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Posts posted by ribboninthesky1

  1. Yeah, I wondered the same.  That article is unintentionally funny to me.  From Ames being "so classically handsome he could be a model for a Ken doll" (???) to "Really special things don't have to happen on top of mountains. They can happen in a pharmacy." (Hmm, okay)

    WASP-y, indeed. 

    • Love 1
  2. I understand how Caila's perpetually sunny disposition can be off-putting, but it doesn't bother me because I don't recall her being mean-spirited. I know the "seemingly sweet, but really an asshole" types (see: blonde twin who liked Jared), but Caila doesn't strike me as that type.  Also, her hair continues to be ah-mazing, and I'm grateful she didn't ruin it by going the way of the ombre and ratty extensions.  She's more of an accessible beauty to me - like 20 years from now, she'll look as if she's barely aged a day.  Not sure I believe that for any of the other women still around. I was confused by her horseback riding attire, though with the heat and humidity, she probably didn't pack for that sort of thing. 

    I'm rather "eh, whatever" on Nick's personality, but he's still hands down the best looking man there.  That none of the "available" women are going for him is interesting.  I guess Jared's dispassionate persona (until Caila) is more appealing? 

    I was highly amused at how quickly Jared disavowed the blonde twin to Caila, though.  Caila was about to be like, "Oh, that's cool, I'll back off."  And Jared was, "Hold on! That's not what I mean! I just need to have a conversation with her, so I'm not the bad guy! Be right back!" Then the twin crying over a man she's known for all of 4-5 days and claiming Caila is too perfect while they go off without a fuck to give.  Good times! 

    • Love 9
  3. Way late to the party, but I was surprised at how my perceptions differed on this.  For example, I liked Hiccup in the first film.  He thoroughly annoyed me with his "I'm a peacemaker, I'll talk Drago down" schtick in this one.  It was just incredibly dumb and irresponsible to me, and ultimately his obstinacy set the events in motion that would eventually end in the death of his father. Yet, he kept being reaffirmed by the women in his life.  Ugh.

    I don't think Drago was black, but he had an...ethnic look to him.  That Hounsou was the voice actor definitely prompted the side-eye.  It's set in Scotland, so I'm fine with not seeing non-whites, but the villain was an obvious, "WTF were they thinking?" fail.   

    I had no problems with the mother, but I can acknowledge the double standard that if it was the father who had been taken away and made no effort to return, it wouldn't have been so easily forgiven.  Still, it was probably the most interesting aspect of the film for me - a woman prefers to stay away from her husband and child, having her own adventure vs being a mom, and she's not demonized for it. I think she thought they were better off without her. I could kind of sympathize with her weariness of the father's (and the village's) violent tendencies. 

    Toothless was adorable...until he wasn't. Also rolled my eyes at him becoming the alpha, but whatever. 

    Ultimately, the animation made the film.  Like others have said, there were times I forgot it wasn't real.       

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  4. 7 hours ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

    And Mark Hamill as Joker AND ❤️❤️❤️KEVINFUCKING CONROY❤️❤️❤️ as Batman.

    No arguments from me! But they've always been given their props - I rarely see much CCH Pounder recognition.  Way back at the beginning of the thread, I wrote my wish of her being cast in the live action role. I've not seen the film, so I'm glad Davis was well-received. Still, for me, Pounder is the standard, just like Clancy Brown was for the voice of Luthor. But then, I've always thought that comics translate so much better to animation with strong voice actors than live action, and that's where DC excelled for so many years. But I get it - you miss the coveted demo in the theatre with animation.           

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  5. 2 hours ago, chocolatine said:

    Their wedding was on the Bachelor 20 special in January, so they've been married all of seven months.

    Thank you - I didn't watch that special, and guess I ignored missed any press about it. 

  6. On 8/12/2016 at 0:36 PM, EuropeanGirl said:

    I enjoy reading your comments, but I had a need to point out something about Daniel - expressing humor as a trait doesn't mean that he isn't cocky or less cocky now. We just came across a nice and desirable trait (that's a first!). Despite being interested in Sarah, he is still arrogant to me and conceited. I remember when she asked him what does he know about her and he said that he knows that she likes him. To some, that was a joke, but a joke or not, it's still just another cocky statement by him to go with his cocky attitude. I am glad that he's interested in her and pleasantly surprised by it. I hope it works for her, because she seems like a nice, decent girl.

