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  1. I was freaked out by that too! I thought maybe it was a typo on one of the listings. NCIS it makes sense given next week's title. Weird, though.
  2. Are my fiancée and I the only ones watching this show? That...is probable. Anyway, I liked it fine. The different rules were at least interesting, even if everything else was a bit predictable. They're totally setting Kyle up to be an adversary in a future episode, right? (I was going to call him "Marissa's boyfriend" but his name is right up there ^ Haha!)
  3. Last rankings for the season. Yes, I know all of these people are far more talented than I. Yes, I feel a ton of sympathy for Evie. Realizing that I probably have no idea what I'm talking about, and that I'm trying to be as dispassionate as possible: 10. Diavolo. Again, maybe it's just me "not getting it", that's very likely. I did like that they brought back the big ship, their whole wow factor from their audition. And I'm sure it looks much cooler in person than on TV. 9. Evie Clair. Played it very safe, something I think we'd all do after losing our father. But she still doesn't enunciate fully, and this was a very simple song vocally. She also still needs a million hugs. 8. Kechi. Normally I'm behind her 100%, but I think she's a better balladeer. This song was...okay, not great. Showed some diversity in her vocals but I liked her others better. 7. Angelica Hale. Great opener, but I still think it should have been Celine over her. She's really adorable but, to me, just not fundamentally sound when she sings. 6. Sara and Hero (and Loki AND Marvel I think?). Stepped it up with the dock jump, but also got Loki tangled in the jump rope, and there were a few more "oops!" moments. But overall they're charming and fun. 5. Preacher Lawson. Love him, but that bit did carry on a bit past what it needed to. And I dunno, his timing and delivery weren't as great as normal. Needs to have a TV show. And to the ones I think could really win: 4. Chase Goehring. He saved the longest "rap" for the finale, smart move. But this was a pretty typical "Chase" song. I dunno, I keep wishing for a little more than "guy writes an Ed Sheeran song about people (usually girls he knows) not looking in the right place for love". 3. Darci Lynne. She could still very well win, I have no doubt. But for me, this wasn't as challenging vocally, and the switching between voices meant neither got fully utilized, in my opinion. She did do well with calming nerves and switching though. She could be a showman (showwoman?) for sure. 2. Mandy Harvey. Girl can write, girl can sing. Liked that her package was one long take, no cuts. But also agree that maybe last week's song and this one should have been switched. (@mtlchick and I are on the same wavelength tonight!) That one felt much more "finale" like. This felt a little bit like an open mic night song. I also feel like...in her audition, it was much more obvious when she spoke (and sang even) that she had lost her hearing. Perhaps she got coached up a bit before the live shows? Not sure. 1. Light Balance. They keep stepping it up! More moves, more interaction with the screen, just amazing! I imagine it must be phenomenal in person. Needs to have an act SOMEWHERE. Now, do I think America will vote for a dance act over a singer to win? I doubt it. 3/4 of my top ones that I think could win are singers, so odds are good. And very likely a Golden Buzzer of some sort gets it (all of my top 4 plus Angelica, who *cough* I still don't think deserved one *cough*). I'd say Darci has the inside track, but wouldn't be too surprised by Chase or Mandy.
