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waving feather

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Posts posted by waving feather

  1. On 3/24/2024 at 2:36 AM, Llywela said:

    RTD loves him some melodrama, but all of his companions left the TARDIS alive. Not a single one of Moffat's companions did. He found clever ways to cheat and undercut those deaths, but nonetheless every one of his companions died, in the end, in some way or other. Some of them more than once.

    Yes, this is precisely my point. RTD does some cheesy things like unrequited love stories like with Martha but I could still tolerate that. I disliked how all of Moffat's companions met such a sad and tragic end. And no, it doesn't make it better when they are not even human anymore because that's what they were originally. RTD is also better at making the companions flawed but still likeable. Moffat's companions were all tragic heroes. I couldn't fully get into Chibnall's to comment on his companions but glad to hear they were not tragic heroes like Moffat's companions. 

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  2. On 3/20/2024 at 8:32 AM, JustHereForFood said:

    I guess it's bearable if it's just one episode. I liked many of his stand-alone episodes, it was his season-long plotlines that I had a problem with, specifically that he always left them kind of unresolved and moved on to a newer, bigger and more convoluted storyline.

    I agree! Or it tends to be a bit depressing. I liked Amy and Rory fine but some of their storylines were really quite sad and depressing. RTD does more campy stuff and DW needs some camp if you ask me. He had some tragic things happened to his characters too but at least the journey to get there is more light-hearted. I wouldn't say S5 & S6 were bad but some of it was pretty gloomy.

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  3. I'm glad to have RTD back. Yes, he can be problematic and annoying in some of his characterisation but he knows how to bring the magic of Doctor Who and the Doctor. I may be biased though because I started with New Who and 9th and 10th runs were my favorites.

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  4. 9 hours ago, DanaK said:

    What about David’s Doctor (10)? Many considered him too human while Peter Capaldi’s 12th Doctor was considered pretty alien. I think the Doctor has veered between too human and too alien and points in between depending on who plays them and how the writers want their personality to bee

    I think 10 was not so human with Rose and Martha. He was more human with Donna but still an oddity. The 2023 specials with Donna, 10 (or 14) was indeed very human but that's understandable with how it ended.

    Maybe that's why I loved 12, even though he got mixed reviews. I personally prefer when they are weirder and when their minds don't exactly do the same reasoning that humans do. Both the writing and acting are very important to bring that out. The Doctor should be fond of the human race but not relate to them too much. If the Doctor gets too human, it will be just another sci-fi action adventure show.

    I also wish 13 was better at making big impactful speeches. 10 and 11 were particularly good at that. I always applauded how menacing both 10 and 11 could get with their tones in a split second.

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  5. The problem I have with Jodie's Doctor is they made her too human. I enjoy seeing quirks from other doctors to show that they are not exactly human in their thinking. It makes the Doctor more mystical and intruiging. But most of the things 13 does is what a nice normal human would do. Either that or because she has so many companions at one time that it's hard to see a clearer contrast between the Doctor and their companion like other seasons.

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  6. I didn't like this episode. The essence of the show is the regular round table and banishment. It's not as fun to watch when that's missing and I felt like I was watching a different game show. The round table debates and banishment is what I look forward to the most in the UK/AU versions. The only reason I can think of is, the producers have clocked that most of the contestants already know Parvati is a traitor and wanted to keep her a bit longer. Even Phaedra is under suspicion now. This kind of producer intervention is not fun. If Pavarti and/or Peter is banished, it's okay too. Let the game go on as it should!

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  7. 9 hours ago, MicheleinPhilly said:

    Wasn't it also the case in season 1 that if someone was approached to be a traitor and they didn't accept, they would automatically be murdered? 

    When it got closer to the end, yes. He wasn't pleased and actually caused the downfall of the other traitor, lol.

  8. @MicheleinPhilly


    I think it was silly of Harry to share with a couple of them that he had the shield the night before and if I recall correctly, he was also insinuating that if there is no one killed, the traitors may have targeted him and miss. It is silly because he's spelling it all out for them. It is less suspicious to go to breakfast acting like he knows nothing and then let the others put the pieces together. If this is the only instance that he's spelling out strategy it might not be so obvious but he spelled out strategy too when banishing Paul. He needs to act blur sometimes and there's no need to be the smartest person in the room all the time.

