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Posts posted by TJtrack99

  1. And I'd like to give a hand to my team, Shirley, Annie, and Magnitude, as well as Ian Duncan, for their assistance, as well as some yet to be named LOL Mafia vets for their advice... (BIG WINK HERE).


    Most Entertaining PMs: TJTrack99 as Abed Nadir. We have two pages of us going back and forth on gifs, the game and the fun in having Abed not get his info from the Dreamatorium and having mental breakdowns. Also, many mentions of how Spruce is suspect and all that jazz. I also Britta'd TJ and forgot to include Duncan as a character...oops

    I won an award, yay! Even though it was about the game driving me crazy, haha!


    All my references to being Abed:

    -"the hero you all deserve" - in the first Halloween episode (and another episode later), Abed is Batman.

    -"Though I can see why Jeff would be thinking about bare things with Annie.......I'll be in my bunk." - this actually wasn't one originally, but jessie thought it was, as Troy and Abed famously had bunk beds

    -"I'll need to find a quiet room and think on that for a while." - about the Dreamtorium

    -"That's all I've got for now. Cool?"tumblr_ngi5zno9JW1tsnuq1o1_500.gif

    -"I've always enjoyed the Abed/Annie friendship/relationship. Particularly in Virtual Systems Analysis, where she thinks she's helping him in the Dreamatorium but actually ends up saying "I broke Abed." But it has a happy ending :)" - since I knew Annie was a power canceler from my power, I figured she was blocking my investigative power. So I wrote all this to be like "Hey don't do that to me Annie!" (also, Virtual Systems Analysis is definitely the episode where I really truly felt like Abed)

    -"Let's get this morning started off right, Heroes!"18707-community-troy-and-abed-in-the-mor

    -"what should I do if I feel like a friend keeps holding me back from what I want to do? Hypothetically, of course." - I still thought Annie was canceling me

    -Then I started using Abed gifs.

    -"Don't blame me, Hermione and Willow and Dorothy Ann helped me do the research! Cool?" - I figured I'd make a bunch of pop-culture references (though I normally do that a lot anyway, haha!), and of course used "cool cool cool" again.

    -"4 to defeat in Pile of Bullets" - I started leaving hints in my DL's, as Annie and Abed played this game

    -"Cause I thought I noticed you hinting that you were Troy, but obviously that is not the case as my Spruce-bro was. (*shakes his hand* My apologies for doubting you. Sometimes even friends who like the same things fight.)" - you said something about a pillow that made me think you were hinting at being Troy, stacey. He's the one who builds the pillow fort in Pillows and Blankets, which I was referencing here.

    -Then I had all those personal appeals (to stacey about my gif of Jeff and Abed dancing, and I still thought Annie/Lisin was canceling me)

    -"0 to head into a Dark Night" - Batman again

    -"3 to cut out felt goatees and embrace being evil" - Abed does this in The Darkest Timeline


    For Lisin I definitely picked up on the pill thing, JayKay wrote a rambling paragraph that made me definitely think of Britta, the invisible thing I knew (from my power) meant egavasc was claiming Fa-aaaaaabulous Neil, and stormm I saw the enormity = magnitude thing. So I was still unsure on Athena and stacey, but when stacey was hinting at Jeff (Machiabelly had claimed him earlier) and Athena mentioned protecting people, that's when I realized my other line of thinking was right.


    Awesome job, Heroes! In honor of our win, the first gif I sent jessie for this game:


    • Love 6
  2. I thought that was pretty obvious from the story, though I did know it otherwise and maybe in retrospect should have been more careful about that.

    Ah, indeed.


    I did during Day 1, which is why I stole your powers on Night 1. :)

    I was wondering about that! So frustrating. Suffice it to say my PM's with jessie ended up including this:


    And this: 


    And of course this:



    • Love 3
  3. Well I still demand a play-by-play and description of the clues, jessie! Which character could you be? Hmm....how about Vicki?


    So yeah, I probably would have pushed to lynch Dougal, as I only thought he might be Shirley due to seeming to know about the protection early on. Not very good odds for him anyway :)


    So who out there figured out I was Abed? Cause when I saw I got him I was like this:


    And then I put in a bunch of references, and then only started using gifs with him in them.

    • Love 4
  4. Oh, sorry @TJtrack99, I was distracted, busy admiring myself in the mirror. I obviously didn't drop any hints that I was Troy, as I'm much better looking (indeed, the BEST looking student), but you are certainly putting out a very PIERCE-ing vibe to me...

