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Posts posted by EarlGreyTea

  1. It's interesting how much was unaired from last season that is being shown now. The whole saga of Kaylee as store manager could have been a good storyline last season. I'm a bit surprised that she was let go without Kristin's input. After seeing the lot of vapid employees screwing around in the warehouse, I'd have kept her in the first place and started from scratch with the others.

    Having said that, I've had managers who micromanaged to the point where people made major mistakes because of the added scrutiny, so there's pros and cons. But the entire band of UJ girls really get on my nerves sans Brittainy, so I'm Team Kaylee for now. I don't give a damn what the UJ employees think. Also I wish Colby had remained window dressing as opposed to becoming a main character. When Kelly is the voice of reason, you know you've gone off the rails.

    Nothing says professional like sending your husband in to do your dirty work.

    Who told Reagan that that purple shirt she's wearing in all her interviews was a good idea?

    Can someone buy these people a pocket dictionary so they can stop their misuse of the word "literally?"

    • Love 5
  2. Quote

    Corporate presents a challenge between the store's branches.

    Hysterical! An instant classic for me. Did you all notice the Cloud 9 workers furiously stepping in the background of each scene? Of course all Mateo needed was being told corporate might think he was average to light a fire under his ass.

    Another one of Amy's stupid schemes, but at least it made for a great episode. I love that they were given knockoff Fitbits instead of the name brand. I, too, am obsessed with getting steps.

    • Love 14
  3. On 3/7/2019 at 3:38 AM, Bazinga said:

    Kelly is full of herself and thinks she is a way better catch then she comes off on the show at least.

    What gets me is that she IS a good catch. She's apparently a stylist for big-time Nashville musicians? So: great job, clearly well-off,  great hair (though it would look great shoulder-length), nice figure. So why does she drive me bananas? It makes me feel guilty. Tonight's episode had sooo much Kelly that I FFed much of it. I did snort at her making Pip's baby news all about herself.

    As always, the workplace stuff is interesting. Ten orders a week going out empty and/or damaged? Yeah, heads should be rolling. I get that repetitive work can put your mind on autopilot and you zone out as a result, but that's unacceptable. I don't know what the solution is, unless people weren't properly trained, or too many people have their hands in the pot, and then that would explain it. I also think Brittainy may be wearing too many hats, because stuff is slipping by her. And maybe her employees don't feel comfortable confiding in her when there's a problem, which is a huge issue.

    I noticed Colby last season because I think she's a stunner, but she comes off as somewhat dull. I don't miss Shannon's attention whoring and general histrionics, though. It's too bad that she gained somewhat of an online platform as a reward for being a shitty employee.

    • Love 1
  4. Did anyone catch the season two premiere?  Updates:

    - Kelly continues to GRAAAATE for no discernible reason.  I feel bad because I'm sure she's very nice and she has great hair, but she bugs me.

    - Shannon left UJ to form her own company and/or social media brand, which is stupid if she's no longer going to be on the show. The exposure is undoubtedly what gave her the power to leave, but once she's no longer on TV who the hell will care about her? I would have thought E! would double her pay, to get her to stay, since she did bring most of the drama to an otherwise uninteresting show. I'll be salty if they're still paying her to appear and she's not in the workplace.

    - Wirth left UJ to form a gym with Tim McGraw that is literally next door to UJ. Good, so we can end the pantomime of him working in retail while being worth millions.

    - The most interesting aspect to me is the workplace. I don't give a damn about Kristin's farm or her friends (although her befriending Luke Bryan's wife was amusing).

    - Brittainy's bf is still punching about his weight class by being with her. Also he has shorter hair.

    • Love 3
  5. On 1/27/2019 at 11:14 AM, Giant Misfit said:

    I could get behind this if the judge had been sentencing Bundy for some menial crime like petty theft or even a DUI. But for slaughtering two women? And being a known suspect in a bunch of other gruesome murders? I'd say that his pep talk was a bit misplaced. 

    Agreed. I rolled my eyes so hard at that. "Take care of yourself?" I was disgusted at that part.