  4. Tonight's list! 11. Pompeyo Family. Yeah, the dogs were all over the place. Probably just out of sorts (remember they're from south Florida), and being the Wild Card and all that. 10. Colin Cloud. So he accurately predicted the Tweet that Heidi "randomly" chose. I guess I just don't get it. Shouldn't have been saved if you ask me... 9. Diavolo. Same here, I guess maybe it looks cooler in person? Felt like it wasn't much we hadn't seen already...Cooler set pieces this time. 8a. Angelica Hale. It wasn't acoustic, but she didn't sing it normally either, it was in the middle. I kind of wished she had picked a side. Full ballad or dance/sing it like normal. Still, her laugh is great. 8b. Christian Guardino. I dunno, his first song has seemed like his best. This was better than last week, but still not as good as the first. Perhaps also shouldn't have been saved... 6. Celine Tam. Dang, I'm ready to write her off, and then: So I could still see her making it through. The song fit her really well due to the young singer! 5. Merrick Hanna. He's amazing, but again, was it much different from what he'd done before? The flying was. And kid is adorable. 4. Kechi. Great, as always. Such a pure voice. 3. In The Stairwell. Loved them on this song. Showcasing more of the guys too! 2. Light Balance. They are SO CREATIVE. I am super jealous. More creativity in 1 dude's pinky than in my entire existence. Just wow. 1. Mandy Harvey. Mainly because as she was finishing I legit said "She could do really well on 'Skyfall' or another Adele song" and then Simon said the same thing. So YAY ME! But seriously, she's amazing, and I loved the signing with the singing. SO MANY of these people deserve a good break, to get a chance to showcase themselves. I hope they get to! I was tossing around in my head the idea of a supergroup made up of the 3 trillion singers on this show to make a song for hurricane relief efforts, but I guess the telethon before this sort of hit that already. But more doesn't hurt!
  5. Semi-finals! Where I like (just about) everyone, and that makes this really hard! Hence a few ties. 11. Billy and Emily England. Still don't get the appeal. Also, angling for the Game of Thrones audience much with that background? 10. Johnny Manuel. Sorry, but for me the original number was fairly blah. Now that we're over the shock of him doing "girls'" songs, he's...just okay. 9. Mike Yung. Love the song choice (due to its use on The OC, the Best Show Evar), but I think he oversang it. Plus, see below: much talent. 8. Danell Daymon and Greater Works. It pains me to put them this low. I love me a good choir. And "I Don't Wanna Miss A Thing" could have been a spectacular choir song. But the arrangement...just didn't appeal to me. Stay with it as a ballad, don't "over-choir" it just because you feel like you have to. Their rendition of "Amazing Grace" in the video was better. 7a. Evie Clair. What @Drogo said: pretty, good voice, feel bad about her dad, but also a bit of a mumbler. She needs a million hugs. But there are so many deserving people... 7b. Yoli Mayor. It was better than last week, but not as good as the early weeks. 5a. Chase Goehring. He's a great songwriter and performer. I just enjoyed a lot of the acts. 5b. Sara and Hero (and Loki). Love me a good dog act. Think they missed a few tricks in there, though again, only had like a week to prepare. Loved that the dogs just tugged on the Frisbee forever at the end. Someone buy this girl a house! Or an RV or something! 3. Eric Jones. GREAT close-up magic tonight. Smart move making the judges "do" the tricks. Magnets? That's my best guess. 2. Darci Lynne. Who knew she was so funny? Very talented, plays to the audience well. 1. Preacher Lawson. This man NEEDS a sitcom. And to replace Kevin Hart in every movie in the future. For serious.
  6. Tonight's list: 12. Oskar & Gaspar. Creative, I just expected more. 11. Colin Cloud. I just got the feeling she wasn't "random", that she didn't write on the paper, etc. That the whole thing was a setup. So not into this whole act. 10. Final Draft. Felt like another step down after the last song, which was a big step down from their audition song. What happened? 9. Diavolo. I just didn't get a lot of "wow" moments. Which makes me think of "Razzle Dazzle" from the musical Chicago. Spectacle over substance. And now it gets tough, as I liked all 8 of the remaining acts. 8. Mike Yung. Better than his last song, not as good as his first, but very very solid. 7. Oscar Hernandez. I think he did forget the choreography, but he turned in a solid performance too. Can the whole "big guy dancing well" thing keep going? Not sure... 6. Danell Daymon and Greater Works. I normally love a choir, but doing a Grease song? Seemed weird. Still very talented. 5. Junior and Emily Alabi. Definitely a step up from last time. New stuff too, really great. 4. Angelina Green. She sounds so much older than she is. Love her voice. 3. Sara and Hero (and Loki!). Love a dog act, loved the new tricks, loved the new pupper. (Don't know if she can win the whole thing, but PLEASE someone give this girl a place to live!) 2. Chase Goehring. Supremely talented. Enough said. 1. Kechi. Because what better way to close the night than an inspirational song from a phenomenal singer from Houston? She's amazing. Voice of an angel. I agreed with the whole "coming into her own" idea.
