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  1. Yes, the hiring is only part of it. The other part is actually listening to them and giving them input into the relevant stories.
  2. Hiring some more women and POC for the writers room and letting them write or consult on plots and scenes that were relevant to their experience wouldn't have guaranteed an improvement in the writing but it might have avoided some of Glee's particular tone deafness.
  3. Three of those songs are from The Quarterback so that episode and its significance has clearly affected those rankings. The figures are also going to skew towards later seasons as more and more people started using Spoitify. Big early sellers like Forget You aren't top ten. I'm not surprised by the lasting appeal of Don't Stop Believing but I am by Defying Gravity. Is that just the first one, the second one, or all versions combined?
  4. The reason, I beleive, why straight guys got hauled out and made to be taught a lesson, is because they are the audience stand in, the "Everyman" people are meant to be able to relate to. In TV and in Hollywood the default person is straight, white and male and they can fit into any role the narrative requires. The others are, well, "other", not quite as fully human and they have to stick to their lanes.
  5. Maybe it was meant to be an echo of Blaine's 'humbling' after he cheated, when he was moping around feeling like he was a terrible person and Sam came along to tell him no, he wasn't so bad. Of course Kurt's great crime wasn't cheating but dumping the apparently wonderful Blaine in the first place so, for me, the two aren't really equivalent but maybe for the Glee writers they are and this was their attempt at a full circle moment.
  6. Considering Will and Sue are singing Abba's Winner Takes it All, yes, almost certainly. I don't know how much time they will give to the cast of thousands who have turned up for the final group song, but maybe there's some minor interaction between Sue and the dumped Season 4 kids to show all is forgiven. It's pretty common for Glee to leave a conflict dangling and then have the two parties hug in a group song to show it's over.
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