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Posts posted by smeds

  1. 21 hours ago, weaver said:

    Oh, and Bryn is making yellow and blue bead bracelets, and that's an IG story. 

    She also made 'limited edition' Ukraine flag mini canvases and B sold 10 of them at 500 bucks a pop with all the money going to Ukraine.  I admire that B can find 10 suckers to pay that much for a strip of yellow and blue painted on a 5" x 7" canvas, but calling her daughter a talented artist for painting said strips that I could probably paint with my feet blindfolded makes me think her daughter is in for a rough road in the real world if Mommy's connections ever run dry.  But good that she is teaching her about charity I guess.

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  2. 7 hours ago, Andyourlittledog2 said:

    I have watched all seasons of this show and there are outtakes of designers singing or humming  or whistling from past seasons.  Everytime I hear the designers this season do that I keep thinking that they are trying hard to be on some outtake of this season. It seems so put on and not fun like in past seasons. Just kind of shoved in their appropos of nothing. YMMV.


    One of my favorite moments ever from Project Runway is when Santino impersonated Tim Gunn singing Closer by Nine Inch Nails 

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  3. @isalicat So sorry for your loss.  Thank you for adopting an older kitty who are too often overlooked and giving him a nice long life filled with love.  I am sure we will all meet our pets again.  I like to think that someday I will get to see all the animals I have loved in my life - mine and other peoples!

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  4. I really thought the emergency contact was going to be Fiona.  They could have incorporated her in that way so she didnt have to fly out to film.  The bit with Frank in the chair seemed like a really play/Broadway show.  

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  5. 11 hours ago, Happy Camper said:

    Well, the recent Instagram stories showing Bryn smashing a coffee maker with a baseball bat over and over again with Bethenny cheering her on in the background while filming it proves to me that Bryn is breaking anything but a cycle.

    I am glad someone else saw this.  I thought I was crazy.  It certainly was an interesting way to bond with your child.

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  6. What I don't understand, instead of calling them &$#$&# and walking away because they weren't putting away the slide the way she wanted, why didn't she just stand her ground and tell them while how they want to do it might be the proper way, we don't have the time - this is how I want it done so just do it so we can move on to other things.  For someone who claims her brothers taught her to not let people walk all over her, she lets them walk all over her.  

    • Love 18
  7. 12 hours ago, HollyG said:

    I may have missed an episode or two. Did they ever explain what was between Jamie & Sonya? Did something happen between them in the past? 



    I was wondering the same thing.  Did they ever explain why Jamie and Nick were driving to Sonya's house in the first place.  I figured they had some kind of connection to want to go specifically there and that would be revealed in the last episode, kind of like the first season reveal.  

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  8. I will admit that I liked the Bethenny of yore, but even then I found her exhausting. I do follow her on instagram and I will say that her relationship with her boyfriend seems different from the others.  She seems to spend a lot of time with him and they travel a lot - to Boston, West coast, etc.  Sometimes they are with Bryn and sometimes without.  I bet part of her reasons for leaving is so that she has the freedom to be where she wants when she wants.  I also think that if the final custody agreement goes her way, she will want to move around even more.  If she is tied to RH she loses her freedom.  At this stage of the game, I would think her freedom is more important to her than the money and she can get her fame fix from the deal with Burnett.

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  9. 1 hour ago, hoodooznoodooz said:

    Okay, to be fair to this narcissistic, arrogant, hypocritical, egomaniacal drama queen, because even horrible people deserve objectivity once in a while, and for some bizarre reason, I am feeling magnanimous toward her at this moment (but I am going to tear into her in my next post), is it possible that this bracelet is announcing that Frankel’s true loves (today) are Bryn and Paul? 

    I dunno. She’s hopeless.

    I also think the bracelet was for Bethenny's true loves and not that Bryn loves Paul.  I wonder if the charms can be replaced?  If so, this company is a genius to send it to Bethenny because she can drop some coin to swap out the charms every time her next love comes along!