    Anyway, I felt I learned absolutely nothing new from this series, as gripping as I found it. Ann Rule's book is the definitive word on Bundy for me (although I've never read any other books on him, so there's that). Her book covered so many angles that this series didn't touch - for one thing, making Ted's victims emerge as real people. I always feel a little bit disgusted with myself for my interest in Bundy, and so I'm glad when any book or doc makes the victims emerge as fully blown with actual lives of their own, as opposed to making them footnotes in their own murders (I am looking directly at YOU, Serial).

    For me, the most moving moment was Denise Naslund's mother looking absolutely destroyed while saying she hoped Bundy would die. Naslund's mother was not able to bury her daughter's remains for 10 years because the remains were evidence, and then the remains were lost before they could be given to Denise's mother, so Denise's casket contains only a dress, photos, and a few other things. I felt it was the definition of adding insult to injury.

    In fact, the most interesting thing I've learned this week has nothing to do with the doc and everything to do with the tidbit that @Cherrio just mentioned - that Bundy's grandfather might also have been his father. I've never heard that theory before.

    • Love 3
  6. On 10/18/2018 at 1:10 AM, Cheezwiz said:

    I understand how all the siblings are pissed off at Steve for writing a book that exploited their shared trauma, and got many of the details wrong, but I feel they were foolish not to take the money he offered. They at least had the option of doing something positive with the earnings. Theo called Shirley sanctimonious, and that was a pretty accurate description. In no way did they all agree not to take Steve's money. Shirley loudly declared she wouldn't and assumed everyone had followed her lead.


    Shirley is the most sanctimonious, insufferable character on the show for me. I'm sure Liz Reaser is a lovely woman, but she always seems (to me, at least) to add a layer of self-righteousness to every role I've seen her in. I groaned inwardly when I saw she was cast.  Having said that, I don't think she's given much to work with here. All of the other siblings have interesting backstories. Someone has to be the straight man, and that's where Shirley fits in. She's the the least interesting and the most stolid sibling. Although I do love that scream princess Lulu Wilson was cast as her younger counterpart. That was some solid work on the part of the casting director.

    Every single sibling ragging on Steve has had the opposite effect on me. I like him.

    • Love 3
  7. 12 hours ago, phoenics said:

    Full disclosure - I knew nothing about this show before I watched it.  I just saw it on Netflix and started watching.  I got hooked immediately by the almost bombing and his attempts to help Nadia and save the train (and his kids).  Then I had to go out of town and the holidays happened.  But then I picked it up again today (well last night) and could not stop watching.  I spent the 2nd episode trying to think of where I'd seen him before (I don't watch GoT) and then realized I'd seen him in Cinderella.  Then I was really intrigued by his acting and then I got sucked in to how HAWT he looked bodyguarding and THEN they hit me with his affair with Julia and that was it.  I was a goner.  I mean - just the action, intrigue and suspense would have hooked me, but throw in the unexpected (to me) affair with Julia and this guy's ability to play how PTSD leaks out in unexpected moments and how he constantly looked like he was going to explode... brilliant.  

    I never stood a chance.

    I loved this show.  I loved the intrigue, the crazy conspiracy theory - the red herrings, all of it.  The only thing I hated was how his cop friends in the end turned on him so quickly - none of them had any nuance whatsoever.

    I am not sure I bought the ending with him and his wife and kids at the end.  Originally this show was only meant for 1 season (just read that), so I'm not sure they chemtested him with his wife - I think they did with Julia (and they had a very specific angst/pain-driven/aggression-releasing chemistry) and I think the dynamic with Julia worked really well - but I never felt much with him and his wife - I appreciated her saving him at the end, but I didn't buy them as loving each other that way.  Not anymore.  Maybe they played estranged couple too well for me, lol.  But honestly - I don't think the wife should be in S2 - I hope they find a way out of that - one that doesn't come from manpain because she and his kids are dead.

    Maybe the show shouldn't have a S2, although I desperately want one - but part of the dynamics that made S1 so amazing are gone now (julia and his complex relationship with her).

    Dang this show was good.

    Good to see you, phoenics! I agree about being sucked in by Madden. Those suits and that accent - I never stood a chance. I love stoic characters, because when they finally blow their stack it's amazing to watch. I thought Madden did such great facial acting. It's hard to convey emotion when playing such an uptight professional, but it made his eventual emotional crises that much better to watch.

