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Posts posted by ribboninthesky1

  1. I can appreciate flirting, and maybe even an affectionate, light-hearted hit on the arm.  I saw more than that, though some of their scenes appeared to be looped.  Who knows what was left on the cutting room floor.   

    13 hours ago, Falafel said:

    This show has so much filler. That shot of Chad sleeping on the ground felt like an eternity. 

    Yes, it did. 

    7 hours ago, JudyObscure said:

    In spite of her baby dragon face and missing personality, Ben described her as so beautiful it hurt and she's a type that the average guy just worships. 

    Not baby dragon face! I can't unsee it.    

    Never had any strong feelings either way about Chad, but I've little sympathy for him - he chose to return to the franchise, and he chose to drink excessively. He didn't mind being exploited when it benefited him, and had a tantrum when told to leave.  That he showed up at The Men Tell All and After the Final Rose after all the supposed railroading and manipulation is telling.  The famewhore is strong in him, as it is with all of these people.  

    • Love 3
  2. Quote

    As someone once put it to me, Scarlett is like an exotic Nordic beauty, which should be an oxymoron but isn't in her case.

    Exotic Nordic beauty? When did the North European standard become exotic? 

    Anyway, I don't hate her, but much like Margot Robbie and Jennifer Lawrence, I've never seen this amazing thespian on screen.  Perfectly fine, sure.  Agreed with topanga about Lucy - based on what I've seen to date, it was her best. 

    Billy Crudup is an intellectual? Learn something new everyday. 

    Still can't differentiate between Carey Mulligan and Mia Wasikowska.

    I've never, ever understood the Jared Leto appeal, but I never watched My So-Called Life, either.  

    • Love 1
  3. 3 hours ago, Canada said:

    Lace was being a drunk bitch.  Chad was being a drunk asshole.  I don't think one was any worse than the other.  In fact, Lace was the one hitting Chad.  I hate it when women hit men and then cry foul when a guy reacts to it.  

    Agreed with this and other posts calling Lacy out. Chad was not the only abusive one shown.  He took it to another level by hurling insults and threats towards other people.  But when it was just the two of them interacting, she was as bad as he was. I suspect she backed off when it was clear that he was seeing and raising her on the insults and aggressiveness instead of being more Grant-like. 

    6 hours ago, Ms Blue Jay said:

    I actually think Daniel's face is so pretty.  He's a butterpersonality for me.

    There's something very...Mr. Potato Head about his face that I find unattractive. 

    • Love 3
  4. 16 hours ago, Alapaki said:

    I don't think he's on the way to being an alcoholic.  I think he probably never drinks alcohol in real life.  He can't and still be that lean and cut.  For fuck's sake, did you see him showing Daniel how hard it was to pinch any skin on his abs to show how lean he was? (and no, that wasn't gay at all).

    I was wondering about this.  Your explanation makes sense. 

    There seemed to be a lot of blonde - at one point, there was a shot of all the blondes sitting together in a sea of whiteness. I couldn't tell anyone apart. 

    I always saw Nick as a chipmunk, but damn if he doesn't look hot on this show (easily the best-looking man in the current group).  Not sure what's going on with me. Maybe it's the haircut and scruff. But dude is...35? Hanging with mostly twentysomethings? Not a good look.        

    I don't know why black contestants bother with this show (or the franchise in general, really). If Jubilee goes early, I won't be surprised.  Jared obviously hesitated when she asked him out, and it was so cringeworthy.  This is not the pool of men who see beauty across the board.  She's the best-looking of the current women, yet possibly hooks up with Evan (based on the edited previews)? Girl...do better.    

    I skipped a lot of scenes, but I thought Nick mentioned (in voiceover?) wanting to meet Jubilee.  That might have been interesting. Ah well.

    Daniel continues to be a butterface. Ironic, given his commentary on some of the women. 

    • Love 12
  5. I'm trying to understand what personal struggles have to do with intentionally using racially bigoted language? Not surprised her youth is used as an excuse (though, shockingly, Native American, Latino, and black youth don't usually receive the same benefit). 

