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waving feather

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Posts posted by waving feather

  1. 12 hours ago, Irlandesa said:

    But the benefit of the process is that you can make sure that your #1 wants you as much as you want him.

    Agree and great analogy with the pastries. It's natural that people's true color will only show after some time. The normal process is already too short to fully reveal true colors but at least they will have a few dates in (2nd single date, hometown date, fantasy date, last chance date, or even time from group dates). Clare and Dale only had one single date and a proposal. Tayshia was gaga over Brendan after their first date and was almost ready to leave with him too. She would not have known he wasn't ready if she didn't continue her season. Same for Brooks from Desiree's season etc. And the longer contestants stay on the show, the more time they will also have to evaluate if this is something they truly want, aside from initial infatuation/ excitement of being in the bubble. 

    Clare repeatedly said she knows what she wants but does she know if the other party knows what they want or want her?

    • Love 12
  2. Oh boy, this is turning ugly. Dale should have been smart enough to end it amicably as much as possible and let her announce it. Now he seems like the bad guy even though no one really knows for sure what went down. It's also possible Clare was not accepting it so he went ahead and did it.

    A poster on here noticed that Dale looked blank whenever Clare was expressing her love to him on the show, but has all the right words when it's his time to speak. I watched their interview back on BHH podcast and man, it didn't age well. Dale in particular didn't seem that convinced about the words coming out of his mouth. 

    • Love 4
  3. 27 minutes ago, tinkerbell said:

    So, they lasted 2 months? 

    Longer than I expected. 

    Lol, something is truly wrong with this process when a couple couldn't even be expected to last for 2 months. I had longer relationships when I was in high school (a whole 7 months!)

    • LOL 2
  4. I would feel bad for Clare but she kept claiming like a teenager at her big age that she knows what she wants and doesn't need time to get to know the other person. 

    Even though Zac and Tayshia got engaged per the show's expectation, I'm kind of glad that she said they will date for a year before talking wedding plans. I mean, fair enough! It's good that they are taking time to ensure compatability before rushing into a marriage, then a divorce (will be a second one for both of them).

    • Love 10
  5. Arie seemed boring in his season but I still thought he was quite charming and lived an interesting life. Better tham Ben H, Colton or Peter for sure in my mind.

    Matt seems half-cooked to me. He has no banter. A witty banter is always the key to my heart. I would say some of the Bachelors on the Australian franchise are quite charismatic. Matty J, Sam Wood, Matt Agnew... watching them I could see why the women would fall for them.

    • Love 2
  6. For a guy who is good looking, Matt just doesn't have the charisma. He sucks at flirting or creating chemistry with the ladies, like he has no game. I'm not saying all the other Bachelor leads have game or are particularly charming but we sort of know of their mess already, so that's part of the entertainment. I don’t get the sense that Bri was really into him. And I'm not on board with the open eyes while kissing. 

    • Love 6
  7. Matt just seems very inexperienced with love/serious relationships. He's not exactly young at 29 but he acts like he's in his early twenties. And his nervous laughter may get old quick.

    • Love 5
  8. Out of curiosity and boredom, I listened to the interview RS had with Evan's ex, Marie. It wasn't that bad actually. She's much nicer about everything and less trashier than Tayshia's ex, for sure. I felt that her intention for speaking out wasn't to trash Carly but to speak up for Evan. She claimed he is heartbroken by the whole situation and really loved and adored Carly. But he won't make any public statement so she felt the need to speak up for him. Granted, she should not involve herself in this business but I was expecting Tayshia's ex-husband level of mess and shadiness.

    The only interesting new info was her saying that their boys had Bachelor watch parties when Evan was on BIP and was shocked and saddened how Carly spoke about their father on the show. I mean, understandable. Carly has a mean streak.

    • Love 6
  9. Carly sucks but Evan seems like a flake to me too. It's not forgotten that his ex-wife said he rarely saw his children even before he was with Carly. Both of them giant red flags. I feel sorry for the kids,  especially the older ones who can read all the dirty laundry in the media.

