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Posts posted by tabloidlover

  1. I noticed some editing hijinks tonight.  Porsha wanted her hair in a bun prior to getting in the limo to Brooke's wedding, yet we saw footage of the wedding with her hair down?   And Kyle's hair was curled fantastically well while running around prepping her girls, yet was barely wavy at the actual wedding.  What the heck??

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    And, obviously, Dean was redeemed a thousand times over with the whole storyline of Dean can’t be trusted to take care of the kids the way I do. You’re right, Tori. He doesn’t take care of the kids the way you do—he’s infinitely better at taking care of the kids than you are! If they do get divorced, this show is going to be Exhibit A in Dean getting custody of the children.


    More and more, I am thinking that she hasn't left (and won't leave) is because of all the dirt Dean has on her.  Not that I'm implying he would use it (not entirely sure he would - simply because he has shown himself to put the kids first at times), but she has got to understand how much worse it would look for her if her shit came out.   I have zero doubt that she has a serious rx problem. 

    • Love 6
  3. a better title for this show would have been Tragically Tori

    I was a bit concerned when Tori was heading out the door to take baby pig to the vet. Dean was clearly ransacking the house looking for something. Then, he said "I can't find any tape for Liam's arm!", what does she do? Gives a stupid look, puts her head down, and heads out the door with a comment about "only worried about the pig right now" WHAT THE FUCK? How about, "OMG - what happened to his arm? Is he ok?" Nope - all about Tori as usual.

    • Love 6
  4. I also did not lay around on the bed, crying and just begging for people to come in and pay attention to me. If it were anyone other than Nonie, I'd give them a pass. But given what we've seen and heard so far, I can imagine her constantly throwing a pity party and playing victim the entire time. She already needs extra help in the office? I'm sorry, but is running the books for her husband's company REALLY that hard? I worked on my feet 8 hours a day in a super busy pharmacy when I was pregnant with my first. I would have killed for a nice job in my own home where I could put my head down if I needed to. Man up, Nonie!


    Ghoulina,  we must have worked for the same pharmacy! lol  Nonie can take a seat with her non-stop bitching.  I find it hard to believe, because every time there is an activity that she wants to participate in, she does so happily.  If it's not up her alley, she cries "morning sickness"  Please, girl.  You wanted this, and a few other wives wanted additional children as well.  Don't forget that YOU are the only one getting/having another.  It seems like such a rub in their faces and it really upsets me.  She clearly isn't taking anyone else's feelings into consideration. 

    • Love 2
  5. From what we are shown, Drita is the boss of nuthin.   She takes shit from Lee, and does everything for him.  What exactly is he so busy doing that he can't open up his own shop in the mornings?  And he can't cook or go to the grocery store either?  Fuck that!  Especially for someone who crows about being so tough.  My ass.

    • Love 4
  6. OMG - so friggin exhausting!  And I don't live with her....   Holy smokes, batman!   Dr Wexler needs to be fired, Dean needs to leave with the kids in tow, Mehran needs to run, and all other paid acquaintances (aka "Friends" ) need to exit left after cashing paycheck.  I actually felt really badly for Mehran in the van -- you could tell how torn he was about telling Tori how crazypants she had become, and going with the flow to avoid any issues.  Wow....


    Edited to add:  The girl with the Crayola lipstick is the only one ballsy enough to call it as she sees it (buffered though the message is).

    • Love 9
  7. I thought the same thing when he was whining about each wife having her own room. You rarely see the moms without at least one child with them. And most moms remember the days when they couldn't even use the bathroom without hearing "Hey Mom...". Getting a "break" from Brady doesn't give them a break from anything else. And I don't think I have ever heard Brady say on his night "Hey, honey, why don't I put the kids to bed so you can have a hot bath (read a book, take a walk, whatever)."  

    I agree to a certain extent, but a big part of me says that the moms would have time to themselves if they put the kids to bed  -- wait for it ---- in their own beds!   Brady can take several seats with his  "alone time"  bullshit.  You made over 2 dozen kids, and that didn't happen overnight.  He could have stopped at any point along the way and chose not to.  For whatever Fruit Loops reason, it is what it is and it cannot be un-done.  Alone time will come when the kids are grown and gone.  Dumbass.....  And he made yet another one in the last few months - clearly not thinking about alone time then. 


    Dude does look exhausted, I will give him that.  However, he did it to himself.  Therefore - no pity from me.    

    • Love 6
  8. Honestly, I believe no matter how much money Tori was given, it would never be enough.  She's been give a full on sum of $800,000, a career, a $2.4 million home, a trust fund, and who knows how many "little" hand-outs over the years.  Yet, she is still the poor little victim being screwed over.  Until (and I have serious doubts it will ever happen) she decides to put on big girl panties and grow the FUCK up, it will never change.  And it's very sad, especially for those 4 innocent kids.  If she really can't see the impact her selfishness/narcicism has already had on them (especially Liam and Stella), I don't see a lightbulb going on over her head ever. 

