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Posts posted by JeezumCrow

  1. Billy Warlock obviously has a hideously aged portrait in his attic. I used to feel a little guilty about laughing at jokes about Sonny/MB's shortness, when Billy is so wee himself, but whatev. And you know, despite the height difference, Billy always looked like Stuart Damon's son to me. THAT was a handsome man, in his prime.

    ETA: According to the internet, Billy Warlock and I are the same height, 5'7". I...rather doubt this, and too short for my personal taste even if true (my husband is 6'3"), but he is still good-looking.


    I met Billy Warlock a few (oh God probably a dozen) years ago. I'm 5'2", and I'd say 5'7" is a reasonable figure.

  2. "I don't know Morgan, we might fall off the bridge!"

    "No no no no Kiki, it's gonna be great, 'kay? You'll see, it's gonna be amazing, and we can hear the rushing water, and if we fall, it's gonna be like, wet and it's gonna be amazing!"

    "Well, okay . . . "

    Aaaand now I'm imaging Kiki jumping onto Morgan for sexytime the same way she jumped off the docks.
    • Love 4
  3. I'm watching Karen & Jagger's wedding (celebrating that the VCR still works!). Holy hairdos. Stone! Lois's accent is the worst and Miguel's hair is a close second. The title sequence was great - especially seeing the Quartermaine family all together (Monica, Alan, Jason, and AJ). But the saddest thing is Bobbie - she looks, moves, and talks like a human, no trace of the overworked, puffy, permanently surprised look she has now.

    Also: I never missed Katherine.

    • Love 1
  4. I completely agree. I spent the entire episode yesterday saying (out loud, like a sane person), "The Luke with Julian is speaking with an accent and Faison's rhythm but the Luke at the Quartermaines clearly isn't acting like real Luke either." Faison in a mask has got to be a red herring because I can't buy that that was the real Luke at the mansion.

  5. Today is my favorite current episode. I want to watch all of Michael's scenes over and over whenever this show upsets me. That reveal. Was. Glorious.

    And I have to say... In all of its discomfort and crazy, I am loving the Nina/Ava scenes. Ava's reactions are gold. The horror is real. I'm an ID addict. Total guilty pleasure.

    • Love 5
  6. I was totally done when they killed Alan. It just broke my heart. But then they brought back the Nurse's Ball for the 50th anniversary, so I figured I should give it a try...

    It's been infuriating. But it's crack. I, too, will probably follow in some manner (here, if not watching) until they stop making new episodes.

    Hi, my name is curlyblackeggs, and I'm an addict. It hurts me but I just keep coming back for more.

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