscene gesture and laugh at the older guys in the plumbing van.  So Joe guns the engine and pushes the sports car and its occupants over an embankment.  The other favorite scene is in Fried Green Tomatoes when, once again, a parking spot was stolen.  This time, Kathy Bates (love her) was maneuvering her big sedan into a space when it was stolen by two teenage girls in a little car.  I can't remember the lines except after they sass her and start walking away, she tells them she may be old but she's got more insurance and she then plows her big ol' car into their little puddle jumper.  Truly wonderful. Vehicular kismet or somethin' like that.

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  13. Years ago, while living in Raleigh, NC, I went to a pizza place that originated in Brooklyn, NY.  I wanted a couple of slices and a kid (not one of the usual staff) behind the counter asked what kind and I said "regular".  He looked at me with a smirk on his face and said, "As opposed to irregular?"  Ever since, I've been a bit paranoid about saying "regular" whenever I order a pizza or a slice.  Several months ago I read an article about New Yorkers and their pizza and noticed that NY'ers refer to a plain (crust, sauce, cheese) pizza as "regular".  So that's where I got it.  I never want to say "cheese pizza" because I worry that they'll add extra cheese to it.  

  14. I have a feeling I missed a number of lines.  My hearing is excellent but for some reason, a lot of what RJD said I didn't get...maybe because he was moving his head around while talking? or because he talks very fast?  I heard the first part of that line (everybody wants Atticus Finch...the second part I didn't, nor did my husband). I'm going to check out his FB page (another actor's FB page that's interesting is Tim Matheson's...lots of info' about the movie industry which I enjoy reading).

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  15. I was reading the comments under the article/recipe for the chicken pastry and it seems it depends where one lives that determines the name of this dish.  I heard all three while living in Raleigh (seems to be the "melting pot" of NC folks from all over the state): chicken pastry, chicken & dumplings and chicken slick (never understood the reasoning for that last one!).

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