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  1. Wow, I am stunned. I only read about this tonight and am shocked and am having difficulty finding words. My heart goes out to all of the Browns, most especially Gabe. I'm sure that whatever he saw will be seared into his mind's eye forever.
  2. That may be part of it but people write "should of" all the time. How do they not know that the sound is from the contraction of should have, being should've?
  3. Oh, goodness, please don't go have a re-watch just for me. I fast forwarded during their vows (as I was already teary), through some of the PDA moments, and through the lap dance. Thank you everyone who posted confirmation of Leon (I had seen them on the boat the day before) and Garrison. Appreciate it! On another note, "I seen" and "should of" will never be correct to my ears. What kind of primary schools did people go to where they learned that "should of" is correct?? Gah!
  4. I did not catch a glimpse of Leon at the wedding. Saw Them on the boat but not at the actual wedding. Don't recall seeing Garrison at the wedding, either. I didn't pause on what looked to be an entire family photo to see if I could spot them so maybe they were there. Still wonder why Gwen wasn't there. School commitments sound like a lame reason to me, but that's just me. It might be mean of me but I would not feel bad for Kody at all if seeing Caleb in these celebrations, or anything else related to Christine, is like a knife to the kidneys to him. I fast forwarded through parts and didn't see this. Can you please tell me when she mentioned the kids? Like, during what part of the day? Thanks!
  5. Those tests - Meyers Briggs, True Colours, etc. - are still commonly used in workplaces for "team building" (gag) and learning how to communicate with your co-workers. I detest them.
  6. I am so tired of Kody saying how Christine has to make him out as a villain or David, or any other man, would not want her knowing that she left such a good man. JFC, this guy is so out of touch with reality I just want to smack him.
  7. I hated that scene as well. Then he turns to the camera and is laughing about how 'I'm kissing my girlfriend while my wife is in labour'. Douchebag.
  8. IMO, Robyn's "kodyspeak" became very clear during the last episode of the season at the picnic table when she told him to stop talking because he didn't really mean what he was about to say and needed time to get his thoughts together or something to that effect. He was about to say why he didn't see the division of the land the same way she did and she promptly shut him up.
  9. Yeah, because that's exactly what I said.
  10. I think that Meri over-reacted to the wedding ring story. Sure, maybe it wasn't Christine's story to share but it shows that Kody has been a complete ass and has treated Meri terribly for many, many years. Be mad at him, not Christine.
  11. Janelle has also said that being physical with another is required to be officially divorced. I say it's all hogwash and she should just walk away and call herself divorced like Christine did. But, she still believes so... Kody's piecing together of religious practices that he wishes to follow and those that he does not seems ridiculous to me. Just like his not eating pork and the ensuing tantrum in Hawaii.
  12. I think it might be the first time he said "the love of my life" but he has made similar comments several times this season. He's talked about having one wife that he is in love with. He's a colossal douchebag. Robyn's comment about it being important to Meri to have a relationship with her kids stuck out to me as well. Kody and Meri have had no relationship for years upon years yet Robyn wants Meri to just hang on until the situations with Christine and Janelle are resolved and Kody is no longer angry and then Kody and Meri will magically have this blissful marriage?? This is such utter bull. This woman cannot be serious. Kody could not tuck his and Christine's kids in at night when they were really young and they all lived in the same dwelling and she was working nights (after caring for a massive brood of kids all day long) but he has to rush over to Robyn's house every morning to get those kids ready for school. He is such an ass. This isn't a new development, either. This was talked about when they still lived in Vegas.
  13. This man makes me want to hurl things at my TV screen. He talks about Robyn being "the love of my life" and in the same sentence refers to his other wives as "these other situations" then goes on to say that Janelle and Christine take "no accountability" for anything. Is he effing serious??
  14. I haven't read all of the pages since the ep aired and I'm sure this has been said many times but I must say that I was horrified to see how much Breanna resembles her mother's victimhood. Particularly how see repeated several times 'I just don't understand' or 'I'm just trying to understand' with the scrunched up face and look of woe is me. Gah! What Robyn has done to those kids. I wonder if we'll see and hear from Dayton at all this season. I have had enough of Robyn blaming everything that is wrong on "after Christine left" or "after Christine did what she did'.
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