  7. Live Show Week 2 rankings, presented in reverse order: 12. Mirror Image. Freddie Mercury is SPINNING in his grave. They slaughtered one of my favorite songs of all time. The dancing was passable, but ruining Queen is unacceptable. Also 12. Demian Aditya. Is it just me or, even if it had gone right, did this seem simpler than his other 2? I thought the torch on the "support rope" didn't even look like it was burning. And then the box didn't fall right. I think it was all pretty fake (especially with the screaming wife) and I think that just got exposed. 10. Celine Tam. She sings fine, I just was not moved at all. I don't think she was Golden Buzzer worthy last time. *shrug* 9. The Pompeyo Family. They were certainly fun, it just didn't seem to do that much new. I liked the theming, though. I could see a "family act" boost in voting. 8. The Masqueraders. They have a great story and great voices. I agree with the judges (and commenters here) who said everything was a bit overproduced. 7. Johnny Manuel. Love the song, but he hacked it to pieces to fit it in. Would have loved to have heard a full version. He did a good solid job with it though. Whitney and then (most recently) Jennifer Hudson songs...guy has a type! 6. Eric Jones. I was more impressed by the first 2 parts than the last of passing himself through. My fiancée went "Did he just go under the glass?" 5. Mandy Harvey. Now that the novelty has worn off a little, she's still a great singer and should be commended for everything. I just wasn't as wowed as I was the first time. 4. Evie Clair. Not sure I would have put her through on either of her other performances, but she really impressed me tonight. She sounded a lot better. Maybe it was playing along with herself? 3. Brobots and Mandroidz. Another great dance group. I'm still bitter about Just Jerk. 2*. Merrick Hana. Kid is adorable, might actually be a robot, and is a great interpretive dancer. Though he could have used a little more light on him to see him better. 1*. Light Balance. Was SO stoked to see them live. The dress rehearsal was AWESOME. Alas! I think they have the most potential, hence the *. In conclusion, I definitely want Light Balance and Merrick to go through, and I'd be pretty happy about any 5 of my next 7. Celine would be a stretch, and I am so over the other 2.
  8. My rankings: 1a. Just Jerk. Yes yes yes. So precise, and in sync, and great choreography. I felt like the blacklight dancing was a little shot at Tyra's Golden Buzzer group (whose name I've forgotten, apologies!). 1b. Preacher Lawson. Dude is funny, great timing, love him. Full body and mouth movements too. Could definitely see him on a 30-minute sitcom. 3. Darci Lynne. As has been said, most people can't sing well normally, and she does it without opening her mouth effortlessly. Also a little bit of comedy in there with the mouse/Seal bit. 4. In The Stairwell. Though I still think they need to do "You've Lost That Lovin' Feeling" and/or "Danger Zone" at some point, this was a great song choice for them. 5. Yoli Mayor. I dunno, felt like I wanted more? Especially after her first two songs (ESPECIALLY after Simon basically changed her first song for her), I was expecting more and was a little let down. I think she has tons of potential as the judges have said. 6. Bello Nock. I think he stepped it up, it was great to see him back after a Wild Card after he did exactly what Simon asked of him after the audition. Dude is fearless. 7. Puddles Pity Party. A lot of this residual affection from the first two rounds. The sheer shock at him killing "Chandelier" and then doing "All By Myself" just as well as Celine Dion (in my opinion) made me look him up. He already did "Royals" with Postmodern Jukebox, so I was not too surprised there. He did it fine. The thing is that "The Sound of Silence" is the perfect song for him, it's just not too vocally challenging. I almost thought "Mad World" from the background of his tape was better. 8a. Angelica Hale. Could easily see her moving up, I just don't think it was a great song for her. 8b. Christian Guardino. Same with him. I thought he killed his first song, this one was not the same feel. Plus Yoli already did it, and I think did it better, so... 10. Billy and Emily England. I did think this was their best one yet. I just don't know how much more they can do with it. I will say adding in the somersaults during the spinning was awesome. 11. The Singing Trump. Yes, part of it is just because of how I feel about Trump. But this one did have great choreography, great song choices even if his singing/rapping was not on par. 12. Artyon and Paige. I just find the whole young dancing couple thing weird. I do love "Footloose", and can't deny they have talent. I just liked many of the others better, as acts and as people. So I'd like to see my top 7 to be the ones that move on, but I could easily see Christian or Angelica jump up. Puddles and Trump already kind of have things going, so I'm also fine with them getting cut because of that.
