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Posts posted by TJtrack99

  1. Night 1: Reconnaissance, Part 2
    Inside the L.A. Dollhouse

    Quite suddenly, everyone was busy. Ivy had discovered that Caroline’s backup was damaged, so Topher and Bennett were working to repair it. Adelle had gone to tell Echo and Ballard to get somewhere safe. As Ivy was reinstating Victor and Sierra’s original personalities, Whiskey wandered into the lab. She observed Bennett and Topher sitting close together and smiling. “He really does care about you,” she stated. Bennett giggled and looked slightly flushed at the thought.


    And then her head exploded with blood as Whiskey drew a gun and fired.


    The utter shock paralyzed Topher. His eyes wide, he stared at the former doll. “You can’t stop Rossum,” seethed Whiskey. And she simply turned and walked out.
    Upstairs, Boyd came upon the blonde woman, who was wearing a nice dress. He asked her “How can I help you, ma’am?” “Are you in charge around here? I don’t want your help otherwise! I don’t have time for useless underlings!” raged Glory. For his part, Boyd just chuckled. “In a manner of speaking, yes. What can Rossum do for you?”


    Glory looked at him, weighing what to say. “I heard that you can...change people. Affect the way that they think. And I wanted to be a part of it.” Boyd nodded. “I heard none of the guards were able to stop you,” he said, motioning to the bodies strewn about the room. “How is that possible?” Glory laughed and stretched her arms. “Let’s just say I’ve got some power. And I like being in control.” Boyd cocked his head. “We are about to have a lot of control.” He knew this woman was after something, but couldn’t tell what. Yet it was wiser to have her on his side than against him. The elevator dinged and Whiskey emerged, some blood splattered on her. “Perhaps you’d like to join us?”


    Looking impressed, Glory nodded. “Name’s Glory,” she said, folding her arms. Boyd smirked at her. “Boyd Langton, head of Rossum with my friend Clive here.” He indicated the bloody woman next to him. Now Glory looked confused. Boyd started to walk them out as he said “I’ll explain on the way to headquarters.”


    Sunnydale General Hospital
    The hospital lobby doors whisked open, and Ward and Trip entered, scanning the room while heading straight to one of the private research labs. Their attention was so focused ahead of them, they failed to notice the hooded figure following.


    Once they reached the designated rendezvous spot, they gave the prearranged signal in a series of quick knocks on the door, which opened in a rush. “Get in get in get in,” Fitz said, hurrying them in, sparing a quick glance up and down the hall, and then securing the door. “Coulson’s been waiting for you,” Simmons said from the work station she was at, nodding towards their boss, deep in conversation with May. Meanwhile, the dark figure stationed himself down the hall and around the corner from the lab. He was actually not a stranger to the SHIELD team if they had seen who it was. Now he waited patiently, while continuing to monitor all that he was tuned in to.


    “Alright team, listen up,” Coulson said, gathering everyone together. May looked at the latest two arrivals and questioned “Wait, where’s Garrett?” “He’s coming, lagging behind for some reason,” Trip said, shaking his head. “We’ll have to catch him up then, this can’t wait,” was Coulson’s reply. “Simmons?”


    The young girl tapped a few keystrokes and a projector came on, showing some blueprints to some high-tech device as she narrated “SHIELD has obtained these schematics and we believe the use of this device is imminent.” Ward raised his hand, “And what is it, exactly?” Fitz looked excited as he started to point at various parts of the blueprint, rambling about inverters and amplifiers and waves until May cut him off with a look. He concluded with “We think this device could alter someone’s mental state, regress it to nearly a blank slate.”


    That made an impression on everybody. “Is it related to the patients here?” asked Trip. Coulson shrugged, “We’re not sure, they don’t seem to be blank here, just...damaged. Could be they got hit with a prototype, could be we’re just not sure exactly what this weapon could do. But this is top-level, we need everyone on this.” Ward looked around. “Where’s Skye, then?” “Here,” came a voice from the computer, as Simmons opened a video chat window to show the other young girl. “I’m stuck on The Bus, the downside of not being a full agent yet. At least I’m guarding it from the coyotes.” Everyone chuckled as Simmons said to her friend “Well while I’m here, I’m hoping to use some of the hospital’s equipment to look further into the GH-325 serum.”