    Here's my thing - the world is a lot bigger for young people than before the rise of the Internet and social media.  And they inject themselves into online discussions with adult themes all.the.damn.time.  So while once upon a time, youth could be used to handwave certain behavior, I have to confess I'm a lot less sympathetic than I would be if the Internet and social media weren't around. 

    P.S. Lisa Turtle was totally done wrong on Saved by the Bell. But I vaguely recall reading something about the show receiving negative fan mail about Zack and Lisa's kiss.  Not sure how true that was, or if it was just an excuse by the showrunners.  Ditto on Lisa being the prettiest, topanga.  This tangentially reminds me of the silly summer show Mistresses, where you have two gorgeous minority women who conveniently have questionable relationships while the white women get/got (relatively decent) guys who want commitment.   

    • Love 4
  6. I had ZERO interest in The Killing Joke, and thus ignored any related media.  So I didn't know about this - looks interesting.  Thanks for the sharing the sneak peak, starri

  7. I don't get it either.  Better to recast Savi than the revolving door of women we've been getting. But then, even when Milano was on the show, I think TPTB always missed a crucial aspect from the original series - the main cast members were believable as friends.  Milano didn't seem to click with anyone, and neither did Macallan. I watched the original British series, which was always plot-ridiculous, so I didn't expect the American version to be any more sane.  Thus, the cast is what carries the show - watching them interact.  Miscasting on this show has been an issue from the jump. I've skipped the last two episodes, since I found myself fast-forwarding more vs watching.  I just don't care about the Australians, Joss, or the bum known as Mark, which combined feels like 80% of the show.  

  8. Someone else likes Timothy Dalton as Bond! *claps hands* He's my favorite. 

    54 minutes ago, supposebly said:

    I hated Bill Murrey's character in Ghostbusters. He was a misogynistic prick who was a disgrace to the scientific community who used female students as test subjects to get in their pants. He deserved to be fired. Just ugh.

    Right there with you.  I never thought of Ghostbusters as classic cinema, but I wouldn't have missed the character at all if he never existed.  I thought Ramis, Aykroyd, Potts, and Moranis all managed to be funny without being assholes (also Peter MacNicol in the sequel). But Bill Murray bugs me in general. 

    Related to DC films, I don't hate Zack Snyder.  I'm not a fan per se (don't care for his visual style), but he seems like one of the few male directors who perceives women as human rather than just eye candy.  I didn't hate Man of Steel or Batman vs Superman.  Finally, just based on the animated universe, I've never liked Wonder Woman, and the trailer for the live action film didn't rouse enthusiasm. I preferred the DCAU version of Hawk Girl by a country mile.        

  9. 11 hours ago, leighdear said:

    Lots of people have resumed normal lives, but I agree it's becoming the exception rather than the rule.  

    You're right. I was thinking of the more high-profile original recipe participants vs someone who is eliminated within the first few episodes with little screentime. Ultimately, being a parent vs child-free and signing up for BiP doesn't make much difference for me. Plus, it kind of bugs me that mothers seem to be more heavily criticized than fathers in this regard.    

    2 hours ago, lavenderpenguin said:

    It is so ironic to me that Carly, the one thoroughly convinced of how fake and insincere Britt was being, is now the one with three Bachelor appearances (Bachelor, BIP2, and now BIP3) under her belt, and Britt has faded away into relative obscurity. 

    I barely watched Farmer Chris' season, but god almighty, Carly annoyed me immensely on this show.  Some are more desperate than others, and could she BE anymore desperate?  

    • Love 6
  10. I understand why parents are judged more harshly for participation, but it's never bothered me much because the production period is so short.  It's a month, at the most? I've yet to hear that someone's children weren't cared for while filming, so until that day comes, my level of judgment for all of these people is about the same.  If you sign up for this show, you're at minimum, attention-seeking, and at max, a raving famewhore.  Even if you're on the show to promote a business, I imagine that's pretty short-lived these days. Maybe there are all of these success stories of entrepreneurs who went on to grow their businesses exponentially post-Bachelor, and I missed it. 

