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Posts posted by ribboninthesky1

  1. 1 hour ago, UYI said:

    You're talking about RKK's former Days of our Lives co star, Miriam Parrish (Jamie Caldwell--Sami Brady's best friend as a teen). They have always maintained that they only started dating once she was 18 (they started to get close--I shit you not--when he began helping her with her English homework on the set. No seriously, I read that before.), but considering that they apparently went public with their relationship on her 18th birthday? Yeah, I'm calling bullshit on that, even though that obviously doesn't mean that there was any statutory rape involved or anything (And he has a history in soaps with being inappropriate with his female co stars--Alison Sweeney (Sami)'s mother took her off the show for about a month in 1995 until RKK was finally fired. She's about the same age as MP.).


    4 hours ago, atomationage said:

    Thanks for that, galax-arena.  I used to like Scott Bairstow (sp?), but when he started dating a 12 year old, he was finished.  16 isn't 12, but an adult shouldn't encourage anything like that, even if the younger person is persistent, and I'm not saying she was.   Robert Kelker-Kelly was another similar case, and IIRC the young girl was older than 16, but it was still creepy, and he didn't work much after that.

    Scandal! I used to watch Days back in the 90s, and didn't know about this.  Certainly explains why Robert Kelker-Kelly (who I thought was yummy at the time) wasn't seen much after his stint. 

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  2. 12 hours ago, festivus said:

    I gave up Criminal Minds years ago but I want to know too. My feeling is that you should not have to defend your unpopular opinion in this thread. 

    You would think so, but I understand why some are hesitant - there has been pushback on some opinions posted here.  

    • Love 4
  3. 10 hours ago, thehepburn said:

    You know I aint no Nick fan but even I was surprised at how scathing she was. The concensus opinions are all true. The one who comes across the worst in the bk is Andi herself. She is a humorless alcoholic with also a shopping addiction. She likened everything to a Burberry or Jimmy Choo shoe. And then has the gall to complain about everyone else's shallow conversations. Fo realz?

    Anyway, she did like Nick's kissing technique (he touches the rib which seems to be connected to her uterus for some reason) but once they hit that FS bed, she wasnt even ATTRACTED to him anymo.

    I can't stop laughing at the bolded!

    10 hours ago, huahaha said:

    Supposedly, he killed her lady boner and then didn't manage to redeem himself once the mood was wrecked. Expecting first-time sex to be good is a high bar, especially under those circumstances, but I guess that's all the show gives you.

    I'd heard about this, and wasn't sure if there was something else to it.  I didn't see what the big deal was with the question. 

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  4. 2 hours ago, GoldLeaf said:

    There was clearly something the cast was seeing that we were not shown about Caila. A handful of the cast took to Twitter regarding Caila's insincerity. I believe it was more than just her luke warm feelings for Jared, I think it is a trust issue and a discrepancy in what she says/ acts on and off camera. On Afterbuzztv, Alex alluded to the BIP cast feeling this way about Caila. 

    As for Jared, he is not hanging with Ashley because he is trying to be nice. The boundaries cannot be set because they are best friends and its hard since they like to hang out. The show doesn't show that. He already had that conversation with Ashley so Jared breaking up with Caila must be because of something else. If they were meant to be, no one could stop it.

    We'll probably not agree on this, and that's fair.  But my perspective is - anyone agreeing/siding with Ashley automatically loses credibility in my eyes. 

    Plus, I don't take anyone's sincerity at face value on this show. As others have stated, Caila wasn't the one calling other women whores and other insults. Now maybe she's savvy enough not to insult people on camera, but for me, that still puts her miles ahead of idiots like Ashley, the blonde twin who liked Jared, Carly. Ashley is the LAST person to call anyone an actress or insincere.  80% of the time when she's shown "crying," there is nary a tear. 

    32 minutes ago, Ketzel said:

    I have never known a man, who was actually hot for a woman, refrain from having sex with her for fear it would ruin their friendship.

    Yeah, Jared was all over Caila - he has no problem being sexually intimate with a woman who reciprocates.  If he wanted to be with Ashley, he would be. 

    33 minutes ago, Mu Shu said:

    Carly is obviously forcing herself to like Evan.  Why isn't she bring called on that?  

    Lissen, I need you to get on board the Cevan love train.  It's so genuine! Never mind she trashed the man on camera! Never mind that her body language doesn't line up with what she says! Choo-choo, okay?  I wonder what Evan thinks after watching the first couple of episodes. 