    Actually, this all clicks with the other line of thinking I had. And by the way I'm not Pierce. Or Annie's Boobs. Didn't you like my dancing gif before, ?


    @Lisin, if you are who you seem to hint who you are, I think it would be wise to consider who you're using Night actions on...


    5 to DL Machiabelly (SilverStormm, stacey, Athena, Lisin, TJtrack99), 0 to head into a Dark Night

    • Love 5
  5. I'll have you know, I'm a true blue Hero, @TJtrack99!

    O rly? Cause I thought I noticed you hinting that you were Troy, but obviously that is not the case as my Spruce-bro was. (*shakes his hand* My apologies for doubting you. Sometimes even friends who like the same things fight.) So therefore I call shenanigans!



    Also, I think I have Annie narrowed down to two possibilities. Though now I'm thinking of two Alison Bries and my mind is wandering off again...

    • Love 1
  6. After some


    I believe that I would be willing to lynch Lisin and stacey. Dougal would be my next choice. Don't blame me, Hermione and Willow and Dorothy Ann helped me do the research! Cool?


    In case I'm not back later:


    1 Lisin (TJtrack99) 4 to defeat in Pile of Bullets

    • Love 2
  7. Since it's still Night, I thought I'd bring us some Heroes news (as it's the show that brought us together on the other site in the first place) about the reboot. And since I also loved Chuck and think Zachary Levi is awesome, this is some fabulous news.

    • Love 6
  8. WAIT. I know what the REAL clue is. Are you read for this logic?


    So Chang wants to use a secret tunnel. "Secret Tunnel" is a song from the TV show Avatar: The Last Airbender. The Secret Tunnel in question is near Omashu. This place is an anagram for "O, Shamu." So clearly the clue is referring to somebody who goes to Sea World and sings ballads to the whales there. And there's only one person who does this.


    2 to DL The Crazed Spruce (photo fox, TJtrack99) 4 to sing to a male duck instead


    With that out of the way, *goes up to Bob's stand* what should I do if I feel like a friend keeps holding me back from what I want to do? Hypothetically, of course.

    • Love 1
  9. Okay, first thing's first - what happened during the Night? It seemed that Shirley protected Jeff. But then DeanMunz "died" anyway...but then the action reads "if Jeff is attacked", which it seems he was...so I guess that works out?


    The fact that the goat's name is Billy made me LOL. And the Dean's obsession with Jeff.

    “Thank you Abed and Troy. It is crazy out there. People are in desperate need of therapy after this, which I will hap-“ Britta started before the camera spun around.

    She Britta'd it! Of course, she also uses the word crazy...just saying...


    ALL of the Clues (no way there's only one):

    -"comrades" - several Communists (including Stalin) drew inspiration from Machiavelli. Or it could mean to look for a direct Russian name like Lisin. A DOUBLE CLUE. JESSIE IS TRICKY.

    -Britta says "it's a jungle out there", which is undoubtedly a reference to "Queen of the Jungle" Stacey Solomon. And Solomon was very wise, so this is 100% the clue.

    -The goat is almost assuredly a reference to the aegis, the goatskin shield held by Athena. Not to be confused with being ageist.

    -"gingerly" - a reference to the red hair that foxes have. Or Emma Stone. Mmmmm. *mind wanders off*

    -The South Wing is clearly a reference to The West Wing, and from that show it's only naturally to go to the President's son-in-law, named Doug. Of course!

    -The Villains call a truce but it's all a ploy, something they could say JK ("just kidding") about. ROFL.

    -The minions explode in sparkly glitter (!!!), which is almost certainly gold or silver. "Silver and gold..."

    -The ninja is without a doubt a reference to the wrestler TJ Perkins. Not Ann Perkins.

    -Jeff's back was turned, which means to look at the backwards name egavasc. I KNEW IT.


    There. So what does this mean? It means that ALL OF YOU ARE VILLAINS. Even ME!! Ahhhhhhh! *runs and hides in his room*

    • Love 3
  10. *ignores the dancing and dodges the brawling on the way to a table*


    *sets up a sign saying Student Advisor:  No Appointments Necessary on the table*


    *sits quietly and waits*

    Assuming I survive the Night, you may have a walk-in :)

    • Love 1
  11. I present to you guys, the moment that I knew Community would be one of my favorites. Troy and Abed are trying to train their rat (Fievel) to respond to music, Pierce is helping Shirley with public speaking, and Jeff is helping Chang reconcile with his wife. And then this happens: 

    • Love 3
  12. There's also these images from the show, which are technically canon (though I believe it was a dream sequence?):



    Also, if we are still in the market for LOLs:

    -Hey, have you met my new vegetarian girlfriend?

