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Posts posted by EarlGreyTea

  1. 8 minutes ago, SarahPrtr said:

    Except that annoying cackle.


    I'm surprised that Jay is okay with his kids not being vaccinated.  Despite everything, he doesn't seem stupid, so why is he going along with his dumb wife's anti-vax bullshit?

    I think he's got some hidden crunchy/Mother Earth BS tendencies. That's why he and Kristin get along so well, he's just more stealth. A few years back, he and Kristin published some goat's milk formula recipe for babies or something, which ended up on PEOPLE.com until it was pointed out that goat's milk can kill infants when prepared improperly (or something like that). That to me says more about Jay's inner beliefs more than a million episodes of fake Very Cavallari.

    • Love 3
  2. I love it so far. Gorgeous scenery. I love all the running through the snow. Kaya's best roles are where she doesn't have to say much. She's turning in a very sober and lovely performance. It's so jarring from her IRL persona, which is generally upbeat and goofy. How old is Kat supposed to be, though?

    Predictable stage momming storyline, but January Jones is compelling in the role so far.

    Justin is falling flat for me right now. Boring, stock rich boy character paired with Kaya's  more compelling character and performance. I hope I'm wrong and both the character and actor become more interesting.


    • Love 1
  3. Victoria Pedretti was a revelation, and for me, made this season much stronger than the first. Even before her brand of crazy was revealed, she made Love seem like much more of a real person than Beck ever was, and not as insanely self-destructive. Much of that, of course, is owing to the strength of Pedretti as an actress over Lail. Her eyes are just so expressive and you could buy her as a real person. Beck was such a cypher. I now want to re-watch the entire season, knowing what we know about Love now.

    All of the scenes in the storage locker were amazing. Penn finally had someone strong to work off of, and it showed. They really pushed each other in those scenes. For my money, they had more chemistry overall than he had with Lail.

    I feel marooned on an island in my dislike of Peach. Shay Mitchell played the hell out of her, but I couldn't stand Peach.

    More than once I rewound just to hear Penn's voiceovers. HYSTERICAL.

    I thought Love was lying about the pregnancy. And since her husband's illness was never specifically named...


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  4. 6 hours ago, zengirl1215 said:


    And as far as the Kristin/Kelly feud, the less Kelly is on the show, the better. She brings nothing to it. 

    Agreed. Kristin also becomes doubly annoying when around Kelly, so it’s for the best. Their friendship seems more superficial, anyway, than Kristin’s friendships with Biegs and Pip. For one thing, they’ve only known each other a few years. 

    Based on the previews, what I gather the feud was about: it seemed that there were rumors of Jay and Kelly having an affair, and Kelly didn’t work hard to dispel those rumors. These aren’t spoilers, just my speculation. If this is so...yeah, that’s a friendship wedge for sure. I did think they interacted a little too much without Kristin for my liking, but at the same time Kelly could probably do better. 

    Kristin no longer follows Kelly on Instagram. 

    • Love 1
  5. I like Lauren. Well, about as much as I can like any of these close-minded bigots. There is something sober and vulnerable about her that I find appealing.  I've really only seen her in short episode clips, but I did watch the birth episode. I thought she seemed perfectly composed through the whole thing, no drama antics of any kind. I was surprised to see how attentive Josiah was. He generally was the ideal doting husband you'd want in labor and delivery. Maybe his attentiveness was performative, especially for the cameras, but to me, a viewer who's not seen much of their relationship, they seem to have a real connection. Whether that is true in reality, who knows.

    If there is a hell, it is being in labor with two failed epidurals and Michelle's voice in your ear for the rest of eternity.

    I will never forget Josh seeing fit to take a short nap when Anna was in labor with Mackynzie, while Michelle, Jill, and even Princess Jessa, if I recall correctly, stayed up with Anna.

    And finally, I hope Lauren pronounces Bella Milagro as it's supposed to be pronounced, with an accent. I applaud her for it, especially when she does it in front of of Jim Bob "I say hola in Nepal" Duggar.

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  6. What kills me about all these photos posted of Colt is that he has actual potential to be attractive. Nice eyes, nice hair, and his features are angular enough that they would look good if he lost a few pounds. Like most of us, he would look attractive with a certain amount of weight loss.

    You can see it the most in the mirror selfie above, where he's taken actual care in his clothing. The potential is there. Now I'm off to wash my eyes with bleach.

    • LOL 3
  7. Father Andrei was worth the price of admission. What a thoughtful, gracious man, although I absolutely reserve the right to change my mind on that one (I've already been burned by Andrei this season). Maybe the language barrier was a factor in his likeability, but he was perfectly gracious about everything and even called Andrei out for making conflict. His eating the burger with a knife and fork was funny.

    Having said all that, it was lunacy to pay $600 for 17 hours or whatever it was, unless of course production paid for it, in which case go for it.

    Jay is a moron with no concept of the long con. All he had to do was stick it out for a few years, play nice the whole time, then divorce, at which point he could go hog wild. Whether he screwed the girl in the barbershop or not, he must have really, really pissed off his boys to make them turn on him like that. Barbershop talk is usually sacrosanct.