  9. Oh sorry. I'm going away to a wedding this weekend, and didn't put anything about clues or Day length or anything. And now that everyone knows who the Villains are... ;) Had Their Finale: 4. aquarian1 - You are Belle, MASON and HERO. You fell in love with Rumpelstiltskin, despite his being the Dark One. (Some might say, a Beast? Eh? Eh???) Recently you two got married and had a son. It’s unfortunate that he was stolen from you and raised in a realm where time moves faster and he’s grown now. And evil, that doesn’t help things either. In fact you know who Mr. Gold is but cannot communicate with him outside of the game. 7. Jesse - You are Buffy Summers, SCOOBY and HERO. You are the Slayer, the chosen one. You alone will stand against the vampires the demons and the forces of darkness. Well, not exactly ‘you alone’ any more. You have your Scooby team that is investigating the new Hellmouth in Storybrooke. You need to find out more information though, so each Night you can PM me a player name and I’ll tell you who they are. 9. saoirse - You are Captain Hook, CAPTAIN/VIGILANTE and HERO. You are reformed (mostly) from your pirate ways, now that you’re in love with Emma. Still, you are going to try to recruit people to your side - each Night, PM me the name of one player, and they will join the CREW. In addition, you have 1 free Night kill to use during the game. Make it count! 1. Drogo - You are Mr. Gold (a.k.a. Rumpelstiltskin), MASON and HERO. You are the Dark One, but using your magic more for good now that you have a child with your wife, Belle. It’s unfortunate that he was stolen from you and raised in a realm where time moves faster and he’s grown now. And evil, that doesn’t help things either. In fact you know who Belle is but cannot communicate with her outside of the game. 6. egavasc - You are Willow Rosenberg, WITCH and HERO. You have a lot of magical skill, which will be useful to prevent darkness from taking over the world. Each Night, you can block one person from using any powers they may have, just PM me their name. Still Singing: 2. The Crazed Spruce - You are Emma Swan, SAVIOR and HERO. As the Savior, you are the embodiment of light magic in the world. You have the ability to protect one person each Night from being killed by dark magic. You can protect yourself, but may not protect the same person more than one Night in a row. 3. MarkHB - You are Zelena (a.k.a. The Wicked Witch of the West), RECRUITABLE and HERO. You are another evil person who has been reformed. (Dying will do that to a person.) And you have a daughter to think about now. Still, the allure of dark magic can be too much. If the VILLAINS investigate you, you will be recruited to their side. 5. Lisin - You are Gideon, SILENCER and VILLAIN. You are the right hand of your grandmother, The Black Fairy, trying to bring darkness to the world along with the demon, Sweet. Each Night, you can PM me the name of 1 person who will be unable to talk (but can still vote) the next Day. You cannot choose the same person for 2 Days in a row. Also, if you would like a Heroic character to claim, might I recommend Prince Charming? He is also a Silencer of sorts, being a prince and all. 8. MuuMuuChainsmoker - You are Sweet, MUSIC MAN and VILLAIN. You are the demon responsible for all the singing. A new Hellmouth opened in Storybrooke, giving you a chance to bring darkness to the world with the other Villains, The Black Fairy and Gideon. You can investigate who people are by PM’ing me a name each Night. Maybe, with the right song, you can draw them to your side... Also, if you would like a Heroic character to claim, might I recommend Xander Harris? After all, you did almost marry him once! And he does see quite a bit, like an investigator: 10. caprice - You are The Black Fairy, EVIL PROTECTOR and VILLAIN. You are working with Sweet and your time-shifted grandson (don’t ask) Gideon to bring darkness to the world. Each Night, you can protect 1 person from being killed through the next Day, including yourself, but can’t protect the same person two Nights in a row. Also, if you would like a Heroic character to claim, might I recommend Regina Mills? She is also a witch with a lot of darkness… 