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Diapason Untuned

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Posts posted by Diapason Untuned

  1. I'm actually becoming genuinely fond of that rat Yabushige. The look on his face when Toranaga dipped had me chortling! 

    5 hours ago, Jack Shaftoe said:

    No, he was told to call Mariko that with the very clear implication that it's not something you use for everyone. And he needs to be ridiculous unobservant to not have noticed that nobody else is calling servants -sama. 

    Sure, but I feel he's erring on the side of caution.

    If nothing else, maintaining a courteous relationship with the help won't steer you wrong no matter the era or country. 

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    On 11/17/2023 at 5:17 AM, Anduin said:

    So far, I like it. I still think Monarch is going the wrong way though. If Tim had said, "Look. I work for Monarch. You might have accidentally found something we lost. If you can return it, I can shake some money out of my bosses." Or, "I can answer a few questions you probably have about this." Or, "Do you want a new job?" Bloody anything would be better than the approach he took!

    A better tactic would be to simply tell her that she has classified materials and might go to prison if he doesn't return them.

    It was also dumb that they let Kentaro go in his room alone.


    On 11/22/2023 at 3:53 PM, peridot said:

    I shook my head at her tears at the end.  If we suddenly face some huge monster, the rational thing would be to destroy it before it causes a lot of damage. 

    It's not as though the thing suddenly showed up in New York. It was minding its own business and they deliberately killed it.


    On 11/22/2023 at 9:28 PM, Sakura12 said:

    Is there time travel involved because there is no way Kurt Russell is 90. If there is I'm guessing grandma Kieko is still alive. That's is probably who the dad was looking for. 

    The show acknowledged it with a tongue in cheek joke about good genes.

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  3. On 9/22/2023 at 9:45 PM, Blakeston said:

    She had handlers, but either they didn't prepare her for anything meaningful, or Cybil ignored everything they told her. She did everything wrong.

    They would have given her statements about how important diversity is to her, and what steps she's taken to improve diversity, and how proud she is that The Morning Show is produced by a Black woman, and the director of the news division is an Asian woman, and the networks star anchors are all women. (At least it appears to be that way from what we've seen.)

    And if she had any savvy whatsoever, she would have pointed out that being trained by your colleagues is not a substitute for on-air experience.

    This reminds me of a similar situation that occurred on the Chair (a Netflix show). A character played by Jay Duplass gets into trouble and instead of laying low for a few weeks as HR recommended, he felt as if he was being put upon and wanted to clear his name which led to things snowballing.

    I get the same feeling here. From the very beginning Cybil thought she was being unfairly treated and was under attack for no real reason and took that attitude into the interview instead of doing the media savvy thing.


    On 9/22/2023 at 10:17 PM, Barbarblacksheep said:

    I agree. I'm a fan of both the actress (since her "Leftenant Abbie" days from Sleepy Hollow; the show tanked after she left)  and her character on TMS. 

    Always nice to see a fellow Sleepy Hollow fan!

    That series was my introduction to Nicole Beharie as well and I've been a fan since then. Still annoys me how that show screwed her over.



    Oh and yes, the "Eagle News" anchorwoman was a delight.


    Same. She just looked so delighted at UBA's troubles. 😂

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  4. 14 hours ago, txhorns79 said:

    I also felt the whole thing was a little sloppy.  I always viewed Cybil as a fairly savvy operator.  I'm not saying she wouldn't say racist stuff in her emails, but her word choice was so obviously racist that it would raise questions about everyone on the email, and why no one who read the email said anything.  That would be something I would explore in the interview, along with letting Cybil hang herself.

    She's the chairman of the board, I'm not surprised no one said anything about it. They could have brought that up in the interview, but better to keep the focus on Cybil.

    I have to say, Nicole Beharie did some incredible work on that interview. Real top notch stuff.