    “We’ll see about that, as Coulson said, we need all hands on deck,” May said in a short voice. Coulson nodded and started “Here are your assignments…”
    Outside, the doors of the emergency room were slammed open as a stretcher was wheeled in. “Caucasian male, GSW to the abdomen.” The nurses took the stretcher and quickly got him into an OR. The dark-haired woman that was with him looked extremely worried.


    Echo kept muttering “She said we’d be safe here.” She looked in at the doctors starting to operate on the man she had been with. He, too, kept muttering something as the doctors prepared the anesthesia. But they thought he was just asking for a drink. If only they knew that Paul Ballard was trying to say who had shot him as he painfully whispered “Whiskey…”


    The Magic Box, Sunnydale
    After settling in from relocating from the Summers’ residence, Willow set about finding the contact information that Giles had sent her in search of, and found it a bit harder than she had thought it would be. “Are you sure this is right, Giles?” she asked after yet another dead end. “I mean, you could be misspelling her name, or maybe she got married? And what kind of place to work is a dollhouse, anyway?”


    “I did not misspell her name, and if she happened to marry, trust me when I say she would retain her own name,” Giles huffed while searching through yet another old address book, hoping for some sort of lead, with Buffy and Angel on either side of him at the table paging through notebooks, while the rest of the group wandered around the shop.


    “So I guess this is where you guys hang out now that the high school library is no more,” Cordelia sniffed. “How…common.” “Really? I was unaware that the exchange of goods and services for profit was ‘common,’ while being…whatever you are is not?” Anya threw back. “Hey, lady, I am a gainfully employed office manager, who would suggest that you back off,” Cordelia snapped, advancing on Anya, while Xander stepped between them. Wesley and Gunn looked at each other, and then headed to the far corner. “Really, guys? Really?” Tara said, as she headed to Xander’s aid. “Hey, I’m with them,” Faith said from the couch, where she was flipping through a magazine. “Cor can take care of herself just fine, and I’m deciding between ‘Are You A Secret Bitch?’ and ‘How Much Do You REALLY Know About Beyonce?’”


    The bell dinged as the front door to the shop opened. Everyone turned and looked at the slight, dark haired woman as she stepped into the store. She scanned the group, and her eyes lit upon Giles. “Rupert, good evening,” she said, an English accent discernible. “I understand you have been attempting to find me. Here I am.”

    A smile crossed Giles’ face as he rose from his seat at the table. “Adelle! You have no idea how happy I am to see you!” “I wish I could say likewise, Giles, but the timing could have been...better,” Adelle DeWitt clipped as she strode into the shop. “It’s not a good time to get together for tea, but I was on my way back to--” “No, no, Adelle, this wasn’t, well, that is, I have been meaning to call you, but of course, you know, here in the States, well, a bit uncivilized, I would say, maybe a bit of a lack in--”


    Buffy watched impatiently, then jumped up from the table. “Giles, if we can just skip the chit chat, that would be great. Hi, English lady, I’m Buffy, these are my friends and...some other people,” Buffy’s arm swept the room and a few disinterested voices mumbled greetings. “We have a problem. A big one. I’m the Slayer, the Chosen One, and we’re going to need a lot more help than these idiots.” Angel pulled a file out from under the clutter on the table in the center of the room, and handed it over to Adelle. “We obtained these images, and Willow,” he nodded towards the redhead at the laptop, “was able to print them out. This is a pretty dire situation from what we can tell.”


    Adelle took the file and flipped through it. “How did you get these??” she demanded, looking at Angel, Giles, and Buffy. “This is indeed serious, and I need to know where they came from IMMEDIATELY.” “I had ‘em,” Faith said, rising from the couch and starting towards Adelle, whose eyes widened. Her sudden intake of breath caught the room’s attention, as she said in a tremulous voice, “Echo? Caroline? Oh my god, how is this possible?”


    Living Players
    1. BizBuzz
    2. Machiabelly
    3. The Crazed Spruce
    4. SilverStormm
    5. Drogo
    6. caprice
    7. egavasc
    8. Lisin
    9. Lady Calypso
    10. MarkHB
    11. Athena
    12. JayKay
    13. SVNBob
    14. TMunz
    15. Oinky Boinky
    16. photo fox
    17. CuriousParker
    18. Dougal
    19. Jesse


    Killed in Classic Whedon Style
    NPC-BENNETT HALVERSON, a HERO. Could have killed you with her brain, if Joss didn’t so enjoy killing characters in front of their loved ones.