11. Spaceman Spiff - You are Rupert Giles, WATCHER and HERO. You are Buffy’s Watcher, though you got fired from it...did you get rehired? I can’t remember. Anyway, you have no additional powers in this game. Sorry! Congrats to the winning players of MarkHB, Lisin, MuuMuuChainsmoker, and caprice! I also am crediting an extra half win to MarkHB and Lisin for being part of the CREW! I think the Silencing and recruiting to the Crew both would have worked better in a bigger game...alas. Also totally meant to use "Fight Song" (probably for Emma) at one point. If Giles indeed was gonna die, I was probably going to have some soliloquy with "Empty Chairs At Empty Tables" first. This was supposed to feel very much like Guardians of the Galaxy 2 ("Do you have any of Quill's music queued up?") but I think I hit pretty wide of the mark.
  10. Day 4 - The Curtain Falls When the dust finally cleared away from the pile of witches, it was immediately clear who had landed the killing blow on Rumpel. Zelena got to her feet, her green skin from Oz back in full force. She had a look of fury on her face. “Now sis -” Regina started, before Zelena backhanded her. “Shut up!” She shoved Regina across the room with telekinesis. “I need to protect little Robin. Now I’m more powerful than even you,” she sneered, turning to the Black Fairy. Gideon and Sweet appeared at her sides. The Black Fairy taunted back “You won’t find me such easy prey.” Zelena paced the room as she thought. “True...I just need to…” She patted the Dark One dagger into her other hand as she pondered. Getting an idea, she turned to Sweet. “But you brought demons through, right? Before Rumpel closed the portal?” The singing demon nodded his head. “Well, I’m a bit bored with being a goody two shoes, I think it’s about time we showed this world who’s boss.” The Black Fairy raised an eyebrow. “That was our plan all along. How do we know you’re really with us now?” Sweet eyed some of the others as he said “A show of faith…” He didn’t even need to say any more. Zelenda whirled around and stabbed Willow directly in the heart. The redhead barely had time to gasp before the light left her eyes. Emma thought she heard her whisper “Tara…” as she fell to the ground. The Black Fairy cackled and said “Good enough for me. Let’s go work on that town barrier, eh?” She disappeared in a flourish, the other three soon following suit and vanishing. Emma ran to Willow’s body. It was too late, she was gone. From nearby, Giles and Xander both looked destroyed. Emma looked up to the older British man. “I know I’m not a Slayer, but I’m a Savior. I think I’m gonna need a Watcher to help me out with all this demon stuff.” Giles was still for a long while...but then nodded his head. “It’s what she would have wanted.” Emma looked out of the side of her eye at Regina. “And Willow here was a witch, right? So you guys probably could use another one…” The former Evil Queen smirked and came forward. “Help put my sister in line and save the world? When do we start?” Emma smiled as she gathered Giles, Xander, and Regina together, and then the new Scoobies teleported away in pursuit of the others. *** Still Singing: 2. The Crazed Spruce 3. MarkHB 5. Lisin 8. MuuMuuChainsmoker 10. caprice 11. Spaceman Spiff Had Their Finale: 4. aquarian1 - You are Belle, MASON and HERO. You fell in love with Rumpelstiltskin, despite his being the Dark One. (Some might say, a Beast? Eh? Eh???) Recently you two got married and had a son. It’s unfortunate that he was stolen from you and raised in a realm where time moves faster and he’s grown now. And evil, that doesn’t help things either. In fact you know who Mr. Gold is but cannot communicate with him outside of the game. 7. Jesse - You are Buffy Summers, SCOOBY and HERO. You are the Slayer, the chosen one. You alone will stand against the vampires the demons and the forces of darkness. Well, not exactly ‘you alone’ any more. You have your Scooby team that is investigating the new Hellmouth in Storybrooke. You need to find out more information though, so each Night you can PM me a player name and I’ll tell you who they are. 9. saoirse - You are Captain Hook, CAPTAIN/VIGILANTE and HERO. You are reformed (mostly) from your pirate ways, now that you’re in love with Emma. Still, you are going to try to recruit people to your side - each Night, PM me the name of one player, and they will join the CREW. In addition, you have 1 free Night kill to use during the game. Make it count! 