    • Love 7
  5. Eh, Jubilee has her own socially awkward issues, so I'm not sure she's the best person to judge anyone else. If anything, she should be more sympathetic to Caila.   

    Jared seemed to really like Caila, but ultimately, he sabotaged himself because he was more focused on being "nice" than establishing boundaries. Caila has a leg up on him in that because I doubt she would remain friends with a male version of Ashley.  Gender dynamics are at play here as well, as many men aren't threatened by disturbed women. Then you have men like Sean, who are like, "Dude, cut the cancer. Immediately."  

    Caila admitted that her impulse is to smile when uncomfortable.  She's also reserved and introverted.  Speaking from experience, people can and do interpret that as snobbish.  The perception is probably more amplified in this context, where the expectation is to be dramatic, snarky, visibly emotional, chatty, etc. Same reason why someone like Jen is deemed boring, and gets little screentime.

    I don't understand why "Jared is more into Caila than she's into him" was some indictment of Caila's character. Even without Ashley, Jared wasn't entitled to Caila's affection and attention.   

    Not seeing the Caila/Wells thing - Wells looked like he threw on some clothes before heading to the studio, and Caila is much more invested in her appearance. That alone makes them incompatible, especially since I don't think they'd have much in common otherwise.  Another mark against them, Wells likes to throw 'em back, and I don't think Caila is much of a drinker.    

    • Love 7
  6. 4 hours ago, CindyBee said:

    From both Chase and Luke's social media, it looks like both guys were kept in the running to the bitter end.   At least they weren't like Arie and Caila and had a intro filmed but still, must have been ego busting for both of them not to be chosen.   And they probably also were keep in the running in case Nick's redemption edit on BiP3.0 didn't go over well.   

    Edited to add that Kristen Baldwin of Yahoo is saying that Luke dragged his feet in signing his contract so they started to second guess his intentions and once Nick started to be well received on BiP, they went with him:


    I think Luke dodged a bullet - he got the exposure for his music career (perhaps related to why he was reluctant to sign the Bachelor contract), and likely a whole lotta womenfolk ready to be his sweetie.  He's not a company man - I don't know that he could have sold "a connection" with several women. His voice was nails on a chalkboard for me, and I didn't find him handsome (his body was banging, though).  Still, I can understand his appeal, and think he'll be just fine.

    I'm neutral on Nick, and will watch to see 1) how he handles himself, 2) if Bachelor Nation will turn on him by the end of his season, and 3) if he'll be accused of "leading" anyone on. Hopefully, he'll keep his haircut and scruff for the show.

    • Love 1
  7. Also, James Cameron brought something to the first two films that have really been lost (beyond the obvious of Sarah being the heart and soul).  Part of that is the belief that Arnold is an essential part of the franchise. He made sense in the 2nd film, but was unnecessary afterwards.  Others mileage may vary, but I liked the idea that the terminators would take on different forms each time. 

    • Love 1
  8. 1 hour ago, dom16 said:

    Not even for the potential trainwreck factor? I already can't wait for his F2 to call him out for "making love" with her at the ATFR. 

    Hee! Don't forget fiancé stuff! I never saw this great redemption, but others did, and that's okay.  His looking bored and not investing in anyone makes a lot more sense now.  If the bolded happens, I will have my popcorn at the ready!

    • Love 3
  9. 16 hours ago, UsernameFatigue said:

    I think there is more of a need for Grant to be taken aside and warned about Lace than Amanda warned about Josh. At least Amanda and Josh appear to be into each other. Lace is just a bitch and Grant deserves much better. She did totally disrespect him, and then he is the one who turns around and apologies to her? They are only a few weeks into a relationship - if it is this much work now Grant, it is only going to get worse. 

    I don't feel sorry for Grant (I tend to believe the rumors about him), but I thought Lace was an ass from episode one.  While the bulk of the focus was on Chad's behavior, I really thought Lace's was on par with his.   She's been prickly from the beginning, so not surprised it's escalating.  I don't know why Grant is okay with it.

    One thing about Lace - I don't think she's suffering from low self-esteem or thinks she doesn't deserve Grant.  She's probably used to treating people the way she does, and for whatever reason, people (men) tolerate it.  

    Caila continues to have great hair in spite of the heat and humidity.  How is this happening?