    No typos in those lists at the end there. You have 24 hours for Night actions to be submitted. (So until ~3:40 PM Eastern on Thursday.) The preceding story contains two clues.

    • Love 3
  2. ATTENTION. The vote now stands:


    3 to No DL (BizBuzz, caprice, Lady Calypso) 7 to hush
    10 to DL CuriousParker (Oinky Boinky, Drogo, Jesse, Dougal, Lisin, Spruce, egavasc, SilverStormm, photo fox, ANONYMOUS).
    2 to DL JayKay (CuriousParker, MarkHB) 8 to apparently confuse everyone




    But somebody please post so as to leave a space between my posts. You may start submitting Night actions if you wish, you will have 24 hours from the posting of the Night story regardless.

    • Love 2


    ~12 hours remain in the Day. stacey and I have talked about it, and we've decided to set a numerical limit in order for there to be an extension on a Day. So if at least 50% of players have voted, Day will get extended. For Day 1, this extension would be 12 hours (until 11:15 PM on Wednesday).


    We now return you to your regularly scheduled Day, already in progress.

    • Love 3
  4. As we are the next game in line now, Biz and I would like to reveal that the next mafia game will be 'The Princess Bride mafia',

    YAAAAAAAS. Amazing! My only problem is that I will be sad if just about any character is killed off.


    I'm glad you said this first. 

    Well luckily for all of us, I'm not the only mod :D

    • Love 4
  5. As has already been said, glad to finally like Barbara in an episode. Everyone was used really well and you could understand their motivation. Even our Villain. (I'm sure it's also partially due to identifying so much with Peter on Heroes.) The two of them looked fantastic together.

    Ogre and the Heiress. Serial killing around Gotham on a channel near you.

    I would watch the HELL out of this show. Killing people while wearing top-of-the-line threads? Yes please.

    • Love 2
  6. Happy Monday! Behold:


    Day 1: Reconnaissance, Part 1
    Crossing the Sunnydale City Limit

    The Plymouth GTO crossed the city limits into Sunnydale. Gunn looked out the window at the dark and quiet town. “So THIS is Sunnydale? And it’s a Hellmouth? Are you guys sure?”


    The car eventually came to a stop in front of a house with all of the windows lit. Angel turned in the seat and looked at the occupants of the rear seat. “Okay, guys, we’ve been over this. BEST. BEHAVIOR. Got it?” Faith was already out of the car, heading up the sidewalk, and Angel hurried to catch up. “Faith, are you sure this is the best idea? I know Joyce hasn’t been well lately.”

    “Look, Angel. We’re all going to have to work together on this, and if English back there,” she jerked her head in Wesley’s direction, “is RIGHT, we need a coordinated effort from a lot of folks. The Scoobies included.”

    The group gathered on the front porch, as Faith went to ring the doorbell. “Oh, by the way – Willow has a girlfriend now. And Xander is dating a former demon,” she tossed off, flashing a grin at the group as the door opened.
    They were all sitting in the living room, each side eying the other a bit warily.  Buffy came into the room, and said, “Okay, Mom’s laying down, and Dawn’s watching her. Spill.”


    The story tumbled out, starting with Faith, moving on to Wesley, and back to Willow, then Angel. All the while, Gunn kept a nervous eye on Anya. “Seriously, she used to be a demon? Cause she’s kinda hot,” he muttered to Cordelia. “Do not get me started, Charles,” Cordelia hissed. “This day has gone from horrific to worse. My aesthetician cancelled my appointment, and told me she’s moving to New Jersey. Now THIS.”’


    Giles stood from the chair in the corner where he had listened silently to the situation unfold, removing his glasses, and clearing his throat, “A-hem, if I may?” he asked, glancing first at Buffy, then at Angel, who glanced at each other; then Buffy nodded at Giles. “So you’re saying that this mysterious corporation has a ‘memory wiper’ that can effectively create blank slates of real people? This is not good. I mean, demonic is one thing, but corporate America, well ... makes Dante’s Inferno looks like recess-time to the average human.”