    • Love 3
  10. If what Evan's ex said is true about Carly and Evan not living together since before their 2nd child is born, that's just wild. Up until a month ago, Carly has been posting coupley content on social media. These people are just too much. Waiting until it's finalised to announce is perfectly fine, but the effort it takes to put up a facade to appear SM perfect is another level.

    • Useful 1
    • Love 2
  11. 22 minutes ago, Crashcourse said:

    It is almost scary because I think he's too good at handling people and saying just the right things.  Nary a stumble or fumble.  I guess time will tell and Tayshia will find out soon enough if he's the real deal.   

    Exactly. I'm sure partially it's by training because of his job. Still, I hope he uses his "superpowers" for good. 

    • Love 4
  12. Finally got to watch the full episode and not just clips here and there.

    With all the talk of emotional intelligence this season, the one person who truly has high EQ is Zac, IMO. The way he handled Tayshia and her family (especially her dad) is a thing of beauty. I would even include the way he worked with the producers. He got a near flawless edit in recent bachelor history. And he stayed above the fray in the house too while being friendly with the guys. Again, that could be the edit and goes back to working well with the producers. Clare's Dale did not have such a good edit.

    Back to him with Tayshia and her father. With Tayshia, when she was visibly stressed during their last date, he didn’t make it about himself and just asked her how he could help her and progressively cheered her up. Also that answer to the will-you-run-away question, he related it back to his life experience. And then with her father, he reassured him by first praising his character and making it a standard. Her father was almost tearing up during that conversation. He made it so her father couldn't possibly argue back (at least not in front of him). Zac is so good at handling people that it's almost scary. Like I think Tayshia herself is great at that but he's at another level.

    Time will tell if they are compatible in the long run. Zac seems more set in his ways and is that what Tayshia wants?

    • Love 12
  13. Divorces happen but I'm actually curious the reason they are getting one when their second baby just barely turned one. It just seems like such bad timing and hard for the mother because in most cases the mother is the main caregiver. What's the rush that they have to get it done now; they are already living separately anyway. 

    Carly posted a recent video on her YouTube channel about her first Christmas since the separation and so I went back to watch two videos they posted about their BIP journey just 2 months back. It's puzzling unless they were faking it back then. Anyway, my main takeaway from those videos is that it's very important for couples and spouses to respect each other and also equally important, to talk about each other respectfully in front of others. Carly seemed adamant in those videos to make sure everyone knows she really wasn't into Evan in the beginning. That could happen but her insistence on repeating it and thinking it's something hilarious to share is weird to me. It would grate after some time surely. I wouldn't feel good if my spouse goes around saying that to other people repeatedly, no matter how much there is love now. It's just for their ego.

    • Love 9
  14. I wonder if it's going to be a domino effect in Bachelor Nation. I'm pretty sure all these people were unhappy together even before 2020 happened. But now that they are seeing their peers having the guts to end it, they are taking the step too. They no longer have to be the "first" failed marriage. Sucks for the kids and Carly. Evan doesn't seem like a hands-on dad especially for the young kids. Many of them complain about how having multiple kids have a strain on their relationships. Well, stop having so many kids then! It's not like birth control isn't available these days. No one is forcing them to have more.

    • Love 8
  15. Zac seems almost shy in the live TV interview, so that might be where some of the awkwardness came from. Tayshia wants to do DWTS? Well, that might be tough for them because T seems like someone who enjoys the spotlight (and she's good at it, so no shade) but Zac seems like he couldn't wait to go back to his normal NY life. I wonder how is that going to work for them. If the couple is more into doing the Instagram celebrity thing, it might be easier for them. The only other successful couple who had similar vibe to them is Rachel and Bryan. Even so, Bryan likes the spotlight a little more than Zac. I can see Zac getting tired of all the fuss soon. But who knows he might be shilling work out plans on Instagram soon! Lol. Arie was super quiet on his Instagram too before he was the Bachelor.

    • Love 1
  16. Yeah, I'm rooting for them too. They seem to really like each other (aside from being in love/lust) and that's always a plus. But will see if they can make the long distance thing work and how compatible they are as partners. Tayshia is bubbly and Zac is very low key. It's not a bad thing that they are not rushing to get married though. 

