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Everything posted by AngelaHunter

  1. "So... what happened was" I was looking for something and came across this:
  2. Okay, people - my B-Day is coming up and I'm planning a major blow-out. My PR person is sending out flyers. I expect you all to come. There will be a basket at the front door where you may drop money. I completely forgot I had seen those two rachet guttersnipes until nearly halfway through and thought, "Oh HELL no." I was amused again at the 26-year-old grown man who looks and acts as though he's 16 and thinks strangers who are in business should be mindful of his situation and take care of him. 26!
  3. 😄đŸ¤Ŗ😂 Damn! I knew I forgot something when I made a "to-do" list for MY wedding - big fake bolt-on boobs! What a tragic oversight. I need to watch this. I hope they're not doing that. It's true that cases with civilized litigants who can speak their language properly are nearly as rare as unicorns, but it has happened.
  4. What was unkind was this scammer trying to rip off the def. Don't forget how she heard a woman outside just crying and CRYING! It was so bad she didn't call the police about some woman maybe being beaten or raped, but she cried too! Her tears are worth money. Oh, the pain and suffering.
  5. I never saw this and was thoroughly entertained by two of the most unlikeable big-mouthed litigants ever. They were so obnoxious and could NOT shut up for one second, not even when JM was talking. That prompted her to make a number of snide observations to Douglas as they continued to blab. He was quite amused at these idiots. Like JM, I really can picture these two discussing the car issues, neither of them listening and both screaming at the same time. I do vaguely recall the woman trying to clean up big $$$ after SHE picked an apartment over a rowdy bar, a bar that was clearly visible to her from the outside and the inside if she cared to look. Her choice didn't end up pleasing her so to weasel her way out of the lease she makes up a bunch of stuff: "Look, Judge, at these GAPING holes in the brick wall." We see a brick wall with zero holes and nary even a crack. The wall was separated from the ceiling, leaving a big gap for the wind to whistle in and mice to enter. We see no gap and no mice. She wants over 2K for her terrible suffering, and her asthma, and her mouse-o-phobia. So horrified was she by the mice that she never mentioned them to the landlord until a few days before she moved out. No wonder the landlord was so pissed off at her for wasting his time with her outright lying (and her daughter's lying) and money-grubbing.
  6. Finally watched this. Judge Judy needs to inform these judges that "Yep" and "Uh huh" are not answers. I think I might have yelled it myself. The ditzy snowflake plaintiff was so annoying, acting as though it was her right to keep her car doors open on the traffic side. But, oh - cars have plenty of room so they can just go around her. Well, unless another car is coming in the opposite direction, but still, that's not her problem. She always does this. Not an ounce of common sense, and I'm glad JJ gave her a little talking-to about that. Def was just as annoying, with the old, "My insurance expired the day before the accident" schtick. I've had auto insurance way longer than he's been alive and never has my carrier sneakily stopped covering me with no notice. There are plenty of notices, by snail mail or email - usually a month or two ahead - that you need to pay. He didn't pay and it got cancelled. He thought he was cute with his giggling. Not so. How could he not see opened car doors right in front of him on that quiet street? Texting? Updating his FB status? Talking on his phone? And he just couldn't recall if had anything to drink at his friend's house. He was doing something he shouldn't have been or else he needs another eye test. If his vision is that bad maybe he shouldn't be driving, and with no insurance. Of course, she will. She said outside that the accident was all the Def's fault and won't take a single bit of blame on her stupid and illegal actions. Just remember, no matter what stupid thing you do it's not your fault! Ever!
  7. That was entertaining. P is a stage manager and he's really good since he's been doing this for 30 years and goes to jobs where God sends him. So many litigants seem to believe God runs an employment agency. Anyway, def, who says "To be honest" way too many times hired the P previously and he did a horrible job. So naturally, she hires him again and says he did nothing at all for the week, just hung around asking one of the actresses if he could help her get dressed and stuff like that. Yes, P got a contract by email but never did anything with it. He thinks he worked "maybe, about 30 hours". Def has no idea - no records, no contracts, etc - and doesn't care since he did absolutely nothing. The judges want to know why she didn't just fire him, which is what a reasonable person would have done. She was too busy to say the words, "You're fired" as that would take too long, so just ignored the whole thing and let him goof off all day. Very professional bunch. Anyway, the judges award him what he wants, some $1100. Papa dissents and in this case he may have been right. Def had a particularly nasty, scraggly, long purple wig.
