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Everything posted by Liberty

  1. I hope one of Joe's family members buys him a lint roller for Christmas. It seem Joe is not earning enough to purchase his own.
  2. I hear you. My household has been watching more local AM news to avoid the political coverage. If Trump is not re-elected, MSNBC will need serious realignment. It is Trump who has allowed shows like Deadline Whitehouse and The Beat to prosper....and of course Morning Joe. Without Trump a normal day appears quite mundane.
  3. They played the RNC ad, and quickly, and thoroughly, focused on how the woman understood that voting Republican would help her husband find a job. They suggested it demonstrating the 1953 values of men in the workplace, and found that amusing. What they missed was the Republicans want to "preserve Medicare" and Democrats want to "eliminate private health insurance". I missed the day that Medicare became private health insurance, but our witty host and his followers did not find that inconsistent.
  4. After Joe has criticized "science deniers" but now denies the scientifically constructed polls. 😉
  5. What did "That's right Joe" Lemire say? Sounded like "That's it Joe".😲 How about Eugene Robinson's tie? Some yell therapy for Mika today!
  6. A better show today IMHO. It's the guests that make this show, not the hosts. The Hydrosonic toothbrush schtick was very good. If president Trump loses the election, it is hard to imagine any reason to watch most of the MSNBC line-up.
  7. A lack of preparation for dealing with issues is becoming tediously apparent. If they respected their viewers they would prepare for their editorializations, as well learn the names of their guests etc.
  8. Difficult to understand why he suggested southerners were naive bumpkins, but it really stuck out. Maybe he'd had enough of Senator Kennedy's laundry questions and was imitating Kennedy's drawl One may have thought that it was an attack on his very "country lawyer" schtick. Dick Durban had a good setup that ended with "it's not my first lie".
  9. Thanks for these timely reminiscent posts!
  10. I swear Joe thanked "Julia Louise (sic) Dreyfus for joining them on the show. Maybe the greatest female TV comedian ever, and he is not familiar with her name.
  11. "Clinton won the popular vote, but the win is based on the electoral college." So it sounds like one could say: "HRC won the election that was held on the first Tuesday in November". "The polls correctly predicted HRC's victory on election day". Is there anything inaccurate with these statements?
  12. Just curious and not looking for a kerfluffle, did HRC receiving 3 million more votes than DJT mean she won the election, or did DJT winning the electoral college votes mean he won the election? Joe would be good at identifying the similarities between Truman and DJT, it's a kind of short list.
  13. I hope they can squeak in some coverage of Melania's Christmas decorating challenges as reported on CNN last night.
  14. I was thinking about today's news and speculating on how The King & Queen, and acolytes, will handle it for 3 hours. That's a big part of their current problem, too predictable and too tedious.
  15. Found Joe's fascination with Trump not wanting to take advice/insight from people who do not agree with him interesting. Joe, you should try listening 1) to yourself 2) to those with opinions/ideas contrary to yours. Perhaps Joe feels that Trump is taking away Joe's divine right to surround himself with people who start their insight with 'Joe you are right'.
  16. Tired of listening to Nicolle repeat 'I was part of 3 presidential campaigns' suggesting this experience grants her more insight than others. If she was so omniscient Sarah Palin would not have been on the ticket. Love her Deadline guests, but 2 hours is too much for her to prepare for.
  17. New Sweater - 😵 Funny how Dr. Dave does not use handpuppets. Easy enough to say Dr. Campbell outside of a pediatrician's office.
  18. The Royals at least found the road to riches of 'reality TV'. If they are authentic homesteaders, why would the need to pad their bank accounts with TV money? Too many inconsistencies and indications that the show is not what is being portrayed. Do not be surprised to find out the actual background of the cast is not what is being portrayed.
  19. Have not been back to CNBC because of your boyfriend! Don't do it! If it's business news you want, there are better channels than CNBC.
  20. When Kasie first started broadcasting from her home, she had a map of the Solar System over her right shoulder. I thought it an odd wall decoration, and then she switched to a virtual background. In an unrelated event, the planet Mars is the brightest object in the the southwest sky 1 - 2 hours before sunrise, which strangely is around the time "Way Too Early" comes on in the central time zone. The planet Venus is the brightest thing in the eastern sky at the same time.
  21. Is Joe wearing a new sweater, or is it an old one just back from the cleaner's?
  22. At 6:48 Joe says: "However this turns out it turns out". I want his job.
  23. Vin Gupta, MD, MS, MPA is the medical version of Grumpy Cat The MSNBC Contributer, Shawna Thomas says 'I haven't read the Woodward book' and then went on to expound on what the book contains.😧
  24. I've spent months with Yasmin, and will certainly miss her. I'll have to watch CNBC now, unless that obnoxious guy is hosting. MSNBC does not make my weekend viewing list. It is interesting that so many of these MSNBC personalities are at a similar stage in life, expanding their families. Many have reproduced in the last year or two.
  25. Following Woodward's thoughts was very difficult this morning. Then when he was responding to Joe, it was a doubly challenging. Getting real tired of the way some try to lead their guests to support their opinions. It's important for me to remember it is an opinion show, and facts are only presented when necessary to support an opinion. At least I do not recall Woodward saying 'that's right Joe'.
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