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Posts posted by Raja

  1. 1 hour ago, UnknownK said:

    I don't recall seeing any men in that coven and no children at all other than the two we focus on. Are those kids born to their "mother" or just stolen or created in some way.

    One mother said specifically that she created them for the other to carry. And it seemed as in a way the Jedi and/or the Republic, that they were not a part of, would approve of.

  2. Getting around to watching the NetFlix/MCU Defenders saga while waiting for Daredevil: Born Again I am just getting back to the pilot of Iron Fist. I think because Finn Jones was not a martial artist before the production the fans of marvel's number 2 martial artist didn't give the show a chance. 

    I don't think it was showing Finn Jones doing slow Tai chi/katas was the problem but rather the stunt players on the other productions were too good, there was no room for visual improvement. Secondarily that Marvel Studios did not race flip the character in the pre Shang-Chi production schedules.

  3. White numbers on Dallas today, thank you. Not until ABC gave a close up in Boston  could I make out Irving by his shoe color and when Boston went into black I could only make out Holiday because his braids bounced.

    Maybe the camera position is better in Dallas?

  4. 1 hour ago, Tyro49 said:

    What did they do to the baby? I know they killed it, but what did they actually do?

    They seem to consider the one cut beheading as the most humane way to execute and take suicides out of their misery. I would guess that the father  did it before slitting his belly 

  5. On 6/6/2024 at 6:12 PM, Raja said:

    I wonder if any network has ever complained about the Dallas uniforms? That with their standard game play camera shots you can't make out the Dallas uniform numbers

    So the Celtics are in the black uniforms for game 2. The green letters come out a bit better than the Mavericks blue did. But just a little bit.

  6. On 9/4/2023 at 7:00 AM, chaifan said:

    I'm wondering if they will keep Cruz for the second season.  Not sure how that will work out, as she has seemingly burnt one big bridge.  Or do they start fresh with a new lioness each season? 

    Coming back to my first impression they did nothing to establish Cruz as a spy/assassin, just a Marine who could kill. Her only future use would seem to be as someone on the quick reaction force who doesn't wear the uniform of special forces, a beard. So stays with the CIA rather than go back to the Marine Raiders.

  7. For all of Jack Webb's anti stance I can't recall Mike Brady or The Mod Squad even being neutral on the weed issue. And with deep cover cops they would have been mandatory drug kingpin stories.

    By the end of the 70s we had pimps as lead good guy characters on Starsky and Hutch, and Baretta. The main cast students/players on The White Shadow were dealing with teen sex, pregnancy STDs, alcoholism and being dosed with PCP and acid.

  8. 1 hour ago, Yeah No said:

    I love it that there are websites with trivia on the show including photos and videos of what some of the street scenes look like today.

    I just remembered that Sergeant Friday on Dragnet when he narrated often gave street names that ran parallel to each other as cross streets to place the locations.

    • Like 1
  9. 59 minutes ago, tv echo said:

    But somehow, on shows such as The Rookie, getting from wherever you might be in a major metro area to the place where a crime is being crimed usually takes inside of 15 off-camera minutes.

    Well at least on The Rookie almost everything nominally occurs and all the characters seem to live in one LAPD divisional area. They have no need to cross from where you live to where you work that the rest of us hate and they have those code 3 lights and sirens to help. Although the incoming nuke scare when Detective Harper was able to visit home would leave Jack Bauer envious

    • Like 1
  10. 3 minutes ago, Yeah No said:

    I remember having crushes on both of them as a teenager, but wow now looking at Kent McCord, he was incredibly handsome when he was young!  I never realized what a cynical guy Malloy was and what a "boy scout" Reed was.  Seeing the show again has given me a  new perspective.  I don't like that so many of women characters are portrayed as crazy but then the show tries to be modern and forward thinking by depicting policewomen that know their stuff and the like

    From its late 60s through mid 70s time frame some real social change was going on. Adam-12 had Officer Reed go from bright eyed rookie, who I think was spared Vietnam service to the jaded one. Vietnam service wouldn't really come up for characters until the 80s. While Officer Malloy had gone from the one who lost a partner killed to being rejuvenated by the bright eyed kid. Meanwhile female officers went from specialized duties with their service revolvers in their purse in their first, and last Dragnet seasons, to unrestricted patrol duties. So that by the end of the decade on TV but on a different city's department you could have the first detectives and not women as honey trap decoys on Barney Miller the a Cagney and Lacey got made the first homicide detective team

    24 minutes ago, Yeah No said:

    My husband and I have a running game of who can name the car make and model first, LOL.  Despite the fact that he worked in the auto biz. and owned a few cars from this era I hold the prize.  I was crazy about cars as a kid!  I love it that there are websites with trivia on the show including photos and videos of what some of the street scenes look like today

    In the early days of first run syndication  where it hit the syndicator as 1 Adam-12 to distinguish it from the network running that year's new episodes if there wasn't a TV Guide description of the episode the year's LAPD cruiser would let me know about where they were in the story. Along with moving from the studio back lots to doing some filming on the streets of Los Angeles.

