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Posts posted by alexa

  1. I feel like Charity has lacked energy last week and this week.  Like she is just going through the motions.  Glad the judges noticed too.

    22 minutes ago, LexieLily said:

    (Seeing Paula in her element as a judge on a dancing show makes me nostalgic for the Randy/Simon/Paula years of American Idol 🥹)

    I thought that too but was thinking how odd she was then…she actually seems coherent on this show, lol.

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  2. So do they often do houses where the front is redone but the back is left undone like their own house?  The episode just released shows the reno of their house.  And the front also looks pretty worn down considering they had done this house for season 2.  

    Just curious as I normally like their work, but I was just surprised by the things in their own home especially the incomplete back part of the home.

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  3. This was a very sedate series.  I don't know all of the ins and outs of all of the Star Wars stories although I have been a fan for years, and I don't typically need to know them to enjoy the various series that come up on Disney.  This one, especially for the finale, I felt like I was missing a lot of information.  It just ended very meh.  Anyway, I enjoyed parts of it, but it wasn't really must see tv.


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  4. 5 hours ago, JenMcSnark said:

    Wow.  As a Dallas fan, I did not really see Dez quitting although the impulsive temper didn't surprise me.  For a second I thought they might let him stay but glad they upheld the rules.  

    Not at all surprised by Tara and Angela quitting.  I kind of agree with Tara about the pack too. 

    The Chrisley girl throwing up was crazy gross.  I'm impressed that she stayed with it and then volunteered to go again!  Vomit is the worst.  

    I agree about the pack but she also did no prep for this and had to know there were some fitness aspects to the show.  But yes the pack would differ for each contestant.

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  5. On 9/3/2023 at 7:05 AM, Katie111 said:

    Just read the article about Hannah Brown.  Anyone else find it weird that they met on a dating app?  I mean he’s a good looking model and she’s a pretty well know “celebrity”.  Seems like both would attract so many weirdos on a dating app.  They’ve both seem to have perfected the art of getting something for nothing.  Lots of mentions in the article of where they stayed for the engagement as well as where he got the ring.  I’m assuming both were comped. 

    Hannah is really only 28?  That means she was pretty young when she started this whole “journey”.   Has she ever had a job besides beauty pageant queen and reality tv star?  

    Any idea why they moved to Nashville? 


    They moved to Nashville to be closer to family, fresh start where housing was more affordable, and for a job he got there.  I will say that she is so much more down to earth than many of the others from this franchise.  Her Instagram is much more tolerable than others, and she doesn’t do a ton of products.  She talks a lot about things she is doing or going through in a real way, not for show.

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  6. I really wish she would learn something from her brother who did the right thing, left Hollywood, and became a normal person with a normal house, family, and job.  Instead she stays where she can't afford to live, tries to pretend she is 16--wears clothes of a young teenager and looks ridiculous with her over-whatever face (make up? surgery? who knows).  She had so much potential and it is sad how she turned out honestly.  

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