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  8. 1 minute ago, Kangatush said:

    I am 8000% Team Andrei after the shower.  He didn't start shit.  He pulled Becky aside, and calmly asked why she didn't tell him Jen was invited.  He never dictated a damn thing, he asked why she didn't give him the courtesy of a head's up.  He even tried to keep the conversation just between them.  The coven blew it up into a big thing.  And before that, he had been giving compliments and showing gratitude for the shower.  He was the only adult there.

    See, I dislike Libby's family - a LOT. I was Team Andrei all last season.  But there was no need for Andrei to start whispering to Becky during the shower within earshot of Jenn and quite blatantly pulling her aside in the middle of things to complain. An adult would have waited until the party ended - or been civil and kept his mouth shut, especially since Libby wanted annoying-ass Jenn to be there.

    While I agree that it's good to keep the guests of honor in mind when making a guest list, did Andrei really expect a sister to leave out one of her siblings at a family gathering, particularly since every other sister was apparently there? Does Becky strike Andrei as the type of person who would do that? I  think not.

    Andrei's original sin was taking Father Libby up on living in that house rent-free. For someone who bleats on about making it on his own and not wanting the family around, it was a spectacularly bad move to live off his father-in-law, no matter how short of a time.

    You have no idea how much I hate defending Family Elizabeth - they're obnoxious, smug assholes with no concept of boundaries.

    • Love 22
  9. I love that they brought the pastor back. I secretly hoped we'd see him again after last season. I hope he'll pop up again - in small doses, of course. When he gave the link to his church's donation page, I howled! And even the simple lines were funny. "Glenn okayed it. Hallelujah."

    • Love 4
  10. Not sure  how I feel about the development of Andrei and Elizabeth living in one of her dad's properties rent-free. There is NOTHING more expensive than free, especially with her band of dysfunctional, self-important, smothering family members. I'm a bit surprised at them accepting her dad's help at all. However, Elizabeth is as much the problem, especially if she's letting them run roughshod over them a la Chantel. And if he wanted to get away from their influence, living in his FIL's property is not the way to do it. Bad move, Andrei.

    • Love 20
  11. Are we supposed to think Brittainy is a bad person for valuing her job and the company over a shallow ass friendship with a bunch of vapid, incompetent employees? Good Lord. Reagan's always been a bit of a backstabber, and she can go the way of Shannon as far as I'm concerned.

    Kristin is totally unwatchable when she's with her friends.

    I'm not sure why I watch this show when I actively dislike everyone on it, with the possible exception of Jay. Except that he willingly hangs out with this band of fools, so.

    • Love 8
  12. Dina is the hottest woman on the show (closely followed by Amy in that gorgeous dress). Those khakis they always make her wear do her NO favors. Also love how Garrett lovingly drew her boobs. The gentleman doth protest too much. "My friend," my ass!

    A few of the party guests starred in "Real Women Have Curves" with America. It's nice to see her with them again. I wish Lupe Ontiveros was still around to play a relative of Amy's.

    Please stop pairing up Cheyenne with Mateo. It's tired, it's been done, and both of them play off straight man characters better.

    • Love 13
  13. 14 hours ago, BrianJ1962 said:

    Does Dillbert resemble Aarron Rodgers?

    Someone once said Derick resembled a dehydrated Aaron Rodgers. Or was it a tumble dried Aaron Rodgers?

    EDIT: Someone beat me to it.

    Jill's Easter dress or whatever was posted above was very cute. A little baggy on top, but she seems to like it that way. At least it doesn't have the unfortunate effect of making her look bigger. Clothes that make even small women look big should be burned for their poor craftsmanship.

    • Love 5
  14. I thought this was the worst episode yet. I've had enough of Kristin's screaming with her friends. I'm glad everyone gets along (with the possible exception of her and Jay), but I don't want to see it on my screen.

    More Kaylee and less Matt, please. She was supposed to be the show's shit-stirrer, but all I've seen so far is competence and the ability to absorb the constant shit talking with class.

    What was the explanation given for why they weren't in the main house? I was confused at that.

    Of COURSE Colby is a singer. It wouldn't be a Nashville show without a couple of nobodies trying to sing. I would like to tell you I enjoyed her song, but I could not understand a single word.

    • LOL 1
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  15. 1 hour ago, RHJunkie said:

     I agree, she was completely dismissive about the entire thing and so I can see why her employees would be annoyed with how things went down. Kristen basically went to them and said 'I'm re-hiring Kaylee because all of you suck and are incompetent and you just need to deal because I'm the boss and I don't care what you think or how you feel'. That is essentially what she did.

    Kristen is a shit boss and I'm not sure if that is for the cameras or not.

    Kristin - and Brittainy, to an extent - is very dismissive of her employees. On the one hand, I can see why. Most of them are gossipy, clique-y idiots who can't fill a box properly. And who cares if they don't like Kaylee? And they're in their early twenties, an age where you're more sensitive and prone to drama. But on the other hand, employees need to be feel that they're being heard, that they're valuable, etc. And being on the floor and doing the work means they have insight that the higher-ups don't.