    • Like 4
  11. 1 hour ago, Fool to cry said:

    The new Shogun is great. Thinking of another popular Richard Chamberlain miniseries, no way they could do the Thorn Birds today. Twitter would explode! I'm amazed they were able to do it in 1983!

    About the only thing I remember about the Thorn Birds was that it was a period piece with a woman seducing her Catholic, presumably with an oath of celibacy Priest. Is there something else in the story that is not  doable today?  That main story point I have seen in shows produced from South America to the Philippines ? Did he rise to Bishop with everyone in the church hierarchy knowing of the extramarital sex.

  12. 10 hours ago, tv echo said:

    The Acolyte Delivers Most First-Day Views of Any 2024 Disney+ Launch

    Good luck. It sometimes seems that all my favorite shows on the legacy broadcast networks as they headed for cancelation all were promoted as number 1 in some highly segregated subset of all shows. In this case Star Wars beat the MCU and Percy Jackson on day one.

    • Like 2
  13. 2 hours ago, Rinaldo said:

    A lot of people apparently do, and they're not shy about saying so on other sites I frequent (like Sporcle). And I will foolishly (because it's the internet) always try to explain why they're wrong. Their argument generally seems to be that Any War Movie, or Any Action Movie, is inherently better than Any Literary Comedy. Or, alternatively, that Spielberg is Always Better Than Anything.

    All genre fans want their genre to win so better films in it will be made. The low budget bunk in WWII films now clogging the free streaming services make you cry for the days when Spanish Army extras carrying WWII era equipment look at least presentable.

    • Like 1
  14. On 6/5/2024 at 1:01 AM, thuganomics85 said:

    Interesting that despite all of the Jedis, this show has been less about lightsaber battles and more about hand-to-hand combat.  I wonder if this is their way make it feel different?  Or save any actual lightsaber battles for special occasions and not feel like they're using them as crutches?

    On this show most of the Jedi look like the other guy cops from procedurals who the "real police", to use the term from The Wire, need to work around. In the previous episode while Mae was pulling her  murder/duel she made the comment after Carrie Ann Moss pulled her saber that Jedi didn't do that unless they were about to kill which seemed to pause the Jedi.  So like a cop who can only draw his pistol in very specific conditions, or even have to hold on waiting for back up with less lethal weapons and call for armed police experts in some jurisdictions

  15. I wonder if any network has ever complained about the Dallas uniforms? That with their standard game play camera shots you can't make out the Dallas uniform numbers

    • Like 1
  16. 5 minutes ago, Kel Varnsen said:

    That's where I have always had the issue. Sure having a cop who uses brutality to get information probably isn't unrealistic. And one who does that and doesn't face many consequences probably isn't either. 


    McGarrett only answered to the governor. But then the governor answered to the big bad, Wo Fat

  17. Since they did a lot of product placements. On Hawaii 5-0 Danny had an HPD issued Mustang as his vehicle in the pilot but then came the contract with GM and his iconic car, which McGarrett always drove, was the Camero for a decade. And Fords were always driven by bad guys. Only when the contract ended did another detective drive a classic 60s Mustang 

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  18. 12 minutes ago, Shannon L. said:

    The only tv show that I've been able to suspend disbelief over the horrible things that a character in law enforcement does is 24, but then, that was kind of the premise of the show: Get the bad guys asap and at all costs.  Otherwise,  I'll give shows a little leeway, but something like what's being described on Hawaii 5-0 is a bit much-especially if it's a regular thing.

    If memory serves the kneecapping was a 24 terrorist H5-0 episode. Like 24 they had nukes go off in Hawaii. After the first season when SEAL and Naval Intelligence officer McGarrett brought many imaginative enhanced interrogation tricks they settled down to chaining folks to a chair in the basement and not stopping the questions  even as suspects/sources tried to invoke their rights.

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  19. From 2015 Clive Owen in Last Knights. A multiracial kingdom but based upon on the story of the 47 Ronin/loyal samurai. With none of the supernatural elements of the Keanu Reeves' 2013 movie on the subject.  A samurai movie with different types of armor and swords and only a couple of instances of superhuman, low level Captain America like  ability amongst the knights. On Amazon Prime.

  20. On 4/13/2019 at 1:09 PM, arc said:

    The nudity on this show feels exploitative. =/

    Mai Ling is hella reckless. She’s cheating on her gangster boss husband with his second in command, she’s secretly defying his wishes for peace with the Hop Wei…

    I guess without the nudity sinamax wouldn't have bought it. in this era it does let an actress know how big a star she is. In any case the show is now on Netflix.

    Three episodes in I had the feeling that all of the powerful had their side pieces and the old man was fine with his spouse going out for what age and ED took from him 

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