    Confused why Jami's entrance was when most people were asleep or still in their rooms. 

    1 hour ago, thejuicer said:

    After Lace had her meltdown and Grants pulled her aside to say something about her acting like that because she was "scared" - no dear. She is not scared. She's an asshole, and an alcoholic.


    • Love 7
  10. On 8/17/2016 at 3:58 PM, chocolatine said:

    I think Nick's been around the block too many times now to be taken seriously as a Bachelor. Luke is a much easier sell to the "right reasons" audience. 

    Yeah, I think the best time for him might have been after Andi's season.  And while others perceive BiP as Nick's "redemption," I mostly see a guy who's bored and not into anyone.  If the goal is to sell him as looking for love, I'm not seeing it.  I'm not saying he should be, given the artificial environment, but I'm not sure how the show could spin it beyond "Nick was literally and figuratively the most mature person on Bachelor in Paradise - he's really ready for love this time!"

    7 hours ago, Refresh said:

    I also think the timing of when they cast the girls would not work to his advantage -  with a bunch of young girls who were applying and excited to meet Luke or Chase and they get 35 year old Nick who caused "scandal" for Kaitlin by having sex with her?

    I believe Luke is in his early thirties, so there's not much of an age gap. 90% of the women cast are in their "20s," no matter the bachelor's age. 

    • Love 2
  11. 2 hours ago, whimsey98 said:

    I'm questioning how honest she is being all the way around.  This appears to be her way of getting camera face time.  And I'm not so sure that Jared isn't in on her game--there's something off about their story line.   

    He might be.  The way he's interacted with her on the show is strange, as others have noted. I think he really likes Caila, but he also probably likes the ego stroke that Ashley provides since Caila is, quite reasonably, reticent about their little romance. Agreed on Ashley milking this thing for camera time. 

    • Love 1
  12. 3 hours ago, Lady Calypso said:

    It took me a long time to watch the first season of Mr Robot. It felt like it took forever for the show to get me to care.

    The second season seems to be taking that same strategy because I haven't been able to get past the third episode and it's been two weeks since I started S2. I know it's good and all, and Rami Malek does an excellent job, but I just find the show so boring.


    4 minutes ago, nosleepforme said:

    I still have not gotten past episode four of season one. I really like Rami's performance, the themes of the show and several scenes, but it just never quite captures my attention the way it should.

    Rami is the best thing about the show, yet I could never get into it because the main character isn't a reliable narrator.  I know lots of people enjoy the Rashomon Effect in TV storytelling, but I'm not one of them.  If I can't trust what I'm seeing on screen, then it's pointless. I feel like some writers use it as a cover for lackluster writing. Same reason I couldn't get into The Affair. 

    • Love 2
  13. She's not a reliable narrator.  But even if he did say it, Ashley is almost 30 years old and is responsible for her own behavior.  She's had plenty of time and opportunity to move on from Jared.  Not that she should have no feelings at all, but she's chosen to fixate and obsess. 

    • Love 10
  14. Some idiot woman said that Carl was the hottest guy to come on the show so far.  Maybe he looks better in person because I'm not seeing it.  Still gotta give Nick his props here - he's still the hottest, and manages not to have some combination of alcohol bloat/sunburn/sheen of sweat.  Still, he loses points for those trailer park denim cut-offs - those always look tacky on men to me.     

    I stopped paying attention to Ben's season after Jubilee left, so I didn't know much about Caila. I like her, but she's a people pleaser, as perpetually sunny personalities commonly are.  Thus, the indecision about the date. But she WAS clear about her date (or whoever it was) not grinding on her during the booze cruise, ha! I can relate to that - I'm not interested in some man I barely know publicly grinding on me either. 

    Carl and blonde twin's lack of rhythm was cringeworthy yet hilarious. He's no Channing Tatum, that's for damn sure.          

    I'll stand alone and state that Ashley's swimsuit didn't bother me - it was different, and at least she didn't have to worry about it riding up and having her butt crack blurred out. 

    Is Jared the only man under 30 in this group? 

    • Love 2
  15. 2 hours ago, adhoc said:

    As has been pointed out, Vinnie and Izzy knew each other for a hot minute, it's not like she dumped him out of the blue after a year of dating. They're making way too much of this.

