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Cable Guy

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Everything posted by Cable Guy

  1. Don't you think if I were wrong I'd know it? Yes, I have this shirt (Yes, I'm "that" guy").
  2. Interesting. The laugh track has never bothered me (either on this show or any other). It would be interesting to see if BBT's laugh track does bother more people than the average sitcom's.
  3. Favorite: Ragnar. Because I'm a guy, and I think with my testosterone and so naturally I identify with him, just as I did Jax from SOA. But seriously, his eccentric and fallible nature make him a very watchable character IMO. Least Favorite: King Horik. The man just seems like a robot. His best scene was his entrance when he throws chickens on the priests and proceeds to kick one in the ribs. I thought "great, another eccentric character." But I never took to him after that.
  4. Wow, this ending really affected me. For a few days I had this somber feeling I couldn't shake. Not sure why since I more or less knew the outcome (kine of like Troy or Passion of the Christ, you pretty much know how it ends).
  5. Exactly, throughout the show (especially in the early episodes) we're sort of treated to a picture of young, optimistic but naive humanity making it's way to the stars. This is NOT the mature and established Starfleet we see in 'later' shows. For me, the song captures this human spirit beautifully. To be honest, I found the song annoying at first but by the end of the show I had purchased it on iTunes.
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