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Exactly! I was thinking, 'but she's not chaste, she's had a kid'!! Even expected she and Ulthred to chuckle over that later about how the Witan was taken in so quickly but that. It will be quite disappointing if this is the end for them. Yes for some reason I call her Brigida because she irks me so much. Really enjoyed the character Sitryggr.( apologies for poor spelling) I liked his mix of gentleness and suppressed violence...lol
Can someone off Brigida please? And is it just me but the ultra enunciated way Alfred's wife talks this season, rings so false in my ear. Also her face is too smooth. Did Ultred and his men run all the way to Winchester? Wow.. Edward's charge towards the citadel of Winchester was just......😣
Keep watching! You still won't know who's bent and who is not. What are they waiting for to bring the next season?
Agreed. I felt I was physically there. 10 episodes are too short. I wanted to see more Athelflaed, Athelred, his adviser, Hild instead of Skade, Haeston, Bloodhair in short enough of the Danes!!! But Ragnar why? WHY??!!!!😵😭
The Durrells In Corfu - General Discussion
skyways replied to magdalene's topic in The Durrells In Corfu
How do those insects stick on the wall??- 432 replies
- 11
I think I agree with you, Pasdetrois. I am out.
Velcro bullet proof bra. She never goes anywhere without it.
Well if I am describing someone that looks different from me, I would certainly mention it.. Lol the default would be if the person looks like me in a roomful of people who look like me. Anyway I was almost taken aback by her acting the girl with her yelling 'let me out'. Served her right indeed. Her smirking was getting on my nerves.
I agree about this episode. I could see where the writer could not contain herself and let some 'womanish impulse' show. Why on earth should Eve be wearing the perfume? I think Sandra Oh's acting saved the gravity of the situation. Also I felt the Frank killing scene went on a bit too long and some of the convo was unnecessary, unlike when she engaged in convo with the woman she felled in the bathroom. Yes Villanelle is menacing but the writer should not have too much fun with the character and make her too free and relaxed. I always find myself wondering why she does not act like something may go wrong? She is always cocksure the victim will fall by her hand no matter how long it took. Which kind of takes away from her scenes with Eve and why she doesn't just as soon 'off' her? They really should have less face to face contact, to keep things sufficiently tense and suspenseful. Oh well......... I like shows by women and with women like this one but sometimes, I don't want to see too much femininity especially if the subject matter is a grave one. It annoys me and makes me roll my eyes and want to say, 'Women'!
I don't care what you all say. It was an excellent series and well done again by the Beeb. I hope it returns. I have no problem watching Russian anything on TV and Norton was great - inscrutable, deep, and knows/feels more than he lets on. I believed him in this role.
Before I read posts I just want to say YES! YES! YES! FINALLY!!! What were you guys waiting for to bring this show on here???? I was waiting and waiting and checking over and over... Fantastic show and series.
The male assassin was a typical stereotype - must be the type that performs only from rooftops complete with the elaborate suitcase full of weaponry and not very bright. His style was really eye-roll worthy. So much noise and attention. Couldn't he see that the whole assignment was going to be messy with the 3 of them??? sent to terminate 1 person??? Also can anyone tell me why she was just walking behind Frank instead of running after him??? All the time I as shouting, 'He's a goner, for sure!!! Why should he survive when Bill did not"?? But alas, looks like he did. I also like the fact that Eve when she helped Frank over the fence, left the car door OPEN in anticipation that they wouldn't have much time. I hate in a movie, when there's a supposed getaway and the doors are shut while the occupants are sitting calmly waiting for that person to run up, breathing hard and then try to open the door, wasting precious minutes. While the people are sitting inside shouting ., 'hurry up!!! lool......................so stupid. Also wanted to add that I liked that she was missing her shots. It showed her style is more up close, unlike the 'pumpkin' guy.
He lost their bags, now he sees a lady wearing her scarf?? Of course he was not sure......that's why he followed. Remember he was eye-rolling anytime Eve said 'it was a woman' theory? I saw it as a mixture of 'what the........? could this be her?? ' kind of curiosity. As soon as he followed as long as he did........I knew he was a goner. The handler too is a goner with his 'I don't trust you any more'...... And me again noticing her clothing........what was she wearing in that club??? It looked like a severe suit but an ugly one.....
Yes of course! She leaves them there for the police to discover and she gets away. I don't even know why I asked this......so obvious. Yes Sebastien is the obvious one that needed to be disposed. Still that large pink dress.................