    Interesting you mention this.  It's no accident that Chad and Daniel were buddies.  

    26 minutes ago, whimsey98 said:

    Yeah, but Jared has showed up twice for a show where the choices are based on pretty shallow criteria.  Unless he is living on an desert island somewhere, it is hard to believe Jared couldn't meet nice women outside of the show (and he has said he has plenty of dating opportunities).

    This. I can see where being a nice guy in this pool of...males is appealing, but I do wonder how authentic you can be about finding "someone" when you keep returning to the same well that just happens to be a highly publicized TV franchise.

    37 minutes ago, whimsey98 said:

    They all seem so bored (Sarah said this season they couldn't even go out into the water because the producers figured out the contestants were having conversations that couldn't be recorded in the ocean). 

    Oh this is interesting, and yet confirms that nothing really happens on the show (what is there to do beyond drinking and the "random" dates?).  Not sure what kind of interesting things are said in the ocean, but they have to catch it all for their sound bites! 

    I don't know, I think I'd respect people more if they just admitted that they enjoy hanging out on a beach with other attractive people (for free) with the opportunity to raise their profile.  If you find someone you click with, great! I'm not really sure why the "I wanna meet and get to know new people" mantra is so prevalent on this show.  There should be no party line.  As others have referenced, no doubt that most of these folks already have in mind who they want to hook up with, if not contacted said person before the show.  

    Someone mentioned that Bachelor Pad was more interesting because there was the element of gamesmanship and competition, and I tend to agree. 

    • Love 1
  7. The spoilers have confirmed I won't waste even Google Play dollars/Netflix/Prime watchlist space on this, never mind skipping the theater.  The Keanu/Rachel pairing might have been interesting. 

    • Love 4
  8. 15 hours ago, Canada said:

    I can't blame Evan for not posting pics of his kids.  There are a lot of crazies out there and you never know what they're going to do.  But the product shilling does irritate me.  It's almost like the consider Instagram shilling to be their job.  Look for it to appear on a chyron next season!!

    Now that you mention it, I'm surprised some version of "Social Media Guru/Influencer" hasn't been used before. 

    Not sure how old his kids are - does he share custody? The mom might have put the kibosh on it once he became a part of the franchise. Evan doesn't strike me as self-aware enough to be that concerned about his children. 

    • Love 2
  9. Flat-lined after reading "...and of his many dick offices."  I cannot! The comments here are so much more entertaining than the show. I don't follow anyone's social media accounts (anything I know of I read here), but I'm not surprised about the product shilling.  No doubt there are people who find legit relationships in this franchise, but as I alluded to elsewhere, these people (especially repeat offenders) are all about their "brand" and staying relevant in the entertainment industry.  Given how fleeting it all is, I guess you have to get the money while you can.   

    • Love 1
  10. 21 hours ago, Spartan Girl said:

    Julia Roberts in Runaway Bride. It's one thing to be a commitment phone that doesn't know what she wants in life. But deliberately altering yourself to her fiancé-du-jour's interests, not to mention KEEPING the engagement rings after jilting each guy at the altar? That's a bit sociopathic...

    I didn't understand why Richard Gere's character would want to marry her after she left him at the altar.  Then again, he wasn't much of a prize, either.  Maybe they were meant for each other.  Also, it annoyed me that she played coy (I don't mean to flirt with your husband!) with Joan Cusack's character. I get that flirty people may not always realize they're flirting, but I suspect that Joan Cusack was visibly uncomfortable with Roberts' interactions with her husband.  The husband doesn't get a pass, either.

    • Love 5
  11. Bwah! I don't think Carly is as unattractive as some, but I'm willing to bet her disposition is a major turn-off.  Given her spiel about Kirk, you'd think she would have the self-awareness not to trash Evan on camera.  If only. 

    Josh and Amanda probably should have ignored the backlash and gone about their business.  But who am I kidding? All of these people love the attention in one way or another. 

  12. I fail to understand what the big deal is with Amanda and Josh.  I thought it was obvious that TPTB were playing editing tricks with their make-out sessions. I don't think they were kissing in front of everyone.  They may have been in sight of the group, but I suspect that they were reasonably separate, not sitting right in front of them.