    12 hours ago, Blakeston said:

    The interview was riveting, but I don't buy for a second that Cybil would be so clumsy. In the incredibly bizarre event that a network aired something like that, she would have been heavily coached, and prepared for anything, and given some useful soundbites.

    11 hours ago, txhorns79 said:

    In the scene right before she went on, when she was in the dressing room, she appeared to have people with her trying to coach her on her responses and demeanor.  She was also was reading notecards that gave her directions on how to behave on camera. 

    Cybil did get coaching but Chris was not lobbing any softballs her way. I'm sure that if Alex had given the interview she wouldn't have gone as hard, despite the bad blood between them. 

    It's an unfortunate symptom of our current media landscape that actual hard hitting interviews with serious questions and serious interviewers are a rarity, precisely because media houses are worried about losing access. 

    None of that here.

    • Like 5
  5. I've thought all season that everyone involved with the supernatural has been incredibly careless with it. I still remember when they were running around with a demon in a backpack and ended up getting a kid possessed. Now they got someone killed. Poor Alice.

    Ace is completely right to be pissed at Nancy for what she did. Even if she was trying to help him, not only did she take his choice to remember away from him, she could have lead to Alice never being identified.

    • Like 3
  6. This episode brings up a good point that I hope the show follows up on some more, which is how incredibly careless people, even those who supposedly know better, are with the supernatural.

    Darlene had that demon stored in a cabinet, Ace and Nancy were just walking around with it (around kids, as Ace himself pointed out) and George's sister and her friend were not only trying to show off with the supernatural, they just followed the instruction of a mysterious book without even asking anyone.

    Avery's dad had a horrible argument, but his kid was endangered there. I just wish the show had the guts to actually let him run with that argument.

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  7. People will be dissecting that final part for years. The brilliance of this show is that you simultaneously aren't surprised Shiv screwed Ken over while also being shocked that she did it.

    I swear if I was Kendall I would never talk to either of those assholes ever again. 

    Tom and Greg have always been colossal shitheads so I can't say I'm glad they're winning. Roman is still a shithead (especially for that last comment about Ken's kids) but at least he seems to have realized he's better off away from all of this. Hopefully Ken will come to the same conclusion. I'm sure the billions will help.

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  8. 14 minutes ago, norcalgal said:

    People will have to agree to disagree about how much responsibility Sarah bears, but to me, the person who holds the most culpability is their dad, you know, the adult - whereas Sarah is still a minor.  Compound that with the ridiculous reason Kyle left them :  he wanted to go “hiking“ with his new girlfriend!  That’s not a good reason. Kyle could go “hiking” with Chrissy whenever it was not his turn with his kids.

    He left the two of them alone for an hour. I think a 15-16 year old could be trusted to watch their sister for that period of time, especially when it wasn't the dad's day to have her over. 

    • Like 2
  9. 19 hours ago, BeautifulFlower said:

    His secret romance resulted in him lying about where he was and resulted in Sophie going missing. 

    Hard disagree here. He left Sophie with her older sister who was completely irresponsible with her. Sarah is old enough to watch her sister for an hour or two 

    • Like 2
  10. 4 hours ago, DobbsFox said:

    And yet he hasn't been on the job 10 minutes and he's already going behind Roman's back and blackmailing Hugo to his bidding. He's going to be a disaster as CEO.

    It could be argued that was the right move to make as CEO. Kendall's business acumen is at it's best the colder he is.

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  11. I really liked seeing Ken with Frank and Stewy this episode. Easy to forget, but Ken has been in this company for years and has built relationships here, which even resemble something genuine and heartfelt.

    It was also fun seeing him put his big boy pants on. Number One Boy's a killer now! The way he just nicely eviscerated Tom with that "Good luck" and then put the screws to Hugo... I imagine Logan is enjoying the show from hell.

    Tom has been such a slimeball recently (or really, always) that it was a delight to watch him get dismantled and scurry around looking for favours. "Here to serve" indeed.

