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Can anyone compare buying hearing aids at Costco with buying them at Sam’s Club? I am going deaf and it is annoying both to me and to others so I’m shopping for hearing aids. I am 50 to 75 miles from both of those stores. I’m 88 and have COPD but lead quite an active life, though I do everything at half speed… so I’m hoping for advice from you all!
Looking for advice! In May I ended up in a small local hospital with breathing problems and ended up with a diagnosis of COPD. At that time I read up on all the nearby pulmonologists, picked one, and called to make an appointment. I was offered one on October 16. Five months away! In June I called again and said I would like an appointment with any pulmonologist who could see me. And was told they are booking in December. I am 88 and have been enjoying life very much! I have a house on a Lake in Massachusetts and a trailer in a park in Florida. And once or twice a year I take a trip with one or more friends, to someplace in the states or Europe. Life has been good, between back surgeries, of which I have had 4. I have a wonderful GP who has known me for 30+ years. I am feeling I am feeling sad and mad and vulnerable. I have inhalers prescribed by my GP and the hospital doctors. I am Exercising within my limits. But I feel I am getting worse, and I think I should see a pulmonologist! Should I go to the ER at a big teaching hospital near me? Should I just be patient until October? Is there any other way to get to a specialist? What should I do?
I really hope so!
Please send me the list of possible new gathering places! I’ve been hanging out here since TwoP days, and would be heartbroken if it was suddenly gone!
I had attacks of vertigo about ten years ago. It was horrible. The dizziness and the discomfort were disabling. I read about the maneuvers you can do to relieve vertigo, and tried them ... and the vertigo went away and never came back! I remember feeling pretty foolish doing these strange maneuvers, but OMG they worked. I hope some of you find relief this way.
As a longtime fan of Survivor (have seen every episode of every season), I find I only know Kaleb and Emily by name. I wish for the days of yore, when finding an idol or an advantage never bit you in the butt. I just don't seem as interested. I wish there was a graphic of all the contestants (with their names) riding along beside our posts! I may have to move on to The Challenge.
And I am so grateful to all of you who I commented on my deafness situation. I have an appointment with an ENT but it’s in November. I’m going to Costco tomorrow without a membership, sort of planning to buy some inexpensive hearing aids. I had an appointment at Umass dermatology yesterday and when they asked me to take off my socks, I took off my top! (My daughter told me this.) so Im trying to get past denial and to act like a sensible deaf person.
Could anyone talk to me about deafness? Over the past six months, it seems like I am losing my hearing. I went to my GP and they hosed out my ears (lots of ear wax) and I thought I'd hear better. But no. Next to an audiology clinic, where they tested my hearing and said go get hearing aids. I am not enthused about that advice, since almost all the hearing aid wearers among my friends are really unhappy with their hearing aids, which cost them thousands of dollars. Plus, my ears feel like when you have been on a flight or come down from a mountain, and your ears close. And, once in a while, my ears crackle and it seems like they might return to my former good hearing! But no, it never lasts ... but the crackling is so loud, it gives me hope. Would it make any sense for me to go to an Ear Eye Nose Throat doctor? Or should I just give up and go get hearing aids? Any advice or counsel you can offer to help me through this decision will be greatly appreciated!
I’ve been playing Wordle and Connections and loving it!
Still looking for ways to alleviate arthritis pain and stiffness.
Remember what fun it was to watch Ashley and her husband fall in love? She worked at a family bar or restaurant, and I don't remember what he did, but I did totally enjoy their story. I've been glad to see them again over the years. Deanna and her husband with the double ovens were also a joy to watch. But I haven't found much enjoyment in this show since and that was some years ago. Sad to say ... I want out.
Suki and me! She is my daughter's dog, but she loves a lap and often finds mine! My daughter has a cat too, but Miskit is not interested in me at all.
Zoomama ... For what it's worth, I saw a video on Facebook this morning about soothing your eustacian tube. I'll try to find it again. It was a simple exercise of stroking the neck. Wouldn't it be amazing if it helped? I was looking for a video on strengthening my knee!
I’m on my 4th red Dodge Grand Caravan, and. Have loved every one of them. Have you heard the saying “Red shoes make you feel ten years younger”? I feel the same about red cars!
So, no one had any relief from heat, cold, exercise, diet, hydrating, or any other program? I surely want to avoid surgery or shots if I can! I have just purchased an exercise program ... I’ll let you know in a few weeks.