    I admit to skipping scenes, so I guess I missed the ones that implied Josh picked Amanda to stick it to Nick.  Nick didn't seem particularly bothered - most of the controversy seems to be discussed in talking heads/voiceover vs the interaction shown.  Amanda didn't owe Nick much - they'd been on one date (and honestly, Nick's interest on the date registered to me as only a few notches above Leah's - difference was he was physically attracted to Amanda).   Even if Nick and Amanda were interested in each other from the start, it's been what, 2-3 days? Nick will be just fine.  I thought the drama was overblown when it was Joe and Juelia, and here as well.  I understand Josh comes off disingenuous, but I'm not seeing this villain yet. There's so little to mine from these people that they have to manufacture drama.   

    Evan and Carly are interesting to me because I see some parallels with the Carly and Kirk interactions from the previous season.  I don't think Kirk was physically repulsed by Carly, but he was never that into her, and was clear early on about moving too fast (not opinion - he's shown saying those words on camera).  But much like Evan, Carly ignored the obvious. Either Kirk was classy enough not to trash Carly on camera, or TPTB didn't show it.  I was highly entertained by Brandon picking one of the twins for the date over Carly.

    1 hour ago, Palomar said:

    I still think the motivation is getting a rose to stay on the show as long as they can rather than finding someone.  Most of the people who are SO upset that their 1st date partner is hooking up with someone else are more upset they might not survive the next rose ceremony than being actually jealous.


    I really want to like Sarah, but her voice is as annoying as Baby Dragon Face (hat tip to JudyObscure).

    • Love 6
  13. Agreed, though I think it was simpler to bury or ignore unflattering reports once upon a time.  Now, with 24 hour news cycles + Internet + social media + traditional media picking up stories from social media, it's a lot harder to ignore. 

    I just started watching season 2 of Netflix's Grace and Frankie. By the end of season one, I was one step away from hating Frankie. I was hoping time and absence would make the heart grow fonder, but nope, my annoyance flared right back up.  The show is hilarious and poignant and generally well done, but I'm not sure I can get through another season of her.  On the positive end, the entire season is 13 episodes.  If this were a network show, I probably would have dropped it before season one ended. On the other hand, Frankie is a lead, and thus presumably in every episode.  Decisions, decisions. 

    • Love 1
  14. 9 minutes ago, Ohwell said:

    Yeah, she had a white husband but he got killed too.


    4 hours ago, Ohwell said:

    There were a couple of episodes on Z-Nation where Roberta (played by Kellita Smith) had a love affair with her white co-star.  Then he got killed.

    I should not be laughing, because I totally agree with the overall point.  But yeah, I'm cracking up. 

    • Love 4
  15. Guess we'll see when the trailers come out, but something tells me this won't be as controversial.  It seemed like a lot of the Ghostbusters backlash came from stans with a very strange, OTT attachment to the original.  There'll probably still be some sexism, if not misogyny, of course.    

    Awkwafina as a stage name? Um, okay.  

  16. I enjoyed the series for what it was, and certainly enjoyed seeing (most of) the Musketeers on my screen.  But I really don't know what else the show could have explored without being repetitive.  Plus, the show never did much with the women, and the semi-regular ones who didn't annoy me immensely (Sylvie, Milady) weren't given much to work with. 

    • Love 1
  17. 18 hours ago, ganesh said:

    It's hard to get into the Olympics knowing the problems Rio has and that all the investment was in the rich part of the city. Two years ago, all these things were built for the world cup and they're unused now. 

    It feels like a lot more controversy surrounding the Olympics ever since the allegations of IOC corruption became mainstream.  Plus, it's a lot harder to ignore the insidious implications of holding such large-scale events in developing countries with serious infrastructure problems, especially when there's a proliferation of real-time reactions.  Sochi had similar issues, though the Winter Olympics aren't as popular, I think. And to your point, what happens to the structures built specifically for the games? Rio has the additional burden of the Zika virus hysteria. The rise in general coverage on performance-enhancing drugs doesn't help either.  There's definitely a blemish on the "triumph of the human spirit/spirit of pure competition" perspective that has fueled the machine.    

    Anyway, I'm grateful for Youtube highlights that I can access when I'm interested enough.  No desire to waste my time watching live.  


    That is an excellent summation of the Internet. I'm going to steal it and use it elsewhere.