  8. What really got me was JM, after reading those filthy texts, counseling this horny old bat, and telling her what she really wants is romance and commitment. What? I saw no indication of that. This woman adamantly told JM that they were NOT dating. She would just trot over to the toothless def's place for a little rutting and she was perfectly happy to pay for it. Our litigants are never too old for hypersexuality. Damn.
  9. I really enjoyed the advertising kerfuffle. I especially enjoyed JM reaming out the amoral tub of shit Def. The icing on the cake was Doug in the Hall, twisting the knife to repeat what JM said about a sack of garbage. I know. It didn't bother the amoral tub of shit in the least, but it was fun to hear.
  10. Why not? Isn't that the way all the other SSMs on these shows feel? The age-old cry of, "I thought he would change!" Saying "I found out I was pregnant" (what a shock when you're rutting bareback with some guy who asked you to a movie)will instantly result in a fairytale Happily Ever After. I wonder if he started talking to her as though she's a 6-year-old who skinned her knee and ranted that the poor little thing was taken advantage of, used, and abused?
  11. I see I was right to skip this. I knew I wouldn't like it. If single women make the decision to have a baby with just anyone because "I want". Does she really think some loser who already has 3 kids and probably doesn't pay for them, and then is irresponsible enough to knock up yet another woman will pay for hers? So many of the SSM here seem to think that they're so special - more special than the sperm donor's first batch of kids. Just in general and not referring to this particular case: "Yes, I know he's a jailbird who beat her up, left her with 3 children, can't keep a job, and won't pay for his own kids but it will be different with me."
  12. I'll say. Yeah, maybe her parents did suggest an abortion, but since THEY are the ones who end up with her carelessly spawned babies, they should have a say in how many more she'll decide to drop. The kids' daddy is in jail and their mommy is a kooky druggie who keeps wrecking cars her parents provide for her. Looking at her made me queasy. Maybe she needs to have another baby. 😄 I can be quite a "Get off my lawn" and soapbox type as well, but, unlike the rest of the world (it seems) I prefer to keep some things private. I felt sorry for the def., having that curmudgeon hounding her about an old shack in the middle of nowhere when she doesn't even own it.
  13. Yeah, I didn't mind the 2nd and 3rd since I like contractor disputes and re-enjoyed the pompous, angry old man in the last case. Could not rewatch that repugnant lump in the 1st, the young lady who likes to spread for just anyone, squirt out babies while doing drugs, and dump them on Mom and Dad. Poor kids.
  14. That was fun. Ms. Abrahamson is a masochist. She hires Jamie from a neighbourhood site to do some chores for her. He put up shelves in her closet but hammered nails in the drywall(!) so of course, the shelves fell down. He installed three electrical outlets in a row and they are all crooked. I could do better! After this stellar example of his skills, what does she do? She then hires him - again! - to make a concrete countertop on her kitchen island, put the island on wheels, and repair the flooring under it. This was to cost $6,000, which seems astronomical to me, as did his outrageous exaggeration of the hours he worked - 120. His former partner says more like 20 hours. P expected someone who literally couldn't successfully put up a shelf to do a perfect job on the island. He was broke, owed child support, and some other complaints so Ms. A felt sorry for him. I'm not sure why she felt she was responsible for supporting him. The best part was in the hall when Ms.A said he'd been charged with some sort of crime before. He said, "Nothing stuck". He may as well have added, "I'm a crook but I've been lucky." ETA: @CrazyInAlabama Just saw the moving comment. I hope it goes smoothly and you didn't hire "some guys" you saw landscaping your neighbour's yard to do it!😄
  15. I never saw them either! Maybe it was a day of snow in January or rain in July so it got pre-empted for dire warnings. Yet another benevolent, religious "kindness of my heart" tale, until P wants to get paid for the kindness. The teeny little def did pay for all the Verizon bills for the time he was there. He was also a liar who said he never agreed to pay rent, but he did. Subtracting those bills from what P said D owes netted him the sum of $163. He tells Doug in the Hall it was worth it. But yeah, he sounded kinda kooky - meeting some woman who was a judge in the Supreme Court and marrying her after two weeks. Who was the most desperate? This new wife didn't approve of teeny little Def sneaking some woman into his room for some whoopees and ordered her new husband to give him the boot. P admits this marriage may not be all he'd hoped for. Maybe she thought her outfit and waist-length glued-on braids would make her look like a little girl who was taken advantage of by the D. D was hard to take, with his hyperactivity, eye-rolling, and belligerence, but he was right. P was just too much of a slack-jaw to do what she was supposed to do OR she found a car that was cheaper so wants her deposit money back. The thing on her tongue was distracting me. Was that a piercing? Ew. Yes, he did!😄 That defendant was a truly horrific, nasty hag and one of the worst liars we've ever seen here, IIRC. She never borrowed one cent from P - barely even knows him. Okay, well IF she borrowed from him it was only $40. Her statement to the cops saying "I owed him money..." she protests was a "typo"!? JM screams that it's hand-written! Okay, then - it was a "misprint". She just dictated the letter and had her stupid witness write it. Maybe she's too illiterate to write it herself. P was going to kill the whole family and even shoot 4-year-old "Cherish" in the head, over $1500! Wow. That's cold. She had all these foul threats on tape but doesn't have them here. What a surprise. P would have to be a total moron to leave threats like that on tape. That woman had a face just begging for a really hard punch to wipe that outrageous smirk off of it. Same. I've seen quite a few eps I could swear I hadn't seen, but I had. This time I was sure I hadn't. Awesome cases.
