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  1. Personally, I felt the biggest problem was that there wasn't enough Mellor. I don't give a flying flip about Glascott's family. Well, Gigi was kind of adorable, but not enough to make up for her mother and sister.
  2. We should've know Guthrum was gonna die. After getting that knife/dagger thing from Bjorn...it was practically an anvil being dropped. Are we really sure Astrid is dead? That whole thing between her and Lagertha was just, what?
  3. All this housecleaning and Judith is still alive...ugh. Couldn't we have kept Astrid instead.
  4. He did that before though. At Upsalla. Well, Helga stopped him, but he was willing.
  5. I am so damn confused. But, at least Bjorn's new Mrs. bit it. I was hoping for his death too though.
  6. I really wish we knew the time frames here. Apparently, Lagertha and Heahmund have progressed to 'epic love'. lol
  7. Well, that was atrocious. 'I Want It That Way' came out at the end of the damn decade! Yeah, I know they've been blurring the eras/years of songs and pop culture and what not throughout the shows run, but this one was just ridiculous.
  8. To each their own. I thought she was a weak actor and not even close to as pretty as the show tried to make her out to be.
  9. There's a scene with her and Aethelwulf where she tells him she's pregnant. He's all like, "but...we haven't since...". So clearly, they haven't been having sex and Aethelwulf knows that the kid couldn't possibly be his.
  10. That really made me laugh. Made me think of something my dad said once. " If Brady only has 2 minutes, it might as well be a whole half". I think it had something to do with running down the clock and not letting the Patriots' offense back onto the field.
  11. To this day, I still have no clue what Joey Fatone sounds like as a singer.
  12. Oh, yeah, I remember that. Never saw it. While I liked Mariah's music (mostly the earlier pop stuff) it's usually a disaster when singers try to act.
  13. Why yes, yes I am. Sorry, but I have no idea what you're alluding to. I mean, of course I know Mariah, but have no clue about the context of your joke. I don't know pop culture anymore. I gave up on that after high school.
  14. Woohoo Patriots! I'm not even much of a football fan. I just love seeing all the foaming at the mouth hatred over them. Makes me wanna root for them and Brady at the top of my lungs. XD
  15. Gilligan's Island and Laverne & Shirley.
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