    Feel free! I'm pretty sure I stole it from somewhere. 

    • Love 4
  18. 1 hour ago, slf said:

    Eh, 'grown man sends used condom to costar' trumps 'rich guy has bratty teen children' for me; most of the teens I know are fairly bratty (it's like a rite of passage), I can only imagine how much worse they'd be if they were rich. 

    Not to mention, the Smith kids aren't the only bratty celebrity spawn out there.  But then, somehow, I've largely managed to avoid their press, so they don't bother me as much as some.  

    1 hour ago, slf said:

    I never cared for Sean Penn much as an actor; he's had the occasional good performance but he just goes over the top too much for me. "IS THAT MY DAUGHTER IN THEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEERE?!!!"

    Thank you for this - it's the only thing I recall from that drab film, and it was awful.  That he was awarded for that performance reinforces my total apathy towards award shows. 

    I don't hate him, but Daniel Day-Lewis is another one I've never gotten the hype about. 

    Back to Natalie Portman - perfect example of "Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt." Ivy League be damned. 

    • Love 7
  19. On 8/7/2016 at 1:08 PM, DearEvette said:

    I would take a guess that if someone were to splice together all scenes where the black contestants got quality on screen face time with the bachelor or bachelorette we'd probably only get about a two hour running time total.  And I am being generous.  And this is over 20 seasons.  I stopped regularly watching after the Charlie O'Connell season (now that was a shit show!) but have kept up with news around the show as a pop culture voyeur.  I pretty much just assumed the POC were cast as tokens and kept in the background until they could be comfortably eliminated without causing undue commentary.  I was surprised to learn that most years the black female contestants have been eliminated within the first three episodes.   So yeah, the two hour thing might be very generous.  There were four seasons straight where there wasn't a single black contestant on the Bachelor.  Also, non-black POC get farther.  Here is an article that looks at only black contestants   Here is an analysis that looks at all POC

    Reading that 2nd article reminded me of that lawsuit from 2012 - totally forgot about that, and to read of the temporary spike in minority participants in 2013 was amusing. 

  20. 1 hour ago, Princess Sparkle said:

    And it was an Allure article that did me in with Natalie Portman as well, where she said "I’m not black, but I know what it feels like", and compared being a celebrity to what WEB Dubois was talking about in The Souls of Black Folks. And for me, no matter how you slice that, it’s annoying no matter what – either she’s completely tone deaf and didn’t realize what she was saying, or she’s so incredibly pretentious that she honestly believed that comparison was apt.

    What in the world? I can't. 

    • Love 8
  21. Agreed, caci. I don't begrudge anyone their grief, but the fact is, everyone dies eventually.  I just can't get in my feelings over someone I've never met, let alone never had a personal relationship with, no matter how much I enjoyed their body of work. I think 2016 is being hailed as worse because some of the celebrities who have died were extremely well-known with somewhat unexpected deaths (ex: Bowie, Prince). I always take mini-media breaks after someone well-known dies - usually within a week or two, it's largely forgotten.  The Internet is a funny place - never forgets, yet has a short memory.         

    I couldn't get through season one of Game of Thrones, and like others, never looked back.

    I have zero interest in The Walking Dead, and the snippets I've seen of the show while watching TV with my sister weren't remotely compelling. Thinking further, I don't find the post-apocalyptic genre interesting at all.     

    • Love 6
  22. As someone who has watched several seasons of the Bachelor franchise, I've no interest in seeing a non-white lead.  I often feel second-hand embarrassment for the minorities who manage to be cast, as they so obviously have ZERO chance. Well, that's not quite true - biracial, (insert Asian nationality) women seem to do well. The network and showrunners have made excuses for years, yet they've had plenty of opportunity to be diverse if they wanted to. In this trainwrecky context, I'm perfectly fine with whites being front and center. 

    Plus, the audience for this franchise is very social-media active. Participants, leads in particular, are harshly judged.  There was plenty mocking of Juan Pablo's accent during his season, and he's white Hispanic.  Lawd, I cannot imagine what it would turn into with a visibly melanated lead. You'd have the normal, OTT criticism + bigotry + the folks who feel the lead should end up with someone of their own race/ethnicity.  I'd probably have to take a long-term social media break to avoid the foolishness. 

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