    This was not Shiv's day. First her ex tries to manipulate her and her brothers leave her out in the cold, and all this when she's pregnant. Just please don't name the kid Logan or Tom!

    Can't forget Marcia. Came back from the shopping trip like a boss, instantly fleecing her step-kid for millions and putting Kerry out like yesterday's garbage!

    All in all a spectacular performance!


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  12. I know Logan was just manipulating them, but I can't help but think some tiny part of him wanted to hang out with his kids, since he spent the whole day around Tom and Greg. Even his kids would seem cool compared to them.

    1 hour ago, sugarbaker design said:

    You have to give it to these three bozos.  They have all but openly declared war on their father, but still rely on him for transportation!  Does Logan pay for the phones too?

    Wasn't that the company helicopter? As shareholders and Board members (?) they're entitled to its use.

    • Like 7
  13. 7 hours ago, Chicago Redshirt said:

    More to the point as to Lois's health, why would Lois bother with conventional hospitals when she has access to Kryptonian super-science at either fortress (among other places) to examine her possible pregnancy or what the issue might be? 

    I mean she only went to that doctor to interview her about this world's John Henry in the first place, she just happened to tell the truth about her physical condition on the way in.

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  14. This reminds me strongly of the whole "Cisco wants to stop being a meta" plot, so it seems the showrunners must been doubting whether Panabaker would return for the final season and hedged their bets.

  15. 6 hours ago, Jack Sampson said:

    1. Ultra-Humanite.  It's not exactly explained why.

    It was because he noticed the spy cameras.


    It's not explained how he knew how to do all of Starman's moves with the staff.  It's one thing to research it but he was able to replicate Starman's control of the staff without any practice.

    Muscle memory is a thing.


    4. Wasn't explained other than she believed in her son's plans completely.

    I think her son seemingly being killed, then her grandson dating the leader of his supposed killers and said killers breaking into her house to attack her unprovoked is reason enough.


    5. Wasn't explained really.  They found his lair so he killed them.

    They didn't find his lair, he lured them there to kill them, probably because he viewed them as traitors.


    6. No.  And there was no indication they were anything but friends.

    Eh, I think they've been lowkey dropping hints about them, especially through this season.


    8. Wasn't explained.  A better question is, how is she so sure this would kill him?  So he burns, melts and eventually reconstitutes.

    Icicle can only control ice, burn him down to steam, there's nothing for him to control. 

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  16. 14 hours ago, AntFTW said:

    Vhagar has to be the most inconvenient dragon to have. I imagine finding a good spot to park that thing must be tough, and she seems like a gas guzzler too.

    Cost in sheep must be terrible high

    13 hours ago, Lady Whistleup said:

    I kind of wonder how next season will develop the Greens, since the writers tipped their hands so much by favoring the Blacks. In the land of the Blacks, parents and children love each other. Promises are kept. There's usually no gratuitous cruelty.

    In the land of the Greens, the king is a rapist, Alicent's two head honchos are psychos, and Aemond killed Luke. Alicent does have nice feet I guess.

    That look on Rhaenrya's face at the end does not presage good things though

    11 hours ago, Cool Breeze said:

    I wonder if the Baratheons will change sides now given Aemond's killing of his nephew.  No word-parsing here.  He killed him.  And the Baratheons have more than enough reason to believe it was intentional given Aemond's actions in their castle. 

    Perhaps they'll determine Aemond, and by extension, the Greens, are unstable psychopaths who can't be trusted and to whom he doesn't want any of his daughters betrothed?  And then, maybe Baratheon will reverse course and decide to uphold his father's original oath to Rhaenyra?  Maybe?

    Doubtful. At the end of the day, Aemond obeyed his instructions. There was no bloodshed in his house. He has plenty of deniability, which is what he wanted.

    Also, am I the only one who thinks Aemond was only upset at the end because he was serious about carving out Luke's eye and Vhagar took that away from him?