    Maybe you get a pass for showing up on original recipe once, and going back to obscurity. But if you're on this show, you're well beyond that. You want to be on TV, and mostly like your "business" is entertainment. That's why I was scratching my head with all of the "Wells is too good for the show/for JoJo" stuff from this Bachelorette season.  Nah, he wants to be on TV just like the rest of 'em.

    • Love 1
  11. As an aside, I'm pretty sure that R&B trend continued into the present day, spacytraci1208.  

    15 hours ago, TattleTeeny said:

    And is Kate McKinnon really all that? I say no.

    You don't think she's the cat's pajamas? Yeah, me neither. Felt the same about Tina Fey.  

    • Love 3
  12. 16 hours ago, Kel Varnsen said:

    The independent movies are still around. What is gone is the mid budget drama that costs around 50 million and is aimed only at adults (and the romcom). I have read that the rise in high quality tv shows is because the people who would be writing those dramas now have to go to tv to find work.

    Oh, good point, though we still have the occasional Gone Girl/Girl on the Train that is presumably targeted to women. 

    4 hours ago, wallflower75 said:

    At the same time, those writers aren't limited by time constraints--they can tell the story they want to tell however long it takes them, depending on the ratings.  I can see the appeal in that.

    True. I'm curious about TV vs film budgets.

  13. I can see that, topanga.  I also suspect that the money that, in the past, might have gone into more independent films are siphoned into these blockbusters (which aren't for the summer anymore). Some of these budgets are insane, and possibly under-estimated.  I mean, for some, if you don't crack a billion dollars in box office receipts, the film is a failure? Crazy.  

    I'm far from a cinephile, but my intuition tells me that every decade since the rise of film has a dominant genre or theme from which several films are made.  For this one, it happens to be comics/superhero films. I'd add family-oriented animation. What will the 2020s bring us?        

    • Love 2
  14. 4 hours ago, ChelseaNH said:

    I suspect the complaint is less about tarnishing the originals and more about not being original -- are there no new stories to tell?

    Not sure how unpopular this is - but not really?  I don't think there's much new under the sun, though I realize there are stories that haven't been adapted for film.  But it's a business, and there's a formula that Hollywood sticks to, so we get what we're getting.  Production budgets are inflated, and more than ever, studios don't want to take a chance on much.  Even supposed disruptors like Netflix and Amazon, though more TV-focused, aren't doing much to change the status quo. 

    • Love 2
  15. Hey now! Only one (maybe) two leading black men at a time! Denzel has been aging very well, so unless he completely falls off or otherwise incapacitated, it's a no go.  Will Smith was there for a few years, but he seemingly lost his way after I am Legend.  

    ETA: I've no problem with remakes.  Not like I can't go watch the originals if I want.  I find the "my childhood is ruined/they're messing with classic films!" reaction pretty ridiculous.   

    • Love 7
  16. 20 hours ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

    I mean Miller is playing Barry, but looks and acts like a teen Wally/Bart.

    Yeah, it makes me wonder why they just didn't go with Wally West.  The little I've seen of Barry Allen in the animated films indicate that he's an adult, definitely a contemporary, and married to boot.  

    On 7/24/2016 at 5:19 PM, xaxat said:

    They didn't really know how to introduce Cyborg, did they? Aquaman and Flash get a recruiting pitch from Batman with a reference to their respective skills.

    Cyborg . . kind of just shows up.

    Agreed, not a good look. 

    • Love 4
  17. 1 hour ago, slf said:

    The answer is simply the writers/showrunner liked the character and actor more than they felt compelled to actually address the fact that he assisted in Veronica's rape and had intended to rape a girl himself.

    Another person addressed this already (redemption vs consequences?), but yeah, TPTB lose me on a character (or a show) fairly quickly when it becomes obvious that they like a character/actor like this, so they'll twist themselves into pretzels to justify the writing.  Reason #47 that I don't give much of a damn what the creative team thinks - I care about what is played out on screen. 

    In truth? Though I avoid much of it, I do believe that this sub-culture of "behind-the-scenes" media (that I suppose is mainstream now) hurts the industry more than help it. 

