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Posts posted by TJtrack99

  1. If it makes you feel any better, Constantine/dreamer, we the Villains thought the blond man was someone completely different. And we thought Bob was him and Spruce was Arrow (his overuse of "target" led us to think of him instead of The Human Target). So no matter what you would have gotten untrue information. But I don't know why you'd expect a Villain to tell the truth anyway ;-) For those curious what I said:

    "Mr. Constantine, I'm not a bad man, my methods are just misunderstood. As you know, you can't make an omelette without breaking a few eggs. I may have a theory or two as to who the handsome blond man is. The question, however, is why I would want to share them with you. I committed no murders myself. The police were taking me into custody for crimes that I may or may not have committed, but if I had been sentenced, they would not have carried the death penalty. You need to 'take care of' Officer Montoya - she's a danger to everyone since she sees herself as above the law. There are certain rules we 'businessmen' play by, and she has broken those rules. I deserve justice as well, Mr. Constantine. Don't let me down."


    We Villains also have some other things we'd like to say about the game, but I think we can wait until after the holidays and whenever we're preparing the next game. Have a great one, everybody!


    ETA: How could I forget this gem that I wrote in the Villain chat?
    "I mean, photo fox seems like the best bet. Though with our luck it's actually, like, TMunz who's Harvey." *headdesk*

    • Love 5
  2. The problem I'm having is that all of the information everyone's sharing doesn't seem to make sense together. The facts are these:
    -CP brought up the possible "mold" clue for JayKay on Day 1. She was killed by Victor Zsasz (see below) on Night 1.
    -We lynched Spruce on Day 2. In the Night 2 story, Montoya shot somebody who was not confirmed as a known Villain/Serial Killer.
    -Spruce voted for Bob on Day 2.
    -Stormm had the ability to communicate with Barry (The Flash).
    -John Constantine has brown eyes on the show but blue in the comics. Both have blond hair.
    -Victor Zsasz must be the Serial Killer in this game - he's made individual kills during the Night stories.
    -Bob has previously dropped hints at who he is even when he's been a Villain.


    Pretty much everything else is hearsay. So what have people said?
    -Jessie first thought that Spruce was Laurel, which I think a closer reading of the story proves to be false (and Spruce himself mentioned).
    -Then wd mentioned her "word on the streets" and "voices" telling her to vote for JayKay. Bob joined her, then some of us started to vote for Bob. wd then hinted a bit more at her identity - or her source (aside: I think it could be either, a "word on the street" has to come FROM someone, after all).
    -egavasc found CP's possible clue for JayKay but Dougal pointed out that CP was killed by the SK and voted for Bob.
    -Speaking of, Bob then started mentioning the connection between the lynch order and the story. But he also italicized the word "count" in a post (aside: Zsasz is known for counting his kills on his body) and, later, capitalized the noun Victor (please don't make me have to connect those dots for you).
    -But Spruce then said to Bob "I think it's fairly likely that you're not a villain, and I'm positive that it would be pointless to DL you right now."
    -Dougal made a list of characters and pointed out that while the man shot on Night 2 isn't named, it seems likely that it's Constantine, and logically therefore Spruce's character.
    -Athena then claimed to know that Bob is a Hero, later implying that they know each other's identity. (They could be Masons, which are different from a communicating pair.)
    -TMunz voted for JayKay with no added explanation.
    -Spruce reiterated about it being a bad idea to DL Bob, as well as it being "extremely likely" that there's another unnamed character running around. (aside: to me, that means that he's that extra character, but who is it? Maybe someone else from the show Constantine since at the moment the title character is the only one in the game?)
    -photo fox raised some questions on why Spruce must be a Hero, and what proof of JayKay's guilt there is besides wd's say-so.
    -Spruce asked me why I think Bob is the SK...see point 4 in this section :)
    -Biz made some implications that she was the one communicating with Stormm (aside: the two have them have seemed close to me, so I can buy this).


    So, here we are. For some reason I feel like I'm playing a game where everybody but me knows something. wd, Spruce, you're asking us to take a lot on faith. You understand why that's hard? Especially when it actually COULD be that everybody but me knows something because they're the Villains. I don't think this is the time for subtlety. We're almost at a deadlocked vote.
    -How do we know DL'ing Bob will do nothing?
    -Will the real John Constantine please stand up? And do you have a secret twin?
    -Does anybody else think Bob is the SK? Am I jumping at shadows?
    -How much of my night did I use up on this game? Answer: a lot! As evidenced that I started writing this quite a bit before our mod gave us more time :)


    ETA some formatting (I'm glad I CAN again now that I don't have to post from my phone!).

    • Love 3
  3. I'm about to leave but wanted to say this first. It's possible, frankly likely, that JayKay is a Villain. Fine. But I'm pretty sure Bob is the SK. If we wait another Night he gets another kill. On the other hand, there's a reason we Heroes have vigilante kills to use against Villains...

    • Love 3
  4. Ok, I'm going to be traveling again tomorrow, so I'll write what I know.

    1. Traditionally, the last person to finish a lynch is the one to do the killing in the story. (They are also traditionally the one to get any negative effects, like a kamikaze kill, as well.) And in the story the chaos was started by "someone from the crowd," so there's no way to confirm ANYTHING about the person who started the lynch. So read Night 2 with those in mind.

