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Posts posted by butterbody

  1. I love how frugal Gary is, and wondered what he'd do with 90 chickens. Then I remembered he now owns a cookie company. He was probably spending a fortune on eggs, and now his cookies will be made with a farm fresh, local ingredient. Gary is basically living my dream. 

    • Love 18
  2. Brownie pie guy was super annoying. Not only did he lick his fingers, (gross) he also neglected to serve any pie to the rest of the hosts, and instead stood there eating directly from the pan and mugging for the camera. 

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  3. 12 minutes ago, mamadrama said:

    Okay, I totally want one of these.  

    ETA: But not the last one. Mine is cute the way it is.

    What? TMI? ?

    Sorry if this is a long post but I had a mommy makeover in November, right around the time that Amber had hers. I followed her instagram to watch her progress along with mine and there were several differences. As far as I know, any combination of surgeries designed to reverse the damage done by having a baby can be called a mommy makeover, and honestly, I think that was just a nice term cooked up by plastic surgeons to make the procedure sound a little more warm and fuzzy. A tummy tuck is removal of excess skin, while an abdominoplasty also tightens the muscles that get blown out during pregnancy. Many people opt out of the muscle tightening because it is excruciatingly painful and recovery takes several months. Watching Amber hippo charge farrah at the aftershow, it became very obvious that she could not possibly have had muscle tightening. I doubt she even had the skin removed. Judging by the after pics, I would bet money she had no more than liposuction of the belly and arms, along with a boob job. Her breasts were still so new on that aftershow, they hadn't even dropped yet. My breasts dropped after a few weeks but it was at least 6 weeks before I could even stand fully upright from the abdominoplasty. I still cant lean up against a counter without feeling the pain of my muscle tightening. I went to several consultations before choosing my doctor, and not one of them would perform more than 3 procedures in one surgery. As it was, I was under for more than 5 hours and had a surgeon on either side of me to make it go faster. There's just no way amber had all that done without mass amounts of pain killers.  And I consider myself a pretty tough cookie. I worked until the day I delivered my child and was up cleaning my hospital room the day after my c section because I knew I'd have visitors. They took all the skin from my belly button to my vag, and then they pulled my vag up and made me a new belly button. I have a scar that starts above my butt cheek, goes all the way across the front of me, and then back over the other cheek. Its almost completely around my midsection. It was a maaaajor fucking body transformation and with my awesome support system and limitless supply of legal medical marijuana, it still kicked my ass for several months.

    Having said that, I would do it again in a second, because i look awesome. AWESOME, you guys! If you saw my before and after, you would agree it was worth all the pain and money. Nobody has ever said that about whatever the hell Amber did to herself. And I would give anything to see that belly tattoo of little Leah Leann. Talk about a booboo.

    • Love 24
  4. 12 hours ago, Brooklynista said:

    Maci truly sees herself as the one who got away for Ryan. Then she has folks propping up her belief. "You have a power over him". Seriously?

    She's the only one that can "save" Ryan. Girl, bye. Her neck must be killing her as hard as s he sucks her own dick.

    Maybe her black choker is actually a teeny tiny neck brace...

    • Love 7
  5. On 5/25/2017 at 11:40 PM, MuuMuuChainsmoker said:

    Yeah, felon in a ficus literally made me laugh out loud on the bus.   Would buy that T-shirt. 

    I wonder if people would think it was a Sean Spicer reference. 

    • Love 2
  6. 34 minutes ago, IgnoranceisBLISS said:

    I agree with you @CofCinci but unfortunately all it takes is one car drive for something to happen to Bew Bew. I also don't think he relapsed, I just think it is one of the most unthought out plans these two morons have come up with. They didn't realize the impact it could have on the visitation (or lack there of) of Bew Bew.  

    Or maybe just part of his master plan. Matt never wanted Booboo around anyway. 

    • Love 13
  7. 13 minutes ago, ChicagoChris said:

    I don't know why this bugs me so much, considering his list of faults is about 500k miles long, but I can't stand it when Matt gives the finger. He did it that stupid book photo session and it's just so immature. He and I are about the same age and I cannot remember the last time I saw someone give the finger. God, grow the hell up.

    Cause he's a bad ass, dude! 

    • Love 9
  8. I saw an item from C&T's line. It was a tiny pair of lace hot pants. Absolutely disturbing.

    I loved the scene when Cait is cleaning Nova's room and Tyler is just sitting there, talking her ear off and not picking up anything, and nova walks up to him and yells SIT! And I'm thinking, yeah, sit on your ass, dickwad.

    • Love 6
  9. Im trying to read an article but it's giving my antivirus a workout. Apparently Jenelle posted a pic of endtable and the roll, and some fans noticed bruises on Kaiser's arm and alerted Nathan, who then tweeted something along the lines of "mess with my kid and you mess with me #treadlightly".

    • Love 1
  10. What am I missing? How did the Sergeant show up right as Erin was beating up that guy? The new girl couldn't have snitched if she was still in there when he showed up. I'm confused. 

  11. On 5/10/2017 at 11:12 AM, Mondrianyone said:

    Just so I can say something positive about this show (for a change!), last week I made Katie's version of chicken roasted over bread in a cast-iron pan, and it was exceptionally good.  Less fussy than Ina's--no messing around making a pouch under the skin to stuff the herbs into (they just go into the cavity with everything else) and no prep a day in advance so you can chill it for 24 hours.  The meat was really juicy, and the skin was crisped to perfection.  One of my quibbles with Ina's chickens is that the skin often looks flabby and uncrisp, and I'd rather eat almost anything than flaccid chicken skin.  My husband loved it, too, and he can always find something to complain about.  So two thumbs way up for this one.

    Thanks so much for posting this. I keep thinking about that caramelized bread soaked with chicken juice, and I am dying to try it but dont know why I am letting it intimidate me. I'm gonna do it this week!

    • Love 1
  12. 14 hours ago, alexa said:


    I also think Matt has taken a turn to be a little less annoying and more realistic.  Don't get me wrong...can't stand him, but even he was like...stop crying, why are you crying, etc, etc.  I do actually think he was trying to protect Leah from having a mother that makes her feel bad in that moment.  Now him buying a Corvette with Amber's money takes away all of those kind feelings I had but I do see improvement that he isn't totally off his rocker.  

    Interesting take on that scene. I saw it completely differently. I thought Waaamber was crying for Matt's benefit. Like, look at me- poor, wounded mother of the year. Then dumb ass Matt had to tell her not to cry so loud that Leah heard it. Either eay, they're both dirty manipulative assholes.

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