1. Drogo - You are Mr. Gold (a.k.a. Rumpelstiltskin), MASON and HERO. You are the Dark One, but using your magic more for good now that you have a child with your wife, Belle. It’s unfortunate that he was stolen from you and raised in a realm where time moves faster and he’s grown now. And evil, that doesn’t help things either. In fact you know who Belle is but cannot communicate with her outside of the game. 6. egavasc - You are Willow Rosenberg, WITCH and HERO. You have a lot of magical skill, which will be useful to prevent darkness from taking over the world. Each Night, you can block one person from using any powers they may have, just PM me their name. Well, it's Day now, but the Villains have a majority. And with all the delays and everything I caused in the game, I'm glad to just call it there. What do you guys think?
  11. Night 3 - The Way Is Shut “Hold on!!!!” a stern female voice yelled. Everyone froze as Willow suddenly appeared. She eyed Rumpelstiltskin with malevolence. “I know what you’ve been up to” she whispered. His eyes widened slightly. He didn’t want her to ruin his plans. But then she started singing. “Be careful making wishes in the - dark dark Can't be sure when they've hit their - mark, mark And besides in the mean, mean time, I’m Just dreaming of tearing you apart I'm in the de-details with the - devil So now the world can never get me on my - level I just got to get you out the cage I'm a young lover's rage Gonna need a spark to ignite My songs know what you did in the dark” And she started throwing fireballs at him, which he deftly dodged. Willow sang all during her attack: “So light 'em up up up Light 'em up up up Light 'em up up up I'm on fire! So light 'em up up up Light 'em up up up Light 'em up up up I'm on fire!” Everyone behind her chorused “(Ohhhh) In the dark dark. (Ohhhh) In the dark dark” as Rumpel recalled just what he’d been doing. *** A few hours earlier Dawn sat weeping in her room. With her sister gone, she didn’t know what to do. Out of nowhere, the Dark One appeared before her. “Hello child,” he sneered, grabbing her and forcing her to her feet. She sniffled but didn’t move to run or fight. “I need you in order to close the portal” he explained, brandishing his Dark One dagger. Again, Dawn didn’t react. Rumpelstiltskin leaned in closer. “So that means I’m gonna have to kill ya. You see, the portal needs a lock on it, and-” Dawn cut him off by softly saying “It’s easier to modify an existing Key than to create one...yeah.” Impressed, Rumpelstiltskin looked at the young girl. “I’ve thought about it, ever since Buffy….” But she couldn’t bring herself to say it. It was hard to believe that the Slayer was gone. Dawn raised tearful eyes to the Dark One. “Will it hurt?” she asked in a scared voice. Taking compassion on her, since she looked a lot like a tearful Belle, Rumpel shook his head. “It’s fast, much faster than you think it will be.” Nodding her head, Dawn closed her eyes. *** Present time Willow kept up her attack on Rumpelstiltskin as the villains looked for a way to get in some blows too. “All the writers keep writing what they - write, write Somewhere another pretty vein just - died I've got the scars from tomorrow and I wish you could see That you’re the antidote to everything except for me, me A constellation of tears on your - lashes Burn everything you love, then burn the - ashes In the end everything collides My childhood spat back out the monster that you see My songs know what you did in the dark” All the flying fireballs and blades and other things kept Rumpelstiltskin on his toes. He was weaving the conclusion to a spell under his breath as he did so. Still, having a bunch of women attack you while singing was unnerving: “So light 'em up up up Light 'em up up up Light 'em up up up I'm on fire! So light 'em up up up Light 'em up up up Light 'em up up up I'm on fire! (Ohhhh) In the dark dark (Ohhhh) In the dark dark” Finally, he was finished. He