    2. I am also fairly sure the person attacked on Night 2 was Constantine. And I believe there's only one. So I don't understand this whole "unnamed character" thing. But something that just occurred to me, is that perhaps Constantine can pass messages onto others. That could explain "words on the street" and someone claiming to be Constantine to protect the real one.

    3. Biz has seemed pretty tight with Stormm. Stormm's Hero character could communicate with another Hero character. Consider that.

    4. Last game Bob was SATAN and he still hinted at who he was, and I'm pretty sure he was doing it again despite that identity being the top role the Heroes would want to kill. (Someone who could make their own kills every Night, that is, serially. Ahem.) There would be no reason to trust anything that someone playing that role would say.

    If I'm right, especially about #4, we can't afford to wait. Heroes, we need to vote smart here. wd's claims should be considered, yes, but I hope I make a compelling case too.

    • Love 2
  5. I agree that this vote on JayKay seems to have come out of nowhere. I'm going to stand with my friend Biz. And I'd like Athena to answer why she said she trusted Bob as well.

    Come on Heroes, we have an opportunity to get a Villain!

    2 to David Lynch SVNBob (BizBuzz, TJtrack99) and 6 to call out the heroes to make their presence known.

    • Love 2
  6. Alright, thanks for the assist, Zsasz! So it would appear that Halcyon was in fact a Villain. And we were on our way to lynching her (him?) when Bob started the vote on Spruce, which we know was a bad lynch (sorry for shooting you, Spruce!). So I think we really need to hear from Bob.


    As for the clue, I noticed "walk out of the room backwards", which I think could lead to egavasc. But I think our main order of business is avenging Stormm (RIP). She was on the way to vote for Halcyon...


    So, what say you, Bob?

    • Love 2
  7. *pant pant* I'm here! Made it after my travels. And we need to go after the Villains, we can't let them stall us. I think Bob makes a good argument, therefore:

    9 to David Lynch The Crazed Spruce (SVNBob, Dougal, Tabbyclaw, jessied112, HalcyonDays, Silverstormm, BizBuzz, Athena, TJtrack99); 0 to eat Jell-O. With whipped cream.

    • Love 2
  8. Well I've had a crazy day today, and I'm driving home tomorrow for the holiday, so don't know if I'll be around. Glad to see we got an extension.


    I could see the connection of calm to Halcyon. Though my mind immediately went to the phrase "calm before the storm." Plus there was that overcast sky...


    I don't know, I want everyone to discuss. Why hasn't everyone checked in?

    • Love 2
  9. No, not Jim and Barbara! :( RIP, CP and caprice.


    Thanks for the list, Bob. Bullock would be a Hero - he's Jim's partner (and hopefully will be ready to avenge him!).


    Things that jumped out at me:

    -All of the business with the fiber optic cables. Don't know if there's a clue there - maybe the "selling it back" is a hint at reversing a name (egavasc)?

    -"when the time is ripe." Isn't it usually "right"? But no one's really got a fruit-like name, the closest would be Spruce.

    -"represent" gets repeated. Don't know who I'd connect that to.

    -The doorman buzzes in Laurel, but that's probably too obvious to be a clue.

    -"She was alternately furious with Barbara for having been gone so long" - this should read "Laurel", right? Probably just a typo.


    I'm gonna read the Night story again as well, since all I really remember is smirking at that older couple that was gonna fly home...

    • Love 4
  10. Heh, Biz, I didn't mention the artsy stuff because it is my worst subject. Except for a few scattered memories about French Impressionism from high school and undergrad, I know zilch about anything artistic. And regarding Barbara, she does run an art gallery on Gotham, so I figured that was just explaining why her character would be involved. (And I just watched through the entire series of The West Wing over the summer, so naturally I picked up on your reference. "What would Leo do?" :) )


    "Squirrelly" does describe Mr. Cobblepot pretty well. Not sure on it being a clue though.


    I'm with caprice on waiting to vote no-lynch. We have a time limit on Day, there's no reason to cut off our time discussing potential clues. The JayKay one is interesting, even if the article you highlighted is a bit old, CP.

    • Love 3
  11. Yay, we started! Perhaps I should take my roommate's advice and start watching Arrow - I don't know too much about the characters from anything except Gotham.


    Words/phrases that jumped out at me:

    • Turboprop. Google says it's a type of plane, it just seemed like a very specific word. And the mention of the weird zoning right afterward.
    • Ollie. Do a lot of people call him this on the show? Just seemed funny that the narrator called him that.
    • Parlor car. Again, Google tells me it's a type of train, just seems very specific. Do our mods work for the Department of Transportation? Ha!
    • Chum, which isn't too odd except that it's followed immediately by a mention of fishing. Which made me think of sharks.

    What do you guys think? 


    I'd say you should tell us, BizBuzz, but I understand not wanting to tempt the wrath of the whatever from high atop the thing. :)

    • Love 1
  12. Okay, this is starting to get freaky. A few times things I've written about in Mafia have later happened to some extent on the respective show (I don't think I'm the only one this has happened to). One my favorite rounds I did on the old site was the Glee kids as fairy tale characters (a la Once Upon A Time) where I cast Rachel as Little Red Riding Hood. Well, I just saw on Twitter that Lea Michele's Halloween costume this year? Is Red Riding Hood. Weird, eh?

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