    • LOL 8
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  10. On 6/16/2019 at 2:22 PM, AgentRXS said:

    If you like fat cat belleh's and cannot lie, there is a FB group called this THIS CAT IS C H O N K Y.  Nothing but fat cat pics.It really is the best thing on social media that I've seen in a long time.

    It's a closed group, but you just answer 3 silly questions and you can join. Been struggling with depression lately and having my timeline feed filled with big ole cat belleh's puts a smile on my face.  I recommend joining for anyone needed a little pick me up throughout the day.

    I work at an animal shelter and also look at pictures of animals on instragram for a pick-me-up.  My favorite on instagram is iambronsoncat (not sure how to link but you can look it up).  He is an overweight cat that was adopted last year.  He is on a slow journey to weight loss and he has mitts and he likes to use them!  His adopters are pretty funny with the things they post.  His posts always bring a smile to my face.

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  11. 1 hour ago, film noire said:

    But then there'd be no photo of Frankel sobbing graveside.  So.

    It isn't as if his grave was going anywhere.  She could have also just visited it after the graveside service or the next day when no one else would be there to mourn him.  Still could have gotten her graveside mourning photo op but spared the rest of Dennis' family and friends being subjected to the paparazzi.  Honestly, that probably would have garnered her more sympathy for going alone and not as a part of his service.

    • Love 15
  12. I don't have a problem with Bethenny attending the funeral, provided Dennis' family didn't ask her to stay away.  My problem with Bethenny being there is that nothing can be discrete.  Did she really need to have someone hold an umbrella for her?  And I am not saying that she shouldn't have another person go with her if she needed the moral support because obviously Dennis' death was sudden and shocking.  But she had to have another person attend to hold an umbrella over her so she was on full view to everyone in attendance, including the paparazzi.  If you are too upset to hold your own umbrella then perhaps your reaction to the situation will be too disruptive to others attending the funeral and you should consider staying home.  At that point, it becomes more about her than the person being buried.

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  13. @Moose135 I am so sorry about Denali. Thank you for sharing her pictures with us.  I rarely post here, but I lurk to see pictures of her.  She always looked so happy and loved in her pictures that it never failed to bring a smile to my face.  She was clearly a very loved and happy dog.

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  14. Have they tried giving trazodone and gabapentin the night before and 2 hours before the vet visit for the nail trim to see if that helps to calm the dog down?  I sound like I am really pushing the drugs, but they do help in some cases!  We have done sedated nail trims, but very rarely.  It's not full blown anesthesia where they are intubated, but we give some drugs that will mostly knock them out, but usually are reversible when we are done.  We have refused to do nail trims on animals that are too stressed out, especially if they have other underlying conditions because it puts the animal at risk. We also don't want to put people at risk for getting hurt trying to restrain them.

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  15. @Mindthinkr - I am so sorry.  As a vet tech, I am appalled.  Techs that say they 'can handle a 10lb animal' are just foolish and should not be working with animals.  They are putting their own ego before the welfare of the animal in their care and that always angers me up.  I never do nail trims before the what I like to call the important stuff, i.e. Vet exam, vaccines, and/or blood/urine. You never know when an animal will reach its limit, so I want to make sure the important stuff gets done first. I would rather an animal goes home with its vaccines than a nail trim, even if that means the client isn't happy. We actually even do axillary temps (in their armpit) instead of rectal temps, unless there is some concern the animal is sick to try and prevent undo stress. I would look for a new vet if that is an option.  If not, I would request a different tech when you do visit.  If your kitty does seem stressed for medical handling, you might want to talk to your vet about trying gabapentin.  We usually prescribe it for our kitties that are unhappy at the vet and/or with traveling. It can cause them to be sleepy and we have had a lot of success using it with our kitties that do not enjoy time at the vet no matter how happy I am to see them.  I use it for my dog (in combo with another drug) when I have to bring him to work or when a large amount of company comes over my house because he gets really stressed out.  He still isn't completely happy, but it takes the edge off.  So sorry you had this experience.

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