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Posts posted by alexa

  1. 3 hours ago, Sweet-tea said:

    I agree. There were hardly any rose ceremonies and no real structure to the show this season. People were leaving frequently instead of waiting for the rose ceremony. There weren't enough new people arriving on the beach at regular intervals. Taking the women away early in the season was a bad idea. It was a terrible season. 

    Totally agree.  Definite lack of structure and it was like they ran out of things for Jesse to do as well as host.  I am wondering if he left for a while and that is why Wells was more involved for a while.  I mean there was nothing for a host to do with no rose ceremonies, lol

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  2. 10 hours ago, joanne3482 said:

    I agree. I was horrified she wouldn't even let him hold his own baby! It is great that they can live with family and get support. It is not great the way she was guilting him about how the baby might have starved because he was a minute late for the bottle or no matter when he tried to spend time with his baby she was already there. How do you not let someone even hold their own kid? it was awful and I didn't like it at all.  

    Thank you!  I just watched it in horror and was so sad for Geoff every time she did it.  She was so mean and he looked so left out.  It was very sad.  Glad I wasn't the only one...

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  3. 7 minutes ago, Shorty186 said:

    Whoa I actually think I'm on Genevieve's side. Aaron just blew up. It very well may be residual hurt feelings from the Justin thing, but from what they showed, she's barely gotten two words out before he goes off. It could be the editing and hopefully it is because I've always liked Aaron.

    I agree.  I think he was being kind of a jerk.  And just now he was a bigger jerk for no real reason.  I think he just wants to look like he is the nice one and tries to elevate himself by making the other person look bad.

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  4. Sometimes I don't mind the limited coverage of events on NBC.  As I don't always have time to watch the full event, and the smaller coverage works better to get the basics of what went on at the event.  As for NBC/ DVR-- I am guessing it is those not watching on streaming or cable that can't DVR it?  I watch with you tube TV subscription so I am able to dvr those events, but it would be a bummer not to be able to.  

    Either way I totally get all of the frustrations as it is hard to find good skating coverage these days!

    As for Starr, I was happy for her great performance, but she just has always really been boring to me.  She is lacking presence or something, but she did do well at this competition. 

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  5. 2 hours ago, rmontro said:

    I think the difference is that in the past she has been remorseful and apologized, but here we actually saw her display some changed behavior and was actually helpful and supportive to Geoff.  Also, her bad behavior here actually wasn't completely selfish because she was supplying top notch care to the baby, so that's easier to forgive than some of her exploits.  

    We can agree to disagree on this one.  I found her behavior more troubling than usual, but everyone can see it differently and that is fine.  

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  6. 22 hours ago, rmontro said:

    Probably just the practical aspects of working with an older baby.  I think there may even be laws that require a minimum age for regular work.  I can hand wave it.

    Again I'm impressed with the new Beverly.  She stopped herself before she pushed too far, and even gave some kind and helpful tips to Geoff about parenting.  I have to admit I would likely be on Erica's side, it would be nice to have Bev around to help with all the baby care.  

    Speaking of Geoff, what is his education status anyway?  Is he like four years away from a doctorate?  Isn't he following in his father's footsteps and is wanting to be an eye doctor?

    I was the opposite... I thought Bev had been a lot better this season and then regressed a lot this episode.  I found it a bit heartbreaking how she treated Geoff when he wanted to spend time with his daughter and thought she was awful.  yes she came around in the end but that is typical for a Goldberg's episode and doesn't really dismiss how awful they act sometimes.  And yes it is nice to have help but you really need that bonding time in the beginning as well--it is really important for the baby and the parents, imo.  

    On 10/26/2022 at 11:01 PM, nelroy78 said:

    Not a terrible episode tonight but I didn’t like how Adam was made out to be the bad guy for not accepting that they’ve changed when Dave Kim and his new friends were total jackasses. Only problem I had with Adam was not telling Beverly where he was going. And Geoff and Erica kinda asked for no alone time with Muriel when they moved back in. They should’ve known how Beverly was gonna take over. Maybe move back into your own place? The JTP plot was hilarious. 

    Muriel steals the show!

    I agree about Adam...I hate when the friend changes so much and acts like they are better than the one left behind, and that is supposed to be "okay".  No, you should still have some sense of how to treat people you care about...