brandished his Dark One blade. This made all the attackers pause, which was just what he needed. This spell was going to take a huge influx of dark magic. And there was only one way he could think of to make that. With a swift movement, Rumplestiltskin plunged the dagger into his own heart. A huge explosion of magic knocked everyone away. Dark magic was flowing everywhere, creating black tentacles that lashed in every direction. There was a faint echo: “My songs know what you did in the dark My songs know what you did in the dark…” The Black Fairy was on her feet and recognized what was happening. The rest of the witches all realized a second later. They began struggling to make it towards Rumpelstiltskin’s dying body. For whoever killed the Dark One with his own blade would become the next Dark One. All of that power...The Black Fairy, Emma, Regina, Zelena, and Willow all struggled towards the source of the dark magic. And still they sang: “So light 'em up up up Light 'em up up up Light 'em up up up I'm on fire! So light 'em up up up Light 'em up up up Light 'em up up up I'm on fire! (Ohhhh) In the dark dark (Ohhhh) In the dark dark” Just as Rumpel was about to die, the five people dived for his body. Five hands stretched toward the blade. Everyone crumpled into a heap on the ground as another shockwave exploded. The portal was closed. Snow and Charming looked on in fear at just whose hand had been on the blade… *** Still Singing: 2. The Crazed Spruce 3. MarkHB 5. Lisin 6. egavasc 8. MuuMuuChainsmoker 10. caprice 11. Spaceman Spiff Had Their Finale: 4. aquarian1 - You are Belle, MASON and HERO. You fell in love with Rumpelstiltskin, despite his being the Dark One. (Some might say, a Beast? Eh? Eh???) Recently you two got married and had a son. It’s unfortunate that he was stolen from you and raised in a realm where time moves faster and he’s grown now. And evil, that doesn’t help things either. In fact you know who Mr. Gold is but cannot communicate with him outside of the game. 7. Jesse - You are Buffy Summers, SCOOBY and HERO. You are the Slayer, the chosen one. You alone will stand against the vampires the demons and the forces of darkness. Well, not exactly ‘you alone’ any more. You have your Scooby team that is investigating the new Hellmouth in Storybrooke. You need to find out more information though, so each Night you can PM me a player name and I’ll tell you who they are. 9. Saoirse - You are Captain Hook, CAPTAIN/VIGILANTE and HERO. You are reformed (mostly) from your pirate ways, now that you’re in love with Emma. Still, you are going to try to recruit people to your side - each Night, PM me the name of one player, and they will join the CREW. In addition, you have 1 free Night kill to use during the game. Make it count! 1. Drogo - You are Mr. Gold (a.k.a. Rumpelstiltskin), MASON and HERO. You are the Dark One, but using your magic more for good now that you have a child with your wife, Belle. It’s unfortunate that he was stolen from you and raised in a realm where time moves faster and he’s grown now. And evil, that doesn’t help things either. In fact you know who Belle is but cannot communicate with her outside of the game. Let's say 24 hours or so for Night actions, so Night will last until about noon (Eastern time) on Monday.
  12. Just got back from vacation. Headed to bed before too long. Probably looking to write that Night story tomorrow, and then you'll have time for Night actions. Some of you have gotten them in already, for which I thank you. If you want to wait for the Night story, by all means! I've already got the songs and plotty things worked out. I think.
  13. Well I do have a story thread in mind, but I'm leaving for vacation in the morning and am now engaged (!), so, I'll put the content in spoiler tags, and you can get in Night actions. Consider it to be unofficial Night until next Saturday. ETA: you don't HAVE to get in Night actions if you want to wait for the story. But you can if you want.
  14. Seems like things are happening, and now that it's not a weekend that should improve. So finish a DL if you please :)
  15. Will have. Ring should be coming in soon...
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