    “So what do we do, then?” Buffy asked. Giles pondered a moment, and then said, “I may know someone who can help us. I have not seen her in some time, but she has some background in this sort of thing. Willow, your assistance please; I need to find her, and your internet skills are vastly superior to mine.” Willow rolled her eyes. “Like THAT needs to be said,” she said under her breath.


    Rossum Corporate Headquarters; Tucson, Arizona
    Ian Quinn stood in the board room, drinking from a tumbler and looking out the window. He was waiting for the other two to arrive. The door opened and he turned to see a dark-haired woman. “You must be Ms. Morgan,” he smarmed, going over to shake her hand. “The infamous Ian Quinn” was her rejoinder as she returned the handshake. “The partners at Wolfram & Hart send their regards.”


    Quinn laughed as he guided them to go sit. “Most prefer famous, but I didn’t get to where I am now by caring what people think of me.” Lilah nodded her agreement. “We have a real opportunity here,” she stated, “This company’s in prime position to take control of a world that needs it. My firm is very interested in being of assistance in this...acquisition. What is the potential for unneeded attention from the authorities?"


    At that, Quinn put down as his glass. “My understanding is that the technology is such that we won’t need to worry about that anyway.” Lilah narrowed her eyes, and replied “I always make sure to have my bases covered.” Unexpectedly, Quinn laughed, and then picked his glass back up and toasted her with it. “You’d be a fool not to. But I actually have a source within SHIELD that’ll make sure no heat comes our way.”


    Lilah poured herself a glass and toasted Quinn back. As they drank, the conference phone in the center of the table started to ring. Quinn hit the speaker button and said “Rossum Headquarters.” The voice that replied was the disguised voice both Morgan and Quinn had dealt with on the phone previously. “It’s me. I won’t be able to join you. There’s been some developments here, I need to stay undercover to make sure it’s taken care of.” “What is it?” Lilah asked, starting to look worried.


    “They’re onto us, they know our plan. They’re close to discovering me. I’ll delay them as long as I can before returning. I gotta go.” With that the call clicked off.


    L.A. Dollhouse
    Amongst the low buzz of conversation in her office, Adelle sighed. She could already feel the start of a headache, a direct result of back-to-back phone calls with her active and then Dollhouse security. First things first - she opened her office door and walked down the hall to find Boyd. “Mr. Langton, please rejoin us, we have a problem.” “What is it?” he asked, his hands quickly putting something in his pockets. Adelle looked exasperated. “Well Echo got the materials, no problem. Though apparently there was some big to-do about a man somehow making her hair damp without touching her.” “What does that-”


    “I wish I knew,” Adelle cut him off as she pinched the bridge of her nose. “When she gets back, hopefully we can re-imprint her with her original personality and she can finally tell us who’s behind all this.” She took a breath. “Anyway, NOW apparently there’s some blonde woman causing a ruckus in the main building. She seems to have an idea of what we can do but so far no one has been able to restrain her.” Boyd gave her his assessment: “If you can’t physically stop her then you can’t let her in here, or you might never get her back out. Who knows what she’d do? It could be a whole ‘nother Alpha situation.”


    Adelle agreed with him. “I think your experience as a handler could prove beneficial here. Get her to trust you and find out what she knows and what she wants.” Boyd nodded. “I’ll talk to her. I have some experience with handling distraught women.” The memory of Boyd’s growing relationship with Whiskey, a doll who had been imprinted with the Dollhouse’s former physician Dr. Saunders, came to both of their minds.


    “How’s she been doing?” Adelle asked. Boyd smiled as he affectionately said “She does fine.” In another part of the Dollhouse, Whiskey herself stole out of a lab clutching a screwdriver. A now-damaged imprint wedge jutted out from the rack of personality backups. It read in bold letters “CAROLINE FARRELL”.


    Underneath the campus of UC/Sunnydale, the former site of The Initiative
    Garrett waved away the cobwebs hanging in front of him as he entered the cavernous underground chamber. There were no electronics left here, although remnants of their existence remained; abandoned power cords, stainless steel carts, and other debris littered the space. “So, this is where The Initiative was based then?” Ward asked from behind his former mentor, with Trip bringing up the rear. “I’ve heard stories about The Initiative,” Trip added, “Those folks ditched at the first chance. Not much there in the way of integrity or valor."