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  7. 2 hours ago, Melonie77 said:

    I've never seen any of these other similar shows like Love Island but I agree with both @alexa and @Jax7917 and both their opinions may be what made this twist such a disaster.

    Without a doubt the girls were treated far worse than the guys for the switch. I didn't like how the ladies were NOT told they would be getting new men and the men were not told this either until Lace came back. Why were the men allowed to think they had NO competition for their women while the women not only knew the men got new girls but they saw them come in and knew exactly who they were?
    The new women took over their rooms and slept in their beds. Taking over their rooms was very symbolic. The girls felt like they were being replaced.

    The ladies were the ones who had to do the work of packing and leaving and being transported for what I believe was about an hour all while the guys splashed in the pool.
    The guys were left without any worries over their girls since they were not told new men were coming in to the hotel. The men were spared the anxiety this might have caused. I feel like the twist catered to and favored the men and there was a strong feeling of male chauvinism in the way it was handled.
    Even authors covering the story for the usual magazines are writing about how they hope the show does not repeat this 'twist' again.

    I'm assuming that Love Island type shows must make it more of a shared experience between the sexes when they do a "Casa Amor". I bet everyone knows that the ladies even if they are the ones to move, will meet new men on these other shows. Keeping that info from the cast here on BiP was the most grievous part of this plot.

    Another consideration is that the ladies were not told this switch would take place prior to signing up for the show. It doesn't seem fair that this was not disclosed.

    I also agree that some of the ladies handled it terribly. Lace, Jill and Genevieve were the worst candidates to put through this new poorly thought out plot. But they may have emotional issues that made them ill equipped to handle it. I can't help but think that the show knew they were putting potentially emotionally disturbed women through this very stressful situation. If the switch had been approached differently maybe it would have worked better.

    The whole thing was a disaster for the viewer as well. Who wants to watch women crying while sprawled in their beds? It was annoying and then it became very uncomfortable to watch. And it was stretched out for way too long. I felt like the girls had been sentenced to some kind of BiP jail despite the improved accommodations.

    I'm also disappointed in Jessie's involvement in this plot. I know he has to answer to TPTB but his attitude was really strange. His solemn and serious approach set the tone for the girls and made the move feel like a punishment. He should have presented it in a positive manner explained that they would continue to enjoy paradise at a new location and be offered new men - all this should have been said in front of the beach men. Instead the men were led to believe it was all about them and their opportunities to meet new women while the girls were made to feel they were being shoved out of the way so the men could replace them.

    The money spent on the separate location was a total waste! Three of the girls couldn't handle the switch in part due to the way it was presented. Shanae, Brittany and Victoria were partially onboard but the way it was all handled and the extreme reaction of the three emotional ones spoiled the whole experience. Serene is in love with Brandon so everything related to her story and this switch was a total waste of time. And it was cruel to separate the couple.

    I agree that the girls were set up to fail.
    And the show continues to seem to want to cause problems. Now they are allowing Justin to return apparently because he is interested in Eliza. So I guess we will probably see poor Rodney get hurt next. Drama is always interesting but many viewers would like to see actual relationships develop and not get sabotaged by production.

    I've been watching the BiP show since the first season and saw the 3 Bach Pad seasons as well. I sense that production is getting more sadistic and controlling in their approach to the show. Viewers can feel it and cast members are complaining about production and their experiences on social media. This never really happened as much before - where so many leaks about behind the scenes stuff came out. I hope they make changes after this season before they lose more and more opportunities to get interesting cast members to sign up.

    You summed that up very well!  Covers many of the reasons why it bothered me how they did the twist.

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  8. 13 minutes ago, Jax7917 said:

    Yeah, I really don't feel bad for them lol. They are all getting paid nicely daily and all have the same opportunities . If it was just new girls that came and no new guys came, I would agree with you.

    They do the same thing on Love Island and the girls leave their villa too for a few days. I don't know why they always have the girls leave but I do notice that the girls on both shows are always much more miserable than the guys. I understand if you like someone and miss them, but you don't have to be so sad and stay to yourself. Have fun with the situation. Though I guess having no phone, books, TV, music etc can make for a very boring day if you have nothing to entertain you.