    ETA: also by giving the traitors a cut-off time for recruitment, it gives them more of a dilemma and a sense of urgency whether to recruit or not. Now they are so relaxed about it. Let the traitors have the power that they already have but there should be more challenges for them throughout the game. The poison chalice was a good example! And this is borrowing from Survivor but give them a side mission during the regular mission with everyone and if they don't complete it, they can't murder for the night. I don't know if that would drag out the show but it will give the faithfuls more chance to catch suspicious behavior during the missions.

  9. 15 hours ago, SourK said:

    If you genuinely think you've clocked the traitors, the smarter strategy might be to keep that to yourself and focus on trying to not get murdered/banished before the final rounds.

    I totally agree with this.

    1) at some point in the game, the number of traitors should not be allowed to be replenished. Or only replenish if there's one traitor left. Else, the ratio of traitors to faithful is so skewed that there is virtually no chance for the faithful to win.

    2) if you are a faithful and you have clocked who is the traitor, try to pander to them so they think you can be easily manipulated and won't rally the troops to banish you. And if that fails, have beef with only the traitor, so they will be less likely to murder you (for fear of being found out). And only banish the traitor(s) by final 5 or just before final 5. Because by then everyone is more open-minded to banish even the popular players, whereas early on, people just banish other people who rub them the wrong way. But of course with everything, humans are unpredictable, so one can only execute their best strategy and hope it works out.

    This makes me think perhaps



    has the right strategy afterall. I don't know if he's doing it intentionally or not but since he's going along with whatever the "head" traitor wants, they will be less likely to turn on him. 

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  10. Also episode 9 spoilers:


    The problem with Jaz is although his instincts are good, he doesn't have any close friend/ally in there who will back him. They don't really respect him, so all his opinions are being dismissed. He knows that if he'd come for the more popular people, he would be targeted immediately. And he's not good at the roundtable debate like Miles was. I do hope he would get the chance to play harder because the game is coming to an end.

    Andrew seems to be settling into his traitor role now. He's in the best position right now because everyone thinks he's harmless. I think he should be safe from banishment unless the other traitors turn on him. I am not confident in Ross' ability to avenge Diane but I hope he proves me wrong.


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  11. Oof, second season's ending is intense. I did feel sorry for Sam because he did carry the team and worked his butt off the entire season but he got a bit too aggressive in dealing with some people. I feel less sorry for Blake because he wouldn't get to the finale without Sam plotting, imo. And Camille was just there and didn't do or say much throughout the season.

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  12. Thoughts on episode 8 spoiler tagged below. It was really good. I appreciate this cast more than season 1. Season 1 cast were all unnecessary weepy, and I don't mean getting emotional but consistently bursting into tears.


    @MicheleinPhilly I loved that creepy challenge in ep 7. Usually I skip through the challenges but I was glued to that one. What an ingenious idea by the producers. They are killing it this season. I haven't seen the Uncloaked show but intrigued now, thanks!

    I'm so glad they finally got Paul out. Harry's poker face is unreal. He never gives anything away. He's playing such a good game but that may also be his downhall, being too perfect and always on the right side of things. I am rooting for him, though.

    I'm worried about Andrew. He has been so jumpy and spooked ever since he became a traitor. Hope he doesn't ruin the game for Harry. Harry doesn't seem like he would turn on Andrew just for the sake of it. Only if he sees Andrew as a threat, like what happened with Paul. I wish it was Miles and Harry still left in the game.


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  13. Is anyone watching the second season?

    Putting below behind spoiler tags in case some people haven't caught up.


    I was impressed by how well Miles defended himself when in the firing line. He was calm and collected and did his best, even if it didn't quite work. He should not have volunteered to give the poison chalice.

    I hope Harry oust Paul first, rather  than the other way round because Paul is too smug. Except for a few of the guys, I'm surprised people were not more suspicious of him. The way he spoke to Jaz that one time, threatening him not to bring up his name again. Do not like.


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  14. Spoiler

    I can't stand both Cate and May. I think the acting is the problem with both of them. Kentaro as a character is as annoying as them but the actor is pretty good, so I don't mind watching him. 

    I'm glad Keiko is back. She's my favorite on the show by far and the actress did a great job at showing Keiko processing the shock and grieve.