    No, you probably haven't met herbivore.

    -A priest, a rabbi, and a blonde walk into a bar, and the bartender says

    "What is this, some kind of joke?"


    And finally, a one-line joke that's also kind of horrible:

    A baby seal walks into a club.


    *waltzes out*

    • Love 2
  13. *clicks jessi's spoiler tag* *brain is short-circuited*


    *3 hours later...*


    Ack! Time limit! Ok, I'd be down for voting for Biz or Spruce. Sorry, Spruce-bro, it's almost a new Mafia tradition! Let's do it for the children! And the whales! And the (non-spruce) trees!!

    • Love 2
  14. Fair enough.  And when the cause of your demise looks like this:

    What a way to go...

    Agreed. "She's kind of awesome today." Check it out: 


    Paintballs whizzed by Abed and Annie, who expertly dodged them

    I've always enjoyed the Abed/Annie friendship/relationship. Particularly in Virtual Systems Analysis, where she thinks she's helping him in the Dreamatorium but actually ends up saying "I broke Abed." But it has a happy ending :)


    Also, LOL that Buddy's last name is Black (since he was played by Jack Black)! And "Jeff and Annie grabbing onto each other and staring into each other eyes, with Abed and Troy doing the same thing." And I'm right there with you, jessie, about liking different character pairings. That's why I like the ensemble cast.


    Possible clues:

    -"perched in other areas like birds. One of them actually was dressed like a bird for some unknown reason." - The second sentence made me laugh. But an owl is often a symbol for the goddess Athena.

    -"You’re on the wrong side, cadet. Go back to where the other civilians are," - Machiavelli (not belly ;-) ) often staffed his army with citizens instead of mercenaries, according to Wikipedia.

    -"Sorry Buddy, but you’ll have to exit through the rear" - this just seems oddly phrased to me. Don't know why.

    -"They would get their soon enough." - the wrong there. Or perhaps jessie meant "get their's". theirs'? Whatever, you know what I mean.

    -Shirley rolls her eyes twice at Jeff. Not sure if that means anything.

    -The Nicolas Cage quote is from The Wicker Man, wherein some of the characters are named after trees but no Spruces...

    -"while Dean Pelton stood on his head and shot" - this I would pay to see. Not sure about the clue-ness though :)


    What do we think? Let's get this morning started off right, Heroes!

    • Love 1
  15. Here's the wiki for those interested in reading up on the show/characters.


    First off, I was a Villain last game but I'm back to being a Hero this time, the hero you all deserve. As for possible clues:

    -"Act One: Suits is Law" - seems oddly phrased doesn't it?

    -I wonder what's on the slip of paper Pierce handed Jeff.

    -"so that didn’t bare well for Jeff" - is this the right bare/bear? Though I can see why Jeff would be thinking about bare things with Annie.......I'll be in my bunk.

    -The Joker stuff could be a clue. Or it's just saying Pierce is grinning a lot.

    -Don't remember if we know that there's a red hallway at Greendale or not. Possible GoT reference (I don't watch it though).

    -“Well, guys what?" - probably just a typo

    -It's possible there's a clue in all of Abed's references. Or it could just be him being Abed. I'll need to find a quiet room and think on that for a while.

    -“He’s really angry and we wouldn’t like him when he’s angry…” - this reference I'm pretty sure is about The Hulk/Bruce Banner, whose initials are BB (sorry if I'm wrong, Biz!)


    That's all I've got for now. Cool?

    • Love 2
  16. I've been meaning to ask everyone - aside from Bob, who knew I was claiming his character, and Athena because I was claiming her partner's character, did anyone else actually suspect me? I had tried to buddy up to Biz (I'm sorry, Biz!) since she had been acting so Heroic. I did feel a bit bad about her reaction when she saw I was a Villain.


    Also, did we ever figure out if there's a way that we could pin a post to the thread where mods could sign up to host rounds? It seems like a waste to make a whole separate thread for it. Any ideas, PTV mods?

    • Love 1
  17. Also, I'm looking back on the TwoP Mafia thread. *sniffles* Oh, good times, good times.

    Good times indeed! My round of Pirate Mafia (which included Community amongst its characters) round is in there. And of course it was included in our first game ("Cancelled Mafia") here on PTV. Though now it's been un-cancelled, so that's awkward...

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