    I think with Love Island it works better just because they know it is coming.  I know the Bachelor likes their twists and surprises, but they could have made it more fun for the cast and viewers had it not been thrown out there like -- you will be leaving and the guys will have new women coming, lol.  By doing it the way they did they kind of set the women up for failure.  I think the men would have handled it better, because men care less about things like this :-)  They would have partied it up at the hotel.  At any rate, I don't care about any of these people that much so I am not standing up for them, just saying it kind of sucked for the viewers too, but this whole season kind of sucks :-)

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  9. 2 hours ago, Jax7917 said:

    I don't think the girls were treated like extras. They had the same opportunities the guys did and were in an air- conditioned location which is the biggest win. They had 5 new guys to choose from. They chose to sulk and be miserable the entire time while the guys chose to have fun, even if it wasn't with the intent of being with the new women. Jill chose to leave, no one made her. Shanae was into Tyler, he just wasn't into her. If your " relationship" can't stand 2 days apart, it ain't gonna be workin out in the long run. Logan seems like a woman hopper in general so anyone's better off not being involved with him. 

    Genevieve never smiles. She has a constant scowl on her face and seems like she'd be such a bitch in the real world.

    At first I felt the same way, until I saw the impact of them actually having to leave where the main area where the show is filmed and all of the main activity takes place.  I agree they could have participated more, and that is on them.  However, I think the guys had it far easier...they were in their home base where they had grown comfortable, had the women come to them, and even the guys didn't spend tons of time with the girls -- much of the time they just hung out with each other.  I think the women having to leave made them uncomfortable because they had to pack up, weren't given much information, were thrown in a hotel with no idea what was going on -- it came across as an afterthought versus a fun, planned change.  

    I just didn't like the vibe of them returning and the feeling like they no longer belonged as the new women (and many of the men) just stared at them like, who are you and what are you doing here?  It was just very strange and I just think this twist could have been done so much better.  I think it should have been brought up earlier so everyone knew it was going to happen later on, and made it clear that both the men and women would have new people to meet and have the relationships tested.  

    And as others have mentioned, just having someone take over your room that you have been staying in, for some is a very awkward feeling.  

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  10. I hate how the girls that left have to be treated like the extras.  And they are stuck with nothing….the show really messed this up.  They should have just had new people come on the beach like they normally did.  It just makes everyone that is still there so smug.

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  11. 1 minute ago, Melonie77 said:

    One of the many reasons why I felt bad for the OG girls when they were forced to leave was because they were made to feel completely replaced. As they were originally packing to go I remember one of them asking in an upset tone of voice "Are they going to be sleeping in our beds?" Then the editors showed the new girls in the beach rooms laughing and jumping on the beds.

    So....what's going to happen now - will they show how the sleeping arrangements are worked out now that the OG girls are back? 

    I felt the same way.  

    on another note, Kate is a weird freak.

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  12. 6 minutes ago, JenE4 said:

    Damn, Jesse really did them dirty with that dire warning to brace yourselves for a very different beach. Your relationships may have changed forever. Prepare to be dumped. Meanwhile, what, 4 out of 6 guys were completely loyal and waiting with bated breath for their girls to return.

    Yeah, agreed.  And it was kind of like they were punished for who knows what.  And the girls at the beach act like who are these girls?  Um, the ones that were there before you?  

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  13. I really don’t care about any of the relationships but they really treated the women poorly.  They made them leave after making them form relationships to stay.  And the guys had it easier as they didn’t have to pack and leave.  They had the new women come to them, which I think was probably easier than being shipped off to some random place.  

    It isn’t testing their relationships when they hardly had time to get to know each other…it is just ending it before it even started.  

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  14. 49 minutes ago, DEL901 said:

    Because this “twist” was so poorly thought out.  I’d be surprised to see it again in its current form.  

    I think they were trying the twist to see if it would make it more interesting, but as usual their cast is dull as dishwater, so it didn't work, lol.  I agree with you.  I also think they will have to do something different to keep it going as it has lost a lot of momentum over the years.  So they will try something else to keep it alive. 

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  15. 3 hours ago, LakeGal said:

    I don't believe he had health issues.  I think he realized this was not for him and bailed.  

    I felt bad for the girl left behind though... she is one of them I like and seems like she deserved an option to go on (other than the new guy that is clearly a flake, lol!)

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