    I would also like a S2, but I don't know where they could go from here. The hook was the affair, the dynamic with Julia. Of course, there's plenty of other intrigue to explore, but their relationship was the core of this series. Which brings me to the wife, Vicky. I agree that they were directed to play an estranged couple a little too well. She seemed so indifferent to him throughout the series, which makes me very curious about how their relationship deteriorated. It must have been a long, slow unraveling to get them to that point in the series. They did lack a certain amount of chemistry, but I did buy them as having been in love in the past, and I bought them and the child actors as a family unit. I do also think that she was the one he loved this entire time, not Julia.

    I, too, thought David was in on the bombing. Since they did not show us exactly what was in the briefcase, I thought we were in for a twist where he was in on it the whole time. In fact, I was very confused by his motives for the first half of the series. First he's repelled by Julia's politics. Then he sleeps with her. Then he finds out she knew about the kids' school - at that point, when he had sex with her yet again after finding out, I figured it was to get his revenge by gaining her trust. But apparently not.

    • Love 2
  8. On 12/22/2018 at 10:23 PM, Lady Calypso said:

    I did have issues with the portrayal of some of the women in the series, though. I didn't mind the theme of the women being underestimated (Julia, David's wife Vicky, Nadia, Lorraine, Sampson were all underestimated to varying degrees) but at times, it felt like they were plot devices, rather than actual characters. Julia was used as a plot device in the sense that she died more for David's story, to propel him forward and to develop the conspiracy to implicate him. Of course, we also got to know Julia as a person in the three episodes that she was in, so we got to see why she was a target for many. In a sense, she was still her own character, but I think her death was awkwardly placed in the series. As much as I'm ok with her being dead, and I actually hope she's truly dead and not about to rise from the dead should this series get renewed, I think there was something missing in her overall arc. I'm just not so sure what, which makes me uncertain about even calling her a plot device in the first place. She certainly was more than that at times, but maybe it's more because only three episodes for a major player before her being killed off is so odd to see. 

    I agree with all of this. Obviously the show was a vehicle for Richard Madden (and man, did his accent/buttoned-up professionalism/nicely tailored suits really work for me), but I go back and forth as to whether Julia was fridged. As a trope - a female character's death becoming a vehicle for the male character to showcase his manpain - I disdain fridging, especially in 2018. Having said that, it was pretty ballsy to kill off one of the main characters halfway through, a la Janet Leigh in Psycho. I was totally unspoiled, so it was a genuine twist for me, although I suspected it was coming with her final speech to David and her being absent for much of the episode before she died. And like you said, she felt fleshed out enough that you could see how she met her eventual fate. I liked that she was ruthless and yes, she did seem to use David a bit. These layers helped keep her from being a one-note character used solely to prop David's pain.

    I thought Vicky also was criminally underused. I like her actress very much, and having seen her on quite a few other series, I thought she would have a  bigger role than she did. The scenes she DID get in the final episode were so well-done. You could actually see how they worked as a couple. She showed real guts and in the end, her sticking by him was one of the main reasons he lived. I'd love more backstory on them.

    For much of the criticism Nadia and the show got for portraying her as a villain (and I can see where that criticism comes from), what I did appreciate was that they turned the victimized Muslim woman trope on its ear. Frankly, as much as I liked the first episode, I did kind of inwardly roll my eyes at David swooping in to save the damsel in distress. The whole scene seemed like a vehicle for the David character to showcase empathy, while Nadia was stuck as a one-note victim, well-acted though she was. So I liked that she was given more to do.

    • Love 2
  9. I'm trying not to get too attached to Karen, but I love her. I hope this isn't the end of the line for her character, plot device that she was. Maybe it was the acting, but the character has emerged fully-blown and interesting. Joe was spot-on when he described her as knowing who she was. Which is probably what takes the fun out of it for him. She's too real for him. People have said it in previous threads, but Beck is such an empty vessel for Joe to project his perfect-girl fantasies. I can't say I agree when people say they don't know what Joe sees in Beck. She's stunning, and quite frankly that's all some men (and women) need. I didn't mind her until this episode, but I didn't like the way she and Joe thoroughly screwed Karen over. I'm glad she got the last word with Beck.