    • Love 1
  17. I thought Ben seemed plenty emotional when she sent him home. He certainly didn't say much but his insistence on him being fine is obviously his defence mechanism that Tayshia should have picked up on. Or maybe she does know but at the point where she is tired to pry things out of him. Which, understandable and she doesn't get the benefit of seeing his ITMs or interviews. Oh well, they wouldn't have worked in the long run anyway so it's not a big miss opportunity for both.

    Is it just me or is Brendan not really into Tayshia? She's into him more than he's into her, for sure. Why else would he bring his niece for the day portion of the date. If I'm one of the contestants I would be making sure I have alone time with the lead as much as possible. They already have very little time together and even less with this season so it puzzled me why he thought it was a great idea for the niece to be there. I would have been annoyed if I were Tayshia. I feel like it's a tactic to avoid intimacy with her.

    Zac seems like the only guy who actually really likes her and she likes him as a person, but I don't know if she likes him as her life partner. 

    • Love 6
  18. He was a dumbass for doing the interview. He was a nameless person, no one really knew or care about who he is, except like part of a background story. It would have served him better for his business if he has kept quiet. Now he puts his name out there and not saying anything new or enlightening to redeem himself. Congrats, buddy!

    I am also side-eyeing Reality Steve for always giving these trash men a platform on his podcast. First Colton and now this guy. 

    • Love 10
  19. Tayshia herself seems mature (I hope) but I think she prefers someone boyish even though she claims she wants "a man". Thus, I doubt she will choose Zac in the end. He would be too boring for her. And her words are not matching her expressions. Usually in these kind of shows, when a lead really likes a someone they tend to be giddy when they talk about them, but her voice was blank and like she was reciting lines during the date ITMs. She's the most giddy around Brendan but I don't see it lasting if they got together.

    Ben is too intense for her. And he's kinda weird. I can't read him yet.

    • Love 6
  20. Bennett is a nightmare. Isn't this at least the 2nd time he forced a kiss on Tayshia in front of everyone in a performative way. I feel bad for Tayshia in those instances because she's always caught off guard and it's hard to reject him in front of everyone. I thought that was gross.

    If he planned the gifts to Noah as a joke and to troll him, it's a fail because it wasn't funny and it came across as menacing. On the other hand, if he was serious about it, then yikes! Either way, it's red flags all over. Even if the producers prompted him to do that, it's on him because he was so committed to it, thinking those childish mean girl tactics are entertaining. 

    • Love 11
  21. This has been such an entertaining season for me. And I kinda like that the producers are making the guys do all these dumb group dates to stay on the show/television. That's the least they could do if they are gonna use this opportunity to shill stuff later on Instagram. You better work bitch! (To quote the great Britney Spears)

    My favorite line of the night (from Wells) - "He mounted him like it was the fantasy suites!"

    Ed is a bully, I don't care if the other guys like him. He was picking on Chasen even though Chasen has not done anything personal against him and Chasen being too dumb to fight back effectively is sad to watch. On the other hand, this might just be something they cooked up to get more air time. So whatever really. The guys get along too well so the producers have to manufacture drama somehow.

    • Love 6
  22. One thing I like about Tayshia is when she wants to kiss someone, she goes in for it without hesitation. She's not self-conscious about it. I think she's the first Bachelorette who does that. 

    It's so obvious her favorite is Brendan because she beams whenever she is around him. She was also shown interacting or staying close to him during the group date. I don't blame her because I find him charming too. He's kind of cheeky. She also tends to like the "big kid" type of guys. That's why while she seems to have a crush on Ben because he's hunky, I don't see them really connecting, unless he shows a funnier or dorkier side of him to her. Ivan and Zach are more like her dependable younger and older brothers. She connects with both of them but I don't see romantic chemistry with these two guys for now. Time will tell, though. I knew she would like Noah because he also seems like a big kid. I don't mind Noah. Technically he didn't crash anything because there was an invitation to participate in the wrestling challenge and he was invited by Tayshia to join the after party. So the rest of the guys can stop whining about it.

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