    Example #1 is when Brittainy said to shipping that they needed to do the shipping manual ASAP, because "taking a photo doesn't take long." On the one hand, she's right. But on the other, it's dismissive of the work it actually does take to put a manual together. It's a delicate balance between holding an employee's hand and acknowledging their efforts. And nobody in management on this show seems to realize that.

    It's clear that the drama necessary for a reality show is harming day-to-day operations. Matt should have been out the door in a real business, but since he brings drama for the show, he stays.

    • Love 7
  16. I really can't take any more of Kelly and Kristin's constant screaming laughter in their interviews. Also the whole stilted convo with that guy was so forced, cringey, and fake. Why must we have fake ass storylines featuring Kelly, the one person who has nothing to do with the business? Of COURSE he was an actor/model. Probably hired a la Wirth to pretend he gives a damn. I can't stand Kelly's vapid ass, but even I felt bad at her not being able to get a word in edgewise.

    Colby only apologized to Kaylee because she got called out. Guarantee that if Kristin hadn't put the smackdown on her, she would have continued talking shit behind Kaylee's back and encouraging the other employees to do it too. She's only sorry to have been called out and seen as not nice.

    Can you imagine being retired at 35? I'd go nuts continuously fixing up the house.

    That pasta Kristin made looked SO good.

    • Love 3
  17. Quote

    Things are thrown off track on Jonah and Amy's first Valentine's Day.

    Pretty romantic episode all around. I still ship Dina and Garrett. Glenn stepping down as manager sets up the rest of the season's conflicts nicely. I'm not sure I want to see him as regular floor staff.

    I love that Sandra buying gifts for herself a few seasons back has come full circle. Jerry showing up in disguise at the end was hilarious.

    • Love 11
  18. 40 minutes ago, Natalie68 said:

    She is also going to get big city prices.  It will be a huge shock coming out here after being in Arkansas and Texas.  

    For REAL. I  grew up in southern California and about 10 years ago, the family and I booked it out of state because of the insane prices, taxes, housing costs, etc., and it's only getting worse. It is really no joke. You need to be making a very, very good living to live well in California, to say nothing of Los Angeles. Hope they've saved that show money.

    California is surprisingly pretty conservative in a lot of areas, but LA, not so much. Anything that gets them further out of their bigot bubble is a good thing.

    • Love 9
  19.  I'm waving the flag aboard Team Kaylee. As I've said before, I've had a boss I really disliked and was, frankly, scared of. You know what I did? I kept a smile on my face, found a new job and peaced out. She never know how I really felt. I hate the endless cliques and passive aggressive faces from the UJ staff. Colby can go the way of Shannon as far as I'm concerned. I really can't with incompetent ass people refusing to own their own mistakes. Brittainy seems to be as much of a hard ass as Kaylee, yet the staff seems to like her. I wonder why that is. I have a theory or two.

    They claim Kaylee doesn't know anything about shipping, but frankly, based on their piss poor results, none of the people in shipping know anything. I will say it's a major fail not telling the shipping people that Kaylee was in charge for that day.

    Isn't it convenient that Kristin is always out of town when the store is busiest or operations are the most complicated?

    • Love 6
  20. 1 minute ago, rhys said:

    Glenn is going to need to buy all the remaining gallons of purell for his office. Between the poop issue of a couple weeks ago & now the coupling of Sandra & Jerry, that office needs full on decontamination.

    Don't forget Dina and Garrett having sex in there last season!

    • Love 2
  21. Felt a little too close to season one's All-Nighter for my taste. Still, I like that Jonah and Amy once again presented as a team. And not being bored with someone after 24 hours straight with them is a real feat. Also they looked cute on the air mattress. Finally, the writers remembered that they're together. Someone needs to keep pulling America's hair back like it was this episode, because she looked great.

    Dina's eyelids! Hilarious!

    Cheyenne has rapidly become my least favorite character. I like the actress, but the character just GRATES. I hate that they keep pairing her with Mateo. To me, Mateo is funniest when playing off a straight-man character like Amy or Jonah.

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  22. 9 hours ago, PhoneCop said:

    Redemption arc? LOL

    I'm fully willing to bet that the only real problem the staff has with Kaylee is that she calls their immature, shiftless selves out on their shit. Like Jay said, shipping is simply not that hard—mistakes will happen, but when we're talking empty boxes by the dozen, that almost certainly points to a crew of irresponsible fuck-ups who should have a taskmaster riding their asses, if not firing them outright.

    Agreed. Kristin said last season that she didn't want cliques, but that's exactly what has happened. The fact that the sane people in the office (Brittainy, Kristin) like Kaylee and the vapid ones don't, is a big point in Kaylee's favor. I really, REALLY get that it is very hard to work for someone you don't like, and God knows I know the feeling of absolutely dreading work because of a boss, but then that's when you put your head down, find a new job as quickly as possible, and peace out.

    Why were there co-managers of shipping anyway? That seemed like a dumb idea from the jump.

    Is is the done thing to fire an employee without the CEO knowing? I suppose if it's bad enough, maybe?

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