    • Love 9
  9. I always thought the same thing - how gross!  But, a couple of years ago my brother in law (Mr Bigshot Businessman) brought it to Thanksgiving.  So, I had a piece to be polite and LOVED it! I cannot explain it, other than the combination of sweet and salty that was fantastic! 

    • Love 2
  10. Did anyone else notice the gigantic OOPS by Rhonda as the vans were pulling away for their 21 hour drive?  The van stops, and she says  "Oh no, I forgot Nick!".  Umm - first of all, I guess we all know why Brady reminds his wives to get all of  "their"  children.  And secondly, I don't think you're going to get very far with adoption if you forget one of your own kabillion kids for a road trip.  Just sayin'

    • Love 2
  11. I absolutely love this show. It has grown on me tremendously and I'm loving the chemistry of the 5 hosts. The segments are generally informative and fun and I feel like every show is packed with good stuff. I love the humor and warmth and exuberance of Jeff M; love the elegance and kindness of Geoffrey; love the gentle spirit of Marcela; love the joy of Sunny; like the cool vibe of Katie Lee (she is my least fave but I can tolerate her more now). It seems like they genuinely enjoy each other and if the show didn't have the energy of Jeff M, it would be way too bland. No, he doesn't need to turn it up a notch but his zesty humor is an important part of the show. His improv background and quick cleverness come in very handy. The Kitchen has become my weekend "appointment" tv and I'm surprised to be saying that!


    I have to agree ,MerBearHou.  When the show first began, I couldn't get through an entire episode.  Now, it is TIVO'd every Saturday.  The banter has become more natural and I find it pretty enjoyable.  Katie Lee is my least favorite as well, and I wish they would leave her off of a segment or two (instead of Jeff disappearing).  Jeff and Geoffrey have a great  ease together and it is fun to watch. 

    • Love 2
  12. I watched it last night, and I have a question.  Since when is it a "homemade cream of mushroom sauce" if it is just sautéed veggies with chicken broth?  It did not resemble cream of mushroom soup in any way, shape, or form.  I even re-wound it, because I was certain I had missed something.  That 1/4 cup of flour didn't come close to making it thick enough.  That recipe was a bit wtf for me. 


    And her dressing was a clusterfuck.  It looked like she just threw a bunch of leftover veggies from fridge in it.  NOT dressing, imo.  That would never fly in my house.

    • Love 1
  13. http://www.usmagazine.com/celebrity-news/news/tori-spelling-dean-mcdermott-headed-for-split-barely-speaking-20141611


    And, here we go again.  Dean is being painted as a total villain again because he didn't coddle Tori while she was in the hospital.  He went home every night to -- ready for it? -- SLEEP.   The absolute horror of it all, people!!  He left her there all.by.herself! 


    "Dean has physically been there for Tori at the hospital out of a sense of obligation and it was obvious and very depressing to Tori," a second source tells Us of McDermott, 47. "His thoughts were elsewhere while he was at the hospital and he was not attentive to her."

    "He looked for every excuse to leave and pretty much stayed there as minimally as possible," the source continued. "He didn't spend the night there with her at all. Tori was forced to sleep alone while Dean went home to their cozy house."


    Apparently, the kids should have been ok at the "cozy house" without a parent because Tori needed her soul mate to hold her hand?  Fucking grow up already....

    • Love 8
  14. TWENTY-FOUR kids and you canNOT figure out how to buckle up a car seat???   For reals??  Then, you take him for ice cream after having him tested for diabetes?  And for the love of God, can these women get thru a single day without crying?  Holy cow!  I'm so friggin annoyed with them, I can hardly get thru the episode.


    Edited to add a couple more contradictory items in tonight's show.  Nik (I think that's how Robyn spelled it) was running a fever, so we jump to the diabetes conclusion?   In her talking heads, she mentioned how much water he was drinking, but all I saw him drink was some type of juice (dark liquid) from a bottle.  Kid is 3 years old, drinking from a bottle while wearing a diaper, and his mother is diagnosing Juvenile Diabetes..... Ya, let's let her adopt a child - fantastic idea!  


    Wives celebrating Brady McDumbass ability to be a parent?  Seriously, guys?  Your idiot husband couldn't figure out the car seat, and that poor kid was basically strapped in via a  crooked seatbelt wrapped haphazardly around him.  And that car seat looked as though it was pretty ragged.  He can afford a full size, 5 door pick-up truck, but the car seat looked like a hand me down from a thrift store.  Anyone else notice the poor kid moved his bandaid from the site of the needle prick to the  "area where dad pinched your thigh with the belt"??  Poor kid! 


    Rhonda needs to get the fuck outta Dodge if she's that miserable.  She is setting a horrible example for her children by being so terribly sad and depressed all of the time.   She could not be more pitiful if she tried.  


    Everyone talks a big game about how much they love each other, but all I see are a bunch of pre-pubescent children (maturity wise) angling for any scrap of attention they can get from their shared husband.   I do not see a single real relationship out of the entire bunch.  Brady and his  "luv ya, sweetie"  is so insincere and patronizing, I want to throw something at him. 

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