    “I’m inclined to agree to an extent,” Garrett said as he approached a door that led to the holding cells for the so-called ‘Hostile Subterrestrials.’ “I think the biggest failing they had was that they thought too small. They focused on so-called demons from Hell Dimensions. Vengeance demons, werewolves, hell hounds, vampires – seriously, VAMPIRES? I think that Professor Walsh must have been a big fan of that Twilight crap. What they really should have focused on more was the 314 Project. That research would be a big help in the fight against Cybertek and Deathlok. If only they gave--”


    “Now that you mention it, it does sound like what they did with 314 is pretty similar to what Centipede did to Mike Peterson,” Ward interrupted as he moved an abandoned tarp with his foot. “I’m not sure how that sits with anyone else, but it’s not good with me.”


    The three did a sweep of the abandoned facility, and regrouped in the large main room. “I’m not seeing much of use here,” Trip said, with Ward nodding agreement. “Why don’t the two of you head out and meet back up with Coulson and May?” Garrett said. “I have to make a stop, no need to slow the two of you down with these old man issues,” he chuckled. Ward and Trip gave quick nods and headed for the surface, leaving Garrett behind. “Finally alone,” Garrett muttered, as he turned to head back down a corridor. “If I can just find that information on Extremis…” He didn’t see the dark hooded figure emerge from the shadows, scan the site with a glowing red eye, and turn to follow Ward and Trip out of the bunker while adjusting the hidden hardware on his arms..


    Living Players
    1. BizBuzz
    2. Machiabelly
    3. The Crazed Spruce
    4. SilverStormm
    5. Drogo
    6. caprice
    7. egavasc
    8. Lisin
    9. Lady Calypso
    10. MarkHB
    11. Athena
    12. JayKay
    13. SVNBob
    14. TMunz
    15. Oinky Boinky
    16. photo fox
    17. CuriousParker
    18. Dougal
    19. Jesse

    (That makes 10 needed for a DL)


    We will say 48 hours for Day, so it will end automatically at ~11:15 AM (Eastern time) on Wednesday. The story contained 1 clue. Good luck and have fun!

    • Love 4
  7. Oh my god, the Ben is Glory references are going to be AH-MAZING. And now I really want to watch that one particular scene. You guys know exactly what scene I'm talking about..unless you don't. Then you must.

    "Wait! Are we thinking there's some connection between Glory and Ben?"

    • Love 5
  8. And I'm pretty sure this is the Firefly reference: 

    Bob wins the bonus point! Bennett is portrayed by Summer Glau, known to the browncoats as River Tam. They would also know Captain Hammer as Serenity's captain Malcolm Reynolds.


    Whedon likes to reuse his actors, so I might expect a lot of "Hey, don't I know you?" or perhaps even people portrayed by the same actor...

    • Love 4
  9. I take full responsibility for this being so long - those of you who have played the old Heroes rounds know I like long introductions. :P


    That being said, we may not have included all of the characters in this story. Hopefully they'll all get in Day 1. No promises.


    As your mods, you are free to PM stacey and I at any time. Most of you have no one else you can PM with about the game, so let's keep it that way. And also as your mods, we have several curve balls up our sleeves, so be on the lookout for those...


    And last but not least, one of my favorite things is the descriptions you guys do for the people who haven't watched the shows. I expect to see some hilarious character sheets by Monday. :D


    (And one bonus point for whoever finds the Firefly reference in the Prologue!)

    • Love 9
  10. No kidding. Apparently everyone else is dead, too!

    Well and I are trying to finish the Introduction...despite using a Google doc we're not coordinating well...I would expect it by the end of the week. Day 1 maybe we will open on Monday since there is less activity on weekends...


    Edited @ 3 PM: Well we just had a very successful co-writing session...I may be geeking out a bit!

    • Love 5
  11. Good morning, Buffy fans! (I've made it to Season 7 of my time watching through on Netflix. What a great show!)


    If any of you have ever played the party game Mafia, we play an online version here at PTV. I'm running a round soon that's a crossover of Joss Whedon's works, Buffy included (along with Angel, Agents of SHIELD, and Dollhouse). If you're interested in playing, come on over and leave a message!

  12. Good morning, SHIELD fans! If any of you have ever played the party game Mafia, we play an online version here at PTV. I'm running a round soon that's a crossover of Joss Whedon's works, SHIELD included (along with Buffy, Angel, and Dollhouse). If you're interested in playing, come on over and leave a message!


