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Posts posted by butterbody

  1. Ok I never want to be 'that' guy and I have always suspended disbelief and enjoyed this show thoroughly. But didn't Tandy say he clogged the toilet because they ran out of tp? Then why was there tp on the makeshift toilet they showed in the next scene? And why did they get out of the yacht so far from the island?

    Still, I'm glad my unappreciated little gem is back. I was so excited to see Jack Black! ...for a second.

    • Love 4
  2. I'm still only watching this show because the reviews are making me feel like I have to. 

    I still don't like it. I still don't understand why she's so mean to her mom. Her daughter's are assholes but poor Phyllis is just trying to bring her a plant and she barrels past her.

    I also thought it was interesting that Robin is traditionally (mostly, usually, imo) a female name, while the females on this show are Sam, Frankie, Duke, etc. Wonder if that was intentional or just this new weed I got.

    • Love 5
  3. I am not a sports person and all these tailgate shows are getting on my nerves. I watch this show for ideas for dinner that don't require much effort, not the endless hot dog monstrosities. Sunny's hot dog was 90% bun. The last thing it needed was bread crumbs!

    • Love 4
  4. I hope there's a sequel to this shitshow:

    Nathan snaps, pulls an OJ and murders Jenelle and UBT,  goes to prison where that big 90's tribal back tattoo will serve as a lovely spooge target, and Kaiser gets to live with Doris, who never misses her weekly visits to be verbally abused. "Moooooom, not in front of the inmates!"

    • Love 13
  5. I wonder what the time line was between Becks telling Jack to come home over and over, and the fire. Like if she had just left him at Miguel's, he couldn't have burned their house down.

    But I agree with the others that say it's not likely the writers would blow their wad on the first episode, given their penchant for dragging. everything. out.

    Speaking of a penchant for dragging, I'm glad I'm not the only one getting sick of these unrealistic soliloquies. Perhaps this is what caused me to zone out during the cast on the leg scene. I didn't even process the fact that he had a cast because I was too busy trying to read all the signatures. There were a lot. Made me think it might have been on a while. 

    • Love 5
  6. 3 hours ago, guilfoyleatpp said:

    Agree with the transporting. Having marijuana in your system is not evidence of transporting across state lines since it stays in the system for 28 days. I don't know what the closest state to NC that has legalized marijuana, but I'm gonna bet it's driving distance. My point is, she wouldn't have to be transporting MJ to have it in her system. Technically.

    Of course she is illegally buying and smoking, but where's the evidence there?

    People on this board have speculated that she avoided the test because she obtained a card in California. I was saying that it was a moot point that she had a card in another state. Not sure where that got muddled but I guess I wasn't explaining myself correctly. 

    • Love 3
  7. I agree and I think Barb was hoping Jenelle would be late because maybe it would give her more leverage to put an end to those visitations completely. 

    But I still don't understand it being acceptable that she refused a drug test. Marijuana is federally illegal so even though it is easy to get a card in Cali, it is very much a felony to take it across state lines.

    • Love 8
  8. I had to watch this in multiple sittings.  Within seconds, there's Addie's sad little precious face, missing her dad. I said out loud as I pointed the remote at the TV, "Oh no, not tonight. Not my homegirl Addie", and tried again the next day.  Then Jenelle destroys the confidence of the last Adult Jace thought he had in his corner. Fuck you, Jenelle. There must be something in the custody agreement that says UBT can't be at pick up/ drop off. It looked odd to see her behind the wheel. Also, Jace asked to play Xbox, not watch YOU play. So why are you the only one holding a game controller during your little mind fuck? "I bought this for you ages ago but that evil Babs wouldn't let you come over. Do you love me? Do you love it here? Do ya? Huh?"

    And then Jesus God Leah's Sister! When she was walking into to the yard, she looked like she had just gotten off a spinny ride and was struggling to walk straight. You know what helps with that? Some wine!

    Brianna's ass! Oh. My. God. It's not even in the back. Did she get saddle bag implants? She looks like Mr. Peanut. Again, someone wastes money to make a body part look ridiculous, instead of fixing their teeth, or in Bri's case, that crazy ass purple discoloration I've been Rorschaching on since her 16 & P.

    And then the gods repay me for hanging in there! When Jenelle actually thinks Jace is being taught the origins of Marco Polo- why it was invented and how it's played. Oh TM, I can't quit you.

    • Love 24
  9. I seem to remember this is not the first time they have tried to pimp out the teriyaki boars head. I can't remember what they did with it before but that flavor sounds very out of place in a pot pie.

    And now I sheepishly admit, I made the rice pot... I DID cut my sausage on the bias, whew! But I swapped out the white rice for that yellow Mahatma stuff. 79 cents a bag and made with saffron. It was great for a fast meal that liberated my fridge of a bunch of veggies before they went bad. 

    • Love 1
  10. I don't know of its ok to put this here, but Cierra Ramirez is starring in a Lifetime movie tonight called "Drink Slay Love" where she plays a teenage vampire who figures out how to go out into the sunlight. Is it wrong that I am stoked for this?

  11. Christmas and her Stockard Channing mouth have the hots for Paul??? I feel like such a bonehead. How did I not see what was so obvious all this time? She's been a pathetic giggling teenager for a while now with him. If this idiot let's her vagina bring him to F2, She deserves to lose. I hate all these people. 

    The crying montage had me rolling. One second Mark is smiling and then you just watch his face morph into a sobbing mess. Hilarious 

    Say what you will about Kevin. He won more money than and outlasted all those douchnozzles. Ten bucks says Alex hasn't taken off her super hero costume yet.

    • Love 11
  12. The minute I saw Julie's sleeves, I thought "oooh I can't wait to get to the PTV forum!!!"

    I miss the have not stuff, too. There was always a fun competition and I liked when the viewers could vote on what they could eat in addition to slop. It was always some silly alliteration like 'scrapple and squid ink". Sometimes the hamsters would get very clever with their concoctions. 

    • Love 9
  13. Man, this show is getting tired.

    Also, why are these people willing to endure the pain and expense of changing their bodies, but take no issue whatsoever in their crooked teeth?

    You might wanna fix that grill before you have your fingers sewn together. 

    • Love 3
  14. 2 minutes ago, Spunkygal said:

    That's interesting, @butterbody. We are southern, too, and I thought I had heard most southern expressions, but I guess not!!! 

    Granny used to call me "A-hole" and my sister "Shit hook". Gotta love our southern roots!

    She also put her biscuit dough (and cornbread batter) in a screaming hot skillet, but I learned a good tip from Jeff re: not twisting the cutter and making the dough retract. Makes me want to cook up a big I'm pot of white beans.

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