    Is Bill Randa really dead in this universe? In the first episode he was shown to still be alive and I'm kinda hoping Bill and Keiko would reunite and Lee, as well. I enjoy watching young Bill, Keiko and Lee the most in terms of storyline. Unfortunately that timeline seems to have ran its course. The 2015 people are not interesting enough. I have no idea which direction the showrunner will take the show next season, if there's even one. This season is already quite a mess in terms of storytelling.


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  15. I really disliked the fact that her wishy-washiness between the two brothers caused more strife in the family. Cole and Alex sort of reconciled at the end but she probably ruined it again by going after Cole when she could have left it alone. Or she should have been honest about her feelings for Cole in the first place. It will be kinda unrealistic for Alex to forgive both of them when he finds out. I'm not fond of the character but I really hope he wouldn't.

    And if I were the parents, I would be pissed that Jackie has worsened the already existing sibling rivalry between my two children and just ran away temporarily to escape accountability. Anyway, I probably shouldn't even give much thought to this lame show.

  16. It's time for Blake to retire from the show but I think the show will miss Blake for the blind auditions, especially when new coaches join. He has always been the best at breaking the ice and making the new coaches comfortable (by "bullying" them). Niall mentioned in an interview that's he's lucky to be seated next to Blake on the chairs.

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  17. Christina is not a bad person but she behaves like a toddler and that's a red flag if you are seeking for an adult life partner. I hope she is seeking therapy because she seems to have some coping issues.

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  18. It's time for Blake to move on, but I think the show will miss him because he's great at breaking the ice with new coaches. He teases them so much that they start giving it back and that's a huge part of the Blind auditions. They need someone like him who will break the ice and not make things awkward for new coaches.

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  19. Rachel does the same move of the past Bachelors where she'd just kiss them when she has nothing to say. Sometimes they haven't even finish speaking. Girl...

    Gabby seems very grounded in the sense that she is not yet swept up in the show as Rachel has but poor Eric. He sure wasn't expecting to be her therapist on the date. And the thing is, Gabby wasn't even doing the classic Bachelor cliche where one is pulling a vulnerable/sob story out of their hat during the dinner scene. She genuinely seemed like she had all these pent up emotions inside of her and needed to let it out and Eric just happened to be there. I don't blame him for not knowing exactly what to respond, I would be the same.

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  20. 18 hours ago, love2lovebadtv said:

    Nya, who's actually running this nonprofit seemed like she would be happy for any kind of help: painting, cash, taco truck, etc. But Miranda, the poster child for white guilt, brought Carrie's race into the conversation because she cares so much about appearances.  


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  21. This season had promise at the start but gone on to be the worst one out of three, despite appearing to have a bigger budget. Season 2 contestants were sadly on a hotel rooftop but they delivered more fun and drama, if you ask me. 

    I know people dislike Shannon but I thought she's good for drama/TV. At the very least, someone that people would "love to hate" as a character on a TV show. Olivia as the "main lead" in the villa was boring and annoying at the same time. At least the whole thing is over now. I hope they do better casting next season and produce better storylines. The producers didn't do much to stir the drama this season. And some of the drama dragged on for too long (like the Cinco love triangle) that it lost the entertainment factor.

    Currently watching the LI UK and I have to say it's a great season (so far) with great characters. The producers over there also work overtime to create drama and mix things up. Just a bunch of pretty people chilling on a holiday (like Jeremy) is not enough to interest me.

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  22. I actually disagree that Kyra is somehow intimidated or influenced by the other girls to feel a certain way about Will. I have seen her speak out against them (in the nice Kyra way) telling them to cool it with going hard against Will or telling Shannon on the spot that she was out of line for yelling at her little sis' best friend that one time. The only person I feel she is submissive towards is Will, IMO. I just don't get good vibes from Will, especially the way he makes everything about him and his feelings. And Kyra was visibly disappointed when Will didn't ask her to be his girlfriend during their date. That had nothing much to do with the other girls trying to sabotage their relationship. That is all him/them. They are not on the same page with the labels.

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  23. Kyra knows in her gut how she feels about Will and where the feeling of unease is coming from, but whenever she tries to have a conversation with Will about it, instead of him reassuring her, it is always her making him feel better because he is sulky about it. Pretty sure that is going to be their relationship dynamic even if they date outside of the villa. Whenever she brings up an issue she has, he will probably make it about his feelings and she will end up comforting him. I'm not for it, but it appears Kyra doesn't mind doing it because she keeps doing it.

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