    Yes, so this ended a little more quickly then either @TJtrack99 or I thought it would, so we're getting ourselves organized (read: running in circles screaming waving our hands in the air). We'll be back with news soon-ish, like after Sunday?

    Yes, apparently we are Muppets now. XD But let's say Sunday is a strong maybe. And of course it'd help to know how many characters to make, so y'all can start signups whenever. I hope we can all agree that it'd be fine to have a little downtime between rounds (especially after such a wild round as that one!).

    • Love 6
  14. There were some crazy twists in this game and it just felt so right for a GoT round. And being eaten by a dragon is the third coolest thing behind being a dragon. Great game and Happy Birthday egavasc!

    After Laurel and Joffrey, I'm finally ready to be Scrappy in the Scooby Doo round.

    Not before we make you Dawn in our round ;)


    Speaking of....CRAP! I thought we'd have a lot more time to plan! *runs off with stacey*

    • Love 8
  15. I knew Fitz and Simmons were up to something (at least he gets to eat the sandwich this time!). Proposed Recap Title: Fitz and Simmons Are Smarter Than You, Part Deux.


    I just can't believe that they didn't search Fitz's bags a little more thoroughly on the way out the door.  That seems like a big security whoopsie on the part of Real SHIELD.


    Right? And they even started the scene with them patting him down. If they had skipped that I would have just said "They didn't search him to show how noble they are" but...not.


    Also, when Coulson said he had one man coming for back up, I expected it to be several Koenigs.

    Especially if it was like, DOZENS of them. That would have been hilarious. Good to see Mike, though!

    • Love 2
  16. Hodor hodor hodor hodor, hodor Hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor Hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor.

    “Hodor, hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor. Hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor.” Hodor Hodor hodor. Hodor hodor hodor hodor, “Hodor hodor.”

    “Hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor,” hodor Hodor Hodor Hodor hodor. Hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor Hodor’s hodor hodor, hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor Hodor Hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor.

    “Hodor, hodor hodor hodor hodor Hodor hodor Hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor, hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor. Hodor Hodor Hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor Hodor”  hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor. Hodor Hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor. Hodor hodor hodor hodor.

    Hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor, hodor hodor hodor. “Hodor hodor,” hodor Hodor hodor. “Hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor. Hodor hodor hodor Hodor hodor hodor Hodor hodor, hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor. Hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor.”

    “Hodor hodor Hodor Hodor. Hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor Hodor, hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor Hodor hodor hodor,” hodor hodor Hodor Hodor.

    “Hodor Hodor, Hodor,” hodor hodor hodor. “Hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor.” Hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor’s hodor. Hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor.

    “Hodor hodor hodor hodor,” hodor Hodor. “Hodor.” said Hodor.


    • Love 7
  17. Ok I think there's only the one DL so far. I just...something doesn't sit well with me with Athena's and WD's defenses. (Though I also feel like jessie's post was pretty equivocating...and with 2 Villainous factions plus a SK out there, just because a Villain from 1 faction was gunning for her doesn't mean she's automatically a Hero.) And I think the "gods & men" clue is as good as anything we've come up with...plus there's also that bit about Tyrion's scholarly reading, and Athena was the goddess of wisdom. Therefore:


    2 to DL Athena (Drogo, TJtrack99), 7 to force her to tap dance until combustion


    (Can you tell I just watched Buffy's "Once More, With Feeling" recently? :D)

    • Love 2
  18. Huh. Well from what I understand, Tyrion is one of the best parts of the show. RIP Dougal. I'm gonna re-read his posts several times to make sure we didn't miss anything. And it looks like the Baratheons took out one of the Lannisters for us, which is awesome!


    Obviously I don't know what these mods are doing, but most of the time the SK is just shooting blind. It'd be great if one of the Villainous factions took out the dragons for us. We don't need more burnination.


    As for what I thought was a clue, "gleefully" stood out to me, just because GoT doesn't seem like an overly gleeful show. But there's no real good connections there - on Glee there's a character named jess(i)e, and actors named Mark and Jay(ma)...but I don't like those as clues. (Those are like clues I'd write, HA!)


    I'm torn on the clues for jessie and Athena. But Athena has WD backing her up...but I don't know many mason pairs the mods would have put in...


    I'm willing to vote once we get a check-in from everybody. Looks like we're still a few short...

    • Love 3
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