    Paco is the most likeable kid actor I've seen outside of an episode of Stranger Things. The character does wonders for Joe's likeability. Penn and the kid are so natural together. It's amazing how invested Joe is in Paco's family, when he doesn't seem to care about anything but Beck.

    • Love 3
  10. 15 hours ago, HappyDancex2 said:

    What I don't get is beside the obvious that he wanted out of Jamaica and green card and all that nonsense that he basically set it up like this?  Luis had the additional drama of Molly forcing her kids on him to play Daddy and babysitter.   But Jay was getting stripper sex with a body type that isn't bad....he could have waited a lot longer and lived a much happier life with her before he started to get bored and really blow it up.   He should look at Luis....HassanAzan….they are in much worse positions of exchanging sex for a green card.

    For real. Jay has no concept of playing the long con. Had he stuck it out for 2 years or whatever it was, he could have divorced her and moved on, green card in hand. Even the guys in the barbershop, who were adamantly against him marrying Ashley, agreed that he should stick it out. It's cutthroat to do it like that, but it wouldn't have been that hard. Ashley was very gung-ho about the whole thing and gave him anything he wanted, including sex 3 times a day. The kids were with their dad half the time, apparently. And he and Ashley were clearly attracted to one another. This was not a situation like Azan and Nicole, where you could tell he was disgusted by her physically and emotionally, and had no money.

    Had Jay been 30 or even 25 instead of 20, he might have had a more developed sense of patience. Although if you're going to cheat, don't be so stupid as to do it in your wife's house.

    • Love 8
  11. Kalani's hair looked so blah. A simple up-do would have done wonders. I didn't much care for the stank-faces of the family, as if they were the British Royal Family and Asuelu was Wallis Simpson marrying the heir to the crown. Nick looked AWFUL. Would it have killed him to find a dress shirt? I hate it when people go casual to weddings.

    Chris Rock once said you get the in-laws you deserve. He said something like, "If you don't like Puerto Ricans, you'll end up with Ricky Martin for a son-in-law."  That's what I feel Father Kalani has ended up with, and he deserves what he's gotten. As a minority myself, there's nothing I hate more than a minority hating on people from their own culture.

    When away from the in-laws, Kalani and Asuelu seem to get along just fine. Which says a lot about how much that toxic family is eating away at their relationship.

    • Love 20
  12. I tend to think the writers heard our complaints about how unlikable Jonah and Amy as a couple had become, and how she seemed to take little pleasure this season in being with him, because we've seen a sea change. I like when shows' OTPs look like they enjoy being together.

    • Love 5
  13. If I were Jill I'd end my partnership with that clothing retailer, because they did her dirty by giving her a shirt that's a size too big. A size smaller would work wonders for her overall look. Everything else looks nice. Well, okay, she could have chosen a nicer background.

  14. On 11/24/2018 at 11:34 PM, CousinAmy said:

    I noticed that Jen speaks to the people building her simulation center the same say she speaks to the children: clearly, pleasantly and rationally. She is very, very organized, and very good at expressing herself. This is just the way she is: not histrionic or dramatic.

    I agree. I was very impressed with how she acted during the sleep study. Jen had this soothing, calm voice she used at the hospital. Hell, I felt comforted, and I wasn't even the one having a sleep study! It was one of Jen's finest moments as a mother onscreen. I wish I could be her patient.

    I'm a Jen stan. I admire the hell out of what she's accomplished and what a firm foundation she and Bill have created for the kids.

    • Love 9
  15. Olga has the patience of a saint, and far beyond what I'd expect of someone her age. Clearly she had to grow up fast, and learned how to take care of herself. I felt awful for her when she started crying in the car. She looked so beaten down, yet she still stood up for herself and the baby. I found myself nodding along with everything she said, and was impressed with how she articulated it. It was sad how she was able to talk Steven down, mostly because it seemed like she'd had to do it a lot before, and not just with Steven.

    I think Steven likes the idea of Olga and their family, but the real thing just isn't fitting into his high expectations.

    • Love 19
  16. On 11/17/2018 at 12:42 PM, iMonrey said:

    Ben Feldman played a Jewish character on Mad Men but I don't know whether Superstore has ever established that Jonah is Jewish. Has it?

