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Everything posted by Hamatron

  1. Yeah, you are totally right. It's not new. I guess it just seems, at least in the U.S., that awareness and the movement in general has gotten stronger in the past 10 years or so. But you're right. That doesn't mean it's new!
  2. No worries! I hear 'ya. But they're not debating who is authentic enough. They're not saying Lena W. is less trans than others or that she shouldn't express her opinions (though they obviously reserve the right to call her out when she says dumb things). They are addressing concerns about an organization, that is supposed to be inclusive, courting publicity from white celebrities who say ignorant things. If the aim of the organization is to be open and supportive of trans people who are also POC or living in poverty or living with disabilities, then certainly those people have a right to address that organization for struggling or outright failing to do so. Basically, they don't want the trans movement to be whitewashed, because a lot of trans people aren't white Americans. Anyway, way out of scope here. Again, hopefully Lana heard what they are saying and took something positive from it. It sounds like she messed up, but it happens. She and others can learn from this.
  3. Dang. My response just got eaten. Hopefully this gets through, hah. I should have made it more clear in the link I posted, but that essay wasn't written by a "her." It was written as a statement from several groups of people, including some of the award winners. The piece is addressing some concerns regarding the ceremonies and the organization that put on the award ceremony, and asking some earnest questions about how it can be more inclusive to people of color, people with disabilities, and people in poverty. I haven't read a transcript of her speech, so I can't go into specifics, obviously, but a white person appropriating non-white culture, terms, and political movements while also laying major blame on one of those communities as being the most transphobic is not okay. Not only is it not constructive, it's also a bit rich coming from a wealthy white person of privilege who probably doesn't spend a lot of time involved or interacting with that community. The main quandaries of this piece, addressing Lana's statements at the event, which apparently offended quite a few people: Word to that last paragraph. Again, hopefully this is a positive learning experience for her and the group. It sounds like she upset a lot of people, and they have a right to say something. The Trans Rights Movement is a relatively new one that is still working on finding a voice or pockets of voices that will make a difference, so of course there are going to be clashes and discussions on what the movement needs to be right now.
  4. If you Google "opus news sensate Wachowskis controversy," this response pops up: An Open Letter to Trans Communities and our Co-Conspirators The gist of the issue this author has with Lana's speech:
  5. He was part of the cast reading photos too! Who knows. But at least he'll get a better send off (presumably) if he is leaving for the career-defining glamour that is playing a turtle on the TMNT reboot. But hopefully he's just guesting and will be back next season, as he's a lot of fun to watch on the show.
  6. I doubt he would be cast in the movies, as studios usually like to keep TV and film spheres separate. And Gotham tends to under-performs and wasn't as big of a hit as they were anticipating (and has a lot of critics). But that's cool that he is getting more work, even if he's not going to get cast over someone like Jared Lehto.
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