    • Love 7
  18. Several months to go, but I have my doubts on the box office for this one. Doesn't mean I won't see it, though.  It's got an interesting cast, and it looks like Ritchie plays to Hunnam's strengths.  I appreciate how Ritchie incorporates humor in his films. 

  19. I haven't read the book, either, and decided to hold off to avoid comparisons.  Books and TV are very different storytelling mediums, with the former providing nuance and details that doesn't always translate to the latter.  

    ETA: Just watched the extended trailer.  Even more interested!

    • Love 1
  20. 7 hours ago, Enigma X said:

    I said this before (and probably to the point where my saying this has become many people's popular opinion that I sound like a broken record and am becoming annoying... oh well!), but just because you wrap a show (reality or scripted) up in a British accent does not make  it better than an American version or show. I say this as a person who is gaga in love with British shows and certain British men merely because of their accents.

    To add to this...I've watched a few of these "Masterpiece" Theatre PBS shows, and um...they were not masterpieces. Liars! 

    16 hours ago, Ambrosefolly said:

    On General Hospital, Gary Sue has been banded around to describe Jason Morgan. Holy Hitman is the one that is used a lot, as well as Jasus. 

    Bwah! Gotta come up with a way to incorporate the bolded into everyday conversation.  

    • Love 1
  21. On 7/20/2016 at 2:58 PM, netlyon2 said:

    New trailer for "Queen Sugar":  http://www.vulture.com/2016/06/watch-the-trailer-for-ava-duvernays-queen-sugar.html?mid=twitter_vulture

    I just requested a forum for it; I had to do something to channel my Black Sails sadness. :-(

    Thanks for the forum request - see you there!

    On 7/20/2016 at 3:57 PM, xaxat said:

    Wow, my prediction about UnReal turned out to be as wrong as the one I made about Trump having no shot at being the Republican nominee. 

    I'm afraid to ask (or Google) what happened...

    ETA: never mind, just read about it on another thread. 

    • Love 1
  22. I have no problems with sequels, but it's been 12 years since the last film.  At least the Fast and Furious franchise has been steadily releasing films every few years.  Maybe the producers assume the same audience will pay to see this? Guess we'll find out.

  23. 23 hours ago, adhoc said:

    I sure hope that was not Luke's usual "I'm deeply involved with this woman" kiss. TBH, it came over more like a "She has bad breath but I don't know how to tell her" kiss. Or even an "I'm thinking about another woman" kiss.  I've complained about this before with Luke. Although he looks so masculine, so intense, he simply doesn't swoop in and claim Jojo like Jordan does--or like even the other guys do, to one degree or another. Luke's kisses look pretty chaste, and while I originally thought it was because he might have problems with PDAs in front of a bunch of cameras, I don't think that now. 

    This comment and others made me realize that Luke may not be that into JoJo. When I care enough to look, body language indicates more to me than what's being said, since it's harder to fake.  I went back and watched clips of them kissing, and JoJo seems more into it.  It could also be that he's just not a great kisser and introverted on top of it.  Very few who swing towards the introverted come off well on this show. 

    23 hours ago, kazza said:

    I am liking Chase more and more. He's solid -- low drama, has a real job, is tight with his mom and sister, wipes his feet on the doormat, shakes Robby's hand upon seeing him at the Rose Ceremony. His downfall is that he may not be flashy enough for JoJo - or for America if he is in the running for TB.

    Hee at the bolded! Sometimes, it's the little things. 

    • Love 2
  24. 13 hours ago, Haleth said:

    I guess it's an UO that I really liked The Night Manager and thought Hiddleston was yummy.  (Or maybe it was Mallorca and Jed's wardrobe.)  In any case Olivia Colman certainly earned her Emmy nomination.

    Nah, I don't think that's unpopular.  Hiddleston got good critical buzz (which presumably led to the Emmy nom), and it was the role that really got the Bond buzz going. Until it all came crashing down due to his personal life.

    For my part, the series was all (beautifully shot) style but little substance. I would have been fine with that, except the reason I tuned in was because Hiddleston was supposedly so good in it.  At least I got Olivia Colman and great cinematography out of the deal.     

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