    Both Ben and Jonah are Jewish. It was first mentioned in season 1 when Dina had a crush on Jonah and said her late grandmother would not have liked him being Jewish.

    I thought this was a good Amy episode. It was really, really refreshing to see her stand up for Jonah, when he's the one who's been advocating for her all season. It reinforced that she does truly care for him and that it's not all one-sided.

    • Love 3
  17. 2 hours ago, spankydoll said:

    I completely disagree with you on Jay looking worse than Natalie. Selling her friend's story of being kidnapped and raped is unconscionable.  There is no limit to the trolling that she deserves. Good for him for sticking up for Ashley.

    I was curious about what you were talking about, so I found an article that talks about Ashley being abducted and raped. This happened about 13 years ago. Be warned, the article is disturbing. Suffice it to say that she bravely escaped and the kidnapper/rapist was caught and put away. I am in awe of her and I want only the best for her.

    Anyway, the article says some friend of Ashley's (implied to be Natalie) was shopping the story around and Ashley decided to get ahead of it by talking about it herself.

    • Love 16
  18. 6 minutes ago, gavinmac said:

    I think the problem is that he's a kid who grew up watching American TV shows where the father is always in the delivery room. He doesn't realize it's a new development. I'm 47 and my father was at work teaching high school when my mom gave birth to me, he came to the hospital after school. I didn't see Olga begging for him to be in the room or him asking her if she wanted him in the there. What's wrong with pacing in the waiting room and then handing out cigars like fathers used to do? 

    Olga did say it was hard to be alone and that she missed Steven. She also seemed the type to say whether she wanted him there or not. It would have been really easy to keep him out of the room if she really wanted, and to hide behind the hospital policy in doing so. I'm all for doing what the expectant mother wants, and it was clear she wanted - or at least didn't mind - Steven there.

    Wanting to be in the room was probably one of the more stand up things Steven's wanted this season. It's not unreasonable, and in the absence of Olga's mother or some other female relative, why not the father?

    • Love 14
  19. I love it when 90 Day Fiance provides actual insight into other cultures. The entire escapade of Steven and Olga and the hospital was fascinating! I had no idea that fathers aren't usually in the delivery room. It seemed like epic poor planning  not to have asked beforehand, if that's truly what went down - but these are 20 year olds we're talking about. Steven is irresponsible and he has toolish tendencies, but I felt bad for him.

    Jay and Ashley are insanely ill-suited for each other, but there's something endearing about his fish-out-of-water comments about the weather, the sugar, etc., and how, like Fernanda, he was genuinely touched by her friends' efforts to welcome him. It was also nice of Ashley to be concerned about him making friends. Far too many of the 90DF American spouses seem to give no shits about their partners having zero friends.

    Fernanda is one of the most beautiful women this show has ever featured. I feel like she is what Anfisa thinks she sees in the mirror.

    Debbie had a point about the couch - leather probably isn't best for cats and it would have been nice if Colt saw it - but she had such a smug, sanctimonious attitude that she's reached bitch eating crackers stage for me. Larissa was pretty gracious during their day together.

    As I said before, I hope Kalani and her unmerry band of assholes fuck off entirely after this season, no aftershows, no nothing. I don't want to hear anything they have to say to justify themselves.

    • Love 18
  20. Dina FaceTiming with one of the display iPads was hysterical! One of my favorite site gags. She looked great, too.

    I was wondering how they were going to explain away Amy's lack of maternity leave. It makes sense. I agree with Mateo and Cheyenne about the baby name.

    Kimmer, or whatever her name is, is too annoying even for this show. The writers have gotten clunkier and less creative with their background characters. Sandra, Justine, and even Carol are funny and inventive. Kimmer just needs to go the way of Sal and FAST.

    I don't know how they've gone so far off the rails with Amy. She's become entitled and rude to everyone. In a sense she has always been that way, but it's become more pronounced this season. Having said that, she was probably the most sympathetic in this episode than she's been in years. It helped that America was willing to go all out with the sweats and messy hair. She was really rude to Sayid in the beginning, but their subsequent back and forth was funny.

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