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Posts posted by TJtrack99

  1. So, I didn't have the heart to kill off Castiel, so I made him Missing in Action instead. But he is out of play so....possibility of being reunited with the gang if they all survive? 

    I know, that's why it's hard to write about characters that you like, you never want to kill them off.


    Now, if all the other dead Heroes will join me at the edge of our seats...*shuts up for the Day*

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  2. What exactly is there to discuss?  If it walks like a duck, talks like a duck ... well you know, right?  ::giggle::


    6 egavasc (stacey, TMunz, Dougal, JayKay, SVNBob, BizBuzz) 0 to throw her in the water to see if she floats.

    Wait, was this a subtle Monty Python reference, and I missed it?? Awesome!


    Don't worry Mark, no spoilers on my end. Although I am still angry, but I think the lot of you are safe for the night. I'll get the story up sometime today, whenever inspiration hits.

    *attempts to motivate * YOU are the special.

  3. Also, TJ, you joke about killing everyone was a literal coincidence, but thank you for making it, since it's ironic your character...ah...bit it. 

    Oh, I knew there was a strong chance of that happening in this game when I saw that I had a nifty power. (I hope everyone else noticed that this is essentially the same power from Reb's last round, haha!)


    Heroes, AVENGE ME!! (And Markbro and fox and Lisin too!)

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