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182 Excellent-
I agree that the Erica plotline has been setting up Elizabeth's awakening, going back to the episode where Elizabeth was drawing the vase. When I took drawing classes ages ago, we all had learn to forget what our brains told us something "should" look like and draw the thing that was actually in front of us. Don't draw the generic vase that's in your head; instead draw this actual vase on this particular day. Draw the vase as a pattern of light and shadow. It's an exercise to make you see. Erica's lessons planted seeds for Elizabeth to begin looking beyond what her brain told her "should" be - her unquestioned assumptions about her world - and to begin seeing what actually "is". Then to begin questioning how she fits into that world - where is she in this picture? It was a slow and bumpy evolution, but then you have the conversation with Philip, the revelation of another group of patriots just as devoted to her country but in an entirely different way, and then the Russian negotiator not being the traitor she expected him to be. It was a combination of many pieces coming together at once, at a time when maybe she was just that little bit more open to the idea that there might be new ways to look at things.
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I agree, I noticed them several times and thought they are definitely foreshadowing some illness.
I don't know why everyone who is close to Carrie hasn't kicked her out of their lives by now. Looks like Saul's about there. Right? How could someone so dry and humorless get elected to anything.
Right? We've certainly seen other people on the race wear gear from their alma maters. Is Evan not allowed to do the same just because hers is Ivy? (I've gotten a lot more annoyed by all the UCLA gear shown over the years, but that's because it's our rival school) Plus I'm guessing that the producers work to find a "hook" for all these teams, and in their case it's the Yale connection. So I'm sure they're encouraged to play it up.
I actually really enjoyed this season and would have been happy with either a Chloe or Addison win. Chloe's voice was obviously shot last night and hopefully she will get advice on how to take care of it, but I think she has a lot of talent and presence. My other favorite this season was Moriah. Miley had the most talented group on the show and let most of it go. Really bizarre choices IMO.
S04.E21: Maybe You'll Appreciate Me Someday
thegriswolds replied to ElectricBoogaloo's topic in Nashville [V]
I really wanted something much worse to happen to Cash.- 157 replies
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If there's happiness for Will and unhappiness for Maddie, I'm good. And a Rayna/Deacon/Daphne concert sounds awesome. (GMAFB on the Juliette plane thing, though. They really do think we want to live in soap opera land. Which also means we don't have to worry about Juliette because if she "dies", they will surely bring her back to life next season in true soap opera fashion.)
S04.E18: The Trouble with the Truth
thegriswolds replied to ElectricBoogaloo's topic in Nashville [V]
totally agree, and here I had thought I hated Juile Taylor more than any TV daughter ever. Agree that is a long shot possibility, but I think the more likely outcome is that Deacon and Rayna start having problems - because after all it must be Deacon's fault that Maddie got emancipated - Maddie comes back with her tail between her legs, and Deacon is on the outside looking in. Because we know that no couples can be happy on this show. -
S04.E18: The Trouble with the Truth
thegriswolds replied to ElectricBoogaloo's topic in Nashville [V]
He does take the stupid road, doesn't he? I was hoping he had gone to the Beverly to tell Frankie to wipe that self-righteous look off his face because Deacon was going to pull out of the bar and Frankie could just go back to seeing how well he could do on his own.- 186 replies
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S04.E18: The Trouble with the Truth
thegriswolds replied to ElectricBoogaloo's topic in Nashville [V]
At this point I am only watching this show to see Maddie get her comeuppance. If that doesn't happen I am going to make note of all the writers' names and make sure I never watch any of their shows ever again. Anyone want to join me in the boycott?- 186 replies
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S04.E16: Didn't Expect It To Go Down This Way
thegriswolds replied to ElectricBoogaloo's topic in Nashville [V]
Ok so many good comments about all the suckage on this show. Maddie could get kidnapped by aliens tomorrow for all I care. But I was glad that they do seem to be remembering that we want to hear some music once in a while... I hope they keep that up. -
S04.E15: When There's A Fire In Your Heart
thegriswolds replied to ElectricBoogaloo's topic in Nashville [V]
What I don't get is where these lyrics come from. She sleeps with Colt once and starts coming up with this stuff? Her first time must have been WAY WAY better than mine or anyone else's I know.- 149 replies
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S04.E13: If I Could Do It All Again
thegriswolds replied to ElectricBoogaloo's topic in Nashville [V]
I like Layla and, on the rare occasions that this show actually remembers to feature any music, I usually enjoy hers a lot. I like Colt too though. The rest of your list can't leave fast enough for me! -
S10.E11: The Knockouts Premiere, Part 2
thegriswolds replied to Tara Ariano's topic in The Voice (US)
Agree, thought she was overrated in the blinds and didn't enjoy her last night either. I love Nick's little boy ,and although Nick way overused his falsetto, I would have put him through just to watch the joy on that little guy's face :-) -
I think Sansa felt safe in her speech to Ramsay because she assumed she would be getting rescued and was on her way out. Of course she found out moments later she was sadly mistaken.