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Seashell Lover

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Everything posted by Seashell Lover

  1. Do not consider this a begathon. The nice people here which is all of you wanted my Go Fund me number. It www.gofundme.com/yf7272i. Thank you all. :)
  2. Went to victim assistance and they talked to me and my boys and they said they can help us with the computer and Ipad they will give me 25% of the money as long as I bring them the court papers and police reports. On Monday I will fax them over as my lawyer is off today as it is the July 4th Holiday. For all you people who want to help me I will post my Go Fund Me account later.
  3. I had a special visitor today the police. The social worker told him my problem about the school supplies and he told me about victim assistance and I called and they said that they help with domestic violence victims and I have a appointment tomorrow afternoon to see about it. I will let all of you wonderful people what happened after we get home.
  4. As you know i took my grandsons out of a very abusive fundie family. The school is a cross between a charter and a private school. It is for kids who have been abused. It does not cost anything to go there.
  5. Lets say this is true I wonder when they question Smuggar will he answer the questions like he did in the past by saying you have to ask my dad?
  6. Is this the reason why Derrick and Jill are going on a mission now so she will not have to testify?
  7. She will not care as the Duggars are dirty people who don't know how to clean.
  8. I just found out that the school is in the same city as us but it is in a different school district. I don't pay taxes as I had to move when I got custodt of my grandsons.
  9. Just talked to the school board because of their problems they are going to a progressive program school. If they were going to a regular public school the school loans them the computers. I am screwed either way. Buy the computer and let them go to the school where they will get the help they need or go to the regular public school and see them go backwards.
  10. Unfortunately all the textbooks are online I called Apple and it was like so sad too bad.
  11. Talked to the social worker today and she said because this is a kinship and not foster care they can not help. So it looks like I will be starting a go fund me page. :( I called the schools and I am responsible for all school supplies.
  12. I can imagine Jill at the health conference telling everyone there that TTC is one of the healthiest things that you can eat.
  13. That God laid into their heart they are grifters and scammers.
  14. I wonder what Boob and Clown Car think of the Scotus ruling. Is she going to do another robocall telling people to get it overturned?
  15. http://www.examiner.com/article/josh-duggar-family-fears-he-may-be-suicidal-depressed-hiding-and-frightened Here is another article take it with a grain of salt.
  16. I am thinking about making a go fund me page as I just got the mail and got their school supplies list. I hope I can talk to the schools when they reopen as I can not afford half the stuff on the list. Besides the usual school supplies there are fees for equipment, books school trips special gym clothing and to top it off the oldest needs a Mac Book Pro laptop and the youngest needs a Ipad. What are schools thinking?
  17. Remember TLC Had United Bates of America in 2012 and now UP has Bringing Up Bates 2015 so if there is a non compete clause I assume either 2 or 3 years for a another channel gets Them. Remember TLC Had United Bates of America in 2012 and now UP has Bringing Up Bates 2015 so if there is a non compete clause I assume either 2 or 3 years for a another channel gets Them. Remember TLC Had United Bates of America in 2012 and now UP has Bringing Up Bates 2015 so if there is a non compete clause I assume either 2 or 3 years for a another channel gets Them.
  18. I have a bet with my daughter I told her that Bennessa is going to have a sistermom. If I am right she will be doing all the cooking for Easter.
  19. My dogs look at me like that when I am talking to them.
  20. I would love to see Them foster and trying to take the child out of the country let alone out of the state. One thing I know the foster kids will be going to a real school none of the BULLSHIT SOTDR!!!!!!
  21. Did they forget the main Gothard rule of adoption that the baby carries the sins of the father?
  22. My fireplace would spit out any book written by any Duggar :)
  23. I think the reason why they are laying low is because they are waiting for all this to die and go away. Notice to Smuggar this will never go away.
  24. I love the way their names are listed Ben and Jessa Seewald then it is Jill and Derick Dillard we now know who wears the pants in the dill pickle family.
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