    Izzy's taken a lot of flack, not just for her decision, but for her looks (as if the only justification for moving on is if she meets some arbitrary beauty standard).  It's really bizarre that Vinny is supposed to be some sort of catch.  He's not ugly by any means, but he seems average in every way. Anyway, this is just a repeat from last season, it's just that the genders are reversed.  To quote superpole2000:


    Carly and every other dumpee are not victims. They are just on the wrong end of an unequal desire to be in a relationship. No one should have to apologize for not liking someone.   

    The end. 

    • Love 6
  16. Hang in there, Ohwell. This too will pass. 

    17 hours ago, bmoore4026 said:

    My UO is that some of you guys need to write for Marvel or DC comics.  Seriously, after reading your comments on the characters from various comic book shows, I'd love to see some of you people get in there and shake things up.

    This comment reminds me of something that I've always wondered, but was afraid to express because I don't read comics.  My limited understanding is that there have been several writers over the years with their own take on popular characters.  So I've never understood who gets to determine which "version" is the most authentic.  Is it the original? Is it the version that sold the most comics? Those that are popular on the Internet forums? Is it the writer who wrote a comic for the longest? I often read about "staying true to the character" and it's just amusing to me.     

    • Love 5
  17. 12 hours ago, chocolatine said:

    I think the producers wanted another "Nick bested by Josh" story, and Nick happily played along to get more screen time.

    I can see that. I just recently watched the latest episode, and I don't think he's that into Jen, either. To me, Nick looks mostly bored on the show.        

    17 minutes ago, thehepburn said:

    It's not working on me. To me, he'll always be the Nick That Sucks. I much prefer Nick Petersen who at least is more open about his doucheyness and was responsible for the greatest moment in this franchise's history: ending of BP3.

    If I recall, Nick P. was looking rough when he appeared on BiP last season.  I'm not into the alleged Nick Viall redemption, either, but at least he's handsome. Nevertheless, I agree on the awesome ending of Bachelor Pad 3.  For me, it's second only to the Bachelor season where Brad chooses no one.   

    • Love 4
  18. Interesting article - I'd totally forgotten that Ava was on the shortlist to direct a Marvel film (probably Black Panther).  Some resonant quotes: 


    Even though I have more folks, more money and more infrastructure around me now, I made a decision [long ago] to work from a place of protecting my own voice by collaborating with people who nurture and value that — and not trying to spend my time knocking on doors that were closed to me, begging people for things that put me at a disadvantage because they had it and I didn't.

    This may be controversial, but I agree with her on "begging people."  I don't believe Hollywood will ever make a concerted effort to tell more stories centered on non-whites.  As Ava mentions in the interview, it's very segmented, and I don't see that changing.  So if you're in the industry, it's better for your sanity to do what you want with the resources you have.  Particularly as a black woman.     


    Can black stories accurately be told by people who aren't black?

    DUVERNAY Artists should be free to create what we want. I believe there's a special value in work that is a reflection of oneself as opposed to interpretation. When I see a film or a TV show about black people not written by someone who's black, it's an interpretation of that life.

    WINFREY I think it depends upon your level of experience.

    I tend to agree with Ava on that, but not surprised by Oprah's response. I do think there's a difference between when a writer or director isn't black telling a story centered on blacks, and when the writers/director are black.  I wrote several months ago, in the race/ethnicity thread, that who was behind the camera was more important than who is in front of it.  

  19. 19 hours ago, chocolatine said:

    She said she'd initially had a huge crush on him, but didn't feel "sparks" when they kissed and he only held her hand when the cameras were rolling.

    I never thought Nick was that into Amanda, even during their date.  It's all he said, she said after the fact, but I do think Amanda's comment on the lack of sparks lines up with what I saw during their date.        

    • Love 1
  20. Right there with you, wallflower75. To add, I've no interest in watching people fall in love, no matter the genre.  I much prefer existing couples who manage to still like each other, but they're rarely, if ever, the protagonists in a film. It's weird - I enjoy love, but not romance. I've been that way for several years now.    

  21. I try to avoid "natural" when discussing beauty on this show, since I don't wear makeup and thus don't know all of the tricks to make one look more "natural" than another.  That's why I used "accessible beauty" to describe Caila, which is just my take.  To me, the rejected blonde twin was just salty because she could be - it's part of her disposition.  Also, the twins and Caila are only a couple of years apart in age, if I'm not mistaken.   

    Regarding who is fake and who isn't: none of these people are genuine to me, though some people are more comfortable on camera than others. 

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