  16. I haven't watched it, but I would find that hilarious if not for the kids who look to "they who bore them" as role models.
  17. I was glad the arrogant thief had all his lottery equipment removed, although that might be a hardship for Bradella (I guess her dad's name was Brad?) who must be living on a trust fund to be able to spend $50/day on lottery tickets.
  18. I just watched this. Wow, this was the best lawyer (or document preparer) ever. By that, I mean the best court show legal beagle, and by that, I mean the best of the worst Craigslist finds. He works on optimism, hassles, and cash - no contracts. He takes on only uplifting and/or fun clients and not depressing ones. He knew within two hours that he could never handle this case, but still spent 10 hours reading it over and over - knowing he couldn't do it - just so he could keep the $1500. Hey, he spent it! What's the problem? 😄
  19. I so enjoyed this repeat. At least Robert had the decency to be ashamed of being willing to pay for a date, and especially THIS "date". Although I'm sure this... young lady has great conversational skills and enormous empathy for unfortunate guys like Robert, who just wants people to see him with this enormously hot chick, and someone to cuddle with him in bed while watching old movies. Poor girl needs a neck brace and a lesson on applying makeup. "I, like, thought a, like, promissory note was, like a promise to, like... um...like... aren't I just the prettiest, prettiest girl?"
  20. Me too. I don't even need to know what it's about. The second I hear cat, dog, hamster, even FISH, I hit FF with my eyes averted.
  21. Ms. Mayes certainly indulges her expensive tastes. Not a single shred of proof of any kind of what anything cost, of course, so the judges will take her word for it. I'm glad I bailed on this before the deliberations. I had a feeling it was going this way. What was the daughter wearing? Lingerie from Victoria's Secret?
  22. A wee bit of People's Court nostalgia: Judge Wapner gets mighty steamed at a smartass litigant.
  23. I never saw this. It was all about COVID and repayment of rent owed. I enjoyed the fact that all the parties were civil and polite. Jerome, the landlord, and his property manager, Henry, were kind of odd. Jerome says, that yes - he did a walk-through of def, Madeline's apartment but only after she left. He wants money to paint, as he says a wall of the place that was painted a "different colour". It took a lot of questioning by JT to get Henry to say it was pink. Jerome says he never saw it himself, but someone told him that. Madeline says it was like that when she moved in. I believe Henry was in his underdrawers and crying when he handed her the legal papers in the laundry room. Henry is a little... different. I think Henry and maybe Jerome too were infatuated with the young, pretty def, and her slightly Margaux Hemmingway (circa 1987) looks. That didn't stop Jerome from trying to nail her for a complete paint job and trash removal when she'd lived there less than one year. Def usually works as a hostess in restaurants but says she has an LLC for her tarot reading business. According to her, Henry told her she could just pay whatever and whenever she could. I believe he told her that, maybe through his tears. Papa Mike compliments Jerome for not breaking the law. How come no one praises me for not breaking the law? Anyway, Jerome gets some $4,500 for the rent owed but not the painting or trash. I really like how sharp JT is.
  24. I think I got that one. I had a power failure so I only saw part of this. I heard about God cousins/God sisters/brothers. JM was confused and requested clarification from the cartoon Def, which was not forthcoming - I don't think? Anyway, I also heard Def chattering about someone putting a hand "Between my privates." Then my power went off again. I was not perturbed in the least.
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