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  17. This Cameron thing is seriously going to end badly for Courtney. I mean, Cindy even warned her that his grandma was probably like Icicle, meaning that there's a good chance she was involved, even peripherally in ISA stuff and she still went to his house? She needs to do better.

    Rick also needs to do better too, I mean he was told not to mess with the limiter and he went and messed with the limiter, geez. 

    That whole time Beth was having that tough but necessary convo with her parents, I was like "Shouldn't this be the other way around normally?"

    34 minutes ago, opus said:

    So Pat and Barbara sit on the same side of a booth? ( ‘cuz it didn’t look like they were expecting the Crocks)

     My guy can't enjoy his junk food in peace anywhere.

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  18. 40 minutes ago, Chicago Redshirt said:

    Where the episode cut off left out a lot of the ramifications from the ruse and marriage.

    1. Are Rhae's kids in on the ruse? Or are they being led to believe their "father" is dead? Either way, it's asking a lot of them. Either they will mourn for real Laenor's death right on top of mourning their real father's death, or they will have to keep up appearances for potentially the rest of their lifetimes.

    Honestly I think they told them. The elder brother at least is old enough to keep his mouth shut and the younger will have to grow up quick.


    2, Did Dae/Rhae come up with a plan for Seasmoke? For handling the fallout from the Velaryons when they got married about as soon as "Laenor's" body stopped smouldering? Whether the Velaryons will still be on Team Rhae given this marriage? (I suppose they don't have a ton of other choices, plus he's still father to their grandkids, but still).

    Laenor still acknowledged Jace and Luke as his kids even if they aren't and he agreed. Not to mention Daemon is the father of their grandchildren as well.  The Velaryons might huff, but he's pretty clearly on Rhaenrya's side.


    3. How are Viserys, Alicent and the others going to react to the marriage?

    Alicent's opinion of Rhaenrya can hardly get any worse and Viserys, ironically, was pleading for the family to get together, so he can't much complain at this point.

  19. 5 minutes ago, Oscirus said:

    Im team aemond on this one, he was pretty much defending himself till luke threw dirt in his eye and sliced him. But ultimately, he was right, if they wanted the dragon, they shouldve claimed her, he was the only one that had the balls to do it.  

    It was the night of the funeral. Give them some time to mourn. 

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  20. I hate Daemon, but I have to admire that he's got an outfit for the odd occasion he needs a spouse to disappear. 

    7 minutes ago, go4luca said:

    He inferred it without actually saying it.  Viscerys followed Aemond’s gaze straight to Alicent. As much as Viscerys doesn’t want it to be true, I think on some level he knows. 

    Yeah, that silence and his reaction was telling. He knows but he won't actually admit it, whether out of love for his daughter or fear of the war it would start. 

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  21. I'm not gonna lie, I started guffawing when I saw Aegon jerking one off at the window where Tommen died. I'm deff going to hell for that. 😁

    12 hours ago, Sakura12 said:

    So how is it that Harwin punches a member of the kings guard and gets kicked out of the watch, but Criston punches the future king consort and kills a guard of a noble house and now gets to guard the Queen?

    It's easy to get away with shit when you have someone (Alicent) who intercedes for you, Harwin's own dad came around to shout at him and took him off his job for contrast.


    He hates Rheanyra now because he broke his honor for her and lost nothing. What a wuss he turned our to be.

    Criston really fulfilling that old adage that some men should just not have sex, like at all.


    And Alicent throwing around her power by making a woman who just gave birth to come to her then say she should be resting.

    To be fair, she wanted to see the baby not the mom though that was surely because she wanted to make the withering comment to poor Laenor. She must have thought that burn up months ago.  

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  22. The mithril story is 100% a Sauron trick. That story was probably planted eons ago for just this eventuality.

    23 hours ago, JustHereForFood said:

    So, the king is totally lying about the Elves dying and wants the mithril for something else, probably wealth, right? 

    Man gave up that nice looking table. He must fear for his life.

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